Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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tioned as Grand Master after A . . 1730 , according to our memory . "Chart—Duke of Dalkeith , G . M . A . D . 1723 ; Preston's Illustrations and Oxford Companion state that the Duke of Buccleugh was G . M . A . D . 1723 . " Findel's Freemasonry , " Lord Dalkeith , G . M . . .
1723 . " Oalcott's Disquisitions " mentions that the Earl of Dalkeith , late Duke of Buccleugh , was G . M . at the date UOAV referred to ; at all events , I think there is no dukedom hy the title of Dalkeith . As the list of Grand Masters of the " Grand Lodge under the Old Constitutions" or "Ancients" is not
complete , the following may make it perfect in that respect : —Earl of Kellie , Grand Master , A . D . 1761 ; Duke of Athole , Grand Master , A . D . 1772 ; Earl of Antrim , Grand Master , . D . 1785 ; Duke of Athole , Grand Master , A . D . 1794 ; Duke of Kent , Grand Master , up to the Union , 1813 .
But it is now time to draw these remarks to a close by congratulating Bro . Dr . Bell on the general merits of the Chart , and wishing him all the gratification and pleasure such a work should afford him , from seeing the members of the " Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons" fully
alive to its worth , and heartily supporting tun in so desirable an enterprise . —Yours fraternally , WILLIAM JAMES HXTGIIAN . High Cross , Truro , 15 th Sept ., 1866 .
THE SINGEK SEWING- MACHINE . —The merits of the new family machines for all purposes , manufactured by this company , are almost universally admitted , being now made upon , an entirely new plan . The novelty is that all unnecessary complication in the machinery is dispensed Avith , and a rapid , perfect , and noiseless action is the result of the present construction of it . The shuttleiu ordinary machineshas to be
, , oiled in order to work easily , which is decidedly an objection Avhen the Avork should be free from the chance even of a soil or stain , often unavoidable , however skilled and careful the operator may be . This is entirely obviated in Singer ' s improved machine , for it will work freely without the use of oil or grease in any form . Another great advantage is the substitution of a short straight needle , Avhich enables the operator to work
with greater rapidity , and with an increased power . The machines are made on the lock-stitch principle , which , Ave believe , is the most reliable for general family use , inasmuch as it Avill not easily be ravelled out . Again , they have applied their patented "binder" for folding and stitching binding to the edge of any piece of work . Then , the " marker" is another recent patent Avhich the company have applied to it . This is a gauge fixed to the machine , ancl used for marking each
succeeding tuck , of any width , during the working of the machine , according to the will of the operator . They have also applied a new " hemmer , " which makes the hem , or fell , of any desired width , by a very simple and easily accomplished adjustment of the machine , braiding either Avith silk or worsted or with silk twist , may be effected on any colour , or to any pattern ; many of the exquisite designs 've noticed of this work are evidences to us that staymakersdressmakersand others may use these
, , machines with great effect . Then , we have the most wonderful improvement of all , viz ., the " button hole " machine , which , two years ago , was considered by most to be an operation Avliich no machinery could accomplish ; but here we have it . This machine is constructed for manufactures in a very large Avay of business , for making button holes , and we have seen this Avorl" most beautifully done on the Singer Machine . Our
readers Avill have the opportunity of inspecting the operation , of the noiseless family machine in the Exhibition , ancl wc have only to add , they are got up suitable either for a piece cf clrawing-rooin furniture , or for the more utilitarian purposes of the workroom . Besides the above machine , the Singer Company also manufacture machines for working upon heavy materials , such as leather work , cloth work , & c ,, all of which may he seen by a personal visit to the office .
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
A SOUTH METROPOLITAN MASONIC HALL . —We have received a prospectus of the South Metropolitan Masonic Hall Company ( Limited ) . From the daily complaints Avhich reach us of the Avant of proper accommodation for Masonic meetings iu various parts of the Metropolis , Ave Avish the promoters every success , and trust the proposed South Metropolitan Masonic
Hall Avill prove to be a desideratum equal to the requirements of the brethren on the south side of the river . BEO . D . MUBEAY LYON . —We are pleased to find that at the next meeting of the St . John's Lodge ( Thornhill , No . 225 ) , it is intended to present a testimonial to our distinguished Bro . D . Murray Lyon , the historian of St . John's . It is expected that
Bro . J . Stewart , of Xateby Hall , Prov . G . Master ol * Durnfriessshire , Avill be present on the occasion to take part in the proceedings in connection Avith the presentation of the testimonial to our esteemed brother ancl collahorateur in the field of Masonic
Literature-LOCAL MASONIC RELIEE COMMITTEE . —We alluded in a recent issue to the excellent Avorking of the East and West Lancashire Relief Committee , and gave the report presented at the last annual meeting . We recommend to the attention and serious consideration of our metropolitan brethren , the plan so systematically pursued ivith such successful results by our
Lancashire brethren , with a view to some such similar associations being formed in various parts of the metropolis . BEIGHTON . —We understand that application is about to be made to Grand Lodge to grant the petition for the issue of a Avarrant for a new lodge at Brighton—named the Zetland Lodge . THE REPORTE - EXPULSIONS EEOM THE BOYS' SCHOOL . —
We have received some very temperate letters , endorsing the sentiments expressed by " Corner Stone , " in our issue of last week . We grieve at the painful occurrence , but deem ifc expedient in all fairness to the House Committee to await the report upon the subject , which we shall expect to be brought up in the ensuing month . Iu the meantime Ave cannot clo
better than recommend onr correspondents , as they are subscribers to the charity , to address themselves to the Secretary , Bro . Binckes , whom AVO have never found to be wanting in any point of courtesy or attention .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( SO . 73 ) . —This prosperous ancl flourishing lodge having been closed for the summer months Avas reopened for business on Tuesday , September 18 th afc the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of tlie W . M ., Bro . J . C . Gooddy , Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes of the last general lodge as also the lodges of emergency Avere read ancl unanimously confirmed . Bro J . C . Gooddy , WM ., then took
the chair and presided for the remainder of the evening . There were also present Bros . H . Moore , I P . M . ; G . Morris , S . W . ; T . J . Sabine , J . W . ; 15 . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec ; P . II . Ebsworth , S . D . ; D . Rose , J . D . ; G . Free , W . S ., as I . G . ; T . Trickett , C . D . Watkins , B . Stevens , Walsh , C . A . Cathie , A . L . Duseck , T . N . Moore , S . Harmdu , Reed , M . Hornsey , G . T . Liscoe , and many others too numerous to mention . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Beccles , Bartlett , and others Avhose names we were unable to ascertain . Ballots were taken and proved in favour of Mr . John Robinson for initiation ,.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tioned as Grand Master after A . . 1730 , according to our memory . "Chart—Duke of Dalkeith , G . M . A . D . 1723 ; Preston's Illustrations and Oxford Companion state that the Duke of Buccleugh was G . M . A . D . 1723 . " Findel's Freemasonry , " Lord Dalkeith , G . M . . .
1723 . " Oalcott's Disquisitions " mentions that the Earl of Dalkeith , late Duke of Buccleugh , was G . M . at the date UOAV referred to ; at all events , I think there is no dukedom hy the title of Dalkeith . As the list of Grand Masters of the " Grand Lodge under the Old Constitutions" or "Ancients" is not
complete , the following may make it perfect in that respect : —Earl of Kellie , Grand Master , A . D . 1761 ; Duke of Athole , Grand Master , A . D . 1772 ; Earl of Antrim , Grand Master , . D . 1785 ; Duke of Athole , Grand Master , A . D . 1794 ; Duke of Kent , Grand Master , up to the Union , 1813 .
But it is now time to draw these remarks to a close by congratulating Bro . Dr . Bell on the general merits of the Chart , and wishing him all the gratification and pleasure such a work should afford him , from seeing the members of the " Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons" fully
alive to its worth , and heartily supporting tun in so desirable an enterprise . —Yours fraternally , WILLIAM JAMES HXTGIIAN . High Cross , Truro , 15 th Sept ., 1866 .
THE SINGEK SEWING- MACHINE . —The merits of the new family machines for all purposes , manufactured by this company , are almost universally admitted , being now made upon , an entirely new plan . The novelty is that all unnecessary complication in the machinery is dispensed Avith , and a rapid , perfect , and noiseless action is the result of the present construction of it . The shuttleiu ordinary machineshas to be
, , oiled in order to work easily , which is decidedly an objection Avhen the Avork should be free from the chance even of a soil or stain , often unavoidable , however skilled and careful the operator may be . This is entirely obviated in Singer ' s improved machine , for it will work freely without the use of oil or grease in any form . Another great advantage is the substitution of a short straight needle , Avhich enables the operator to work
with greater rapidity , and with an increased power . The machines are made on the lock-stitch principle , which , Ave believe , is the most reliable for general family use , inasmuch as it Avill not easily be ravelled out . Again , they have applied their patented "binder" for folding and stitching binding to the edge of any piece of work . Then , the " marker" is another recent patent Avhich the company have applied to it . This is a gauge fixed to the machine , ancl used for marking each
succeeding tuck , of any width , during the working of the machine , according to the will of the operator . They have also applied a new " hemmer , " which makes the hem , or fell , of any desired width , by a very simple and easily accomplished adjustment of the machine , braiding either Avith silk or worsted or with silk twist , may be effected on any colour , or to any pattern ; many of the exquisite designs 've noticed of this work are evidences to us that staymakersdressmakersand others may use these
, , machines with great effect . Then , we have the most wonderful improvement of all , viz ., the " button hole " machine , which , two years ago , was considered by most to be an operation Avliich no machinery could accomplish ; but here we have it . This machine is constructed for manufactures in a very large Avay of business , for making button holes , and we have seen this Avorl" most beautifully done on the Singer Machine . Our
readers Avill have the opportunity of inspecting the operation , of the noiseless family machine in the Exhibition , ancl wc have only to add , they are got up suitable either for a piece cf clrawing-rooin furniture , or for the more utilitarian purposes of the workroom . Besides the above machine , the Singer Company also manufacture machines for working upon heavy materials , such as leather work , cloth work , & c ,, all of which may he seen by a personal visit to the office .
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
A SOUTH METROPOLITAN MASONIC HALL . —We have received a prospectus of the South Metropolitan Masonic Hall Company ( Limited ) . From the daily complaints Avhich reach us of the Avant of proper accommodation for Masonic meetings iu various parts of the Metropolis , Ave Avish the promoters every success , and trust the proposed South Metropolitan Masonic
Hall Avill prove to be a desideratum equal to the requirements of the brethren on the south side of the river . BEO . D . MUBEAY LYON . —We are pleased to find that at the next meeting of the St . John's Lodge ( Thornhill , No . 225 ) , it is intended to present a testimonial to our distinguished Bro . D . Murray Lyon , the historian of St . John's . It is expected that
Bro . J . Stewart , of Xateby Hall , Prov . G . Master ol * Durnfriessshire , Avill be present on the occasion to take part in the proceedings in connection Avith the presentation of the testimonial to our esteemed brother ancl collahorateur in the field of Masonic
Literature-LOCAL MASONIC RELIEE COMMITTEE . —We alluded in a recent issue to the excellent Avorking of the East and West Lancashire Relief Committee , and gave the report presented at the last annual meeting . We recommend to the attention and serious consideration of our metropolitan brethren , the plan so systematically pursued ivith such successful results by our
Lancashire brethren , with a view to some such similar associations being formed in various parts of the metropolis . BEIGHTON . —We understand that application is about to be made to Grand Lodge to grant the petition for the issue of a Avarrant for a new lodge at Brighton—named the Zetland Lodge . THE REPORTE - EXPULSIONS EEOM THE BOYS' SCHOOL . —
We have received some very temperate letters , endorsing the sentiments expressed by " Corner Stone , " in our issue of last week . We grieve at the painful occurrence , but deem ifc expedient in all fairness to the House Committee to await the report upon the subject , which we shall expect to be brought up in the ensuing month . Iu the meantime Ave cannot clo
better than recommend onr correspondents , as they are subscribers to the charity , to address themselves to the Secretary , Bro . Binckes , whom AVO have never found to be wanting in any point of courtesy or attention .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( SO . 73 ) . —This prosperous ancl flourishing lodge having been closed for the summer months Avas reopened for business on Tuesday , September 18 th afc the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of tlie W . M ., Bro . J . C . Gooddy , Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes of the last general lodge as also the lodges of emergency Avere read ancl unanimously confirmed . Bro J . C . Gooddy , WM ., then took
the chair and presided for the remainder of the evening . There were also present Bros . H . Moore , I P . M . ; G . Morris , S . W . ; T . J . Sabine , J . W . ; 15 . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec ; P . II . Ebsworth , S . D . ; D . Rose , J . D . ; G . Free , W . S ., as I . G . ; T . Trickett , C . D . Watkins , B . Stevens , Walsh , C . A . Cathie , A . L . Duseck , T . N . Moore , S . Harmdu , Reed , M . Hornsey , G . T . Liscoe , and many others too numerous to mention . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Beccles , Bartlett , and others Avhose names we were unable to ascertain . Ballots were taken and proved in favour of Mr . John Robinson for initiation ,.