Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article RED CROSS KNIGHTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article ADELPHI THEATRE. Page 1 of 1 Article REFLECTIONS OF A SOLDIER. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 5 →
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Royal Arch.
pithy telling speech ; after ivhich the Chapter was closed and the companions adjourned to the Black Lion Hotel to partake of a slight collation . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts followed , the proceedings being enlivened by tho admirable vocalization of Comps \ Vhitwell , Hart , Caddie , and Jordison , accompanied by Bro . J . P . Jeivson , an accomplished pianist .
Red Cross Knights.
PLANTAGENET PRECEPTORY OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 2 ) . —The meetings of this preceptory were resumed for the season on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., at tho George Hotel , Aldermanbury , -when the following knights of the Order Avere present R . \ Y . Little , President ; Ii . G . Buss , Treas . ; W . Turner , Recorder ; W . H . Hubbard , J . G . Marsh , G . Powell , II . ; J . W . Thompson , J . S . Charlton , T . Weseombe , and W . Dodd . The minutes of
the previous assembly having been confirmed , the ceremony of installation was ably rehearsed , after which Sir Knts . Wescombe , - Dodd , and Charlton , of the Original Conclave , were unanimously elected joining members , and made their offerings accordingly . Sir Kufc . Marsh was elected SI . P . S . for the next assembly . Sir Knt . Powell , V . E ., and nominated their Generals ancl other officers . The preceptory was then closed ancl adjourned to Thursday , the 27 th inst ., the meeting being held every alternate iveek .
Obituary .
BEO . JOHN PKOBETT , OF SWANSEA . It is with extreme regret thafc AVO have to record the decease , on . the 13 th . inst ., of this old and much-esfcoemed brother . For many years Bro . Probett has been intimatel y known throughout the province of South Wales , and by
the brethren of the Swansea , Neath , and Aberavon Lodges ; his name has long been deemed a " household word ; " Avhile far beyond the circle of Freemasonry he had acquired a pleasant enduring celebrity as one of the best representatives of a class UOAV rapidly fading out , viz ., the gentleman coachman of the old school . In early life he drove one of the then celebrated fast
coaches betAveen London and Oxford and Birmingham . At a later period he Avas AVCII knoAvn on the road in various parts of the West of England , especially in the neighbourhood of Taunton and Wells . Subsequently he drove the Welsh Mail , and until the establishment of the South Wales Railivay no one Avas better knoivn between Gloucester and Carmarthen than Bro . Probett . Latterly he has been recognised as the highly respected and popular landlord of the " Adelaide , " the resort of the business men of the toivn , and the favourite
rendezvous of his numerous admirers among the Graft . His house Avas ever conducted with such extreme propriety and quiet dignity as to combine all the comforts of a private dwelling , with more than the usual advantages of a pleasant hostelry . Eor the last twelve years Bro . Probett has occupied Avith much credit to himself , and unquestionably to tho
great satisfaction of the brethren , tho positions ' of Tyler of the Indefatigable Lodge , and Janitor of the Ohapfcei * , Virtue and Hope , Swansea . In addition to these appointments , he was selected Avith universal approval , to fill the office of Prov . G-. Tyler . His death thus creates vacancies which Avili not be readily filled . The event has cast a gloom and vei-y saddening influence over the
Swansea brethren , by Avhom . especially he Avas held in . the highest repute and esteem . His upright , faithful conduct in his walk of life , his strict , unde-riating punctuality , his tenacious persistence in performing every duty devolving upon him with the most scrupulous methodical painstaking exactitude ; his dignified courtesy and gentlemany bearing , his readiness to afford instruction or to communicate nleasing information
from his stores of knoAvledge and worldly experience , all combined to render him a favourite with every one Avho had the advantage and pleasure of being acquainted Avith him , while by his OAVII lodge he ivas regarded as no occupant of his position will be again held for many years to como . It is felt that an " old landmark" has been removed , of great service in its generation ; and the cause and suddenness of his death from cholera increase , if possible , the abundant regrets of his friends and brethren .
Adelphi Theatre.
ME . ANSON ' BENEFIT . On Monday last was a great success , the house being crowded iu every part . The- play of the "Lady of Lyons" gave Mr . Anson an opportunity of apjiearing iu the character of General Hamas , after au absence from the stage of eight or nine years . Miss
Sedgwick was an excellent Fauliue , and Mr . Kelson enacted the character of Claude Melnolte . One of tlie chief attractions was tbe debut of Miss May Holt , who sang several ballads in a most charming manner , possessing as she does au exquisite voice aud pleasing manners . Mrs . Holt and Mr . Clarauce Holt , in
addition to their talented daughter , took the principal characters in " Faint Heart never Won Fair Lady , " and were enthusiasticall y received . The entire performances were of a most satisfactory character .
Reflections Of A Soldier.
( A Brother Mason ) , During the recent Continental War , whilst standing on the battle-field , gazing on the Moon . By T . J . SAA'Aix . Beautiful planet ! thy silvery light , Softly illumines the calm summer's night , Shedding its beams on the scenery round
, Hoodiug in lustre the grass-cover ' cl ground . I've gaze'd on thee often , —but never before Have my musings a holier tendency wore , I ' ve gazed on thee often , —and gaze on thee still ; In griefs , —tho' resign'd to God's heavenly will . I am parted from lov'd ones more precious than life Par , far from my babes , and my sorrowing wife .
A soldier in battle , —I know not how soon I may slumber in death , ' neath yon silvery moon . Yet Hope seems to whisper , as fondly I gaze On the beaming effulgence produced by those rays"Paint not—but on heavenly promise rely , In each tribulation thy Pather is nigh . ' " " Yes ! lonely and and dark as thy future may seem ,
Tho' trials may distress thee , ancl ruffle life's stream , Gocl ne ' er will forfuhe thee ; in every grief , He will solace thy suff ' ring , and send theo relief . " " Be comforted , therefore , whilst gazing above , As perhaps now avo gazing thine objects of love ; Have faith iu God's mercy—it may be that soon Ecunited at home , thou may'st gaze on that moon . "
The Week.
THE COUIIT . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian , rode on ponies on the morning of the llth inst ., iu the neighbourhood of tlie Castle . In the afternoon her Majesfcj ' , with the Princess of Wales and Princess Christian , drove to Castletou and round the Lion's face . The Queen , accompanied by Prin-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
pithy telling speech ; after ivhich the Chapter was closed and the companions adjourned to the Black Lion Hotel to partake of a slight collation . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts followed , the proceedings being enlivened by tho admirable vocalization of Comps \ Vhitwell , Hart , Caddie , and Jordison , accompanied by Bro . J . P . Jeivson , an accomplished pianist .
Red Cross Knights.
PLANTAGENET PRECEPTORY OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 2 ) . —The meetings of this preceptory were resumed for the season on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., at tho George Hotel , Aldermanbury , -when the following knights of the Order Avere present R . \ Y . Little , President ; Ii . G . Buss , Treas . ; W . Turner , Recorder ; W . H . Hubbard , J . G . Marsh , G . Powell , II . ; J . W . Thompson , J . S . Charlton , T . Weseombe , and W . Dodd . The minutes of
the previous assembly having been confirmed , the ceremony of installation was ably rehearsed , after which Sir Knts . Wescombe , - Dodd , and Charlton , of the Original Conclave , were unanimously elected joining members , and made their offerings accordingly . Sir Kufc . Marsh was elected SI . P . S . for the next assembly . Sir Knt . Powell , V . E ., and nominated their Generals ancl other officers . The preceptory was then closed ancl adjourned to Thursday , the 27 th inst ., the meeting being held every alternate iveek .
Obituary .
BEO . JOHN PKOBETT , OF SWANSEA . It is with extreme regret thafc AVO have to record the decease , on . the 13 th . inst ., of this old and much-esfcoemed brother . For many years Bro . Probett has been intimatel y known throughout the province of South Wales , and by
the brethren of the Swansea , Neath , and Aberavon Lodges ; his name has long been deemed a " household word ; " Avhile far beyond the circle of Freemasonry he had acquired a pleasant enduring celebrity as one of the best representatives of a class UOAV rapidly fading out , viz ., the gentleman coachman of the old school . In early life he drove one of the then celebrated fast
coaches betAveen London and Oxford and Birmingham . At a later period he Avas AVCII knoAvn on the road in various parts of the West of England , especially in the neighbourhood of Taunton and Wells . Subsequently he drove the Welsh Mail , and until the establishment of the South Wales Railivay no one Avas better knoivn between Gloucester and Carmarthen than Bro . Probett . Latterly he has been recognised as the highly respected and popular landlord of the " Adelaide , " the resort of the business men of the toivn , and the favourite
rendezvous of his numerous admirers among the Graft . His house Avas ever conducted with such extreme propriety and quiet dignity as to combine all the comforts of a private dwelling , with more than the usual advantages of a pleasant hostelry . Eor the last twelve years Bro . Probett has occupied Avith much credit to himself , and unquestionably to tho
great satisfaction of the brethren , tho positions ' of Tyler of the Indefatigable Lodge , and Janitor of the Ohapfcei * , Virtue and Hope , Swansea . In addition to these appointments , he was selected Avith universal approval , to fill the office of Prov . G-. Tyler . His death thus creates vacancies which Avili not be readily filled . The event has cast a gloom and vei-y saddening influence over the
Swansea brethren , by Avhom . especially he Avas held in . the highest repute and esteem . His upright , faithful conduct in his walk of life , his strict , unde-riating punctuality , his tenacious persistence in performing every duty devolving upon him with the most scrupulous methodical painstaking exactitude ; his dignified courtesy and gentlemany bearing , his readiness to afford instruction or to communicate nleasing information
from his stores of knoAvledge and worldly experience , all combined to render him a favourite with every one Avho had the advantage and pleasure of being acquainted Avith him , while by his OAVII lodge he ivas regarded as no occupant of his position will be again held for many years to como . It is felt that an " old landmark" has been removed , of great service in its generation ; and the cause and suddenness of his death from cholera increase , if possible , the abundant regrets of his friends and brethren .
Adelphi Theatre.
ME . ANSON ' BENEFIT . On Monday last was a great success , the house being crowded iu every part . The- play of the "Lady of Lyons" gave Mr . Anson an opportunity of apjiearing iu the character of General Hamas , after au absence from the stage of eight or nine years . Miss
Sedgwick was an excellent Fauliue , and Mr . Kelson enacted the character of Claude Melnolte . One of tlie chief attractions was tbe debut of Miss May Holt , who sang several ballads in a most charming manner , possessing as she does au exquisite voice aud pleasing manners . Mrs . Holt and Mr . Clarauce Holt , in
addition to their talented daughter , took the principal characters in " Faint Heart never Won Fair Lady , " and were enthusiasticall y received . The entire performances were of a most satisfactory character .
Reflections Of A Soldier.
( A Brother Mason ) , During the recent Continental War , whilst standing on the battle-field , gazing on the Moon . By T . J . SAA'Aix . Beautiful planet ! thy silvery light , Softly illumines the calm summer's night , Shedding its beams on the scenery round
, Hoodiug in lustre the grass-cover ' cl ground . I've gaze'd on thee often , —but never before Have my musings a holier tendency wore , I ' ve gazed on thee often , —and gaze on thee still ; In griefs , —tho' resign'd to God's heavenly will . I am parted from lov'd ones more precious than life Par , far from my babes , and my sorrowing wife .
A soldier in battle , —I know not how soon I may slumber in death , ' neath yon silvery moon . Yet Hope seems to whisper , as fondly I gaze On the beaming effulgence produced by those rays"Paint not—but on heavenly promise rely , In each tribulation thy Pather is nigh . ' " " Yes ! lonely and and dark as thy future may seem ,
Tho' trials may distress thee , ancl ruffle life's stream , Gocl ne ' er will forfuhe thee ; in every grief , He will solace thy suff ' ring , and send theo relief . " " Be comforted , therefore , whilst gazing above , As perhaps now avo gazing thine objects of love ; Have faith iu God's mercy—it may be that soon Ecunited at home , thou may'st gaze on that moon . "
The Week.
THE COUIIT . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian , rode on ponies on the morning of the llth inst ., iu the neighbourhood of tlie Castle . In the afternoon her Majesfcj ' , with the Princess of Wales and Princess Christian , drove to Castletou and round the Lion's face . The Queen , accompanied by Prin-