Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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his long and distinguished services as father of the Lodge . The present was gracefully aud feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Pereira , in a short but excellent speech . Bro . Joshua Nunn tlion presented to tho Lodge a number of beautifully-designed Masonic notices , aud it was proposed by Bro . Downe , seconded by Bro . Pereira , that the best thanks of tho Lodge be given to Bro . Nunn for his elegant present , and that the same bo entered in the minutes of the Lodge , which was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshment .
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . —This Lodgo held the monthly mooting on Monday , Mth Jan . at Bro . Ireland ' s , Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane ; Bro . Baker AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Haydon and Moore , Senior and Junior AVardens , aud other officers , opened Lodge , and passed Bros . Stead , Davis , Phillips and Markliam to the second degree , and raised Bro . Lowther , the ceremonies being excellently performed . The other business of the Lodge having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . Bro . Joseph SmithG . Purst . and also P . M . of the Domatic
, , , acknowledged the toast of the Grand Officers , taking , at the same time , the opportunity of largely expatiating upon the beauties of the order . Bro . Smith said , he had further a pleasing duty to perform , that of acquainting the brethren that this was the 73 rd birthday of tho Domatic , it having been constituted on the 1-lth of February 17 S 6 , at the Ship Tavern , Little Turnstile , Holborn . The number being ( according to the old calendar ) No . 234 . Bro . John AVood being the first W . M ., ancl Bros . Charles Broad and John Perkins being the first Senior and Junior Wardens .
Several other toasts followed , including " the Visitors Bros . Gretorex , Taylor , and Bruton , " the last named brother responding ; "the P . Ms . Bros . Brett , Elmes , AV . Carpenter , J . Smith , " & c , Bro . Carpenter replying in his usual happy manner . Some good music by Bros . Bruton , Beckett , Taylor , Carpenter , & c , added to the zest of the evening .
ST . JAMES ' UKIOU LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —This Lodge held the second meeting for tho year on Tuesday , Bro . Stacey , the recently installed AV . M ., presiding . Bros . Enders , AA . Smith , H . Wells , N . Thomas , and AV . Davies were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . After which , Bros . Berry , J . Miles , and J . Price were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . Bro , Thomas Filmer , of No . S 16 , Folkestone , was elected a joining member .
AAl-STBouitNE LODGE ( NO . 1035 ) . —The first anniversary of this thriving Lodge was held on Thursday , February 17 th , at Bro . Bailey ' s , the Manor House Tavern , AA estboume-terrace-north , Paddington . Bro . A , D . Loewenstark , AV . M ., presided , ' and passed Bro . Hannibal Gardener to the second degree . Bro . Tyrrell , PM . No . 16 S , then presented Bro . C . H . Cottebrune , the AV . M . elect , for installation , and that ceremonial was most ably performed by Bro . Loewenstark . The AV . M ., though a young Mason , promises to be a most able worker , and his manner of investing and addressing his officers was worthof remarkHe invested BrosLoewenstark
y . . , P . M . ; Benj . Itussen , S . AA . ; John Caldwell , J . AV . ; H . A . Stacey , Sec . ; F . A . Dietrech , S . D . ; AV . Harrison , J . D . ; A . Eadinni , I . G . ; Lyne , Steward . Bro . J , Turner was elected Treasurer , ancl Bro . Bradley , Tyler . Bro . Loewenstark delivered the usual addresses to the AV . M ., AA ardens and Brethren . The report of the auditors showed a most satisfactory condition of tho finances and prosperity of the Loclge ; there have been eighteen Brethren initiated during its first year . The Loclge having been closedthe Brethren present—thirt—assembled at a ital banquet
, y very cap , and the health of the AV . M . having been proposed by Bro . Loewenstark , Bro . Cottebrune , in reply said none but those who hael passed through a , similar career , could understand his feelings at that moment . A native of France , he , in early life , lost his mother , and his other parent , immersed in business , had no time to show his ohild much paternal tenderness ; hence he knew not , till he entered Masonry , a warm and friendly greeting . He was made a Mason in France , and on leaving his mother Lodge , on his arrival in England , he soon found friends ; and by unremitted
attention , he was enabled to qualify himself for tho distinguished position in which ho had been placed by the AVestbourne Lodge . His best endeavours would bo given to conduct the affairs of the Lodge with satisfaction to tho members and the Craft , The AV . M . then , in kindly terms , spoke of the conduct of his predecessor
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his long and distinguished services as father of the Lodge . The present was gracefully aud feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Pereira , in a short but excellent speech . Bro . Joshua Nunn tlion presented to tho Lodge a number of beautifully-designed Masonic notices , aud it was proposed by Bro . Downe , seconded by Bro . Pereira , that the best thanks of tho Lodge be given to Bro . Nunn for his elegant present , and that the same bo entered in the minutes of the Lodge , which was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshment .
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . —This Lodgo held the monthly mooting on Monday , Mth Jan . at Bro . Ireland ' s , Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane ; Bro . Baker AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Haydon and Moore , Senior and Junior AVardens , aud other officers , opened Lodge , and passed Bros . Stead , Davis , Phillips and Markliam to the second degree , and raised Bro . Lowther , the ceremonies being excellently performed . The other business of the Lodge having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . Bro . Joseph SmithG . Purst . and also P . M . of the Domatic
, , , acknowledged the toast of the Grand Officers , taking , at the same time , the opportunity of largely expatiating upon the beauties of the order . Bro . Smith said , he had further a pleasing duty to perform , that of acquainting the brethren that this was the 73 rd birthday of tho Domatic , it having been constituted on the 1-lth of February 17 S 6 , at the Ship Tavern , Little Turnstile , Holborn . The number being ( according to the old calendar ) No . 234 . Bro . John AVood being the first W . M ., ancl Bros . Charles Broad and John Perkins being the first Senior and Junior Wardens .
Several other toasts followed , including " the Visitors Bros . Gretorex , Taylor , and Bruton , " the last named brother responding ; "the P . Ms . Bros . Brett , Elmes , AV . Carpenter , J . Smith , " & c , Bro . Carpenter replying in his usual happy manner . Some good music by Bros . Bruton , Beckett , Taylor , Carpenter , & c , added to the zest of the evening .
ST . JAMES ' UKIOU LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —This Lodge held the second meeting for tho year on Tuesday , Bro . Stacey , the recently installed AV . M ., presiding . Bros . Enders , AA . Smith , H . Wells , N . Thomas , and AV . Davies were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . After which , Bros . Berry , J . Miles , and J . Price were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . Bro , Thomas Filmer , of No . S 16 , Folkestone , was elected a joining member .
AAl-STBouitNE LODGE ( NO . 1035 ) . —The first anniversary of this thriving Lodge was held on Thursday , February 17 th , at Bro . Bailey ' s , the Manor House Tavern , AA estboume-terrace-north , Paddington . Bro . A , D . Loewenstark , AV . M ., presided , ' and passed Bro . Hannibal Gardener to the second degree . Bro . Tyrrell , PM . No . 16 S , then presented Bro . C . H . Cottebrune , the AV . M . elect , for installation , and that ceremonial was most ably performed by Bro . Loewenstark . The AV . M ., though a young Mason , promises to be a most able worker , and his manner of investing and addressing his officers was worthof remarkHe invested BrosLoewenstark
y . . , P . M . ; Benj . Itussen , S . AA . ; John Caldwell , J . AV . ; H . A . Stacey , Sec . ; F . A . Dietrech , S . D . ; AV . Harrison , J . D . ; A . Eadinni , I . G . ; Lyne , Steward . Bro . J , Turner was elected Treasurer , ancl Bro . Bradley , Tyler . Bro . Loewenstark delivered the usual addresses to the AV . M ., AA ardens and Brethren . The report of the auditors showed a most satisfactory condition of tho finances and prosperity of the Loclge ; there have been eighteen Brethren initiated during its first year . The Loclge having been closedthe Brethren present—thirt—assembled at a ital banquet
, y very cap , and the health of the AV . M . having been proposed by Bro . Loewenstark , Bro . Cottebrune , in reply said none but those who hael passed through a , similar career , could understand his feelings at that moment . A native of France , he , in early life , lost his mother , and his other parent , immersed in business , had no time to show his ohild much paternal tenderness ; hence he knew not , till he entered Masonry , a warm and friendly greeting . He was made a Mason in France , and on leaving his mother Lodge , on his arrival in England , he soon found friends ; and by unremitted
attention , he was enabled to qualify himself for tho distinguished position in which ho had been placed by the AVestbourne Lodge . His best endeavours would bo given to conduct the affairs of the Lodge with satisfaction to tho members and the Craft , The AV . M . then , in kindly terms , spoke of the conduct of his predecessor