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able lecture on the first tracing board , very clearly and well , to ivhich great aud marked attention AA'as paid by the brethren . The excellent matter and eloquent language used in this lecture wore such as must merit the attention , urge on the application , and increase the Masonic knowledge of every Mason present . Bro . R . G . Higgins , P . M ., presented the Lodge with four elegant glasses for the chandeliers in the Lodge room , which were used for the first time on this evening , for
which the thanks ofthe Lodgo AA-ero voted to Bro . Higgins , who replied in his usual felicitous style , with much feeling . The business of the evening having been concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The chair was taken by the AA . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given ancl duly responded to , Bro . B . Z . Hiscock , lP . M „ proposcdjtlie "Health of tlie'WorslripfulJMaster and Brethren ol the Union Lodge , Margate , " eulogising the good feeling shoivn by them towards the Eoyal Navy Lodge . The AA ' . M . of the Union LodgeMargatereturned thanks
, , in such a manner as to elicit great applause from the Brethren . Bro . J . H . Boys , P . M . of this Lodge , and also of the Union Lodge , Margate , in a very effective manner clvrelt upon the importance of the Lodge choosing efficient officers , complimenting the members upon the choice they had made for the last feiv years , and attributing tho large number of its members to that cause ; it IIOAV ranks second in point of numbers of any Lodge in the province of Kent . Bro . Boys dwelt particularly on the lecture given by the AV . M ., of which he could not speak too highly ;
its historic researches were highly valuable . The toast of " The officers of the Eoyal Navy Lodge" was proposed and drunk with the usual honours . Bro . Finch , J . AV ., returned thanks in a manner which gave great satisfaction . After the toast of " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the brethren separated , nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry in general , or of this Lodge in particular . In tho course of the evening , Bro . B . Z . Hiscocks sang tho " Entered Apprentice ' s song , " aud Bros . Fenwick , Thorne , and Snowden , favoured the party ivith some excellent music .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) , ArpoiNisn - HM . —Lodges . —AVeduesday , -March 30 th , Integrity ( 189 ) , Cross Street Chambers , Manchester , at 0 ; Friday , April 1 st , Anchor and Hope ( il ) , SAvau Hotel , Bolton , at 0 . Chapter . —Thursday , March 31 st , Virtue ( 177 ) , Masonic Booms , Manchester , at 5 . OEDIIAM . —Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) . —A meeting for transacting the ordinary business of this Lodge , AA'as held at the Angel hotel , on AA ednesday evening last , the lGth inst . TAA'O candidates were balloted for ancl accepted , one of ivhom
was afterwards initiated . The address of the Board of General Purposes , in reference to the conversion of the freehold property of the society exclusively to Masonic uses , which was read and partly considered at the previous regular meeting , held on tho 16 th of February , and adjourned for further discussion , was again taken into consideration ; Avhen tho brethren came unanimously to the following resolutions : —1 . " That a library , reading and refreshment iroorns , are , in the opinion of this Lodge , requisite ; aud that they would be acceptable to the Craft
generally . —2 . That it is desirable , if found practicable , to devote the necessary property , solely and exclusively to Masonic uses . —3 . That , individually , this Lodgo is prepared to submit to some diminution of the annual income of the society , for tho purpose of keeping such property sacred to Masonry . —4 . That the support from this Lodge , in the shape of annual subscriptions , for the privilege of separate reading and refreshment rooms , would , from distance , necessarily be small ; but that , at present , no definite reply can be given in reference thereto . —5 . That it would not be expedient or desirable , even with the prospect of an adequate return , to incur any outlay in extending the tavern , " The Lodge was then closed in form .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge of Instruction ( No . 310 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , March 19 th , under the patronage of Bro . 'the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , tho brethren assembled at half-past six o ' clock , and after the usual preliminaries , Bro . May , the J . AA ., No . 971 , went through the ceremony of passing a brother to the degree of Follow Craft ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
able lecture on the first tracing board , very clearly and well , to ivhich great aud marked attention AA'as paid by the brethren . The excellent matter and eloquent language used in this lecture wore such as must merit the attention , urge on the application , and increase the Masonic knowledge of every Mason present . Bro . R . G . Higgins , P . M ., presented the Lodge with four elegant glasses for the chandeliers in the Lodge room , which were used for the first time on this evening , for
which the thanks ofthe Lodgo AA-ero voted to Bro . Higgins , who replied in his usual felicitous style , with much feeling . The business of the evening having been concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The chair was taken by the AA . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given ancl duly responded to , Bro . B . Z . Hiscock , lP . M „ proposcdjtlie "Health of tlie'WorslripfulJMaster and Brethren ol the Union Lodge , Margate , " eulogising the good feeling shoivn by them towards the Eoyal Navy Lodge . The AA ' . M . of the Union LodgeMargatereturned thanks
, , in such a manner as to elicit great applause from the Brethren . Bro . J . H . Boys , P . M . of this Lodge , and also of the Union Lodge , Margate , in a very effective manner clvrelt upon the importance of the Lodge choosing efficient officers , complimenting the members upon the choice they had made for the last feiv years , and attributing tho large number of its members to that cause ; it IIOAV ranks second in point of numbers of any Lodge in the province of Kent . Bro . Boys dwelt particularly on the lecture given by the AV . M ., of which he could not speak too highly ;
its historic researches were highly valuable . The toast of " The officers of the Eoyal Navy Lodge" was proposed and drunk with the usual honours . Bro . Finch , J . AV ., returned thanks in a manner which gave great satisfaction . After the toast of " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the brethren separated , nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry in general , or of this Lodge in particular . In tho course of the evening , Bro . B . Z . Hiscocks sang tho " Entered Apprentice ' s song , " aud Bros . Fenwick , Thorne , and Snowden , favoured the party ivith some excellent music .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) , ArpoiNisn - HM . —Lodges . —AVeduesday , -March 30 th , Integrity ( 189 ) , Cross Street Chambers , Manchester , at 0 ; Friday , April 1 st , Anchor and Hope ( il ) , SAvau Hotel , Bolton , at 0 . Chapter . —Thursday , March 31 st , Virtue ( 177 ) , Masonic Booms , Manchester , at 5 . OEDIIAM . —Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) . —A meeting for transacting the ordinary business of this Lodge , AA'as held at the Angel hotel , on AA ednesday evening last , the lGth inst . TAA'O candidates were balloted for ancl accepted , one of ivhom
was afterwards initiated . The address of the Board of General Purposes , in reference to the conversion of the freehold property of the society exclusively to Masonic uses , which was read and partly considered at the previous regular meeting , held on tho 16 th of February , and adjourned for further discussion , was again taken into consideration ; Avhen tho brethren came unanimously to the following resolutions : —1 . " That a library , reading and refreshment iroorns , are , in the opinion of this Lodge , requisite ; aud that they would be acceptable to the Craft
generally . —2 . That it is desirable , if found practicable , to devote the necessary property , solely and exclusively to Masonic uses . —3 . That , individually , this Lodgo is prepared to submit to some diminution of the annual income of the society , for tho purpose of keeping such property sacred to Masonry . —4 . That the support from this Lodge , in the shape of annual subscriptions , for the privilege of separate reading and refreshment rooms , would , from distance , necessarily be small ; but that , at present , no definite reply can be given in reference thereto . —5 . That it would not be expedient or desirable , even with the prospect of an adequate return , to incur any outlay in extending the tavern , " The Lodge was then closed in form .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge of Instruction ( No . 310 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , March 19 th , under the patronage of Bro . 'the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , tho brethren assembled at half-past six o ' clock , and after the usual preliminaries , Bro . May , the J . AA ., No . 971 , went through the ceremony of passing a brother to the degree of Follow Craft ;