Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 4 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1
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resigned his chair to Bro . Thos . Danny , P . M ., who installed Bro . AA'hite according to ancient form , in a most impressive manner , and in the performance of that interesting ceremony displayed his usual great ability and Masonic skill . The AA ' . AL then appointed and invested the following brethren aso officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Alex . Hay , S . AA ' . ; Septimus Arden , J . AA ' . ; Henry AA'ebster , Sec ; Joseph Roderers , S . D . "; Thos . Turton , J . D . ; AA ' m . Short , I . G . ; AV . H . Naylor , P . M ., and H . J . Garnett , Stewards . The AA ' . AL , while
investing them with the collars ancl jewels of office , gave very appropriate addresses on the respective duties of each officer ; and afterwards addressed the brethren generally on the duties they owed to each other , and to those who were appointed to conduct the husiness of thelodge . A commit tee was then appointed to superintend the arrangements for the annual Masonic ball , which will be held in January next . The sum of £ 10 was voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Female Annuity Fund . Bro . J- X . AA ' ABD proposed that
THE FEEEIIASOXS MAGAZIXE be purchased for the lodge , and that all the previous numbers of the present series be obtained . He stated that the lodge had formerly taken THE MAGAZINE ; but it was not then considered of much value , ancl was discontinued . Since it had been under its present management , it had much improved , and hacl become a really valuable journal , which ought to be in the hands of every member of the Fraternity . —The AA ' . M . had great pleasure in seconding the proposition . He had himself derived much valuable information from the MAGAZIXE , and he had long felt the want of a library of Masonic works in connection with the lodge . He hoped this would be a commencement , and that the
brethren would be inspired with a desire to olitaiii more light and knowledge from reading the pages of this excellent periodical , ancl thus lead to the purchasing of all the best works relating to Freemasonry . The brethren unanimously approved of the proposition , ancl the Secretary was requested to take the necessary steps . A sumptuous banquet was provided in the lodge-room at ? p . m ., ancl was presided over by the AA' . M ., who was supported by a number of Past Mastersancl a goodlmuster of the brethren . Grace having
, y been said , and the cloth removed , the AA ' . M . proposed the health of '" Her Majesty the Queen , " remarking that Masons had ever been loyal subjects , ancl happily , during the present reign , ours was not merely a loyalty of the lips , but of the heart . Then followed , in rapid succession , the usual Masonic toasts ; after which the AA ' . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . E . Harrison , the immediate Past Master of the Lodge . " During his year of office , he had fulfilled
his duties in a most exemplary manner , and set a pattern . vorthy of imitation by his successors . He had upheld the dignity of the chair , ancl diligently laboured to perfect himself in the proper working of the lodge . —Bro . HAEEISOX thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in which they hacl responded to the toast , and assured them he should ever have the interest of Masonry and the Britannia Lodat heartand now that he hacl taken his lace
ge ; p amongst the rulers of the Craft , he should ever be willing to render any possible assistance or advice to those who wished it . He had the pleasure of proposing a toast which they ivould all drink with great delight . It was " The Health of their newly-installed AA ' . AL , " than whom no more zealous Mason could be found . Although but
a very young Mason , he had risen rapidly to eminence ; but he certainly would not have attained his present high position hacl it not been on account of his Masonic merits , and the diligence and ability he had displayed in discharging the duties of any office entrusted to his care . He had frequently travelled long distances , at a considerable expense of time and money , in order that he might he in his place in the lodge . His past conduct was an earnest ofthe futureancl he hacl no doubt he would fill the chair with dignity
, , and perform its duties in such a manner as to reflect credit on himself , and honour on the lodge . —The AA ' . M . . . in reply , said that he considered that clay one of the proudest in his life , and he should ever feel grateful to his brethren for having so highly honoured him . From the moment of his entrance into Freemasonry , he had been impressed with a deep sense of the beauty ancl grandeur of its principles ; ancl the more he had studied those ' princiles the more
p he found in them to appreciate . He had always endeavoured to perforin any duties entrusted to him to the best of his ability , and to allow nothing to prevent him from being present in the place ivhieh lie had promised to fill . He had his reward in a clear conscience , and in being elevated , thus early in his Masonic career , to the chair of so ancient and distinguished a lodge , by the unanimous voice of his brethren . He hoped , with the assistance of the Past Masters
of the lodge , and the officers whom he had just appointed , to discharge the trust they hacl reposed in him with fidelity , to till the chair with dignity , ancl to perform its duties with satisfaction to all . Having visited many lodges , both in his own province and in various parts of the kindgoin , some of which were justly celebrated for their excellent working , he could assure them he never had cause to blush for his own , which deserved to take rank with the best of them . — " The Health of the Past Masters " was proposed by Bro . Hay , S . AA' ., and responded to bv Bro . Lonsden , P . M . —Bro .
ADDEX , J . AV ., then proposed " The Health of Bro . Dauby , P . M ., " who had so ably performed the ceremony of installation that evening , and whose Masonic knowledge and uniform courtesy and kindness in giving instruction , or in any way serving the Craft , were so well known to every brother present , that he need not further expatiate- upon them . —Bro . DAXBT feelingly replied , and said that he was at all times at the service of the lodge , ancl never felt so happy as when engaged iu some Masonic business . —A number of other toasts , interspersed with songs , filled up the evening , ancl the brethren retired about 11 o'clock , highly satisfied with their entertainment .
Mark Masonry.
XEWCASILE-OX-TYXE . — -Wednesday , the 2 Sth of November , being the day appointed for the installation of the B . AA' . M . of the Northumberland and Berwick Lodge of Mark Masonry , the lodge was opened by the R . AA . M . Bro . Bell , assisted by the regular officers , and a great number of the brethren of the lodge . After the confirmation of the minutes , the B . AA' . M . elect , Bro . H . Hothain , was presented to the B . AA ' . M . for installation , ancl that was performed bhimassisted bthe B . AA ' . M . of the
ceremony y , y Eclectic Lodge of JIark Masonry of Hartlepool , Bro . Hanunerborn . The following were then installed Officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . S . Bell , P . M . ; Henry G . Ludwig , S . AV . ; Andrew Gillespie , J . AA ' . ; Charles J . Bannister , Sec . ; George Lambton , Beg . of Marks , and Treas . ; Hermon Jar-mite , S . D . ; A . Loades , J . D . ; J . KJley , M . O . ; J . Jansen , S . O . ; J . Reid , J . O . ; J . Barker , M . C . and M . ; C . F . Rosenberg , J . G . ; John S . Potter , Tyler . The lodge being
clulj- closed , the brethren adjourned to their banquetting-room ; and , on the removal of the cloth , the loyal ancl Masonic toasts of the Order were given , and the whole proceedings were characterised with harmony and goocl feeling .
Knights Templar.
MA > -cnESTEE . —Jerusalem Encampment . —This encampment met on Friday , the 15 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms . In the absence of Sir Knight AA' . B . Callender , B . C ., the chair was taken by Sir Knight Stephen Smith , P . E . C , who proceeded to instal the E . C . elect , Sir Knight Beeby Bowman Labrey , who appointed the following officers : —Sir Knights John Smith , P . 1 st Cap ., Prelate ; John Yarker , 1 st cap . ; Benj . St . John B . Joule , 2 nd cap . ; G . P . CookeReg . J . L . HineTreas . ( re-elected ); G . P .
LeatherEx-, ; , , pert ; Joseph Bowker , 1 st S . B . ; James AA'ilson , 2 nd S . B . ; John Collinge , Cap . of Lines . Comp . AA ' m . Allan , who hacl been elected at the previous meeting , was installed a Knight Comp . of the Order of the Temple . The time of meeting of the encampment was altered to five o'clock , for the convenience of those who reside at a distance , and the encampment being duly closed , the fraters proceeded to refreshment .
DISTBTCT GKAXD LODGE OT 11 EXCAL . A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal ivas held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta on Monday , 24 th September , I 860 . There were present—R . AA ' . Bros . John J . L , Hotf , D . Prov . G-. M ., as Prov . G . M . ; AVilliam Clark , P . Prov . S . G . AA' .. asD . Prov . G . M . ; Henry Howe , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; John B . RobertsProvSGAVFrederick JenningsProv . J . G . AA' . ;
, . ... ; , Duncan Monteich , P . Prov . S . G . AA' . ; John G . Llewelyn , D . Prov . J . G . AA' . ; Hugh 1 ) . Sandeman , D . Prov . J . G . AV . ; A ' . AA ' . Bros . Thomas Jor . es . Prov . G . Ilea-. ; AA'illiam II . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec . ; AV . Bros . Peter Anderson , P . Prov . G . S . B ., as Prov . S . G . D . ; D . Murray ( of Loclse 2 S I ) , as Prov . J . G . D . : John Smith ( of Lodge 126 ) , as Prov . G . S . of AA ' . ; AA'illiam J . Money ( of Lodge 80 ) , as Prov . G . D . of C . ; John AA ' . Brown , Prov . G . S . B . " ; Joseph
Van Gelder ( of Locl-re 80 ) , as Prov . G . O . ; Albert M . Doivleans , Prov . G . Purs . ; Joseph K . Hamilton , P . Prov . G . Purs . ; Louis A . Emanuel and James AA' . Browne , Prov . Cf . Standard Bearers ; David J . Daniel , Prov . G . Tyler . Bros . Isaiah L . Taylor , John Martin . John H . Doyle , AA'illiam L . AVilmer , Prov . Grand Stewards ; and representatives of Lodges Star in the East , NoSOIndustry and PerseveranceNo 126 True FriendshipNo .
. ; , . ; , 265 ; Humility and Fortitude , No . 279 ; Marine , No . 282 ; Anchor and Hope , No . 2 S 1- ; Courage with Humanity , No . 551 ; St . John's , No . 715 ; and Excelsior , No . 1127 . The District Grancl Lodge was opened in form . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication held on the 11 th June last were read and confirmed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
resigned his chair to Bro . Thos . Danny , P . M ., who installed Bro . AA'hite according to ancient form , in a most impressive manner , and in the performance of that interesting ceremony displayed his usual great ability and Masonic skill . The AA ' . AL then appointed and invested the following brethren aso officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Alex . Hay , S . AA ' . ; Septimus Arden , J . AA ' . ; Henry AA'ebster , Sec ; Joseph Roderers , S . D . "; Thos . Turton , J . D . ; AA ' m . Short , I . G . ; AV . H . Naylor , P . M ., and H . J . Garnett , Stewards . The AA ' . AL , while
investing them with the collars ancl jewels of office , gave very appropriate addresses on the respective duties of each officer ; and afterwards addressed the brethren generally on the duties they owed to each other , and to those who were appointed to conduct the husiness of thelodge . A commit tee was then appointed to superintend the arrangements for the annual Masonic ball , which will be held in January next . The sum of £ 10 was voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Female Annuity Fund . Bro . J- X . AA ' ABD proposed that
THE FEEEIIASOXS MAGAZIXE be purchased for the lodge , and that all the previous numbers of the present series be obtained . He stated that the lodge had formerly taken THE MAGAZINE ; but it was not then considered of much value , ancl was discontinued . Since it had been under its present management , it had much improved , and hacl become a really valuable journal , which ought to be in the hands of every member of the Fraternity . —The AA ' . M . had great pleasure in seconding the proposition . He had himself derived much valuable information from the MAGAZIXE , and he had long felt the want of a library of Masonic works in connection with the lodge . He hoped this would be a commencement , and that the
brethren would be inspired with a desire to olitaiii more light and knowledge from reading the pages of this excellent periodical , ancl thus lead to the purchasing of all the best works relating to Freemasonry . The brethren unanimously approved of the proposition , ancl the Secretary was requested to take the necessary steps . A sumptuous banquet was provided in the lodge-room at ? p . m ., ancl was presided over by the AA' . M ., who was supported by a number of Past Mastersancl a goodlmuster of the brethren . Grace having
, y been said , and the cloth removed , the AA ' . M . proposed the health of '" Her Majesty the Queen , " remarking that Masons had ever been loyal subjects , ancl happily , during the present reign , ours was not merely a loyalty of the lips , but of the heart . Then followed , in rapid succession , the usual Masonic toasts ; after which the AA ' . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . E . Harrison , the immediate Past Master of the Lodge . " During his year of office , he had fulfilled
his duties in a most exemplary manner , and set a pattern . vorthy of imitation by his successors . He had upheld the dignity of the chair , ancl diligently laboured to perfect himself in the proper working of the lodge . —Bro . HAEEISOX thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in which they hacl responded to the toast , and assured them he should ever have the interest of Masonry and the Britannia Lodat heartand now that he hacl taken his lace
ge ; p amongst the rulers of the Craft , he should ever be willing to render any possible assistance or advice to those who wished it . He had the pleasure of proposing a toast which they ivould all drink with great delight . It was " The Health of their newly-installed AA ' . AL , " than whom no more zealous Mason could be found . Although but
a very young Mason , he had risen rapidly to eminence ; but he certainly would not have attained his present high position hacl it not been on account of his Masonic merits , and the diligence and ability he had displayed in discharging the duties of any office entrusted to his care . He had frequently travelled long distances , at a considerable expense of time and money , in order that he might he in his place in the lodge . His past conduct was an earnest ofthe futureancl he hacl no doubt he would fill the chair with dignity
, , and perform its duties in such a manner as to reflect credit on himself , and honour on the lodge . —The AA ' . M . . . in reply , said that he considered that clay one of the proudest in his life , and he should ever feel grateful to his brethren for having so highly honoured him . From the moment of his entrance into Freemasonry , he had been impressed with a deep sense of the beauty ancl grandeur of its principles ; ancl the more he had studied those ' princiles the more
p he found in them to appreciate . He had always endeavoured to perforin any duties entrusted to him to the best of his ability , and to allow nothing to prevent him from being present in the place ivhieh lie had promised to fill . He had his reward in a clear conscience , and in being elevated , thus early in his Masonic career , to the chair of so ancient and distinguished a lodge , by the unanimous voice of his brethren . He hoped , with the assistance of the Past Masters
of the lodge , and the officers whom he had just appointed , to discharge the trust they hacl reposed in him with fidelity , to till the chair with dignity , ancl to perform its duties with satisfaction to all . Having visited many lodges , both in his own province and in various parts of the kindgoin , some of which were justly celebrated for their excellent working , he could assure them he never had cause to blush for his own , which deserved to take rank with the best of them . — " The Health of the Past Masters " was proposed by Bro . Hay , S . AA' ., and responded to bv Bro . Lonsden , P . M . —Bro .
ADDEX , J . AV ., then proposed " The Health of Bro . Dauby , P . M ., " who had so ably performed the ceremony of installation that evening , and whose Masonic knowledge and uniform courtesy and kindness in giving instruction , or in any way serving the Craft , were so well known to every brother present , that he need not further expatiate- upon them . —Bro . DAXBT feelingly replied , and said that he was at all times at the service of the lodge , ancl never felt so happy as when engaged iu some Masonic business . —A number of other toasts , interspersed with songs , filled up the evening , ancl the brethren retired about 11 o'clock , highly satisfied with their entertainment .
Mark Masonry.
XEWCASILE-OX-TYXE . — -Wednesday , the 2 Sth of November , being the day appointed for the installation of the B . AA' . M . of the Northumberland and Berwick Lodge of Mark Masonry , the lodge was opened by the R . AA . M . Bro . Bell , assisted by the regular officers , and a great number of the brethren of the lodge . After the confirmation of the minutes , the B . AA' . M . elect , Bro . H . Hothain , was presented to the B . AA ' . M . for installation , ancl that was performed bhimassisted bthe B . AA ' . M . of the
ceremony y , y Eclectic Lodge of JIark Masonry of Hartlepool , Bro . Hanunerborn . The following were then installed Officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . S . Bell , P . M . ; Henry G . Ludwig , S . AV . ; Andrew Gillespie , J . AA ' . ; Charles J . Bannister , Sec . ; George Lambton , Beg . of Marks , and Treas . ; Hermon Jar-mite , S . D . ; A . Loades , J . D . ; J . KJley , M . O . ; J . Jansen , S . O . ; J . Reid , J . O . ; J . Barker , M . C . and M . ; C . F . Rosenberg , J . G . ; John S . Potter , Tyler . The lodge being
clulj- closed , the brethren adjourned to their banquetting-room ; and , on the removal of the cloth , the loyal ancl Masonic toasts of the Order were given , and the whole proceedings were characterised with harmony and goocl feeling .
Knights Templar.
MA > -cnESTEE . —Jerusalem Encampment . —This encampment met on Friday , the 15 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms . In the absence of Sir Knight AA' . B . Callender , B . C ., the chair was taken by Sir Knight Stephen Smith , P . E . C , who proceeded to instal the E . C . elect , Sir Knight Beeby Bowman Labrey , who appointed the following officers : —Sir Knights John Smith , P . 1 st Cap ., Prelate ; John Yarker , 1 st cap . ; Benj . St . John B . Joule , 2 nd cap . ; G . P . CookeReg . J . L . HineTreas . ( re-elected ); G . P .
LeatherEx-, ; , , pert ; Joseph Bowker , 1 st S . B . ; James AA'ilson , 2 nd S . B . ; John Collinge , Cap . of Lines . Comp . AA ' m . Allan , who hacl been elected at the previous meeting , was installed a Knight Comp . of the Order of the Temple . The time of meeting of the encampment was altered to five o'clock , for the convenience of those who reside at a distance , and the encampment being duly closed , the fraters proceeded to refreshment .
DISTBTCT GKAXD LODGE OT 11 EXCAL . A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal ivas held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta on Monday , 24 th September , I 860 . There were present—R . AA ' . Bros . John J . L , Hotf , D . Prov . G-. M ., as Prov . G . M . ; AVilliam Clark , P . Prov . S . G . AA' .. asD . Prov . G . M . ; Henry Howe , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; John B . RobertsProvSGAVFrederick JenningsProv . J . G . AA' . ;
, . ... ; , Duncan Monteich , P . Prov . S . G . AA' . ; John G . Llewelyn , D . Prov . J . G . AA' . ; Hugh 1 ) . Sandeman , D . Prov . J . G . AV . ; A ' . AA ' . Bros . Thomas Jor . es . Prov . G . Ilea-. ; AA'illiam II . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec . ; AV . Bros . Peter Anderson , P . Prov . G . S . B ., as Prov . S . G . D . ; D . Murray ( of Loclse 2 S I ) , as Prov . J . G . D . : John Smith ( of Lodge 126 ) , as Prov . G . S . of AA ' . ; AA'illiam J . Money ( of Lodge 80 ) , as Prov . G . D . of C . ; John AA ' . Brown , Prov . G . S . B . " ; Joseph
Van Gelder ( of Locl-re 80 ) , as Prov . G . O . ; Albert M . Doivleans , Prov . G . Purs . ; Joseph K . Hamilton , P . Prov . G . Purs . ; Louis A . Emanuel and James AA' . Browne , Prov . Cf . Standard Bearers ; David J . Daniel , Prov . G . Tyler . Bros . Isaiah L . Taylor , John Martin . John H . Doyle , AA'illiam L . AVilmer , Prov . Grand Stewards ; and representatives of Lodges Star in the East , NoSOIndustry and PerseveranceNo 126 True FriendshipNo .
. ; , . ; , 265 ; Humility and Fortitude , No . 279 ; Marine , No . 282 ; Anchor and Hope , No . 2 S 1- ; Courage with Humanity , No . 551 ; St . John's , No . 715 ; and Excelsior , No . 1127 . The District Grancl Lodge was opened in form . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication held on the 11 th June last were read and confirmed .