Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
gudes perteiuing to the Gild , be buying selling within or Avithout thair aAvn land , hot giff he be ane Gild Brother . "—D . MURRAY LYON . EREEMASONRY AT CONSTANTINOPLE . As many of your readers may have noticed the following paragraph in our daily paperstaken from the
, Levant Herald , under the above heading , or as it appears in another daily paper under the more appropriate heading of a "Eow in Constantinople , " it would be interesting to knoAV if the correctness of this somewhat ludicrous incident can be substantiated by any of our Constantinopolitan brethren r ^ - " A
Boio in Constantinople . —Old Haviar Elian was on Monday , Sept . 3 , tlie scene of a row Avhich is worth report . For some time past this narroAv and dirty , if locally famous , enclosure , has been daily filled vvith drowds of chiefly Je * v Iripoteurs , to an extent which virtually put an end to the thoroughfare . Complaint was accordingly made to the Municipality , and on Monday Mr . Giacomo , the chief police inspector , and three or four of his men , entered the place to force
the crowd to "move on . " Bold , hoAvever , on their own ground , the Jews not only refused , but on the hottle-green coated myrmidons proceeding to votes des fails , turned on them and hustled the whole into the street . The ringleader , a Mr . T ., singled out the inspector and had mauled him sadly before some one shouted out to the combatants that they were both
Freemasons . The effect was instantaneous—from blows the " brethren" rapidly passed to embraces and mutual apologies , amid the laughter of the crowd . The Municipal Council , however , on hearing of the affair insisted on its inspector lodging a charge against Mr . V . at the Zaptiehbut this Brother Giacomo
, refused to do , pleading fraternal duty , and offering to resign . rather than put the laAv in force against a G . P . M . ( sic . ?) . Server Effendi has therefore perforce condoned the assault , ancl Brother Giacomo is to receive a new sash and whip of office from Brother V . "
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OR TEMPLARS . What is the proper mode of writing the latter word ? Is it Kni ghts Templar or Knights Templars ? I am of opinion that it is the latter . Grouvelle calls them " Les Templiers , " in which he is followed b y Eaynouard . Dupuis also Avrites the name so .
Munter and Moldenhauer , " Orden der Tempelherren . " Gin-tier styles his work , " llistoria Templaviorum . " Addison calls them "Knights Templars . " * I know of no English authority AVIIO styles them Templar , although I find the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR invariably gives Knights Templar . Perhaps some reader may throAV a li ght -upon the modern reading of the word in the singular . —A . 0 . II .
The " Editor is not respoimble for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents * "THE STEEAM OF ENGLISH FBEEMASONRY , " BY BEO . DE . PEAESON BELL . 10 THE EDITOB OF TUB *? KEE 3 IAS 03 rs' JIAGAZIKE AXD MASONIC 5 XIBH 0 H . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER—I have much pleasure
_ , ru endorsing your recommendation of the " Stream of English Freemasonry , " by Bro . Dr . Pearson Bell , P . M ., D . Prov . G . M . for Yorkshire ( North and East ) , as it is assuredl y a welcome addition to our Masonic
literature ; and we hope many members of the Craft will evince their warm appreciation of the talented author ' s labours , by promoting its sale to their utmost extent . The chart is generally very correct , the design is most unique , and its artistic merit is as great as its information is valuable and interesting , I have carefully examined itand find the folloAving
, to be a little doubtful as to accuracy ,-so far as my investigations go : — " A Biographical Tableau , " by Bro . Edward Lefree , M . A ., FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , Sept . 30 , 1851 ; "Freemasons' Pocket Companion , " Oxford , 1 SS 1 , * and other works are taken as authoritiesand are
, acknoAvledged Avhen quoted from . "Chart — Archbishop of Canterbury , G . M ., A . D . 960 ; " " Biographical Tableau , " the date should be A . D . 959 , and by the Oxford Companion A . D . 957 . " Chart — Gondulphe , Bishop of Eochester , G . M ., A . D . 1066 ;"
" Biographical Tableau" A . D . 1068 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1068 . ' Chart—Gilbert de Clare , G . M , A . D . 1137 . " Biographical Tableau A . D . 1136 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1135 . " Chart—Eichard Beauchamp , Bishop of Sarum , G . M ., " A . D . 1461 . Biographical Tableau A . D . 1473 ; Oxford Companion and Entick's
Constitutions A . D . 1471 . " Chart—Cardinal Wolsey , G . M ., A . D . 1509 . Biographical Tableau gives the same date , but the Oxford Companion A . D . 1515 . " Chart—Duke of Somerset , G . M ., " A . D . 1547 . Biographical Tableau A . D . 1549 . Oxford Companion A . D . 1549 . " Chart—Sir Thomas Sackville , G . M ., "
1558 . Biographical Tableau A . D . 1561 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1560 . " Chart—Earl of Effingham , G . M ., " 1579 to 1588 . According to the most complete information Ave can procure the Earl of Effingham died A . D . 1579 , and yet from the Oxford Companion Ave learn he Avas Grand Master A . D . 1780 , and the "Chart" and "Entick ' s Constitutions" states that
he continued in that office until A . D . 1588 . We confess to being perplexed in this case especially , and shall feel glad at hearing of a competent authority to decide between such conflicting statements . " Chart—Charles I ., G . M ., " A . D . 1625 to 1630 . I have not been able to discover any reason for such an office being held hy Charles I . Bro . William
Preston , in " Illustrations of Masonry , " merely mentions the unfortunate monarch ' s name , and says the Earl of Pembroke was Grand Master from A . D . 1618 to A . D . 1630 ( also , confirmed by "Entick's Constitutions" ) . " Chart—Inigo Jones , G . M ., A . D . 1636 to 1651 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1646 . That the latter
is correct ic confirmed by Bro . William Preston , Avho states that Inigo Jones died in the year 1646 , and , consequently , could not have been G . M . A . D . 1651 . " Chart—Earl of Kingston , G . M ., A . D . 1740 . " This name must be in error , as I think all Masonic historians Avill admit that it should he Kintoreand not
, Kingston . I have just referred to Cole ' s edition , " Constitutions" A . D . 1729 ( dedicated to Lord Kingston ) , "Scott ' s Masonic Pocket Companion " A . D . 1759 , Entick ' s "Constitutions" A . D . 1756 . " Calcott's Disquestions on Masonry" A . D . 1769 ; " Preston ' s Illustrations " ( two editions ) ; " British
and Irish Masonic Calendar" ( three editions ) ; " Constitutions of Grand Lodge of Scotland , " and " Laurie ' s History of Freemasonry" ( last edition ) , and other Avorks , and find all agree in stating that John Earl of Kintore ( G . M . Scotland A . . 1738 ) was G . M . . . 1740 . The name of Lord or Earl of Kingston is not men-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
gudes perteiuing to the Gild , be buying selling within or Avithout thair aAvn land , hot giff he be ane Gild Brother . "—D . MURRAY LYON . EREEMASONRY AT CONSTANTINOPLE . As many of your readers may have noticed the following paragraph in our daily paperstaken from the
, Levant Herald , under the above heading , or as it appears in another daily paper under the more appropriate heading of a "Eow in Constantinople , " it would be interesting to knoAV if the correctness of this somewhat ludicrous incident can be substantiated by any of our Constantinopolitan brethren r ^ - " A
Boio in Constantinople . —Old Haviar Elian was on Monday , Sept . 3 , tlie scene of a row Avhich is worth report . For some time past this narroAv and dirty , if locally famous , enclosure , has been daily filled vvith drowds of chiefly Je * v Iripoteurs , to an extent which virtually put an end to the thoroughfare . Complaint was accordingly made to the Municipality , and on Monday Mr . Giacomo , the chief police inspector , and three or four of his men , entered the place to force
the crowd to "move on . " Bold , hoAvever , on their own ground , the Jews not only refused , but on the hottle-green coated myrmidons proceeding to votes des fails , turned on them and hustled the whole into the street . The ringleader , a Mr . T ., singled out the inspector and had mauled him sadly before some one shouted out to the combatants that they were both
Freemasons . The effect was instantaneous—from blows the " brethren" rapidly passed to embraces and mutual apologies , amid the laughter of the crowd . The Municipal Council , however , on hearing of the affair insisted on its inspector lodging a charge against Mr . V . at the Zaptiehbut this Brother Giacomo
, refused to do , pleading fraternal duty , and offering to resign . rather than put the laAv in force against a G . P . M . ( sic . ?) . Server Effendi has therefore perforce condoned the assault , ancl Brother Giacomo is to receive a new sash and whip of office from Brother V . "
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OR TEMPLARS . What is the proper mode of writing the latter word ? Is it Kni ghts Templar or Knights Templars ? I am of opinion that it is the latter . Grouvelle calls them " Les Templiers , " in which he is followed b y Eaynouard . Dupuis also Avrites the name so .
Munter and Moldenhauer , " Orden der Tempelherren . " Gin-tier styles his work , " llistoria Templaviorum . " Addison calls them "Knights Templars . " * I know of no English authority AVIIO styles them Templar , although I find the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR invariably gives Knights Templar . Perhaps some reader may throAV a li ght -upon the modern reading of the word in the singular . —A . 0 . II .
The " Editor is not respoimble for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents * "THE STEEAM OF ENGLISH FBEEMASONRY , " BY BEO . DE . PEAESON BELL . 10 THE EDITOB OF TUB *? KEE 3 IAS 03 rs' JIAGAZIKE AXD MASONIC 5 XIBH 0 H . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER—I have much pleasure
_ , ru endorsing your recommendation of the " Stream of English Freemasonry , " by Bro . Dr . Pearson Bell , P . M ., D . Prov . G . M . for Yorkshire ( North and East ) , as it is assuredl y a welcome addition to our Masonic
literature ; and we hope many members of the Craft will evince their warm appreciation of the talented author ' s labours , by promoting its sale to their utmost extent . The chart is generally very correct , the design is most unique , and its artistic merit is as great as its information is valuable and interesting , I have carefully examined itand find the folloAving
, to be a little doubtful as to accuracy ,-so far as my investigations go : — " A Biographical Tableau , " by Bro . Edward Lefree , M . A ., FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , Sept . 30 , 1851 ; "Freemasons' Pocket Companion , " Oxford , 1 SS 1 , * and other works are taken as authoritiesand are
, acknoAvledged Avhen quoted from . "Chart — Archbishop of Canterbury , G . M ., A . D . 960 ; " " Biographical Tableau , " the date should be A . D . 959 , and by the Oxford Companion A . D . 957 . " Chart — Gondulphe , Bishop of Eochester , G . M ., A . D . 1066 ;"
" Biographical Tableau" A . D . 1068 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1068 . ' Chart—Gilbert de Clare , G . M , A . D . 1137 . " Biographical Tableau A . D . 1136 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1135 . " Chart—Eichard Beauchamp , Bishop of Sarum , G . M ., " A . D . 1461 . Biographical Tableau A . D . 1473 ; Oxford Companion and Entick's
Constitutions A . D . 1471 . " Chart—Cardinal Wolsey , G . M ., A . D . 1509 . Biographical Tableau gives the same date , but the Oxford Companion A . D . 1515 . " Chart—Duke of Somerset , G . M ., " A . D . 1547 . Biographical Tableau A . D . 1549 . Oxford Companion A . D . 1549 . " Chart—Sir Thomas Sackville , G . M ., "
1558 . Biographical Tableau A . D . 1561 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1560 . " Chart—Earl of Effingham , G . M ., " 1579 to 1588 . According to the most complete information Ave can procure the Earl of Effingham died A . D . 1579 , and yet from the Oxford Companion Ave learn he Avas Grand Master A . D . 1780 , and the "Chart" and "Entick ' s Constitutions" states that
he continued in that office until A . D . 1588 . We confess to being perplexed in this case especially , and shall feel glad at hearing of a competent authority to decide between such conflicting statements . " Chart—Charles I ., G . M ., " A . D . 1625 to 1630 . I have not been able to discover any reason for such an office being held hy Charles I . Bro . William
Preston , in " Illustrations of Masonry , " merely mentions the unfortunate monarch ' s name , and says the Earl of Pembroke was Grand Master from A . D . 1618 to A . D . 1630 ( also , confirmed by "Entick's Constitutions" ) . " Chart—Inigo Jones , G . M ., A . D . 1636 to 1651 ; Oxford Companion A . D . 1646 . That the latter
is correct ic confirmed by Bro . William Preston , Avho states that Inigo Jones died in the year 1646 , and , consequently , could not have been G . M . A . D . 1651 . " Chart—Earl of Kingston , G . M ., A . D . 1740 . " This name must be in error , as I think all Masonic historians Avill admit that it should he Kintoreand not
, Kingston . I have just referred to Cole ' s edition , " Constitutions" A . D . 1729 ( dedicated to Lord Kingston ) , "Scott ' s Masonic Pocket Companion " A . D . 1759 , Entick ' s "Constitutions" A . D . 1756 . " Calcott's Disquestions on Masonry" A . D . 1769 ; " Preston ' s Illustrations " ( two editions ) ; " British
and Irish Masonic Calendar" ( three editions ) ; " Constitutions of Grand Lodge of Scotland , " and " Laurie ' s History of Freemasonry" ( last edition ) , and other Avorks , and find all agree in stating that John Earl of Kintore ( G . M . Scotland A . . 1738 ) was G . M . . . 1740 . The name of Lord or Earl of Kingston is not men-