Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
"Wales and of the north of England . The advance which has taken place in the price of copper and -tin leads fco the hope that the worst of the crisis is now over . F OREIM" PN - / LIG-EXCE . —The terms of the Franco-Mexican Convention have been published . By it Mexico agrees to transfer to the French Government one-half of the receipts of all the
maritime customs in fche Empire , in order to secure tbe payment of the interest ancl principal of the loans contracted in 1864 and IS 65 , and of all obligations resulting therefrom ; likewise for the payment of the interest on all sums clue by Mexico to the French Treasury . The convention comes into force from the 1 st of next November . The Crown Prince of Prussia- has
issued a general order fco the second army upon its return home . He dwells with natural pride upon its achievements in the field . There is nothing inflated or bombastic in this document , and it is pervaded by an almost affectionate feeling for the soldiers-——It seems probable thafc while the popular vote is being taken in Venetia the Italian Government will withdraw its
commissioners from that province . King Victor Emmanuel has had au attack of illness , but is now better . ——The festivities in honour of the United States at St . Petersburg !! terminated with what is described as a " farewell banquet . " Prince Gortschakoff delivered a speech , in which he declared that the good understanding between the two countries had in ifc nothing of the nature
of a menace towards other nations . The Americans , it appears , have been negotiating with the Turks for the cession of an island in the Gulf of vEgina . Tliis has induced the Emperor Napoleon to address energetic remonstrances to tho Ottoman Porte , in ivhich , according to a Vienna journal , he was supported by tbe English Government . ——Ifc appears thafc the negotiations for the settlement of the Hungarian question have come to a standstill . The latest news received assigns no cause
for this unexpected stoppage . Cholera is on the increase in Hungary . Among the latest victims to the horrid epidemic is the poet and philologist , Cznezor . Intelligence was received in Florence on the 14 th inst . announcing that the Italian and Austrian plenipotentiaries had agreed upon all points except the debt question . It is believed that Austria will accept the
precedent afforded by the Treaty of Zurich without restriction , in accordance with the treaties concluded by Austria with Prussia and France . If this be true , fche special debt ol Venetia alone Avill pass to the charge of Italy , as that of Lombardy in 1859 . The signature of the treaty of peace between Austria and Italy is expected to take place in a few days . Count Bismarck is
suffering from a relapse of neuralgia , and is forbidden to receive visitors . A petroleum fire has broken out in a ship at Antwerp , but fortunately the vessels which were exposed to danger succeeded in making their escape , and the town was saved from a worse catastrophe than that which befell it a lew weeks ago . According to letters received in Paris , the revolt of the Abasians
( Circassia ) was completely quelled on the 1 st Sept ., and the rebel chief , Mahoun Anan , with a party of his baud , hacl been taken prisoners . The insurrection in Candia seems , on the contrary , to be only gradually developing itself for some final effort . The latest intelligence from Candia announces that an encounter had taken place between the Greek and Turkish
inhabitants of the island , and that the latter hacl suffered a repnlse . The Turkish army is reported fco have remained inactive during the civil rencontre . A report that England had proposed the cession of Candia to Greece had got currency in Athens , and great enthusiasm is said to have been created in consequence . Some cases of cholera have broken out in the Papal legion which has arrived at Cevita Vecchia , and the troops have , in consequence , been ordered to remain afc that port for
some days . A circular of rather an important character has just been addressed to tbe various diplomatic agents of France resident in foreign parts . It is agreeably pacific in tone . Ifc endeavours to point out thafc the recent changes in Europe are favourable to France , and are calculated to preserve peace throughout the continent of Europe , and demonstrates thafc
fche Emperor was right in acting as mediator during fche late Avar . Notwithstanding the circular's prognostications of general peace , a declaration is made to the effect that ifc is still necessary for France to continue to keep a sharp look-out as regards the defence of its territory , and urges the necessity of perfecting without delay the military organisation of the
empire . The Dutch Chambers have been opened by a speech from the King , who congratulated his subjects on the continuance of peace , and approved of the zeal with which they had organised a force of volunteers . All the arrangements connected with the peace treaty between the contending powers in the late war seem to be coming to a satisfactory conclusion .
The Prussian Baltic fleet is said to have been put out of commission , most of tbe vessels disarmed and laid aside , and all the maritime reserves disbanded . General Eevel has left Florence for Venice , in order to assist in the arrangements for the transfer of the fortresses of the Quadrilateral . From Vienna we hear that , afc a conference held in that city , General
Menabrea made propositions relative to the Venetian debt , which are stated to have had the support of France and Prussia , and that an understanding hacl already been come to upon the other articles of the treaty . Austria asks for the payment of a round sum , and the Italian Government have agreed to negotiate on this basis . Palermo is in a disturbed state in consequence of some religious disputes . Several bands of brigands , organised at the convent of Montreale , had entered the
city , demanding the preservation of the religious corporations . The influence of the National Guard of Palermo and the en . virons , coupled with the military , it was expected , would prove sufficiently powerful to frighten the brigands and restore order . The proclamation in which the Cretan Assembly-General announces the annexation of Candia to Greece , is a
manly and touching document . It justifies the insurrection by a narrative of the wrongs which the people bave endured . They had endeavoured to obtain redress by constitutional means , but Avithout success . A point blank denial is given to the highly coloured stories ivhich have been published by some of our contemporaries with reference to the conduct of the
Government of Greece in this emergency . It is stated that the Government have declared their intention to preserve a strict neutrality , although they cannot prevent expressions of sympathy on the part of private individuals . It is denied thafc the Turkish Government have addressed anything in the shape of an angry or menacing despatch to the Greek Ministry ,
Meanwhile the Cretans hold their ground . The Turks , however , are beginning to display more vigour . A battle has been fought between the Turkish and Egyptian contingents and the illarmed insurgents , which ended in the defeat of the latter , and the actual loss by death of 600 men . The battle lasted for eiglit hours , and was obstinately contested . Although the
report comes from Constantinople , it is not alleged that the defeat was of a decisive character . M . Pulszky , the wellknown ane' highly-esteemed exile , has received permission from the Emperor of Austria to return to Hungary . Misfortune has a wonderful effect in teaching sovereigns clemency and justice . Perhaps tho door will one day be opened to Kossuth . Russia has concluded peace with the King of Bokhara . The Pope appears to be preparing for his departure from Rome . His
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
"Wales and of the north of England . The advance which has taken place in the price of copper and -tin leads fco the hope that the worst of the crisis is now over . F OREIM" PN - / LIG-EXCE . —The terms of the Franco-Mexican Convention have been published . By it Mexico agrees to transfer to the French Government one-half of the receipts of all the
maritime customs in fche Empire , in order to secure tbe payment of the interest ancl principal of the loans contracted in 1864 and IS 65 , and of all obligations resulting therefrom ; likewise for the payment of the interest on all sums clue by Mexico to the French Treasury . The convention comes into force from the 1 st of next November . The Crown Prince of Prussia- has
issued a general order fco the second army upon its return home . He dwells with natural pride upon its achievements in the field . There is nothing inflated or bombastic in this document , and it is pervaded by an almost affectionate feeling for the soldiers-——It seems probable thafc while the popular vote is being taken in Venetia the Italian Government will withdraw its
commissioners from that province . King Victor Emmanuel has had au attack of illness , but is now better . ——The festivities in honour of the United States at St . Petersburg !! terminated with what is described as a " farewell banquet . " Prince Gortschakoff delivered a speech , in which he declared that the good understanding between the two countries had in ifc nothing of the nature
of a menace towards other nations . The Americans , it appears , have been negotiating with the Turks for the cession of an island in the Gulf of vEgina . Tliis has induced the Emperor Napoleon to address energetic remonstrances to tho Ottoman Porte , in ivhich , according to a Vienna journal , he was supported by tbe English Government . ——Ifc appears thafc the negotiations for the settlement of the Hungarian question have come to a standstill . The latest news received assigns no cause
for this unexpected stoppage . Cholera is on the increase in Hungary . Among the latest victims to the horrid epidemic is the poet and philologist , Cznezor . Intelligence was received in Florence on the 14 th inst . announcing that the Italian and Austrian plenipotentiaries had agreed upon all points except the debt question . It is believed that Austria will accept the
precedent afforded by the Treaty of Zurich without restriction , in accordance with the treaties concluded by Austria with Prussia and France . If this be true , fche special debt ol Venetia alone Avill pass to the charge of Italy , as that of Lombardy in 1859 . The signature of the treaty of peace between Austria and Italy is expected to take place in a few days . Count Bismarck is
suffering from a relapse of neuralgia , and is forbidden to receive visitors . A petroleum fire has broken out in a ship at Antwerp , but fortunately the vessels which were exposed to danger succeeded in making their escape , and the town was saved from a worse catastrophe than that which befell it a lew weeks ago . According to letters received in Paris , the revolt of the Abasians
( Circassia ) was completely quelled on the 1 st Sept ., and the rebel chief , Mahoun Anan , with a party of his baud , hacl been taken prisoners . The insurrection in Candia seems , on the contrary , to be only gradually developing itself for some final effort . The latest intelligence from Candia announces that an encounter had taken place between the Greek and Turkish
inhabitants of the island , and that the latter hacl suffered a repnlse . The Turkish army is reported fco have remained inactive during the civil rencontre . A report that England had proposed the cession of Candia to Greece had got currency in Athens , and great enthusiasm is said to have been created in consequence . Some cases of cholera have broken out in the Papal legion which has arrived at Cevita Vecchia , and the troops have , in consequence , been ordered to remain afc that port for
some days . A circular of rather an important character has just been addressed to tbe various diplomatic agents of France resident in foreign parts . It is agreeably pacific in tone . Ifc endeavours to point out thafc the recent changes in Europe are favourable to France , and are calculated to preserve peace throughout the continent of Europe , and demonstrates thafc
fche Emperor was right in acting as mediator during fche late Avar . Notwithstanding the circular's prognostications of general peace , a declaration is made to the effect that ifc is still necessary for France to continue to keep a sharp look-out as regards the defence of its territory , and urges the necessity of perfecting without delay the military organisation of the
empire . The Dutch Chambers have been opened by a speech from the King , who congratulated his subjects on the continuance of peace , and approved of the zeal with which they had organised a force of volunteers . All the arrangements connected with the peace treaty between the contending powers in the late war seem to be coming to a satisfactory conclusion .
The Prussian Baltic fleet is said to have been put out of commission , most of tbe vessels disarmed and laid aside , and all the maritime reserves disbanded . General Eevel has left Florence for Venice , in order to assist in the arrangements for the transfer of the fortresses of the Quadrilateral . From Vienna we hear that , afc a conference held in that city , General
Menabrea made propositions relative to the Venetian debt , which are stated to have had the support of France and Prussia , and that an understanding hacl already been come to upon the other articles of the treaty . Austria asks for the payment of a round sum , and the Italian Government have agreed to negotiate on this basis . Palermo is in a disturbed state in consequence of some religious disputes . Several bands of brigands , organised at the convent of Montreale , had entered the
city , demanding the preservation of the religious corporations . The influence of the National Guard of Palermo and the en . virons , coupled with the military , it was expected , would prove sufficiently powerful to frighten the brigands and restore order . The proclamation in which the Cretan Assembly-General announces the annexation of Candia to Greece , is a
manly and touching document . It justifies the insurrection by a narrative of the wrongs which the people bave endured . They had endeavoured to obtain redress by constitutional means , but Avithout success . A point blank denial is given to the highly coloured stories ivhich have been published by some of our contemporaries with reference to the conduct of the
Government of Greece in this emergency . It is stated that the Government have declared their intention to preserve a strict neutrality , although they cannot prevent expressions of sympathy on the part of private individuals . It is denied thafc the Turkish Government have addressed anything in the shape of an angry or menacing despatch to the Greek Ministry ,
Meanwhile the Cretans hold their ground . The Turks , however , are beginning to display more vigour . A battle has been fought between the Turkish and Egyptian contingents and the illarmed insurgents , which ended in the defeat of the latter , and the actual loss by death of 600 men . The battle lasted for eiglit hours , and was obstinately contested . Although the
report comes from Constantinople , it is not alleged that the defeat was of a decisive character . M . Pulszky , the wellknown ane' highly-esteemed exile , has received permission from the Emperor of Austria to return to Hungary . Misfortune has a wonderful effect in teaching sovereigns clemency and justice . Perhaps tho door will one day be opened to Kossuth . Russia has concluded peace with the King of Bokhara . The Pope appears to be preparing for his departure from Rome . His