Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 7 →
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being opened , the Avhole of the fifteen sections were worked in excellent style as follows : —1 st lecture , sect . 1 st . Bros . Steward ; 2 nd . Hardey ; Srd . Eobinson ; 4 th . Coulcher ; Sth . Le Gassick ; 6 th . AA atson ; and 7 th . Adams . 2 nd lecture . Bros . Hardey , Lo Gassick , Beckett , Adams , aud AA atson . " 3 rd lecture by Bros . Coulcher , Beckett , and Adams . The arrangements for next meeting were as follows . —Bvo . CoAilchev . AV . M . ; Bro . Le Gassick , S . AV . ; Bro . Stevens , J . AV ., & c Bro . AVatsonprior to closing the Lod addressed the brethrenurging the
, go , , necessity of greater attention to Lodges of Instruction , through which medium only would they be rendered worthy of office in their respective Lodges ; for ho had seen , with regret , brethren pass from one office to another , and finally take the chair as AV . M ., Avithout one recommendation for it beyond that of gentlemanly bearing aud brotherly feeling . This might be all very Avell iu ordinary festive meetings , but in Masonic matters it was different . A certain amount of study was requisiteand could onlbe obtained at Lodges of Instruction . He ( Bro . AA atson )
, y had ventured to offer these feiv remarks , and hoped they ivould not bo thrown away . There ivas no desire to induce brethren to visit Lodges if militating against their business avocations , but he ivould endeavour to impress upon young members of the Order to devote as much time to it as was consistent with those avocations . Bro . AVatson having concluded , Bro . Coulcher proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . AVatson , which was unanimously carried . Lodge was then adjourned .
BRISTOL . ' Ai'PoiKiMiHTS . —ioAies . —Wednesday , March 30 lh , Eoyal Susses ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hull at 7 ; Friday , April 1 st . Instruction . — ] 3 itto , at 7 ^ . CHESHIRE . AxiotinatXKl . —Chapter . —Saturday , April 2 nd , industry ( 465 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , at 3 . HYDE . — Lodge of Industry ( No . 465 . )—This Lodge held its regular monthly
meeting , on Thursday , tho 17 th ult ., at the Norfolk Arms Hotel , the AV . M . presiding . Bros . Hethci'ington and AA anstall were passed to the degree of FOIIOAV Craft ; after AA'hich Mr . J . AVoldon ivas initiated into tho mysteries of the Order . There were four gentlemen proposed for initiation at the next Lodge . Several important matters were postpoucd for discussion to a future meeting , and the Lodge closed in harmony . C'ORNAVALL .
ArromwiBKl , —toc / jc—Monday , March 2 Sth , Boscuiren ( 1000 ) , Masonic Booms , Chaeeivatefj CUMBERLAND . ^ 'WiGiox . — St . Mn ' sLodge ( No , 409 ) . A meeting of this Lodge was held oil Thursday , the 10 th instant , for the purpose of presenting Bro , Thomas Roper , P , S . G . AA . ( who is about leaving AA igton ) , with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a memorial of their appreciation of the services rendered
by him to the Lodge , and a mark of their good feeling towards him . There were several visitors present , amongst whom AVC observed Bro . AAMt . G . Key , P . Prov . G . S . AA . Kent , and P . Prov . G . D . C . Suffolk , and Bro . Piel as representing tho Lodge No . 138 . Tho gift was acknowledged iu the warmest terms , and Bro . Eoper expressed his regret at being about to depart , but assured them he should ahvays entertain the liveliest and most pleasurable recollections of his connection with the St . John ' s Lodge . After tho Lod ge was closed , a handsome gold chain was presented to Bro . Roper by Bro ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
being opened , the Avhole of the fifteen sections were worked in excellent style as follows : —1 st lecture , sect . 1 st . Bros . Steward ; 2 nd . Hardey ; Srd . Eobinson ; 4 th . Coulcher ; Sth . Le Gassick ; 6 th . AA atson ; and 7 th . Adams . 2 nd lecture . Bros . Hardey , Lo Gassick , Beckett , Adams , aud AA atson . " 3 rd lecture by Bros . Coulcher , Beckett , and Adams . The arrangements for next meeting were as follows . —Bvo . CoAilchev . AV . M . ; Bro . Le Gassick , S . AV . ; Bro . Stevens , J . AV ., & c Bro . AVatsonprior to closing the Lod addressed the brethrenurging the
, go , , necessity of greater attention to Lodges of Instruction , through which medium only would they be rendered worthy of office in their respective Lodges ; for ho had seen , with regret , brethren pass from one office to another , and finally take the chair as AV . M ., Avithout one recommendation for it beyond that of gentlemanly bearing aud brotherly feeling . This might be all very Avell iu ordinary festive meetings , but in Masonic matters it was different . A certain amount of study was requisiteand could onlbe obtained at Lodges of Instruction . He ( Bro . AA atson )
, y had ventured to offer these feiv remarks , and hoped they ivould not bo thrown away . There ivas no desire to induce brethren to visit Lodges if militating against their business avocations , but he ivould endeavour to impress upon young members of the Order to devote as much time to it as was consistent with those avocations . Bro . AVatson having concluded , Bro . Coulcher proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . AVatson , which was unanimously carried . Lodge was then adjourned .
BRISTOL . ' Ai'PoiKiMiHTS . —ioAies . —Wednesday , March 30 lh , Eoyal Susses ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hull at 7 ; Friday , April 1 st . Instruction . — ] 3 itto , at 7 ^ . CHESHIRE . AxiotinatXKl . —Chapter . —Saturday , April 2 nd , industry ( 465 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , at 3 . HYDE . — Lodge of Industry ( No . 465 . )—This Lodge held its regular monthly
meeting , on Thursday , tho 17 th ult ., at the Norfolk Arms Hotel , the AV . M . presiding . Bros . Hethci'ington and AA anstall were passed to the degree of FOIIOAV Craft ; after AA'hich Mr . J . AVoldon ivas initiated into tho mysteries of the Order . There were four gentlemen proposed for initiation at the next Lodge . Several important matters were postpoucd for discussion to a future meeting , and the Lodge closed in harmony . C'ORNAVALL .
ArromwiBKl , —toc / jc—Monday , March 2 Sth , Boscuiren ( 1000 ) , Masonic Booms , Chaeeivatefj CUMBERLAND . ^ 'WiGiox . — St . Mn ' sLodge ( No , 409 ) . A meeting of this Lodge was held oil Thursday , the 10 th instant , for the purpose of presenting Bro , Thomas Roper , P , S . G . AA . ( who is about leaving AA igton ) , with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a memorial of their appreciation of the services rendered
by him to the Lodge , and a mark of their good feeling towards him . There were several visitors present , amongst whom AVC observed Bro . AAMt . G . Key , P . Prov . G . S . AA . Kent , and P . Prov . G . D . C . Suffolk , and Bro . Piel as representing tho Lodge No . 138 . Tho gift was acknowledged iu the warmest terms , and Bro . Eoper expressed his regret at being about to depart , but assured them he should ahvays entertain the liveliest and most pleasurable recollections of his connection with the St . John ' s Lodge . After tho Lod ge was closed , a handsome gold chain was presented to Bro . Roper by Bro ,