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The Week.
Mademoiselle Delphine Calderon , from the Venice opera . Among the gentlemen are Signori Mario , Luchesi , Rossi , NeriBarakli , Gavdoni , Tamberlik , Ronconi , Tagliafico , & c , & c . Mr . Costa is to conduct . Mr . Williarn Beverley , and the no less eminent painters Grieve and Telbin , are engaged for scenery , "Don Giovanni , " " Martha , " " La Gazza Ladra , " and the " Giuramento" of Mercadadante , are announced ; andby ivay of promisethe acquisition of leave to perform a yet unfinished
, , work of Meyerbeer ' s , is hinted at with proper reserve . The band and chorus , of late so admirably kept in training at this house , will , of course be available , and , we presume aro continued . A neiv luxury will , it is hoped , be placed at the disposal of visitors , by the completion ofthe neiv Flower Hall , which it is in contemplation to use as a kind of lobby . Its fairylike girders are already in course of erection , and , the glazing will speedily follow ' ,
Obituary .
BRO , HENRY GREGORY , AV . M . ( No . 1067 ) . AA e have to record the decease of this esteemed brother , which took place on the Srd instant ; the immediate cause of death being apoplexy . At the consecration of the St . James ' s Lodge , only on the 14 th of last month , our lamented friend was amidst the acclamations of the brethren , installed as its first Master . On that occasion he complained of indisposition , and after the ceremony and the
appointment of his officers ho withdrew , not feeling able to undertake the duty of prosiding at the banquet . Ho was , hoAvever , present on the 1 st of March , at the Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 78 ) , iu which lie first saw the light in the year 1852 , aud of ivhich he hacl been AVorshipful Master for the year 185 C-7 . Ou the following day he expired at his residence at Lewisham . Bro . Gregory was a ' consistent supporter of the Masouic charities , and had served the office of Steward for the Girls' School Festival .
BRO . THE RIGHT HON . EARL FERRERS . We regret to have to record the demise of this noblo brother , whoso activity was doing much to give to Freemasonry in Leicestershire an importance which it had long beeu a stranger to ; and who was looked forward to as likely to take at no distant day a very distinguished position in tho Craft . Bro . AV asliington Sewallis ShirleyEarl FerrersViscount Tamworthwas born in IS 22 and succeeded his
, , , , father in the title in 1844 . Sis lordship ' s death—which took place on Sunday the 13 th inst ., at his seat , Staunton Harold , near Ashby de la Zouck , from congestion ofthe lungs—came on very suddenl y , and medical assistance was of no avail . The event must have been peculiarly distressing to tho Countess Ferrers , who was confined to bed by severe illness . AVe hear that her lad yship ivas carried down to see her husband , who expired almost immediately afterwards . AA'hen the earl first entered into Freemasonry we are unaware , he having been initiated in Ireland ; but he the John of Gaunt
joined Lodge ( No . 760 ) Leicester , and from that day was one of its most active members ; and was nominated as the first Master ofthe new Lodge , Ferrers and Iv . inhoe , No . 1081 , which was shortly to have been opened at Ashby de la Zoueh . The premature death of the noble Earl will of course delay the opening of the Lodge until a dispensation is obtained from tho M . AV . Grand Master appointing some other brother as Master , if indeed it does not lead to the abandonment of the Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Mademoiselle Delphine Calderon , from the Venice opera . Among the gentlemen are Signori Mario , Luchesi , Rossi , NeriBarakli , Gavdoni , Tamberlik , Ronconi , Tagliafico , & c , & c . Mr . Costa is to conduct . Mr . Williarn Beverley , and the no less eminent painters Grieve and Telbin , are engaged for scenery , "Don Giovanni , " " Martha , " " La Gazza Ladra , " and the " Giuramento" of Mercadadante , are announced ; andby ivay of promisethe acquisition of leave to perform a yet unfinished
, , work of Meyerbeer ' s , is hinted at with proper reserve . The band and chorus , of late so admirably kept in training at this house , will , of course be available , and , we presume aro continued . A neiv luxury will , it is hoped , be placed at the disposal of visitors , by the completion ofthe neiv Flower Hall , which it is in contemplation to use as a kind of lobby . Its fairylike girders are already in course of erection , and , the glazing will speedily follow ' ,
Obituary .
BRO , HENRY GREGORY , AV . M . ( No . 1067 ) . AA e have to record the decease of this esteemed brother , which took place on the Srd instant ; the immediate cause of death being apoplexy . At the consecration of the St . James ' s Lodge , only on the 14 th of last month , our lamented friend was amidst the acclamations of the brethren , installed as its first Master . On that occasion he complained of indisposition , and after the ceremony and the
appointment of his officers ho withdrew , not feeling able to undertake the duty of prosiding at the banquet . Ho was , hoAvever , present on the 1 st of March , at the Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 78 ) , iu which lie first saw the light in the year 1852 , aud of ivhich he hacl been AVorshipful Master for the year 185 C-7 . Ou the following day he expired at his residence at Lewisham . Bro . Gregory was a ' consistent supporter of the Masouic charities , and had served the office of Steward for the Girls' School Festival .
BRO . THE RIGHT HON . EARL FERRERS . We regret to have to record the demise of this noblo brother , whoso activity was doing much to give to Freemasonry in Leicestershire an importance which it had long beeu a stranger to ; and who was looked forward to as likely to take at no distant day a very distinguished position in tho Craft . Bro . AV asliington Sewallis ShirleyEarl FerrersViscount Tamworthwas born in IS 22 and succeeded his
, , , , father in the title in 1844 . Sis lordship ' s death—which took place on Sunday the 13 th inst ., at his seat , Staunton Harold , near Ashby de la Zouck , from congestion ofthe lungs—came on very suddenl y , and medical assistance was of no avail . The event must have been peculiarly distressing to tho Countess Ferrers , who was confined to bed by severe illness . AVe hear that her lad yship ivas carried down to see her husband , who expired almost immediately afterwards . AA'hen the earl first entered into Freemasonry we are unaware , he having been initiated in Ireland ; but he the John of Gaunt
joined Lodge ( No . 760 ) Leicester , and from that day was one of its most active members ; and was nominated as the first Master ofthe new Lodge , Ferrers and Iv . inhoe , No . 1081 , which was shortly to have been opened at Ashby de la Zoueh . The premature death of the noble Earl will of course delay the opening of the Lodge until a dispensation is obtained from tho M . AV . Grand Master appointing some other brother as Master , if indeed it does not lead to the abandonment of the Lodge .