Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence on the 20 th January , Bro . John Udall , P . G . D ., in the chair , fourteen petitioners were relieved with £ 200 10 s ., ond one petitioner recommended to Grand Lodge for a grant of £ 30 . The consecration of the Lodge of tho Pour Cardinal Virtues
( No . 979 ) , Town Hall , Crewe , and the installation of Bro . Mould as the fi \ -st W . M ., is fixed for Wednesday next , January 27 th , 1861 . The ceremonies will be performed by that exalted Mason , Bro . Capt . Cope , P . Prov . J . AA . for Cheshire , whose admirable working is so well-known and highly appreciated . The Lodge of Unity ( No . 321 ) , meet on the same day at an early
horn-, so as to attend and assist their daughter lodge No . 979 . After the business , the brethren will form in procession to the Crewe Arms Hotel to the banquet . Many distinguished Masons are expected . The 27 th will be a red letter day for the Craft in Crewe .
MOUNT LEBAXOX LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This old-established and nourishing lodge held an emergency meeting on Thursday , the llth inst ., at Bro . C . A . Cathie's , Green Man Tavern , Tooleystreet , Southwark . Bro . Frederick AValters , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . C . N . Levy , S . AV . ; H . Moore , . T . AA . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Sec . ; D . Davies , P . M ., Treas . ; C . 11 . Dean , P . M . ; J . C . Gooddy , I . G . ; G . Morris , II . Dunyer , R . Hm-rell , Sabine , Goulty , Martin , Lipscomhe , Pow , Loe , Cathie , and many others . Amongst
an extra number of visitors , we noticed Bros . A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 5 JS , P . M . 733 ; R . AA elsford , P . M ., Treas . 5-J-S , and very many others whose names we could not learn . There were no less than four initiations , six passings , and four raisings on the business paper . The lirst ceremony was the initiation of Mr . M . Locwenstark , who was most ably introduced into the mysteries ' and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by his father , Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 548 , P . M . 733 ( Bro . F . AValters
having kindly solicited him to occupy the chair for that purpose , whilst he deaconed the candidate himself ) . The dispensation ( which approved of Mr . M . Loewenstark being- allowed to be initiated , although he is a minor , being- only nineteen years old ) , from the RW . G . M . wasdulyreadinopen lodge and tlie ballot was then taken for a second time , which proved as in the former instance to bo unanimous in favour of his admission . Ballots were also taken for three other candidates for initiation , all of which were unanimous m favovu- of their admission . Bro . F .
Walters , AA . M ., then resumed his chair , and passed six brethren to the degree of Follow Craft Freemasons ; the last work being the raising of Bros . Delany , Marshall , and Meagher to the sublime degree of Master Masons . All tho ceremonies were performed by the AA ^ . M . in his usual impressive manner and called forth the approbation of many visiting P . M . 's . The AV . M . Bro . F . AValters , said he considered he had now nearly brought his year of office to a close , as on Tuesday next he anticipated having
the honour and pleasure of installing their esteemed Bro . E . N . Levy , S . W ., W . M . elect , into the chair , as he was unanimously voted to occupy it . But before he left his chair , he felt that although that was their fourteenth lodge meeting which he had the pleasure of presiding over , and had done all the ceremonies ( save the one initiation that evening ) , yet he could not leave that chair without endeavouring to imitate some of his predecessor's good works ; although he could not at present
completely copy them , yet still he would do his best . In the Mount Lebanon Lodge some few years back they abolished all chair fees in consequence of the liberality displayed by several Past Masters in supporting the charities . Now it was well known many lodges still continued these charges , so that when a brother was installed in their chair , although not called upon for a fee , yet , in his humble opinion , every AA . M . of the lodge ought willingly contribute his mite towards some of the charities . He had received so much support from Bro . J . C . Gooddy , I . G ., and
Steward for the Boys School—and he being the only officer at present occupying the proud position of Steward—he felt it was not only due to his position as \ A . M . but also to express his appreciation of his attention , that , according to his promise at their Mark Lodge , he would feel most happy in placing his name on his list for £ 5 5 s ., which would entitle him to be a life subscriber , and he immediately paid over that amount to Bro . Edward HarrisP . M . and collector for the Boys' School . Bro .
, J . C . Gooddy returned thanks to Bro . F . AValters for his kind donation , and hoped when the other stewards had retired from the field loaded with their trophies , to be able at least to have a similar if not greater support than their liberally -supplied lists showed , and he could assure them he would not fail to try and enlist their sympathies . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
ST . GEOKGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 1-10 ) . —This well-established lodge met on Wednesday , January 20 th , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . The lodge was opened by Bro . Dr . William Scott , W . M ., assisted hy Bros . C . L . Smyth , S . AV . ; E . AA . Hubhuck , P . M ., J . AA . ; Badger , J . D . ; G . N . Mourylian , P . M ., Sec ; Ryder , P . M ., Treas . ; Edington , P . M . ; Cheveliev , Pook , Noak , Cavliss , and many others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . F . AA alters , P . M . 73 ; AV . C . Penny , P . M . 60 , P . M .
and Sec . pro tern . 79 ; AV . R . Orchard , AV . M . 79 ; Doughuey , 79 ; , T . H . Pembroke , S . D . 871 ; J . S . Blomeley , AV . S . 871 ; J . Hawkes , 871 , and many others . The first business was the initiation of Mr . Johnson into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . One brother was then passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason . Then came the all-iniportaut ceremony of the evening , viz ., the installing of Bro . E . \ A . Hubbuck / P . M . and J . AV . into the chair of K . S . which
, , Bro . Dr . AA . Scott did in his usual manner . The newly-installed Master appointed the following brethren his Officers , viz ., C . L . Smyth , S . AA . ; Badger , J . AV . ; Ryder , P . M ., Treas . ; G . N . Mourylian , P . M ., Sec . ; AV . J . Mackenzie , Dir . of Cers . ; Tattershall , S . D . ; Noak , J . D . ; Carliss , I . G . j Riley , P . M ., Tyler . The several addresses were most beautifully delivered , and when completed the applause was unanimous . AA e congratulate Bro .
Dr . AVilliam Scott , P . M ., on the very able manner he has been able to conduct the business of the lodge during his year of office , this being the second year he had occupied the chair . of a lodge , having hardly completed his office in the Royal Oak Lodge when he was installed into the chair of his mother lodge . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , at Bro . Moore's , Globe Tavern , Royal-hill , Greenwich . LODGE or JUSTICE ( No . 147 ) . —The brethren of this oldestablished and flourishing lodge met at six o'clock on the evening of AA ednesday , the 13 th inst ., for the purpose of
installing the W . M . for the ensuing year , at Bro . Porter's , AAHiite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . In consequence of the very serious illness of the W . M . elect , Bro . Hollins , the ceremony was somewhat retarded , which only added an additional zest for the very great treat which was in store when the ceremony of installation was performed . AA e were greatly rejoiced to see that our esteemed and highly respected BroGeorge BoltonPMand Treaswas the Installing
. , .. ., Master . When Bro . John Hollins , AA . M . elect , arrived he immediately commenced by installing him as the W . M ., in the presence of no less than twelve Installed Masters . The new AV . M . appointed his officers as follows , viz ., Bros . , T . Bavin , S . W . ; J . Lightfoot , J . AV . ; G . Bolton , P . M ., re-invested as Treas . ; C . H . Davis , P . M ., re-invested as Sec ; G . Chapman , S . D . ; J . Patte , J . D . ; J . Pinker , I . G . j
S . Garrett , P . M ., as Tyler . AVe have frequently seen our worthy veteran , Bro . George Bolton , do this most important ceremony , hut we consider on this occasion that he , if possible , surpassed all his previous efforts . AVe congratulate him for setting such a good example to the younger brethren , whom we hope will at least try to copy him in his now well-known good working . We are sure that so long as he is amongst Craft Masonry , he will , as is now his
wonted custom , be willing to communicate his superior knowledge to any brother who is in want of instruction . Never did we hear such a hearty hurst of applause given in this lodge before , when the ceremony of installation was finished ; it seemed to emanate from the very hearts and souls the brethren . This must have been a gratifying moment to our worthy Bro . Bolton , when he saw such approbation spontaneously given . AA e hope , ere long , to have the pleasing duty of recording a more tangible form of appreciation of the many services he has rendered the lodge , by seeing him presented with some other
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence on the 20 th January , Bro . John Udall , P . G . D ., in the chair , fourteen petitioners were relieved with £ 200 10 s ., ond one petitioner recommended to Grand Lodge for a grant of £ 30 . The consecration of the Lodge of tho Pour Cardinal Virtues
( No . 979 ) , Town Hall , Crewe , and the installation of Bro . Mould as the fi \ -st W . M ., is fixed for Wednesday next , January 27 th , 1861 . The ceremonies will be performed by that exalted Mason , Bro . Capt . Cope , P . Prov . J . AA . for Cheshire , whose admirable working is so well-known and highly appreciated . The Lodge of Unity ( No . 321 ) , meet on the same day at an early
horn-, so as to attend and assist their daughter lodge No . 979 . After the business , the brethren will form in procession to the Crewe Arms Hotel to the banquet . Many distinguished Masons are expected . The 27 th will be a red letter day for the Craft in Crewe .
MOUNT LEBAXOX LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This old-established and nourishing lodge held an emergency meeting on Thursday , the llth inst ., at Bro . C . A . Cathie's , Green Man Tavern , Tooleystreet , Southwark . Bro . Frederick AValters , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . C . N . Levy , S . AV . ; H . Moore , . T . AA . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Sec . ; D . Davies , P . M ., Treas . ; C . 11 . Dean , P . M . ; J . C . Gooddy , I . G . ; G . Morris , II . Dunyer , R . Hm-rell , Sabine , Goulty , Martin , Lipscomhe , Pow , Loe , Cathie , and many others . Amongst
an extra number of visitors , we noticed Bros . A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 5 JS , P . M . 733 ; R . AA elsford , P . M ., Treas . 5-J-S , and very many others whose names we could not learn . There were no less than four initiations , six passings , and four raisings on the business paper . The lirst ceremony was the initiation of Mr . M . Locwenstark , who was most ably introduced into the mysteries ' and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by his father , Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 548 , P . M . 733 ( Bro . F . AValters
having kindly solicited him to occupy the chair for that purpose , whilst he deaconed the candidate himself ) . The dispensation ( which approved of Mr . M . Loewenstark being- allowed to be initiated , although he is a minor , being- only nineteen years old ) , from the RW . G . M . wasdulyreadinopen lodge and tlie ballot was then taken for a second time , which proved as in the former instance to bo unanimous in favour of his admission . Ballots were also taken for three other candidates for initiation , all of which were unanimous m favovu- of their admission . Bro . F .
Walters , AA . M ., then resumed his chair , and passed six brethren to the degree of Follow Craft Freemasons ; the last work being the raising of Bros . Delany , Marshall , and Meagher to the sublime degree of Master Masons . All tho ceremonies were performed by the AA ^ . M . in his usual impressive manner and called forth the approbation of many visiting P . M . 's . The AV . M . Bro . F . AValters , said he considered he had now nearly brought his year of office to a close , as on Tuesday next he anticipated having
the honour and pleasure of installing their esteemed Bro . E . N . Levy , S . W ., W . M . elect , into the chair , as he was unanimously voted to occupy it . But before he left his chair , he felt that although that was their fourteenth lodge meeting which he had the pleasure of presiding over , and had done all the ceremonies ( save the one initiation that evening ) , yet he could not leave that chair without endeavouring to imitate some of his predecessor's good works ; although he could not at present
completely copy them , yet still he would do his best . In the Mount Lebanon Lodge some few years back they abolished all chair fees in consequence of the liberality displayed by several Past Masters in supporting the charities . Now it was well known many lodges still continued these charges , so that when a brother was installed in their chair , although not called upon for a fee , yet , in his humble opinion , every AA . M . of the lodge ought willingly contribute his mite towards some of the charities . He had received so much support from Bro . J . C . Gooddy , I . G ., and
Steward for the Boys School—and he being the only officer at present occupying the proud position of Steward—he felt it was not only due to his position as \ A . M . but also to express his appreciation of his attention , that , according to his promise at their Mark Lodge , he would feel most happy in placing his name on his list for £ 5 5 s ., which would entitle him to be a life subscriber , and he immediately paid over that amount to Bro . Edward HarrisP . M . and collector for the Boys' School . Bro .
, J . C . Gooddy returned thanks to Bro . F . AValters for his kind donation , and hoped when the other stewards had retired from the field loaded with their trophies , to be able at least to have a similar if not greater support than their liberally -supplied lists showed , and he could assure them he would not fail to try and enlist their sympathies . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
ST . GEOKGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 1-10 ) . —This well-established lodge met on Wednesday , January 20 th , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . The lodge was opened by Bro . Dr . William Scott , W . M ., assisted hy Bros . C . L . Smyth , S . AV . ; E . AA . Hubhuck , P . M ., J . AA . ; Badger , J . D . ; G . N . Mourylian , P . M ., Sec ; Ryder , P . M ., Treas . ; Edington , P . M . ; Cheveliev , Pook , Noak , Cavliss , and many others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . F . AA alters , P . M . 73 ; AV . C . Penny , P . M . 60 , P . M .
and Sec . pro tern . 79 ; AV . R . Orchard , AV . M . 79 ; Doughuey , 79 ; , T . H . Pembroke , S . D . 871 ; J . S . Blomeley , AV . S . 871 ; J . Hawkes , 871 , and many others . The first business was the initiation of Mr . Johnson into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . One brother was then passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason . Then came the all-iniportaut ceremony of the evening , viz ., the installing of Bro . E . \ A . Hubbuck / P . M . and J . AV . into the chair of K . S . which
, , Bro . Dr . AA . Scott did in his usual manner . The newly-installed Master appointed the following brethren his Officers , viz ., C . L . Smyth , S . AA . ; Badger , J . AV . ; Ryder , P . M ., Treas . ; G . N . Mourylian , P . M ., Sec . ; AV . J . Mackenzie , Dir . of Cers . ; Tattershall , S . D . ; Noak , J . D . ; Carliss , I . G . j Riley , P . M ., Tyler . The several addresses were most beautifully delivered , and when completed the applause was unanimous . AA e congratulate Bro .
Dr . AVilliam Scott , P . M ., on the very able manner he has been able to conduct the business of the lodge during his year of office , this being the second year he had occupied the chair . of a lodge , having hardly completed his office in the Royal Oak Lodge when he was installed into the chair of his mother lodge . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , at Bro . Moore's , Globe Tavern , Royal-hill , Greenwich . LODGE or JUSTICE ( No . 147 ) . —The brethren of this oldestablished and flourishing lodge met at six o'clock on the evening of AA ednesday , the 13 th inst ., for the purpose of
installing the W . M . for the ensuing year , at Bro . Porter's , AAHiite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . In consequence of the very serious illness of the W . M . elect , Bro . Hollins , the ceremony was somewhat retarded , which only added an additional zest for the very great treat which was in store when the ceremony of installation was performed . AA e were greatly rejoiced to see that our esteemed and highly respected BroGeorge BoltonPMand Treaswas the Installing
. , .. ., Master . When Bro . John Hollins , AA . M . elect , arrived he immediately commenced by installing him as the W . M ., in the presence of no less than twelve Installed Masters . The new AV . M . appointed his officers as follows , viz ., Bros . , T . Bavin , S . W . ; J . Lightfoot , J . AV . ; G . Bolton , P . M ., re-invested as Treas . ; C . H . Davis , P . M ., re-invested as Sec ; G . Chapman , S . D . ; J . Patte , J . D . ; J . Pinker , I . G . j
S . Garrett , P . M ., as Tyler . AVe have frequently seen our worthy veteran , Bro . George Bolton , do this most important ceremony , hut we consider on this occasion that he , if possible , surpassed all his previous efforts . AVe congratulate him for setting such a good example to the younger brethren , whom we hope will at least try to copy him in his now well-known good working . We are sure that so long as he is amongst Craft Masonry , he will , as is now his
wonted custom , be willing to communicate his superior knowledge to any brother who is in want of instruction . Never did we hear such a hearty hurst of applause given in this lodge before , when the ceremony of installation was finished ; it seemed to emanate from the very hearts and souls the brethren . This must have been a gratifying moment to our worthy Bro . Bolton , when he saw such approbation spontaneously given . AA e hope , ere long , to have the pleasing duty of recording a more tangible form of appreciation of the many services he has rendered the lodge , by seeing him presented with some other