Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
© entente . - PAGE . FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE : — Masonic Red Cross Order and the Imperial Constantmian Order of St . George—By R ., 33 ° 61 History of Freemasonry in Worcestershire 6 _ Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence 66 Freemasonry in France—BPictus 68
y Music-at Lodge Meetings 69 Masonic Jottings—No . 20 69 Alasonic Notes and Queries 70 Correspondence .... ' . 70 Alasonic Sayings aud Doings Abroad 73 MASONIC AIIRROE : — Masonic Moms 74 Lodof Benevolence 74
ge CBAPT LODGE MEETIKGS : — Metropolitan _ . 74 Provincial 74 Scotland 78 Ireland , 78 Royal Arch 78 Mark Masonry 78 Knights Templar 79
Masonic Festivities . ' . 79 Obituary 80 List of Lodge , & c ., Meetings for ensuing week 80 To Correspondents 80
Masonic Red Cross Order And The Imperial Constantnian Order Of Saint George.
By E ., 33 ° . Ifc lias been very much the custom , amongst historical writers , to quote intermediate authorities instead of the original , and few think of referring to the Byzantine authors themselves , since Gibbon
has stood the test of a century of searching criticism . But unfortunately for the public , the Abbe Giustiniani has not been subjected to the latter ordeal , and in consequence , his errors have been copied by subsequent writers , with a
confidence quite surprising . In his Avork * now before me , the Abbe gives a remarkable list , of the succession of forty-two emperors and princes , who were Grand Masters of the Imperial Constantmian Order of St . George .
but few of the names are known to history , and it does seem remarkable , that , when a dignity is hereditary , and not the reward of public services which latter , are generally recompensed late in life , their imputed Grand Masters should startle
statisticians , with a display of longevity , f notoriously at variance , ivith all well-known authen . treated records , of the average duration of life amongst the nobility of the feudal ages , and
without a parallel , in any other history , since that of the Mosaic Patriarchs . But the truth is "Giovanni Andrea Angelo Flavio Comneno . " Avho figures as the forty-second ancl last of this succession of Grand Masters , represented
a family , of which Du Cange gives the names only of six * chiefs , under the heading , " Angeli de Drivasto . "
The Giustinianian hypothesis is this , that amongst the many ¦ Byzantine families , that took refuge , on the fall of Constantinople , in those islands of the Grecian Archipelago , held by the Venetians and Genoese , Avas that of the Angeli—¦
subsequently settled in Italy , where ( having however , be it observed , been totally ignored , aud unmentioned , during the first century after their imputed immigration ) in 15-1-5—Pope Paul III ., ( Alexander Earnese ) settled on Joannes Andreas
Angelus , a pension of 100 golden ducats a mouth ; and this liberality , so tardy it may be thought , was imitated by Pope Julius III ., who added to the pension , a country seat . But the Angeli , Ave are taught to believe ,
finding it incumbent , on them to produce documentary evidence of their pretensions , substantially conserved the facts , that Constantino the Great was the
founder of the Imperial Byzantine Order ; and that Isaac Angelus , and Michael Pakeologus , had attached the dignity of Grand Master , to the exclusive family of the former , from which they claimed a lineal male descent—That these
pretensions Avere duly registered at Rome , June -30 th . 1533 , by Vasque de Ulloa—That Paul III . having examined these documents , ancl—beingpossibly an infallible authority in such mattersformally declared , that the Angeli de Drivasto were
the veritable descendants of those Emperors , whom they asserted , to be their ancestors ; and that the right to confer the Order , founded by their ancestors , Avas hereditary in their fami . ' y—That Julius III . in a Bull dated 1568 , confirmed
the authority of his predecessor ; and that Urban VIII . by another Bull , dated in 1626 , afiirmed the same judgment .
It is a matter of history that , during tho first century , after the fall of the Byzantine empire , and when the detection oi imposture would have been comparatively easy , the Palceologi were fully recognised , while of the Angeli nothing was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
© entente . - PAGE . FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE : — Masonic Red Cross Order and the Imperial Constantmian Order of St . George—By R ., 33 ° 61 History of Freemasonry in Worcestershire 6 _ Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence 66 Freemasonry in France—BPictus 68
y Music-at Lodge Meetings 69 Masonic Jottings—No . 20 69 Alasonic Notes and Queries 70 Correspondence .... ' . 70 Alasonic Sayings aud Doings Abroad 73 MASONIC AIIRROE : — Masonic Moms 74 Lodof Benevolence 74
ge CBAPT LODGE MEETIKGS : — Metropolitan _ . 74 Provincial 74 Scotland 78 Ireland , 78 Royal Arch 78 Mark Masonry 78 Knights Templar 79
Masonic Festivities . ' . 79 Obituary 80 List of Lodge , & c ., Meetings for ensuing week 80 To Correspondents 80
Masonic Red Cross Order And The Imperial Constantnian Order Of Saint George.
By E ., 33 ° . Ifc lias been very much the custom , amongst historical writers , to quote intermediate authorities instead of the original , and few think of referring to the Byzantine authors themselves , since Gibbon
has stood the test of a century of searching criticism . But unfortunately for the public , the Abbe Giustiniani has not been subjected to the latter ordeal , and in consequence , his errors have been copied by subsequent writers , with a
confidence quite surprising . In his Avork * now before me , the Abbe gives a remarkable list , of the succession of forty-two emperors and princes , who were Grand Masters of the Imperial Constantmian Order of St . George .
but few of the names are known to history , and it does seem remarkable , that , when a dignity is hereditary , and not the reward of public services which latter , are generally recompensed late in life , their imputed Grand Masters should startle
statisticians , with a display of longevity , f notoriously at variance , ivith all well-known authen . treated records , of the average duration of life amongst the nobility of the feudal ages , and
without a parallel , in any other history , since that of the Mosaic Patriarchs . But the truth is "Giovanni Andrea Angelo Flavio Comneno . " Avho figures as the forty-second ancl last of this succession of Grand Masters , represented
a family , of which Du Cange gives the names only of six * chiefs , under the heading , " Angeli de Drivasto . "
The Giustinianian hypothesis is this , that amongst the many ¦ Byzantine families , that took refuge , on the fall of Constantinople , in those islands of the Grecian Archipelago , held by the Venetians and Genoese , Avas that of the Angeli—¦
subsequently settled in Italy , where ( having however , be it observed , been totally ignored , aud unmentioned , during the first century after their imputed immigration ) in 15-1-5—Pope Paul III ., ( Alexander Earnese ) settled on Joannes Andreas
Angelus , a pension of 100 golden ducats a mouth ; and this liberality , so tardy it may be thought , was imitated by Pope Julius III ., who added to the pension , a country seat . But the Angeli , Ave are taught to believe ,
finding it incumbent , on them to produce documentary evidence of their pretensions , substantially conserved the facts , that Constantino the Great was the
founder of the Imperial Byzantine Order ; and that Isaac Angelus , and Michael Pakeologus , had attached the dignity of Grand Master , to the exclusive family of the former , from which they claimed a lineal male descent—That these
pretensions Avere duly registered at Rome , June -30 th . 1533 , by Vasque de Ulloa—That Paul III . having examined these documents , ancl—beingpossibly an infallible authority in such mattersformally declared , that the Angeli de Drivasto were
the veritable descendants of those Emperors , whom they asserted , to be their ancestors ; and that the right to confer the Order , founded by their ancestors , Avas hereditary in their fami . ' y—That Julius III . in a Bull dated 1568 , confirmed
the authority of his predecessor ; and that Urban VIII . by another Bull , dated in 1626 , afiirmed the same judgment .
It is a matter of history that , during tho first century , after the fall of the Byzantine empire , and when the detection oi imposture would have been comparatively easy , the Palceologi were fully recognised , while of the Angeli nothing was