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siastic and happy faces I see around me are a sufficient guarantee that our ivorship at the shriue of Burns , although late , will nevertheless be accepted . I need not here dilate upon his high attainments , his rare genius , and his matchless wit ; they aro knoAvn ivherever a taste for the beautiful is cultivated . I shall , therefore , sum up his virtues in the immortal words Cf the poet of all
time" He was a jaair , take him for all in all , AVe shall not look upon his like again . " I give you— " The Memory of Burns I " The toast was drunk amidst solemn silence , and it seemed to be regretted that the lateness of the hour prevented the speaker from enlarging upon such a fruitful theme . R . AV . Bro . R . B . Barton then roseand proposed "The Ladies ; " ivhich was
, responded to by Bro . John Macfarlane . The R . AA . Bro . Manockjco Cursetjee , in a neat speech , proposed " Our Guests . " This toast ivas received ivith great enthusiasm by the brethren present , and Mr . J . J . Berkley returned thanks . R . AA 1- . Bro . Crawford then rose , and proposed , " The owner of the house , Mr . NoAvrozjee Ardaseer Davur . " In proposing this toast , Bro . Crawford observed—Time would not admit of a long speechbut ho felt it was a dutincumbent on him
, y to lot it be broadly known , that as soon as it was settled that a Freemasons' ball AA'as to bo held in honour of Burns , several native gentlemen immediately came forward in a most handsome manner , and offered their mansions for the occasion . Among these were Mr . Ellias Sassoon , and Mr , Noivrozjec Ardaseer Davur . The oiler of the latter gentleman was accepted , and it remained only to say , that not content ivith giving his mansion up , he gave the use also of alibis furniture and tbe
other appliances , ivhich had enabled the Freemasons of Bombay to get up tho festivity of this night . On the value of these services , and such liberality , it ivas unnecessary to dwell . Mr . Now'rozjee Ardaseer Davur , in returning thanks , said ho was at all times happy to assist in promoting the pleasure and enjoyment of his follow citizens . Mr . CraAA'ford hacl complimented him upon his house ancl its plenishment , but of what use ivould they be , ivere he not occasionally to place them at the disposal of his friends 1 " To do good ancl make things common" washe believeda divine
, , precept ; and if Providence had been kind to him in a worldly point of view , he ivould never be so selfish to forget Avhat he owed to his felloiv brethren ; for although , not a Mason , he considered all men ivere brothers . Iu assisting to promote the happiness of others , lie considered ho adopted the best means to secure his OAVU . Before sitting down he expressed bis readiness to place his mansion at the disposal of his friends upon some future occasion , and thanked all present for the honour thov had conferred him in so heartily clrinkiuK his
upon health . R . AV . Bro . Cartwright gave the final toast of the evening , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons . " After which the supper party broke up , aud repaired to the ball room , ivhcro dancing ivas recommenced , and kept up ivith great spirit until after gunfire .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . We this AA'cek conclude the ceremonies and charges to beobseiwed upon the constitution of a neiv Commandery , and the installation of officers from our number of March 10 th , at page 523 ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
siastic and happy faces I see around me are a sufficient guarantee that our ivorship at the shriue of Burns , although late , will nevertheless be accepted . I need not here dilate upon his high attainments , his rare genius , and his matchless wit ; they aro knoAvn ivherever a taste for the beautiful is cultivated . I shall , therefore , sum up his virtues in the immortal words Cf the poet of all
time" He was a jaair , take him for all in all , AVe shall not look upon his like again . " I give you— " The Memory of Burns I " The toast was drunk amidst solemn silence , and it seemed to be regretted that the lateness of the hour prevented the speaker from enlarging upon such a fruitful theme . R . AV . Bro . R . B . Barton then roseand proposed "The Ladies ; " ivhich was
, responded to by Bro . John Macfarlane . The R . AA . Bro . Manockjco Cursetjee , in a neat speech , proposed " Our Guests . " This toast ivas received ivith great enthusiasm by the brethren present , and Mr . J . J . Berkley returned thanks . R . AA 1- . Bro . Crawford then rose , and proposed , " The owner of the house , Mr . NoAvrozjee Ardaseer Davur . " In proposing this toast , Bro . Crawford observed—Time would not admit of a long speechbut ho felt it was a dutincumbent on him
, y to lot it be broadly known , that as soon as it was settled that a Freemasons' ball AA'as to bo held in honour of Burns , several native gentlemen immediately came forward in a most handsome manner , and offered their mansions for the occasion . Among these were Mr . Ellias Sassoon , and Mr , Noivrozjec Ardaseer Davur . The oiler of the latter gentleman was accepted , and it remained only to say , that not content ivith giving his mansion up , he gave the use also of alibis furniture and tbe
other appliances , ivhich had enabled the Freemasons of Bombay to get up tho festivity of this night . On the value of these services , and such liberality , it ivas unnecessary to dwell . Mr . Now'rozjee Ardaseer Davur , in returning thanks , said ho was at all times happy to assist in promoting the pleasure and enjoyment of his follow citizens . Mr . CraAA'ford hacl complimented him upon his house ancl its plenishment , but of what use ivould they be , ivere he not occasionally to place them at the disposal of his friends 1 " To do good ancl make things common" washe believeda divine
, , precept ; and if Providence had been kind to him in a worldly point of view , he ivould never be so selfish to forget Avhat he owed to his felloiv brethren ; for although , not a Mason , he considered all men ivere brothers . Iu assisting to promote the happiness of others , lie considered ho adopted the best means to secure his OAVU . Before sitting down he expressed bis readiness to place his mansion at the disposal of his friends upon some future occasion , and thanked all present for the honour thov had conferred him in so heartily clrinkiuK his
upon health . R . AV . Bro . Cartwright gave the final toast of the evening , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons . " After which the supper party broke up , aud repaired to the ball room , ivhcro dancing ivas recommenced , and kept up ivith great spirit until after gunfire .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . We this AA'cek conclude the ceremonies and charges to beobseiwed upon the constitution of a neiv Commandery , and the installation of officers from our number of March 10 th , at page 523 ;