Article GRAND LODGE, ALPINA. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE, ALPINA. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge, Alpina.
According to promise , our correspondent , "E . T . S ., " has forwarded us a copy of tlie report of the Commissioners of the Grand Lodge , Al p iria , on the circumstances connected with the recent lottery of the Temple Unique , at Geneva . It is unnecessary to lay all the details before our readers in
order to place the subject in a clear light , especially as we are assured the Grand Lodge , Alpina , has had no other connection Avith the building called the Temple Unique , nor with the lottery , further than in sending Commissioners to examine into certain alleged malpractices .
The report of the Commissioners is a sufficient and complete refutation of all that has been advanced against the Grand Lodge , and which we , acting on the authority of foreign papers , imported into our article on the State of Ereemasonry , which appeared on the 9 th inst . There are , howei'er , a feAV points
which it is advisable to explain , and which our correspondent has so clearly defined that Ave give them in his own words : —
1 . The " building known under the name of Le Temple Unique , and the lodge bearing the same name are two separate concerns . 2 . The building was constructed as a speculation for chiefly Masonic purposes by a Company , and the sliareliolders are not exclusively Masons , although the director's are .
3 . The Lodge Le Temple Unique , as well as three other lodges ,, pay a yearly rent to the Company for the use of the building . 4 . The speculation not succeeding , the Company has incurred debts to a large amount ; and , in order to meet these charges and cover the interest , has had
recourse to a sort of lottery . 5 . This lottery Avas authorised by the competent civil authorities of the Canton . 6 . At the last draAving of the lottery disturbances were made , but soon put down , by ten to fifteen
persons of bad character , who , it is said , were not even shareholders . 7 . The police , informed of these disturbances , made inquiries , but , being satisfied that nothing illegal had occurred , took no further action .
8 . In Switzerland , as in other countries , jFreemasonryhas its enemies ; several local papers took advantage of this opportunity to vent their hatred on our noble Institution by promulgating idle ' tales and false accusations . I
Ihe report of the Commissioners completely exonerates the directors of the lottery from any improper conduct , and also clearly establishes the
Grand Lodge, Alpina.
separate character of the lodge and of the building , both unfortunately bearing the same name . Our correspondent closes his communication by expressing the regret he , and which all serious Masons in Switzerland feel , that there should exist any connection whatever between individual Masons
and such an un-Masonic proceeding as a lottery . In conclusion , Ave must be allowed to express our regret that a statement so little founded on fact should have appeared in our columns ; but Ave had no means at hand of correcting a narrative which we found repeated in several foreign papers , until our correspondent , who holds a hi gh official position in the Craft , addressed us on the subject .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
GRAND PATRON or HIGH GRADES . " Triple Tau" inquires for similar instances to that recorded by him in your last week's MAGAZINE ; permit me to call his attention to the following from the certificates issued by G . M . Dtmckerley ( 1791-5 ) , and from from 1796 by Lord Eaucliffe : — "THOMAS DUNCKERLEV
of Hampton Court Palace in the County of Middlesex , Most Eminent and Supreme GRAND MASTER , of the Eoyal and Exalted , Religious and Military Orders of H . E . D . M ., Grand Elected Masonic Knights Templars K . D . O . S . K . of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , & c , & . c , & c ., 'under the Patronage of His Eoyal Highness PRINCE EDWARD . " —A .
ROYAL PATRONS . In the MAGAZINE of the 16 th inst ., under " Masonic Notes and Queries , " an allusion is made by " Triple Tau " to the fact of the late King William IV ., Avhen Duke of Clarence , having been Grand Patron of Eoyal Arch Masons ; and the inquiry is made , "Are any other instances known ?"
In vol . 3 , page 147 of the old FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE for 1794 , 1 find the following paragraph : — " Aug . 16 . Being the birthday of H . E . H . the Duke of York , it was celebrated with all the honours of Masonry by the Order of Knights Templar resident at London , united with the Society of Antient Masons of the Dihtvian Order , or Eoyal Ark and Mark Mariners ,
assembled at the Surry Tavern , in the Strand , by summons from Thomas Dunckerloy , Esq ., Grand Master and Grand Commander of those United Orders . " Among tho toasts given , I observe , were : — " The Prince of Wales , Grand Master of Symbolic Masonry . " " The Duke of Clarence , Grand Patron of Eoyal Arch
Masons . " "Prince Edward , Grand Patron of Knights Templar . " At the same page , there is a copy of a letter from Prince Edward to Thomas Dunckerloy , Esq ., G . M . of the Knights Templar , which clearly evinces the interest His Royal Highness felt in the Order . May I be permitted to ask whether there is any Masonic body now known by the name of tho " Diluvian Order , " or Royal Ark and Mark Mariners?—DOUBLE CUBE .
TEMPLAR , BURIAL SERA'ICE . . The Mount Cavalry I see are proposing a Commemoration Service on the 550 th year of the Martyrdom of Jacques de Molai , as Past Grand Prior of England . Could not the example bo followed in tho provinces ? I would suggest that it need not necessarily be confined
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Grand Lodge, Alpina.
According to promise , our correspondent , "E . T . S ., " has forwarded us a copy of tlie report of the Commissioners of the Grand Lodge , Al p iria , on the circumstances connected with the recent lottery of the Temple Unique , at Geneva . It is unnecessary to lay all the details before our readers in
order to place the subject in a clear light , especially as we are assured the Grand Lodge , Alpina , has had no other connection Avith the building called the Temple Unique , nor with the lottery , further than in sending Commissioners to examine into certain alleged malpractices .
The report of the Commissioners is a sufficient and complete refutation of all that has been advanced against the Grand Lodge , and which we , acting on the authority of foreign papers , imported into our article on the State of Ereemasonry , which appeared on the 9 th inst . There are , howei'er , a feAV points
which it is advisable to explain , and which our correspondent has so clearly defined that Ave give them in his own words : —
1 . The " building known under the name of Le Temple Unique , and the lodge bearing the same name are two separate concerns . 2 . The building was constructed as a speculation for chiefly Masonic purposes by a Company , and the sliareliolders are not exclusively Masons , although the director's are .
3 . The Lodge Le Temple Unique , as well as three other lodges ,, pay a yearly rent to the Company for the use of the building . 4 . The speculation not succeeding , the Company has incurred debts to a large amount ; and , in order to meet these charges and cover the interest , has had
recourse to a sort of lottery . 5 . This lottery Avas authorised by the competent civil authorities of the Canton . 6 . At the last draAving of the lottery disturbances were made , but soon put down , by ten to fifteen
persons of bad character , who , it is said , were not even shareholders . 7 . The police , informed of these disturbances , made inquiries , but , being satisfied that nothing illegal had occurred , took no further action .
8 . In Switzerland , as in other countries , jFreemasonryhas its enemies ; several local papers took advantage of this opportunity to vent their hatred on our noble Institution by promulgating idle ' tales and false accusations . I
Ihe report of the Commissioners completely exonerates the directors of the lottery from any improper conduct , and also clearly establishes the
Grand Lodge, Alpina.
separate character of the lodge and of the building , both unfortunately bearing the same name . Our correspondent closes his communication by expressing the regret he , and which all serious Masons in Switzerland feel , that there should exist any connection whatever between individual Masons
and such an un-Masonic proceeding as a lottery . In conclusion , Ave must be allowed to express our regret that a statement so little founded on fact should have appeared in our columns ; but Ave had no means at hand of correcting a narrative which we found repeated in several foreign papers , until our correspondent , who holds a hi gh official position in the Craft , addressed us on the subject .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
GRAND PATRON or HIGH GRADES . " Triple Tau" inquires for similar instances to that recorded by him in your last week's MAGAZINE ; permit me to call his attention to the following from the certificates issued by G . M . Dtmckerley ( 1791-5 ) , and from from 1796 by Lord Eaucliffe : — "THOMAS DUNCKERLEV
of Hampton Court Palace in the County of Middlesex , Most Eminent and Supreme GRAND MASTER , of the Eoyal and Exalted , Religious and Military Orders of H . E . D . M ., Grand Elected Masonic Knights Templars K . D . O . S . K . of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , & c , & . c , & c ., 'under the Patronage of His Eoyal Highness PRINCE EDWARD . " —A .
ROYAL PATRONS . In the MAGAZINE of the 16 th inst ., under " Masonic Notes and Queries , " an allusion is made by " Triple Tau " to the fact of the late King William IV ., Avhen Duke of Clarence , having been Grand Patron of Eoyal Arch Masons ; and the inquiry is made , "Are any other instances known ?"
In vol . 3 , page 147 of the old FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE for 1794 , 1 find the following paragraph : — " Aug . 16 . Being the birthday of H . E . H . the Duke of York , it was celebrated with all the honours of Masonry by the Order of Knights Templar resident at London , united with the Society of Antient Masons of the Dihtvian Order , or Eoyal Ark and Mark Mariners ,
assembled at the Surry Tavern , in the Strand , by summons from Thomas Dunckerloy , Esq ., Grand Master and Grand Commander of those United Orders . " Among tho toasts given , I observe , were : — " The Prince of Wales , Grand Master of Symbolic Masonry . " " The Duke of Clarence , Grand Patron of Eoyal Arch
Masons . " "Prince Edward , Grand Patron of Knights Templar . " At the same page , there is a copy of a letter from Prince Edward to Thomas Dunckerloy , Esq ., G . M . of the Knights Templar , which clearly evinces the interest His Royal Highness felt in the Order . May I be permitted to ask whether there is any Masonic body now known by the name of tho " Diluvian Order , " or Royal Ark and Mark Mariners?—DOUBLE CUBE .
TEMPLAR , BURIAL SERA'ICE . . The Mount Cavalry I see are proposing a Commemoration Service on the 550 th year of the Martyrdom of Jacques de Molai , as Past Grand Prior of England . Could not the example bo followed in tho provinces ? I would suggest that it need not necessarily be confined