Article MASONRY IN KENTUCKY. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonry In Kentucky.
throughout the United States the past year . Some pretty rough ashlers must have been among them ; no working tools could smooth them off , or make them perfect . One very important amendment to the Constitution was offered , and lies over for twelve months . If adopted , it will completely kill those drones who infest our hives , eating our honey , and never endeavouring at any time to add to the store ; if adopted , it debars all
nonaffiliated Masons , who shall have been twelve months admitted from membership from visiting a Lodge ; a wise provision , especially in this country , where there are so many travellers , who are living on the fat of the land , putting up at the best hotels , and begging the Lodges for money to pay the bills . There were 1 , 223 initiations , and 131 deaths , the last j'ear , among a membership of 10 , 319 , and 330 Lodges ; the receipts for ' dues to Grand
Lodge were 10 , 017 dollars . As a member of the Grand Lodge , I feel highly complimented , when one of the most prominent Prov . Grand Officers of Munster , has assured iuc that he has never seen any thing in the way of proceedings , that can compare with those of our grand body . One very interesting feature at our last meeting was the presentation to the Grand Lodge of the sword worn by Grand Master John Davis , when he fell at the memorable battle of Tippacanoe . The sivord is enclosed in a case of the AA-OOC ! of the tree under which he died on the bloody field , in a hand to hand conflict with the red man .
The sword was presented by Bro . Levi Todd , a noble specimen of a man , tall , and straight as an arrow , his venerable head white as the " almond tree when it is flourishing , " and Avas received by Past Grand Master Wintersmith in a very eloquent address to him , and the deputation accompanying him from tho Grand Lodge of Indiana , in which state the battle was fought . I cannot close this portion of my letter without saying something of the
scenes enacted after the Grand Lodge had been closed , but not dismissed . The Most Worshipful Grand Master , Bro . Morris , called upon the Most Worshipful Past Grand Master , Wing'ate , AA'ho for over forty years has been annually at his post , to say something to the brethren ' before they departed , perhaps never again to meet in that Grand Lodge hall . Bro . Wingate began ( his venerable and imposing form , over six feet , high above every one ); but tears came , and he had for some moments to
cease his utterance . He called to mind the many happy hours they had passed together year after year in that room ; the principles there inculcated , as well as in their own Lodges , had , no doubt , taught them the duties imposed upon them . He dwelt especially on charity , and depicted the widow with her little ones , standing by the grave of hi ' m , who , when death had robbed her of her partner , who h ' ad been to her a friend , and to her little onesa father ; she mourns his losstelling her children that there
_ , rested their best friend . He felt that he AA-OUICI sooner have such a scene at his grave than a marble monument erected over his dust , recording his many acts of braveiy , & c . ; but it would be utterly impossible for me to attempt to record his words . Of the , say three hundred , then present , I venture to assert , not one but felt his heart beat , and his eyes fill , yea , tears were shed by men who never shed them before . May Bro . Wingate long be spared to us as a counsellor and friend .
And now let me speak of what has been done since our communication : — A school of instruction has been organized here , with our worthy Grand Master as President , similar to those ' in your city ; the lectures imparted are of the Preston order , I believe , as taught by him to Webb , and by
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Masonry In Kentucky.
throughout the United States the past year . Some pretty rough ashlers must have been among them ; no working tools could smooth them off , or make them perfect . One very important amendment to the Constitution was offered , and lies over for twelve months . If adopted , it will completely kill those drones who infest our hives , eating our honey , and never endeavouring at any time to add to the store ; if adopted , it debars all
nonaffiliated Masons , who shall have been twelve months admitted from membership from visiting a Lodge ; a wise provision , especially in this country , where there are so many travellers , who are living on the fat of the land , putting up at the best hotels , and begging the Lodges for money to pay the bills . There were 1 , 223 initiations , and 131 deaths , the last j'ear , among a membership of 10 , 319 , and 330 Lodges ; the receipts for ' dues to Grand
Lodge were 10 , 017 dollars . As a member of the Grand Lodge , I feel highly complimented , when one of the most prominent Prov . Grand Officers of Munster , has assured iuc that he has never seen any thing in the way of proceedings , that can compare with those of our grand body . One very interesting feature at our last meeting was the presentation to the Grand Lodge of the sword worn by Grand Master John Davis , when he fell at the memorable battle of Tippacanoe . The sivord is enclosed in a case of the AA-OOC ! of the tree under which he died on the bloody field , in a hand to hand conflict with the red man .
The sword was presented by Bro . Levi Todd , a noble specimen of a man , tall , and straight as an arrow , his venerable head white as the " almond tree when it is flourishing , " and Avas received by Past Grand Master Wintersmith in a very eloquent address to him , and the deputation accompanying him from tho Grand Lodge of Indiana , in which state the battle was fought . I cannot close this portion of my letter without saying something of the
scenes enacted after the Grand Lodge had been closed , but not dismissed . The Most Worshipful Grand Master , Bro . Morris , called upon the Most Worshipful Past Grand Master , Wing'ate , AA'ho for over forty years has been annually at his post , to say something to the brethren ' before they departed , perhaps never again to meet in that Grand Lodge hall . Bro . Wingate began ( his venerable and imposing form , over six feet , high above every one ); but tears came , and he had for some moments to
cease his utterance . He called to mind the many happy hours they had passed together year after year in that room ; the principles there inculcated , as well as in their own Lodges , had , no doubt , taught them the duties imposed upon them . He dwelt especially on charity , and depicted the widow with her little ones , standing by the grave of hi ' m , who , when death had robbed her of her partner , who h ' ad been to her a friend , and to her little onesa father ; she mourns his losstelling her children that there
_ , rested their best friend . He felt that he AA-OUICI sooner have such a scene at his grave than a marble monument erected over his dust , recording his many acts of braveiy , & c . ; but it would be utterly impossible for me to attempt to record his words . Of the , say three hundred , then present , I venture to assert , not one but felt his heart beat , and his eyes fill , yea , tears were shed by men who never shed them before . May Bro . Wingate long be spared to us as a counsellor and friend .
And now let me speak of what has been done since our communication : — A school of instruction has been organized here , with our worthy Grand Master as President , similar to those ' in your city ; the lectures imparted are of the Preston order , I believe , as taught by him to Webb , and by