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expenditure if the premises aro to bo let , as heretofore , as a public tavern , Having disposed of the questions thus submitted to us , Ave recommend the Lodge to tender its thanks to the president and members of the Board of General Purposes , for the lucid aud impartial statement Avliich they have presented to ius . Having full confidence in the wisdom aud judgment of the executive , we desire them to proceed in this good work with the same care and cautious discrimination which appear hitherto to have characterized their proceedings , HICHAM } JAMES SPIERS . D , Prov . G , M ., Chairman . "
OXFORD . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) .- —At a meeting , held on the Srd instant , the circular referring to the Grand Lodge property was taken into consideration and an answer in the affirmatiA'e was agreed to in respect to the first four questions , and in the negative to the fifth , SHROPSHIRE . APPOlNIsnmT .--M . _ ff . —Friday , April 1 st , St . John ' s ( 875 ) , Bull's Head , AVellington , at i ,
SOMERSETSHIRE . ArroisfTsriNT . —C' / rajito ' . — -Monday , March 2 Sth , Tynte ( 528 ) , Jlilsom Street , at 8 . YEOVIL . —Lodge of Brotherly Love ( No . 412 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held on AA eduesday , March 16 th , when the brethren were honoured by a totally unexpected visit from the R . AA . D . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . S . G . AV . Several communications having been read ancl commented on , and other business of a
private nature transacted , the brethren proceeded to ballot for four candidates for initiation , who were duly elected , and three being in attendance ivere admitted members of our ancient aud honourable fraternity . A gentleman was proposed for ballot and initiation , under urgent circumstances , at the next regular Lodge , and the Secretary distributed summonses for a Lodge of Emergency for the purpose of passing four brethren . Many of the brethren present adjourned to refreshment at the close of the evening ' s labours , and in the manner peculiar to Masons spent a harmonious evening . The initiates expressed in appropriate terms their gratification at being admitted as Brethren , ancl their determination to advance in the science by diligence and attention ,
AVARAYICKSHIRE . APPOIHTMEXT , —Xorfiie . —Monday , March 28 th , St . Paul ' s ( 51 ) , Union Hotel , Birmingham , at i : BIRMINGHAM . —Temperance Lodge ( No . 1041 ) . —A special meeting of this young and flourishing Lodge was held on the 17 th , for the purpose of initiating a candidate and . considering the report of the General Purposes Committee . The ceremony was ably performed by Bro . McCrackerwho in the absence of the AA . M .
, from home , officiated . The resolution adopted upon the report moved by Bro . Hincks and seconded by Bro . Hawley is , as folloAA's : — " That as in the opinion of the brethren it is highly desirable that the Order should be neither the proprietors nor occupants of a tavern , this Lodgo rejoices at the alterations proposed by the General Purposes Committee , and AA'ill cordially support the four first propositions contained in their report .
AVORCESTERSHIRE . AFPOiimnffiTS . —Lodges . —Monday , March 28 th , Hope and Charity ( 523 ) , Black Horse , Kidderminster , at 7 $ ; Wednesday , 30 th , Perseverance ( 833 ) . Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at OJ . DUDLEY . —Royal Standard Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —This Lodge was opened at the Dudley Arms Hotel , Dudley , on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., by Bro . AV . Howells , ( Prov . G . Sec ) , AV . M . Mr . Hoet , of Wolverhampton , was then balloted for , ancl initiated to the first degree . The only other business was the receiving the report of the sub-committee respecting the circular of the Board of General Purposes . This report , advocating the abolition of the tavern , ancl the establishment of a reading room , & c , and club accommodations , ivas adopted , and ordered to be
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expenditure if the premises aro to bo let , as heretofore , as a public tavern , Having disposed of the questions thus submitted to us , Ave recommend the Lodge to tender its thanks to the president and members of the Board of General Purposes , for the lucid aud impartial statement Avliich they have presented to ius . Having full confidence in the wisdom aud judgment of the executive , we desire them to proceed in this good work with the same care and cautious discrimination which appear hitherto to have characterized their proceedings , HICHAM } JAMES SPIERS . D , Prov . G , M ., Chairman . "
OXFORD . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) .- —At a meeting , held on the Srd instant , the circular referring to the Grand Lodge property was taken into consideration and an answer in the affirmatiA'e was agreed to in respect to the first four questions , and in the negative to the fifth , SHROPSHIRE . APPOlNIsnmT .--M . _ ff . —Friday , April 1 st , St . John ' s ( 875 ) , Bull's Head , AVellington , at i ,
SOMERSETSHIRE . ArroisfTsriNT . —C' / rajito ' . — -Monday , March 2 Sth , Tynte ( 528 ) , Jlilsom Street , at 8 . YEOVIL . —Lodge of Brotherly Love ( No . 412 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held on AA eduesday , March 16 th , when the brethren were honoured by a totally unexpected visit from the R . AA . D . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . S . G . AV . Several communications having been read ancl commented on , and other business of a
private nature transacted , the brethren proceeded to ballot for four candidates for initiation , who were duly elected , and three being in attendance ivere admitted members of our ancient aud honourable fraternity . A gentleman was proposed for ballot and initiation , under urgent circumstances , at the next regular Lodge , and the Secretary distributed summonses for a Lodge of Emergency for the purpose of passing four brethren . Many of the brethren present adjourned to refreshment at the close of the evening ' s labours , and in the manner peculiar to Masons spent a harmonious evening . The initiates expressed in appropriate terms their gratification at being admitted as Brethren , ancl their determination to advance in the science by diligence and attention ,
AVARAYICKSHIRE . APPOIHTMEXT , —Xorfiie . —Monday , March 28 th , St . Paul ' s ( 51 ) , Union Hotel , Birmingham , at i : BIRMINGHAM . —Temperance Lodge ( No . 1041 ) . —A special meeting of this young and flourishing Lodge was held on the 17 th , for the purpose of initiating a candidate and . considering the report of the General Purposes Committee . The ceremony was ably performed by Bro . McCrackerwho in the absence of the AA . M .
, from home , officiated . The resolution adopted upon the report moved by Bro . Hincks and seconded by Bro . Hawley is , as folloAA's : — " That as in the opinion of the brethren it is highly desirable that the Order should be neither the proprietors nor occupants of a tavern , this Lodgo rejoices at the alterations proposed by the General Purposes Committee , and AA'ill cordially support the four first propositions contained in their report .
AVORCESTERSHIRE . AFPOiimnffiTS . —Lodges . —Monday , March 28 th , Hope and Charity ( 523 ) , Black Horse , Kidderminster , at 7 $ ; Wednesday , 30 th , Perseverance ( 833 ) . Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at OJ . DUDLEY . —Royal Standard Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —This Lodge was opened at the Dudley Arms Hotel , Dudley , on Tuesday , the Sth inst ., by Bro . AV . Howells , ( Prov . G . Sec ) , AV . M . Mr . Hoet , of Wolverhampton , was then balloted for , ancl initiated to the first degree . The only other business was the receiving the report of the sub-committee respecting the circular of the Board of General Purposes . This report , advocating the abolition of the tavern , ancl the establishment of a reading room , & c , and club accommodations , ivas adopted , and ordered to be