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Messenger , agent for the Cumberland Union Bank , the gift of a few intimate friends , for which Bro . Roper expressed his best thanks . The Brethren then adjourned to the Athenmum , where Bro . Boper was entertained at a public dinner , Bro . J . Lemon in the chair . After the loyal and patriotic toasts , "Health and Prosperity to Bro . Boper" was enthusiastically drunk ; and with equal warmth responded to . AVe beliei'e Bro . Roper is about to become partner of a large mercantile firm in Liverpool , ivhither lie will be followed by the best wishes of all hij 3 fellow townsmen .
DORSETSHIRE . AvvoiyT 4 Wl ! , —f , odye ,- ~ Thiivadfiy , March 31 st , St . Mary ' s ( 10119 ) , Bull Ian , Bridport , at ' / . DURHAM . ArroHTTMiNTS . —iorfi / cs . —Monday , Maioh 28 th , Industry ( 56 ) , Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead , ni 7 ; Thursday , 31 st , Restoration ( 128 ) , Town Hall , Darlington . Chapter . —Iiambton ( 521 ) , Jjnmbton Amis , Chester le Street , at 2 .
HAMPSHIRE . AppoumiEN __~ . 7 _ i . tfje . —AYednesday , March 30 th , Economy ( 90 ) , Black Swan , Winchester , at 7 . BASINGSTOKE . —Oakley Lodge ( No . 995 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held at the Black Boy Inn , Basingstoke , on Monday , the 14 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the Rev . AV . H , Davies as AV . M ., and investing the respective officers of the Lodge for the present also to initiate into the mysteries of the OrderMessrs
year ; , . AA . II . Grubbe , and AV . M . Foster , both of the 9 th Regiment , stationed at Aidershot . Many of the brethren of the Lodge and several visitors attended on this iueeresting occasion . The ceremony of initiation was performed by AV . Bro . S . R . Everitt , P . M ., No . " 90 , who kindly undertook that office in consequence of our AA . M . being detained in toivn by his parliamentary duties ; but having arrived in time to officiate as installing Master , he took the chair , and Avith his well knoivn efficiency and urbanity performed that dutyassisted bAV . Bro . the Rev . C . R . PettatP . M .
, y , , No . 702 ; AV . Bro . AV . Dawes , AV . M ., No . 1025 ; AV . Bro . S . R , Everitt , P . M ., No . DO . The AV . Bro . AV . AA . Beach , M . P ., then resigned jthe chair , after having occupied it for the last tiA'O years , and having worked the Lodge in the most admirable manner . His resignation was accompanied with the highest esteem and regard of all the brethren , he having been chiefly instrumental in bringing the Lodge into its present flourishing condition . The newly installed Master invested his Wardens , Bro . J . Hammerton , S . AA ., Bro , AV . Challis , J . AA ., and other officers ivith their respective
badges . The business of the Lodge being finished it was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Toivn Hall to partake of a banquet prepared by tho hostess of the Black Boy Inn , under the direction of Bro . R . S . Hulbert , Senior Steward , pro tem . After the cloth was removed , ^ and thanks returned to the G . A . O . T . U . by the Chaplain , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were properly celebrated , and several eloquent and Masonic speeches made , the intervals being filled up by the well known vocal abilities of Bros . Powell , Hillier , Adams , Lodwidge , ancl Figgins , after which the brethren separated in peace and harmony , having spent a very pleasant evening .
ISLE OF AA'IGHT . ATmoiKTXKSi . —Lodge . —Tuesday , M . arch ; 29 th , Eyde ( 999 ) , Alasonic Hall , Kyde , at 7 . KENT . AppoiNiirsur . — -Co (/ jc—Friday , April 1 st , Union ( 140 ) , King's Head , Margate , at 7 . RAMSGATE . —Royal Nary Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —On AVeduesday , the 16 th inst , the brethren met at Hiscock ' s Royal Hotel , Avhere the Lodge is held , on the occasion of
the usual bi-monthly meeting , and the last ( emergency excepted ) for the season . The brethren from the Union Lodge , Margate , favoured the Eoyal Navy Lodge with their presence , and by their numbers contributed to fill the Lodge room . Bro . Q . Stevens , AV . M ., presided . Lodge being opened , the AV . M , delivered a very
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Messenger , agent for the Cumberland Union Bank , the gift of a few intimate friends , for which Bro . Roper expressed his best thanks . The Brethren then adjourned to the Athenmum , where Bro . Boper was entertained at a public dinner , Bro . J . Lemon in the chair . After the loyal and patriotic toasts , "Health and Prosperity to Bro . Boper" was enthusiastically drunk ; and with equal warmth responded to . AVe beliei'e Bro . Roper is about to become partner of a large mercantile firm in Liverpool , ivhither lie will be followed by the best wishes of all hij 3 fellow townsmen .
DORSETSHIRE . AvvoiyT 4 Wl ! , —f , odye ,- ~ Thiivadfiy , March 31 st , St . Mary ' s ( 10119 ) , Bull Ian , Bridport , at ' / . DURHAM . ArroHTTMiNTS . —iorfi / cs . —Monday , Maioh 28 th , Industry ( 56 ) , Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead , ni 7 ; Thursday , 31 st , Restoration ( 128 ) , Town Hall , Darlington . Chapter . —Iiambton ( 521 ) , Jjnmbton Amis , Chester le Street , at 2 .
HAMPSHIRE . AppoumiEN __~ . 7 _ i . tfje . —AYednesday , March 30 th , Economy ( 90 ) , Black Swan , Winchester , at 7 . BASINGSTOKE . —Oakley Lodge ( No . 995 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held at the Black Boy Inn , Basingstoke , on Monday , the 14 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the Rev . AV . H , Davies as AV . M ., and investing the respective officers of the Lodge for the present also to initiate into the mysteries of the OrderMessrs
year ; , . AA . II . Grubbe , and AV . M . Foster , both of the 9 th Regiment , stationed at Aidershot . Many of the brethren of the Lodge and several visitors attended on this iueeresting occasion . The ceremony of initiation was performed by AV . Bro . S . R . Everitt , P . M ., No . " 90 , who kindly undertook that office in consequence of our AA . M . being detained in toivn by his parliamentary duties ; but having arrived in time to officiate as installing Master , he took the chair , and Avith his well knoivn efficiency and urbanity performed that dutyassisted bAV . Bro . the Rev . C . R . PettatP . M .
, y , , No . 702 ; AV . Bro . AV . Dawes , AV . M ., No . 1025 ; AV . Bro . S . R , Everitt , P . M ., No . DO . The AV . Bro . AV . AA . Beach , M . P ., then resigned jthe chair , after having occupied it for the last tiA'O years , and having worked the Lodge in the most admirable manner . His resignation was accompanied with the highest esteem and regard of all the brethren , he having been chiefly instrumental in bringing the Lodge into its present flourishing condition . The newly installed Master invested his Wardens , Bro . J . Hammerton , S . AA ., Bro , AV . Challis , J . AA ., and other officers ivith their respective
badges . The business of the Lodge being finished it was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Toivn Hall to partake of a banquet prepared by tho hostess of the Black Boy Inn , under the direction of Bro . R . S . Hulbert , Senior Steward , pro tem . After the cloth was removed , ^ and thanks returned to the G . A . O . T . U . by the Chaplain , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were properly celebrated , and several eloquent and Masonic speeches made , the intervals being filled up by the well known vocal abilities of Bros . Powell , Hillier , Adams , Lodwidge , ancl Figgins , after which the brethren separated in peace and harmony , having spent a very pleasant evening .
ISLE OF AA'IGHT . ATmoiKTXKSi . —Lodge . —Tuesday , M . arch ; 29 th , Eyde ( 999 ) , Alasonic Hall , Kyde , at 7 . KENT . AppoiNiirsur . — -Co (/ jc—Friday , April 1 st , Union ( 140 ) , King's Head , Margate , at 7 . RAMSGATE . —Royal Nary Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —On AVeduesday , the 16 th inst , the brethren met at Hiscock ' s Royal Hotel , Avhere the Lodge is held , on the occasion of
the usual bi-monthly meeting , and the last ( emergency excepted ) for the season . The brethren from the Union Lodge , Margate , favoured the Eoyal Navy Lodge with their presence , and by their numbers contributed to fill the Lodge room . Bro . Q . Stevens , AV . M ., presided . Lodge being opened , the AV . M , delivered a very