Article LEICESTERSHIRE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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excellent Masonic Charities in the country , but I cannot allow your observations to pass without telling you how fully I am aware that it is to the liberality of yourselves , and to the generous cordiality with which you seconded the wishes of your Grand Master , that I shall have the gratification of connecting this portrait with a circumstance so honourable to your province . Gentlemen , 1 accept this beautiful portrait from you with cordial thanksand you may believe me when I say that
, it will have a triple value in my eyes , not only as an excellent work of art , and as an admirable likeness of my husband , but as a memorial of the esteem in which yon hold Lord Leigh , and of your generous feelings toward myself ; and I am sure that it will be scarcely less valued by my children , and by their children after them , not only on the former ground , but as " a proof of the kindly feeling subsisting between the Freemasons of Warwickshire and the former head of their house "
Having read her ladyship's reply , Lord Leigh continued : —And now , brethren , allow me on my own behalf to express the overwhelming gratitude I feel , not only for your kindness to myself , but for your kindness to one who is dearer to me than anything in this world . ( Hear , hear . ) I appreciate your kindness more than I can say , and the delicate manner in which you have expressed it , by making your presentation to one so dear to myself , adds one more to the many acts of kindness that I have
received at your hands . Brother Elkington , you have alluded to the support I have given to the Masonic charities , and I can only say that if it had not been for the noble support of yourself and the brethren of the province , the large contributions of which you have spoken would never have been realised . It is to you , brethren , that I owe a deep debt of gratitude for the noble aid you have given me . Ever since I have been connected with —which is during the last ten of
you years my life—my connection with you has been a source of great gratification to myself , and I can only hope that that connection which has so long subsisted between us may continue to subsist for many years to come . ( Applause ) . I am not , brethren , able to express half ' that I wish to express , but I am sure you know me well enough to know that I do feel most deeply the kind ness you have shown me and my family this day . Brethren , I thank
you from the bottom of my heart . ( Applause . ) . Bro . Dr . BELL FLETCHER , Prov . D . G . M ., then , on behalf of his brethren , asked Lady Leigh ' s permission to have the portrait engraved , aud , on "behalf of Sir John Watson Gordon , to have it exhibited in the National Gallery ; both of which requests were granted . The proceedings then closed , and the members of the Birmingham lodges returned homo by tbe train which reaches Birmingham at 6 : 16 p . m .
ROYAL ARCH . CORK . —Third Chapter of Ireland ( the Key Stone ) . —This chapter held its usual quarterly meeting at the Masonic Hall , Maylorstreet , on Wednesday , the 5 th ult . This being nomination and election night , it was proposed and unanimously carried that , owing to the short period the chapter had been at work under the approved ritualthe whole of the officers be re-elected for
, the ensuing twelvemonth . The following officers were duly reappointed : —Comps . J . T . Archer , 1 st P ., as H . Priest ; William Ashton Hackett , 2 nd P ., as King ; Francis Guy , 3 rd P ., as C . Scribe ; Edw . W . Wig-more , Past 1 st P ., Registrar ; Edward F . Hunt , Treas . ; Joseph Guy , Capt . of the H . ; John Hackett , R . A . Capt . ; William H . Bulleii , Supt . of Tab . ; William Magrath , Capt . of 1 st V . ; Charles 0 . Dudley , Capt . of 2 nd V . ;
James Bogan , Capt . of 3 rd V . ; William D . Stephens , Chap . ; John B . Lacy , I . G . ; and Thomas Bass , Janitor . Owing to a domestic calamity in tbe family of two officers ( Comps . Guy ) , the High Priest adjourned the chapter to Friday , the 14 th , previous to which Comp . Cleburne , Past 3 rd P . No . 77 chapter , was balloted for and elected a joining member , and Bros . James Hackett and Henry Bullenof No . 3 Lod duly proposed for
, ge , exaltation . On Friday , the 14 th inst ., pursuant to adjournment , and by summons of the H . P ., this chapter met for business . The minutes of last chapter being confirmed , Bros . James Hackett and H . Bullen being duly balloted for and elected , and properly vouched for as Mark Master Alasons , were entrusted with the virtual P . M . degree and prepared for exaltation , which ceremony
was most efficiently worked by the officers of the chapter . Comp . E . W . Wigmore , Reg ., not only served the office of conductor , but likewise , in the absence of Comp . F . Guy , C . S ., gave the historical and traditional explanation of the emblems , jewels , and working tools most perfect , much to the instruction of the chapter and visitors , by whom he was highly complimented . The business of the evening being over , Bro . Marks ( No . 3 lodge ) tbe talented organist of the cathedral , was proposed and seconded
as a candidate for exaltation . The chapter was then closed in due form and solemn prayer . The companions then adjourned to a most excellent banquet , provided by Comp . Stephens , of the Commercial Hotel . Among the visitors were Comp . Gregg , and Dr . Hobart , Chapter No . 1 ; Comps . V . Gregg and A . D . Roche , Chapter No . S ; Comp . Butcher , Chapter No . 95 , & c . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Comp . V . Gregg , in returning thanks for the visitors , took the opportunity of
expressing their great gratification in witnessing so perfect working under the approved ritual , emanating so recently from the Grand Chapter . After the Registrar and High Priests' healths had been given with all the honours , and duly acknowledged , the 1 st P . returned his thanks to the officers for their support and constant attendance ( with few exceptions ) to the summonses aud duties of the chapter , and with their excellent working he felt confident he should transfer the hih position he held ( which he
g felt proud of as an English Past Z . ) to his successor , as a chapter second to none in Ireland . The remainder of the evening was spent in conviviality , with some excellent singing from Comps . William James and John Hacketts , A . D . Roche , & c , when the companions separated , much pleased with their meeting and the business of the evening .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Chapter Friendship ( No . 23 S ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Monday evening , the 17 th inst ., when , by the unanimous vote of the companions , the E . Comp . Rogers , P . Z ., was duly elected as First Principal . After the usual formalities , the other appointments were duly made
as follows : — Comps . Elphinstone , Second Principal ; Fox , Third Principal ; Crocker , Scribe E ; March , Scribe N ; Jennings , S . Tho visiting Comps . from Chapter Fidelity were Chappie and Ellis , who were dulv elected Joining Companions .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Lodge Friendship ( No . 16 ) . —The first meeting under the new Warrant of Constitution granted by the M . W . G . M ., Lord Carnarvon , was held on Thursday evening , the 13 th inst ., for the purpose of electing a Master , arid re-obligating those brethren who had previously received the degree under
the old mode of working . The lodge was opened by the R . W . Bro . Chappie , G . Dir . of Cers ., in the chair . Upwards of twenty brethren were re-obligated during the evening . The choice of the lodge was unanimously in favour of Bro . Elphinstone as Master . After the usual installation , he invested his officers as follows : — Bros . Fox , S . W . ; ' Jennings , J . W . ;
Emmett , M . O . ; Crocker , S . O . ; Ash , J . O . ; Welsh , S . D . ; Collins , J . D . ; Benner , I . G . ; Radmore , Tyler ; and Mnrch , Sec . On the appointments being complete , Bro . Gova , P . M ., delivered the usual oration to the officers . A vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Bros . Chappie , Gova , and those who so kindly assisted at the opening of the lodge , and was ordered
to be entered on the minutes . The lodge was graced by many visiting brethren , among whom we observed Bro . Thompson from London , Bro . Worth from Millbrook , and also many from the neighbouring lodges . Business having been brought to a close , the lodge adjourned for refreshment .
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excellent Masonic Charities in the country , but I cannot allow your observations to pass without telling you how fully I am aware that it is to the liberality of yourselves , and to the generous cordiality with which you seconded the wishes of your Grand Master , that I shall have the gratification of connecting this portrait with a circumstance so honourable to your province . Gentlemen , 1 accept this beautiful portrait from you with cordial thanksand you may believe me when I say that
, it will have a triple value in my eyes , not only as an excellent work of art , and as an admirable likeness of my husband , but as a memorial of the esteem in which yon hold Lord Leigh , and of your generous feelings toward myself ; and I am sure that it will be scarcely less valued by my children , and by their children after them , not only on the former ground , but as " a proof of the kindly feeling subsisting between the Freemasons of Warwickshire and the former head of their house "
Having read her ladyship's reply , Lord Leigh continued : —And now , brethren , allow me on my own behalf to express the overwhelming gratitude I feel , not only for your kindness to myself , but for your kindness to one who is dearer to me than anything in this world . ( Hear , hear . ) I appreciate your kindness more than I can say , and the delicate manner in which you have expressed it , by making your presentation to one so dear to myself , adds one more to the many acts of kindness that I have
received at your hands . Brother Elkington , you have alluded to the support I have given to the Masonic charities , and I can only say that if it had not been for the noble support of yourself and the brethren of the province , the large contributions of which you have spoken would never have been realised . It is to you , brethren , that I owe a deep debt of gratitude for the noble aid you have given me . Ever since I have been connected with —which is during the last ten of
you years my life—my connection with you has been a source of great gratification to myself , and I can only hope that that connection which has so long subsisted between us may continue to subsist for many years to come . ( Applause ) . I am not , brethren , able to express half ' that I wish to express , but I am sure you know me well enough to know that I do feel most deeply the kind ness you have shown me and my family this day . Brethren , I thank
you from the bottom of my heart . ( Applause . ) . Bro . Dr . BELL FLETCHER , Prov . D . G . M ., then , on behalf of his brethren , asked Lady Leigh ' s permission to have the portrait engraved , aud , on "behalf of Sir John Watson Gordon , to have it exhibited in the National Gallery ; both of which requests were granted . The proceedings then closed , and the members of the Birmingham lodges returned homo by tbe train which reaches Birmingham at 6 : 16 p . m .
ROYAL ARCH . CORK . —Third Chapter of Ireland ( the Key Stone ) . —This chapter held its usual quarterly meeting at the Masonic Hall , Maylorstreet , on Wednesday , the 5 th ult . This being nomination and election night , it was proposed and unanimously carried that , owing to the short period the chapter had been at work under the approved ritualthe whole of the officers be re-elected for
, the ensuing twelvemonth . The following officers were duly reappointed : —Comps . J . T . Archer , 1 st P ., as H . Priest ; William Ashton Hackett , 2 nd P ., as King ; Francis Guy , 3 rd P ., as C . Scribe ; Edw . W . Wig-more , Past 1 st P ., Registrar ; Edward F . Hunt , Treas . ; Joseph Guy , Capt . of the H . ; John Hackett , R . A . Capt . ; William H . Bulleii , Supt . of Tab . ; William Magrath , Capt . of 1 st V . ; Charles 0 . Dudley , Capt . of 2 nd V . ;
James Bogan , Capt . of 3 rd V . ; William D . Stephens , Chap . ; John B . Lacy , I . G . ; and Thomas Bass , Janitor . Owing to a domestic calamity in tbe family of two officers ( Comps . Guy ) , the High Priest adjourned the chapter to Friday , the 14 th , previous to which Comp . Cleburne , Past 3 rd P . No . 77 chapter , was balloted for and elected a joining member , and Bros . James Hackett and Henry Bullenof No . 3 Lod duly proposed for
, ge , exaltation . On Friday , the 14 th inst ., pursuant to adjournment , and by summons of the H . P ., this chapter met for business . The minutes of last chapter being confirmed , Bros . James Hackett and H . Bullen being duly balloted for and elected , and properly vouched for as Mark Master Alasons , were entrusted with the virtual P . M . degree and prepared for exaltation , which ceremony
was most efficiently worked by the officers of the chapter . Comp . E . W . Wigmore , Reg ., not only served the office of conductor , but likewise , in the absence of Comp . F . Guy , C . S ., gave the historical and traditional explanation of the emblems , jewels , and working tools most perfect , much to the instruction of the chapter and visitors , by whom he was highly complimented . The business of the evening being over , Bro . Marks ( No . 3 lodge ) tbe talented organist of the cathedral , was proposed and seconded
as a candidate for exaltation . The chapter was then closed in due form and solemn prayer . The companions then adjourned to a most excellent banquet , provided by Comp . Stephens , of the Commercial Hotel . Among the visitors were Comp . Gregg , and Dr . Hobart , Chapter No . 1 ; Comps . V . Gregg and A . D . Roche , Chapter No . S ; Comp . Butcher , Chapter No . 95 , & c . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Comp . V . Gregg , in returning thanks for the visitors , took the opportunity of
expressing their great gratification in witnessing so perfect working under the approved ritual , emanating so recently from the Grand Chapter . After the Registrar and High Priests' healths had been given with all the honours , and duly acknowledged , the 1 st P . returned his thanks to the officers for their support and constant attendance ( with few exceptions ) to the summonses aud duties of the chapter , and with their excellent working he felt confident he should transfer the hih position he held ( which he
g felt proud of as an English Past Z . ) to his successor , as a chapter second to none in Ireland . The remainder of the evening was spent in conviviality , with some excellent singing from Comps . William James and John Hacketts , A . D . Roche , & c , when the companions separated , much pleased with their meeting and the business of the evening .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Chapter Friendship ( No . 23 S ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Monday evening , the 17 th inst ., when , by the unanimous vote of the companions , the E . Comp . Rogers , P . Z ., was duly elected as First Principal . After the usual formalities , the other appointments were duly made
as follows : — Comps . Elphinstone , Second Principal ; Fox , Third Principal ; Crocker , Scribe E ; March , Scribe N ; Jennings , S . Tho visiting Comps . from Chapter Fidelity were Chappie and Ellis , who were dulv elected Joining Companions .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Lodge Friendship ( No . 16 ) . —The first meeting under the new Warrant of Constitution granted by the M . W . G . M ., Lord Carnarvon , was held on Thursday evening , the 13 th inst ., for the purpose of electing a Master , arid re-obligating those brethren who had previously received the degree under
the old mode of working . The lodge was opened by the R . W . Bro . Chappie , G . Dir . of Cers ., in the chair . Upwards of twenty brethren were re-obligated during the evening . The choice of the lodge was unanimously in favour of Bro . Elphinstone as Master . After the usual installation , he invested his officers as follows : — Bros . Fox , S . W . ; ' Jennings , J . W . ;
Emmett , M . O . ; Crocker , S . O . ; Ash , J . O . ; Welsh , S . D . ; Collins , J . D . ; Benner , I . G . ; Radmore , Tyler ; and Mnrch , Sec . On the appointments being complete , Bro . Gova , P . M ., delivered the usual oration to the officers . A vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Bros . Chappie , Gova , and those who so kindly assisted at the opening of the lodge , and was ordered
to be entered on the minutes . The lodge was graced by many visiting brethren , among whom we observed Bro . Thompson from London , Bro . Worth from Millbrook , and also many from the neighbouring lodges . Business having been brought to a close , the lodge adjourned for refreshment .