Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
cess Louise , drove out on the morning of the 12 th inst ., ancl went out in fche afternoon with Princess Beatrice , attended by Lady Churchill . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar , ancl attended by Lady Churchill , drove on the 13 th inst . to the Lynn of Dee . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise , drove out on the morning of the 14 th inst ., ancl also in the afternoon with Princess
Christian ancl Princess Louise . Her Majesty , accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh , Prince and Princess Christian , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and Prince Leopold , went afc half-past six to Abergeldie , where the Prince ancl Princess of Wales gave a Gilli's ball , which the Queen honoured . Her Majesty mad the Royal Pamily dined with the Prince and Princess of Wales , and
went again after dinner for a short time to the ball . The Ladies ancl Gentlemen in Waiting were in attendance . The Queen held a Council on the 14 th insfc . which ivas attended by the Prince of Wales , the Duke of Edinburgh , and the Eight Hon . Spencer Walpole . The Queeu , accompanied by Princess Christian , drove out on the morning of the 15 th inst ., and went
out in the afternoon with Princess Christian and Princess Louise . The Queen , Princess Louise , fche Duke of Edinburgh , and Prince Christian , and attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting , ivere present at Divine service at the parish church of Craithe on the 16 th inst . Dr . Norman M'Leocl , chaplain to her Majesty , officiated . The Queen , accompanied by Prince ancl Princess Christian ancl Princess Louise , Avent out on the 17 th
inst . GEXEKAL HOME NEWS . —The . weekly health return of the Eegistrar General for Saturday last shoivs , AVO regret to say , an increase of deaths from cholera over the preceding week by 25 , although this is nearly compensated for by a decrease of 22 from diarrhoea . The two lirst weeks of September have hitherto been noted in cholera visitations . In the first week
of September in the years 1 S 49 ancl 1854 the numbers of deaths Avere respectively 2 , 026 and 2 , 050 , ivhich in the second iveek fell to 1 , 682 and 1 , 549 . In 1866 our experience has been very different . In the first Aveek of this September the deaths Avere 198 from cholera ancl 128 from diarrhoea , together 326 ; in the second week 157 and 132 , together 289 ; in the third week
182 ancl 110 , together 292 . The Registrar warns us that the utmost vigilance ought yet to be observed by the people , the health officers , and the Board of Works . The Eegistrar appends to his report a supplementary paper , entitled , "Tho Rise and Decline of Cholera in London ; " but ive fear it will be some time before he is able to report its extinction . An appended
paragraph gives a sad account of the health . of Liverpool . The deaths there during the past eleven weeks have averaged 50 ' 7 per 1 , 000 persons living ; and the last four weeks the deaths from cholera have been 146 , 225 , 145 , ancl 182 . The mortality from diarrhcea , however , fell to 51 from 84 . In Dublin there ivere 55 deaths from cholera last week ,
The Court of Common Council did a good thing on the 13 th inst . They elected the Rev . Thomas Grose to the vacant living of Sfc . Peter-upon-Cornhill . Mr . Grose has for many years been the hard-working curate of the parish of which he is now rector . At Highgate Dr . Lankester opened an inquiry of considerable gravity into the circumstances attending the death
of Mr . Richard Golding , an artist , ivho died afc an advanced age so far back as Christmas last . The inquiry affected the conduct of Dr . Part , the honorary surgeon of the Artists' Fund , who attended Golding at his own request , ancl to ivbom it appears he left the hulk of his property , the will being drawn up by a solicitor who was called in for that purpose by Dr . Parfc , ancl signed by the deceased on his death bed . The statements which led to the exhumation of the body ancl the investigation which
is now taking place , ivill be found in the evidence of Prances Southgate , with whom Golding had lodged for twenty-four years , although afc the time of his death he was residing in fche house of another person . The solicitor who prepared the will ancl the deceased ' s landlady both testified that he was perfectly sensible when that document was submitted to him . As Professor Rogers had not made the analysis of the stomach and
viscera , the inquest was adjourned for a week . ——Another fearful steamboat collision has taken place . The Dublin steamship Foyle , while coming up tlie river was run into by the Colling wood , a Shields steamer . The Foyle soon afterwards sank , having first been judiciously run aground ; and there are some hopes of raising her . AU the passengers were fortunately saved , although
many of them doubtless had a near escape for their lives . A collision , happily unattended ivith fatal consequences , took p lace on tbe South Devon Railway . It appears that a disabled engine belonging to a luggage train , was run into by fche doivn mail train some few miles from Plymouth . Nothing more serious resulted than the damage caused by the driverless and
stokerless luggage-train rushing unexpectedly into the Plymouth station , and a delay of a couple of hours in the arrival of the mails . In the matter of the fatal accident to a Carnarvonshire excursion train , the coroner ' s jury have returned a verdict to the effect that the catastrophe was occasioned by a stone having been placed between the point ancl the stock rail , bufc
there was no evidence to show whether ifc hacl been placed there by accident or design . Suspicion still points strongly to the latter theory . So far as the English courts are concerned , the proceedings instituted against Coppin , alias Dubois , the French notary , under the new Extradition Treaty , terminated at Bow-street , on the 13 th inst . Mr . Clarke raised many points on the prisoner ' s behalf , but they were , however ,
overruled by Mr . Vaughan , and the warrant for the committal of thafc individual was made out . He now awaits the Secretary of State ' s order . Mr . Henley , Avho it must be confessed rarely speaks without having something to say , has addressed an agricultural meeting at Thame . He dealt Avith a variety of topics , beginning with the cottages of agricultural labourers , whom he thought were not so bad as had sometimes
been represented ; ancl , making no allowance for the difference between foul and pure air , be argued that the greater rates of mortality in towns proved thafc the working classes were worse lodged there than in the country . He gave some account of fche proceedings of a deputation which had waited upon the Duke of Buckingham , in reference to the Orders in Council , by
which cattle-markets hacl been virtually closed in the country , and expressed a hope that , as the result of that interview , some means of mitigating the evil might be devised . On the subject of Reform , he sagaciously expressed the opinion thafc until the question was settled it would continue to make shipwreck of Government after Government . He was for a moderate ancl
judicious settlement , but he did not give his auditory a more explicit statement of his opinions . Probably he took lvarning from his former differences with his colleagues . At 'Bowstreet , on the 14 th inst ., the man Jeffery , who is charged with having murdered his child , under circumstances with which the public aro so painfully familiar , was committed for trial .
The funeral obsequies of the Prince of Conde , the eldest son of the Duke d'Aumale , who died at Sydney while yet in early manhood , were celebrated at the Roman- Catholic Chapel , Weybridge , on the 15 fch inst . Bishop Grant officiated on the melancholy occasion . A casket containing the heart of the deceased ancl the coffin were both deposited in the vault in . which the remains of Louis Phillippe , his Queen , ancl other members of the family had previously been placed . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
cess Louise , drove out on the morning of the 12 th inst ., ancl went out in fche afternoon with Princess Beatrice , attended by Lady Churchill . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar , ancl attended by Lady Churchill , drove on the 13 th inst . to the Lynn of Dee . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise , drove out on the morning of the 14 th inst ., ancl also in the afternoon with Princess
Christian ancl Princess Louise . Her Majesty , accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh , Prince and Princess Christian , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and Prince Leopold , went afc half-past six to Abergeldie , where the Prince ancl Princess of Wales gave a Gilli's ball , which the Queen honoured . Her Majesty mad the Royal Pamily dined with the Prince and Princess of Wales , and
went again after dinner for a short time to the ball . The Ladies ancl Gentlemen in Waiting were in attendance . The Queen held a Council on the 14 th insfc . which ivas attended by the Prince of Wales , the Duke of Edinburgh , and the Eight Hon . Spencer Walpole . The Queeu , accompanied by Princess Christian , drove out on the morning of the 15 th inst ., and went
out in the afternoon with Princess Christian and Princess Louise . The Queen , Princess Louise , fche Duke of Edinburgh , and Prince Christian , and attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting , ivere present at Divine service at the parish church of Craithe on the 16 th inst . Dr . Norman M'Leocl , chaplain to her Majesty , officiated . The Queen , accompanied by Prince ancl Princess Christian ancl Princess Louise , Avent out on the 17 th
inst . GEXEKAL HOME NEWS . —The . weekly health return of the Eegistrar General for Saturday last shoivs , AVO regret to say , an increase of deaths from cholera over the preceding week by 25 , although this is nearly compensated for by a decrease of 22 from diarrhoea . The two lirst weeks of September have hitherto been noted in cholera visitations . In the first week
of September in the years 1 S 49 ancl 1854 the numbers of deaths Avere respectively 2 , 026 and 2 , 050 , ivhich in the second iveek fell to 1 , 682 and 1 , 549 . In 1866 our experience has been very different . In the first Aveek of this September the deaths Avere 198 from cholera ancl 128 from diarrhoea , together 326 ; in the second week 157 and 132 , together 289 ; in the third week
182 ancl 110 , together 292 . The Registrar warns us that the utmost vigilance ought yet to be observed by the people , the health officers , and the Board of Works . The Eegistrar appends to his report a supplementary paper , entitled , "Tho Rise and Decline of Cholera in London ; " but ive fear it will be some time before he is able to report its extinction . An appended
paragraph gives a sad account of the health . of Liverpool . The deaths there during the past eleven weeks have averaged 50 ' 7 per 1 , 000 persons living ; and the last four weeks the deaths from cholera have been 146 , 225 , 145 , ancl 182 . The mortality from diarrhcea , however , fell to 51 from 84 . In Dublin there ivere 55 deaths from cholera last week ,
The Court of Common Council did a good thing on the 13 th inst . They elected the Rev . Thomas Grose to the vacant living of Sfc . Peter-upon-Cornhill . Mr . Grose has for many years been the hard-working curate of the parish of which he is now rector . At Highgate Dr . Lankester opened an inquiry of considerable gravity into the circumstances attending the death
of Mr . Richard Golding , an artist , ivho died afc an advanced age so far back as Christmas last . The inquiry affected the conduct of Dr . Part , the honorary surgeon of the Artists' Fund , who attended Golding at his own request , ancl to ivbom it appears he left the hulk of his property , the will being drawn up by a solicitor who was called in for that purpose by Dr . Parfc , ancl signed by the deceased on his death bed . The statements which led to the exhumation of the body ancl the investigation which
is now taking place , ivill be found in the evidence of Prances Southgate , with whom Golding had lodged for twenty-four years , although afc the time of his death he was residing in fche house of another person . The solicitor who prepared the will ancl the deceased ' s landlady both testified that he was perfectly sensible when that document was submitted to him . As Professor Rogers had not made the analysis of the stomach and
viscera , the inquest was adjourned for a week . ——Another fearful steamboat collision has taken place . The Dublin steamship Foyle , while coming up tlie river was run into by the Colling wood , a Shields steamer . The Foyle soon afterwards sank , having first been judiciously run aground ; and there are some hopes of raising her . AU the passengers were fortunately saved , although
many of them doubtless had a near escape for their lives . A collision , happily unattended ivith fatal consequences , took p lace on tbe South Devon Railway . It appears that a disabled engine belonging to a luggage train , was run into by fche doivn mail train some few miles from Plymouth . Nothing more serious resulted than the damage caused by the driverless and
stokerless luggage-train rushing unexpectedly into the Plymouth station , and a delay of a couple of hours in the arrival of the mails . In the matter of the fatal accident to a Carnarvonshire excursion train , the coroner ' s jury have returned a verdict to the effect that the catastrophe was occasioned by a stone having been placed between the point ancl the stock rail , bufc
there was no evidence to show whether ifc hacl been placed there by accident or design . Suspicion still points strongly to the latter theory . So far as the English courts are concerned , the proceedings instituted against Coppin , alias Dubois , the French notary , under the new Extradition Treaty , terminated at Bow-street , on the 13 th inst . Mr . Clarke raised many points on the prisoner ' s behalf , but they were , however ,
overruled by Mr . Vaughan , and the warrant for the committal of thafc individual was made out . He now awaits the Secretary of State ' s order . Mr . Henley , Avho it must be confessed rarely speaks without having something to say , has addressed an agricultural meeting at Thame . He dealt Avith a variety of topics , beginning with the cottages of agricultural labourers , whom he thought were not so bad as had sometimes
been represented ; ancl , making no allowance for the difference between foul and pure air , be argued that the greater rates of mortality in towns proved thafc the working classes were worse lodged there than in the country . He gave some account of fche proceedings of a deputation which had waited upon the Duke of Buckingham , in reference to the Orders in Council , by
which cattle-markets hacl been virtually closed in the country , and expressed a hope that , as the result of that interview , some means of mitigating the evil might be devised . On the subject of Reform , he sagaciously expressed the opinion thafc until the question was settled it would continue to make shipwreck of Government after Government . He was for a moderate ancl
judicious settlement , but he did not give his auditory a more explicit statement of his opinions . Probably he took lvarning from his former differences with his colleagues . At 'Bowstreet , on the 14 th inst ., the man Jeffery , who is charged with having murdered his child , under circumstances with which the public aro so painfully familiar , was committed for trial .
The funeral obsequies of the Prince of Conde , the eldest son of the Duke d'Aumale , who died at Sydney while yet in early manhood , were celebrated at the Roman- Catholic Chapel , Weybridge , on the 15 fch inst . Bishop Grant officiated on the melancholy occasion . A casket containing the heart of the deceased ancl the coffin were both deposited in the vault in . which the remains of Louis Phillippe , his Queen , ancl other members of the family had previously been placed . The