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The Week.
instant a monk , in the odour of sanctity , left for Bari , to intercede with the Almighty for the king ' s health . The seat of government question continues to agitate the Canadians . Ottawa is to be tho eventual capital , that point is settled ; but while Ottawa is getting ready , the government ivill leave Toronto , and make a temporary settlement in Quebec . There have been four removals since 1841 , costing in the aggregate £ 427 , 916 . -The Europa arrived at Southampton on Friday morning , with the Neiv York mails of the 5 th instant . Congress has closed .
The post-office bills were thrown out , and it was feared that an extra session ivould have to be called to prevent the post-office -service from coming to a dead-look for want of funds . Robert Machine is to be sent minister to Mexico . The ship Vanguard , ivith 41 , 000 bales of cotton for Cronstadt , was burning at Algiers , opposite New Orleans , and it was feared would be totally destroyed . At Jamaica the state of the public health is reported to be still unfavourable . The immigration question continued to occupy the chief place in the attention of
the people of Jamaica and Demerara , The revolutionary movement increases in Chili , and a revolution ivas daily expected in Valparaiso . India is again quiet . There are riots in the Deccan , and riots reported at Travaucore ; and there are sepoys who still refuse to submit in Behar ; but war , for the first time siuce May , 1857 , have ceased . The people of Oude have returned to their ordinary avocations . Tantia Topee has disappeared . He and his men entered the desert of Bikaneer , ancl have never been heard of since . Apparently , they have split into small parties ,
but whether to disperse or reunite at some point still further north is not yet known . Neither he nor Feroze Shah has been captured Lord Elgin remains at Shanghai , and his future movements are unknown . A congratulatory address has been presented by the commercial community of Shanghai , aud replied to by his lordship . At Canton affairs are more peaceful . A ' notification has been published threatening the braves of Canton , and clearly expressing want of confidence with the government of Pekin . At the Phconix club trials last week , tivo of the witnesses refused to give evidence , and all the threats failing to induce them
to change their resolution , they were ultimately committed for contempt of court . On Monday Baron Greene summed up , ancl the jury retired to their room . At six o ' clock thoy had not agreed , ancl Baron Greene adjourned the court until nine o ' clock on Tuesday morning . The jury were locked up , but could not agree in their verdict . The trial has been postponed till the 30 th of March , and the jury discharged . Mr . William NeiA'ton , the printer and publisher ofthe East London Observer , appeared on a summons before Mr . D'Eyncourt at AA orship-street police
court , to ansAA-er a charge of libel . The charge arises out of the case of " Gardener ¦ _ . Godfrey , " tried at Nisi Prius a short time ago ; and the alleged libel is contained in certain comments on that trial , said to bo defamatory to the character of Dr . Godfrey , the prosecutor in the present instance . The defendant pleaded Not Guilty ; and after hearing evidence , the magistrate intimated his intention to send the case for trial to the Central Criminal Court . Bail to the amount of 5501 . was allowed . At Maidstone Assizeson ThursdayJohn Norton and George Herbert
, , , privates iu the Royal Marines , ivere found guilty of robbery , with violence . The prosecutrix keeps a small shop at Friudsbury , near Rochester , into Avhich the prisoners went to buy a loaf , and took the opportunity to knock the poor Avoman doAvn and rifle her pockets , and also to rob her shop . They wore sentenced to penal servitude for twenty years , tho judge telling them that if they had done the prosecutrix any material injury he would have left them for execution . Tbe culprit Birkitt , who was sentenced at Nottingham assizes to bo hanged for 7
the murder of AAilliam AVhatmore at Baniby-in-the-AA ' illoAvs , has been respited during her Majesty ' s pleasure . At the assizes at Maidstone , on Saturday , AVilliam Hills , Joseph Hills , and Alfred Burr , surrendered to take their trial on a charge of stealing some stout belonging to Messrs . Truman , and Co ., brewers , entrusted to them for delivery . They ivere found guilty . AVilliam Hills was sentenced to eight , and the others to six months' hard labour . In the Court of Bankruptcy , a petition has been presented praying for a winding-up order against the Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Company . Mr . AV . Gosling , of AAfoolwich , announces that he has succeeded in the invention of an unprecedented piece of ordnance , which he is anxious to aubmitto any test , witli a view to its adoption by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
instant a monk , in the odour of sanctity , left for Bari , to intercede with the Almighty for the king ' s health . The seat of government question continues to agitate the Canadians . Ottawa is to be tho eventual capital , that point is settled ; but while Ottawa is getting ready , the government ivill leave Toronto , and make a temporary settlement in Quebec . There have been four removals since 1841 , costing in the aggregate £ 427 , 916 . -The Europa arrived at Southampton on Friday morning , with the Neiv York mails of the 5 th instant . Congress has closed .
The post-office bills were thrown out , and it was feared that an extra session ivould have to be called to prevent the post-office -service from coming to a dead-look for want of funds . Robert Machine is to be sent minister to Mexico . The ship Vanguard , ivith 41 , 000 bales of cotton for Cronstadt , was burning at Algiers , opposite New Orleans , and it was feared would be totally destroyed . At Jamaica the state of the public health is reported to be still unfavourable . The immigration question continued to occupy the chief place in the attention of
the people of Jamaica and Demerara , The revolutionary movement increases in Chili , and a revolution ivas daily expected in Valparaiso . India is again quiet . There are riots in the Deccan , and riots reported at Travaucore ; and there are sepoys who still refuse to submit in Behar ; but war , for the first time siuce May , 1857 , have ceased . The people of Oude have returned to their ordinary avocations . Tantia Topee has disappeared . He and his men entered the desert of Bikaneer , ancl have never been heard of since . Apparently , they have split into small parties ,
but whether to disperse or reunite at some point still further north is not yet known . Neither he nor Feroze Shah has been captured Lord Elgin remains at Shanghai , and his future movements are unknown . A congratulatory address has been presented by the commercial community of Shanghai , aud replied to by his lordship . At Canton affairs are more peaceful . A ' notification has been published threatening the braves of Canton , and clearly expressing want of confidence with the government of Pekin . At the Phconix club trials last week , tivo of the witnesses refused to give evidence , and all the threats failing to induce them
to change their resolution , they were ultimately committed for contempt of court . On Monday Baron Greene summed up , ancl the jury retired to their room . At six o ' clock thoy had not agreed , ancl Baron Greene adjourned the court until nine o ' clock on Tuesday morning . The jury were locked up , but could not agree in their verdict . The trial has been postponed till the 30 th of March , and the jury discharged . Mr . William NeiA'ton , the printer and publisher ofthe East London Observer , appeared on a summons before Mr . D'Eyncourt at AA orship-street police
court , to ansAA-er a charge of libel . The charge arises out of the case of " Gardener ¦ _ . Godfrey , " tried at Nisi Prius a short time ago ; and the alleged libel is contained in certain comments on that trial , said to bo defamatory to the character of Dr . Godfrey , the prosecutor in the present instance . The defendant pleaded Not Guilty ; and after hearing evidence , the magistrate intimated his intention to send the case for trial to the Central Criminal Court . Bail to the amount of 5501 . was allowed . At Maidstone Assizeson ThursdayJohn Norton and George Herbert
, , , privates iu the Royal Marines , ivere found guilty of robbery , with violence . The prosecutrix keeps a small shop at Friudsbury , near Rochester , into Avhich the prisoners went to buy a loaf , and took the opportunity to knock the poor Avoman doAvn and rifle her pockets , and also to rob her shop . They wore sentenced to penal servitude for twenty years , tho judge telling them that if they had done the prosecutrix any material injury he would have left them for execution . Tbe culprit Birkitt , who was sentenced at Nottingham assizes to bo hanged for 7
the murder of AAilliam AVhatmore at Baniby-in-the-AA ' illoAvs , has been respited during her Majesty ' s pleasure . At the assizes at Maidstone , on Saturday , AVilliam Hills , Joseph Hills , and Alfred Burr , surrendered to take their trial on a charge of stealing some stout belonging to Messrs . Truman , and Co ., brewers , entrusted to them for delivery . They ivere found guilty . AVilliam Hills was sentenced to eight , and the others to six months' hard labour . In the Court of Bankruptcy , a petition has been presented praying for a winding-up order against the Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Company . Mr . AV . Gosling , of AAfoolwich , announces that he has succeeded in the invention of an unprecedented piece of ordnance , which he is anxious to aubmitto any test , witli a view to its adoption by