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and Bro . Loivin having been called to tho chair , tho brethren worked tho sections in tho first degree . Bro . Popper , P . M ., and Hon . Sec , informed the brethren that the . Freemasons' Magazine , from 1854 to this date , had been received from the bookbinders , aud placed in the library , and might be had on application to Bro . Caldwell , the librarian . The Treasurer presented several Masonic books to the Lodgo , which wero ordered to be placed in the library , and catalogued . It AAMS ordered that the " Masonic Jurisprudence , " by Bro . Dr . Oliver , be at once obtained . Several brethren were proposed for joining , and the Lodge was closed ivith due solemnity ,
NORFOLK . A . rtommmi . —Lodgc . —Thursday , March 31 st , Pci'scvcrimoe ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Kbnvich , at 8 ,
OXFORDSHIRE . OXVOHD . —Alfred LoilgeQUo . 425 ) . —At the regular monthly meeting on the 15 th , the folloiving report of a committee was read , maturely considered , and unanimously adopted . A copy thereof was directed to be forwarded to the Grand Secretary . ' 'The committee appointed to report upon several questions mooted by Grand Lodge as to tho expediency of applying certain premises in Groat Queen Street , Londonto the solo ancl exclusive use of Masonry , or otherwisehave met and
, , duly considered this subject , with the assistance of a statement issued by way of circular by the President aud the Board of General Purposes , in accordance with the resolution ofthe Grand Lodge , of December the 1 st , 1858 . They unanimously recommend that the following answers should be sent to the questions submitted to them in the before mentioned circular . To the 1 st . — ' Are a library , reading , and refreshment rooms requisite ; and would they be acceptable to the Craft generally ? ' AA e ' consider that the advantages AA'hich Avill be afforded to country
brethren , on their visits to London , by having a portion of the Grand Lodge premises devoted to these objects , are undeniable ; and must , we think , render them ' acceptable to tho Craft generally . ' AVe suggest the addition of a museum , for the reception and exhibition of Masonic antiquities and curiosities ; to include old MSS . and records , seals , pictures , portfolios of prints , portraits , old circulars and documents ; ancient ancl curious jewels , dresses , and ornaments ; with other objects illustrating the history and archaeology or Freemasonry . It is presumed that there arc many of these in various parts of the country , of comparatively little service to their present possessors , which may find their way to a national Masonic museum ,
under the care of the Grand Lodge . To the 2 nd question— ' If it be found practicrble , will it bo desirable to devote the necessary property solely aud exclusively to Masonic uses ? ' we reply , unhesitatingly , in the affirmative ; considering that the time has arrived when circumstances fully warrant this step , which will tend to elevate the character of Freemasonry , aud greatly to increase its usefulness . To tho Srd— ' Aro the Craft prepared to submit to some diminution of their annual income for the purpose of keeping such property sacred to Masonry ? ' We . aro preparedif to submit to some diminution of annual income for this
, necessary , purpose . AA e do not anticipate any such diminution , but , on tho contrary , a groat and sustained increase of funds . To the 4 th— ' If it should ho found desirable hereafter that an annual subscription ( whicli would necessarily bo of very small amount ) should bo required to entitle the brethren to the uses of separate reading and refreshment rooms , what support would it probably receive from your Lodge , or the members thereof ? ' AA e consider that the general support of this Lodge would bo given to the establishments separate reading and refreshment rooms ; and that
probably fifty of our members ivould be glad to avail themselves of their advantages at a small annual subscription . To the last— ' If it can bo shown , that a considera'ble outlay , for the purpose of giving increased accommodation to the Craft , and at tho same time very much extending the tavern , would be productive of an adequate . return , would such a proceeding be expedient and desirable ? ' If the proposed portion of tho property ho devoted exclusively to Masonic uses , or to such as aro sanctioned by Grand Lodge , we AA'ill support any outlay necessary to provide the accommodation required ; but we do not think it well to give our sanction to any
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and Bro . Loivin having been called to tho chair , tho brethren worked tho sections in tho first degree . Bro . Popper , P . M ., and Hon . Sec , informed the brethren that the . Freemasons' Magazine , from 1854 to this date , had been received from the bookbinders , aud placed in the library , and might be had on application to Bro . Caldwell , the librarian . The Treasurer presented several Masonic books to the Lodgo , which wero ordered to be placed in the library , and catalogued . It AAMS ordered that the " Masonic Jurisprudence , " by Bro . Dr . Oliver , be at once obtained . Several brethren were proposed for joining , and the Lodge was closed ivith due solemnity ,
NORFOLK . A . rtommmi . —Lodgc . —Thursday , March 31 st , Pci'scvcrimoe ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Kbnvich , at 8 ,
OXFORDSHIRE . OXVOHD . —Alfred LoilgeQUo . 425 ) . —At the regular monthly meeting on the 15 th , the folloiving report of a committee was read , maturely considered , and unanimously adopted . A copy thereof was directed to be forwarded to the Grand Secretary . ' 'The committee appointed to report upon several questions mooted by Grand Lodge as to tho expediency of applying certain premises in Groat Queen Street , Londonto the solo ancl exclusive use of Masonry , or otherwisehave met and
, , duly considered this subject , with the assistance of a statement issued by way of circular by the President aud the Board of General Purposes , in accordance with the resolution ofthe Grand Lodge , of December the 1 st , 1858 . They unanimously recommend that the following answers should be sent to the questions submitted to them in the before mentioned circular . To the 1 st . — ' Are a library , reading , and refreshment rooms requisite ; and would they be acceptable to the Craft generally ? ' AA e ' consider that the advantages AA'hich Avill be afforded to country
brethren , on their visits to London , by having a portion of the Grand Lodge premises devoted to these objects , are undeniable ; and must , we think , render them ' acceptable to tho Craft generally . ' AVe suggest the addition of a museum , for the reception and exhibition of Masonic antiquities and curiosities ; to include old MSS . and records , seals , pictures , portfolios of prints , portraits , old circulars and documents ; ancient ancl curious jewels , dresses , and ornaments ; with other objects illustrating the history and archaeology or Freemasonry . It is presumed that there arc many of these in various parts of the country , of comparatively little service to their present possessors , which may find their way to a national Masonic museum ,
under the care of the Grand Lodge . To the 2 nd question— ' If it be found practicrble , will it bo desirable to devote the necessary property solely aud exclusively to Masonic uses ? ' we reply , unhesitatingly , in the affirmative ; considering that the time has arrived when circumstances fully warrant this step , which will tend to elevate the character of Freemasonry , aud greatly to increase its usefulness . To tho Srd— ' Aro the Craft prepared to submit to some diminution of their annual income for the purpose of keeping such property sacred to Masonry ? ' We . aro preparedif to submit to some diminution of annual income for this
, necessary , purpose . AA e do not anticipate any such diminution , but , on tho contrary , a groat and sustained increase of funds . To the 4 th— ' If it should ho found desirable hereafter that an annual subscription ( whicli would necessarily bo of very small amount ) should bo required to entitle the brethren to the uses of separate reading and refreshment rooms , what support would it probably receive from your Lodge , or the members thereof ? ' AA e consider that the general support of this Lodge would bo given to the establishments separate reading and refreshment rooms ; and that
probably fifty of our members ivould be glad to avail themselves of their advantages at a small annual subscription . To the last— ' If it can bo shown , that a considera'ble outlay , for the purpose of giving increased accommodation to the Craft , and at tho same time very much extending the tavern , would be productive of an adequate . return , would such a proceeding be expedient and desirable ? ' If the proposed portion of tho property ho devoted exclusively to Masonic uses , or to such as aro sanctioned by Grand Lodge , we AA'ill support any outlay necessary to provide the accommodation required ; but we do not think it well to give our sanction to any