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The Grand Lodge Property.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 23 , 1 S 63 .
"We are requested to state that tiie Chairman of the Committee regrets to say that an accident has unfortunately occurred to the ground-plan drawing of the set of designs marked ' ' Experientia . " The Chairman has no means of communicating with the author of that design , save through the
public prints . He could not bear that it should be exhibited in its damaged state , or run the risk of being further injured , he has , consequently , had it repaired by a first-rate artist , and trusts that this expression of his regret will be kindly accepted by the
author . We are glad to find that we were misinformed as to the exhibition ofthe plans being about to take place at the Royal Free Hospital , Gray ' s-inn-lane , being
assured that though the place was spoken of , it was never brought before the Committee . The p lans are to be exhibited in St . Martin ' s Hall , which is admirably situated for the convenience of tho Craft , from May 25 th to June 3 rd ; and though we could have
preferred that the exhibition should have taken place in our own Hall , we are bound to admit that no reasonable objection can be found to St . Martin ' s Hall .
Masonic Contemporaries.
Bito . FETDEL . - Bro . Eindel ( Gottfr . Tos . Gabriel *) was born Oct . 21 st , 182 S , at Kupferberg , in Bavaria . After some years of preparatory studies at the gymnasium of Bamberg , he entered the University of Munich in the autumn of 1848 . There lie took a part in the movement of the following year in favour of a constitution
pf a German empire . Compelled to appear in court , and arrested on account of his free discourses , held in the assemblies of the students in the Prater , and for some too liberal articles published in the daily paper , Gradaus , which he then conducted , he was released after a custody of ten months . Forced by these
circumstances to look out for new pursuits he resolved to embrace a literary career , and entered , as an apprentice , the house of T . C . B . Molir , bookseller , at Heidelberg . There he found the opportunity of following the scientific lectures of several learned and eminent men ( Hettner , Moleschott , ELuno
Eischer , Hausser & c ) , and to become acquainted with several of them , especially with Dr . Karl Hagen . His leisure hours were consecrated to study and to literary productions , several of which have been published with success . It was through his principal , Mr . Mohr , by whose open ancl noble character he was strongly attracted , and who was a member of a lodge of Frankfort , that Bro . Eindel's attention was for the first time directed towards Ereemasonry . ¦ From that moment
Masonic Contemporaries.
he eagerly followed all the publications relative to the history of the Craft , especially the libels published against the Order by Hengstenberg and Eckerb , which even induced him to enter the Masonic bond . His initiation took place Oct . 185 G , in the Lodge "Eleusis zur Yersehweigenheit , " at Bayruth , the second and third degrees being conferred on him the following
year . In June , 1858 , lie founded at Leipzig , in connection with his friend , Rudolph Seydel , Dr . Phil ., the weekly Masouiejournal , Die Bauhiitte , of which he became the sole conductor . The aim of this periodical is to reflect the active life of the loclges as well as the movement and new opinions arising amidst the
Masonic bond , in order to reanimate its ideal principle and to create a literary organ in which the greatest Masonic difficulties and most clivers opinions might be balanced and discussed , in accordance with the spirit of the age . Having been affiliated in Nov ., 1858 , to the Lodge " Minerva zu den drei Palmen" at Leipzig
, , he withdrew from the same in Feb ., I 860 , on account of some differences with the director ium of that lodge , it endeavouring to control and to restrain the Masonic press . Bro . Findel then returned to his mother lodge at Bayruth . Bv his journal , Die JSaulmtte , he took
the most active part in the foundation of the new Masonic society called "Verein deutscher Maurer , " established in I 860 , of which he became a member of the directing committee . In 1861-2 he published his great Masonic work , " Gescldehte der Freimaurerei von der Zeit Hires JEntsteltens his auf die Gegemcart . " ( Leipzig : Hermann Luppe . 2 vols . ) This difficult and
meritorious labour , sustained by the most conscientious investigations , and grounded on documents jiartly imprinted , brought upon its author the greatest praise , both from the native and foreign press , and has been translated into different languages . Considering this great labour and other services rendered to
the Craft , the author was named honorary member of a great number of loclges from Germany and abroad . As to his other profane works we quote : " Die Massisclie Periode der deutselien Nationalliteratur im Mittelalter" von K . Barthel ; Bearbeitet unci herausqeqebenvon J . G . Findel ( Braunschweig
, , 1857 ); " Die Iclassisclie Periode der deutselien Rational literatur im 18 ten Jdlirlmndert ( Leipzig : H . Luppe , 2 nd edit . ); " Quichlom der Lebensiveisheit ; ~ Bausteine zur Dialetih der Seele " ( 2 nd edit ., Leipzig : H . Luppe , 1860 ) .
The Duties Of Freemasons.
The following inauguration address was delivered on the openingof St . Aubin ' s Lodge ( 1260 ) , at St . Aubin ' s , Jersey , on Wednesday , May 6 th , 1863 , after the consecration of the lodge , and his installation as W . M . by Bro . Dr . Henry Hopkins , W . M . 1260 , P . M . 51 , Past Prov . S . G . W . for Warwickshire , Past Z . Royal
Arch Chapter , 857 : — Brethren , —Having originated the idea of the formation of a lodge at St . Aubin ' s , and hy your land co-operation been assisted in carrying it out , thus becoming one of its founders , I feel that I should be wanting in the performance of a duty as the
Master , were I to omit to inaugurate our proceedings by a short address suitable to the occasion . I beg your patient attention then , for a few minutes , to the following remarks .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Lodge Property.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 23 , 1 S 63 .
"We are requested to state that tiie Chairman of the Committee regrets to say that an accident has unfortunately occurred to the ground-plan drawing of the set of designs marked ' ' Experientia . " The Chairman has no means of communicating with the author of that design , save through the
public prints . He could not bear that it should be exhibited in its damaged state , or run the risk of being further injured , he has , consequently , had it repaired by a first-rate artist , and trusts that this expression of his regret will be kindly accepted by the
author . We are glad to find that we were misinformed as to the exhibition ofthe plans being about to take place at the Royal Free Hospital , Gray ' s-inn-lane , being
assured that though the place was spoken of , it was never brought before the Committee . The p lans are to be exhibited in St . Martin ' s Hall , which is admirably situated for the convenience of tho Craft , from May 25 th to June 3 rd ; and though we could have
preferred that the exhibition should have taken place in our own Hall , we are bound to admit that no reasonable objection can be found to St . Martin ' s Hall .
Masonic Contemporaries.
Bito . FETDEL . - Bro . Eindel ( Gottfr . Tos . Gabriel *) was born Oct . 21 st , 182 S , at Kupferberg , in Bavaria . After some years of preparatory studies at the gymnasium of Bamberg , he entered the University of Munich in the autumn of 1848 . There lie took a part in the movement of the following year in favour of a constitution
pf a German empire . Compelled to appear in court , and arrested on account of his free discourses , held in the assemblies of the students in the Prater , and for some too liberal articles published in the daily paper , Gradaus , which he then conducted , he was released after a custody of ten months . Forced by these
circumstances to look out for new pursuits he resolved to embrace a literary career , and entered , as an apprentice , the house of T . C . B . Molir , bookseller , at Heidelberg . There he found the opportunity of following the scientific lectures of several learned and eminent men ( Hettner , Moleschott , ELuno
Eischer , Hausser & c ) , and to become acquainted with several of them , especially with Dr . Karl Hagen . His leisure hours were consecrated to study and to literary productions , several of which have been published with success . It was through his principal , Mr . Mohr , by whose open ancl noble character he was strongly attracted , and who was a member of a lodge of Frankfort , that Bro . Eindel's attention was for the first time directed towards Ereemasonry . ¦ From that moment
Masonic Contemporaries.
he eagerly followed all the publications relative to the history of the Craft , especially the libels published against the Order by Hengstenberg and Eckerb , which even induced him to enter the Masonic bond . His initiation took place Oct . 185 G , in the Lodge "Eleusis zur Yersehweigenheit , " at Bayruth , the second and third degrees being conferred on him the following
year . In June , 1858 , lie founded at Leipzig , in connection with his friend , Rudolph Seydel , Dr . Phil ., the weekly Masouiejournal , Die Bauhiitte , of which he became the sole conductor . The aim of this periodical is to reflect the active life of the loclges as well as the movement and new opinions arising amidst the
Masonic bond , in order to reanimate its ideal principle and to create a literary organ in which the greatest Masonic difficulties and most clivers opinions might be balanced and discussed , in accordance with the spirit of the age . Having been affiliated in Nov ., 1858 , to the Lodge " Minerva zu den drei Palmen" at Leipzig
, , he withdrew from the same in Feb ., I 860 , on account of some differences with the director ium of that lodge , it endeavouring to control and to restrain the Masonic press . Bro . Findel then returned to his mother lodge at Bayruth . Bv his journal , Die JSaulmtte , he took
the most active part in the foundation of the new Masonic society called "Verein deutscher Maurer , " established in I 860 , of which he became a member of the directing committee . In 1861-2 he published his great Masonic work , " Gescldehte der Freimaurerei von der Zeit Hires JEntsteltens his auf die Gegemcart . " ( Leipzig : Hermann Luppe . 2 vols . ) This difficult and
meritorious labour , sustained by the most conscientious investigations , and grounded on documents jiartly imprinted , brought upon its author the greatest praise , both from the native and foreign press , and has been translated into different languages . Considering this great labour and other services rendered to
the Craft , the author was named honorary member of a great number of loclges from Germany and abroad . As to his other profane works we quote : " Die Massisclie Periode der deutselien Nationalliteratur im Mittelalter" von K . Barthel ; Bearbeitet unci herausqeqebenvon J . G . Findel ( Braunschweig
, , 1857 ); " Die Iclassisclie Periode der deutselien Rational literatur im 18 ten Jdlirlmndert ( Leipzig : H . Luppe , 2 nd edit . ); " Quichlom der Lebensiveisheit ; ~ Bausteine zur Dialetih der Seele " ( 2 nd edit ., Leipzig : H . Luppe , 1860 ) .
The Duties Of Freemasons.
The following inauguration address was delivered on the openingof St . Aubin ' s Lodge ( 1260 ) , at St . Aubin ' s , Jersey , on Wednesday , May 6 th , 1863 , after the consecration of the lodge , and his installation as W . M . by Bro . Dr . Henry Hopkins , W . M . 1260 , P . M . 51 , Past Prov . S . G . W . for Warwickshire , Past Z . Royal
Arch Chapter , 857 : — Brethren , —Having originated the idea of the formation of a lodge at St . Aubin ' s , and hy your land co-operation been assisted in carrying it out , thus becoming one of its founders , I feel that I should be wanting in the performance of a duty as the
Master , were I to omit to inaugurate our proceedings by a short address suitable to the occasion . I beg your patient attention then , for a few minutes , to the following remarks .