Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEV OLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEV OLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 5 →
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.* y All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisburv-street , Strand , London , AA ' . C .
Masonic Mems.
TIIE following is the order of the business at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , to he held at Dartford , on Wcdnesda }' , tiie 27 th inst .: —To confirm the minutes of last Provincial Grand Lodge ; the election of Prov . 6 . Treasurer ; the appointtlie Provincial Grand Officers for the vear ensuinsr . The
following notices of motion have heen received : — __ grant of £ 50 to the Royal Benevolent Institution Female Fund , and two grants , of £ 5 and £ 20 respectively , to distressed brethren ; that by-law No . 1-1 be altered by adding after tiie words " make enquiry , " in line 4 , tbe following words , '' in writing ofthe ¦ W . M . of tiie lodge ; " aud after the word " under , " in line 6 , tbe words " who is to reply in writing . "
LEXDEK . —During the past ( ew days a neat monument lias been erected by the Freemasons of Colchester in Lexden Churchyard , to the memory of John AA'itten , whose decease we noticed ina recent number . The inscription is as follows : — "John AA'itten , died March 23 rd , 1 S 70 , aged 7 G years . Sarali , his wife , died March 17 th , 1 SGS , aged GO years . —This tribute to his
memory was placed by the Masouic brethren of tbe Angel and United Ledges , of Colchester , iu appreciation of his long and faithful oiBcial services . " The design rellects great credit on Pro . AVaits . — Essex Standard .
WE learn that a petition has been sent in for a warrant for a new lodge ( to be called St . Peter ' s ) at Market , Harborongb , Leicestershire , there having beeu hitherto no lodgo on that side of the province . The petitioners are the Earl of Shrewsbury , Sir Henry St . John Halford , Part ., the Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Kelly ) , Albert Pell , 32 . P . for South Leicestershire ,
the ilevs . J . P . Halford and A . A . O'Neil ( P . Prov . G . Chaplain . West Lancashire ) , and Bros . Goolyc-r , Man-is , AA ' aite , P . M . ' s ; Rowland Herrit ( Kibwortb Hull ) , a : i . l P . Kemp . The Prov . G . Master is nominated as tbe first AA . M . ; Sir II . Halford , S . AV . ; and the ilev . J . F . Halford , J . AA .
AT tbe first meeting of the Keystone Lodge of Mark Maste Mason- ? , which is to be consecrated at the - Alasonic Hall , Newport ( Hon . ) , on the 2 Sth inst ., the names of thirteen additional brethren have been given as candidates for advancement , in addition to twenty-eight already announced ; with seven to ho aiiiliat _ . il , the roll of the lodge will number no less than fifty member . ? , ; i very respectable beginning .
T _\„ T _ i ; s of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , it .., in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses , to tbe Publisher of Tue FIIEKHASOXS ' S MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register and Directory may ho compiled .
Lodge Of Benev Olence.
The usual monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held in the Board-room , Freemasons' Hall , on AA ' ednesday last . AV , i _ ro . John Savage occupied the chair of AV . M . ; Joseph Smith , S . AV . ; J . Brett , J . AV . The attendance of brethren was small . This was the first regular meeting held under the new laws
governing the Fund of Benevolence , which were adopted b y Grand Lodge at tho quarterly communication in March , and c ontiiined in June . Amongst other alterations , votes ov recom-
Lodge Of Benev Olence.
mendation of sums of money exceeding £ 10 require confirmation at the next meeting of tbe Lodge of Benevolence . AA e give in another page a copy of the said new laws , considering it of the greatest importance that all the lodges should be aware of them . After the lodge was declared open , the votes and
recommendations passed at tiie last meeting , numbering ten , and amounting to £ 335 , were severally confirmed . Applications from twelve petitioners were considered , of whieh one was dismissed , two adjourned , and in six cases sums ivero voted in accordance with the rules . Two cases were recommended io the Grand Master , viz .:
—The widow of the late Bro . J . C , Lodge 51 £ 30 The widow of the late Bro . G . P ., formerly of Lodge 5 ,., £ 20 One recommended to Grand Lodge , viz .: — To Bro . J . B ., Lodgo 4 S-1 £ 50
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
PEErrcr ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 89 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey . Bro . J . AV . Avery , AV . M ., occupying tbe chair , raised Bro . A . Collins , and passed Bro . Baker . Present : —Bros . Green , S . AV . ; H . Bartlett , J . AA . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . AValters , P . M ., Sec ; I ) . Hose , P . M ., S . D . ; G . J . Grace , J . D . ; 3 . AV . Dudley , I . G . ; & c . STANHOPE LODGE ( No . 1269 ) . —The regular meeting of this
, lodge was held at the Thicket Hotel , Anerley , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . H . Lindus , S \ . M ., supported by Bros . James Keneh , J . W . ; J . Hart , Sec . ; Seymour Smith , Org . ; J . C . King , I . G . ; Thomas King , I . G . ; AV . J . Tliieke , J . Garland , J . AV . Lfissain , A . M . Saunders , AA . F . Goddard , F . Croydon . Bros . N . Gluckstein . P . M . 151 , & c . ; J . R . Cook , 188 ; and H . Massey , P . At . 619 , were present as visitors . Bro . Thomas Marriott was raised to the degree of M . M . the
. , ceremony being ably performed by tho W . M . An excellent banquet followed , accompanied by a desert , both of which did tho host , Bro . Lapam , credit . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and some excellent music and singing rendered the evening pleasant and harmonious .
PROVINCIALCHESHICE . STOCKronr . —Peace Lodge ( No . 3 i 2 ) . —On AA ' ednesday , the Gtb inst ., the installation meeting of this lodge was held at the AVarren Bulkeley Arms Hotel . The lodge was opened by Bro . If . Ishcrwood , P . M ., when , lhe minutes of the previous lodge
having been confirmed , Bro . AVilliam Hickton was presented for installation , he having been elected as AV . M . for the ensuing year . A board of Installed Musters was then formed , and the W . M . elect was inducted into the chair of K . S ., and saluted by all the brethren present in the various degrees of tbe Craft , according to ancient usage . The AA ' . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Meadows , S . W . ; AA . J . FlemingJ . AV . ; AV . T . BunceS . D . ; James E . HardingJ . D
, , , . ; J . P . Berdsicy , I . G . ; Charles Saxby , Tyler ; 0 . Simpson , Org . ; P . Clietliaiii , Treas . At the conclusion of business , the brethren , to the number of forty , sat down to a splendid banquet . The newly-installed W . M . presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , closing with tho Tyler ' s toast , and a glee to "Our next merry meeting . " CORNWALL .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge ot Cornwall was held on the 19 th inst ., at Truro , and as the new hall was to be dedicated it was the means of bringing together one of tho laigesi assemblages of brethren that has ever been held in tl . e p-oviuce . There were about three hundred Freemasons in the to vn from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
.* y All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisburv-street , Strand , London , AA ' . C .
Masonic Mems.
TIIE following is the order of the business at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , to he held at Dartford , on Wcdnesda }' , tiie 27 th inst .: —To confirm the minutes of last Provincial Grand Lodge ; the election of Prov . 6 . Treasurer ; the appointtlie Provincial Grand Officers for the vear ensuinsr . The
following notices of motion have heen received : — __ grant of £ 50 to the Royal Benevolent Institution Female Fund , and two grants , of £ 5 and £ 20 respectively , to distressed brethren ; that by-law No . 1-1 be altered by adding after tiie words " make enquiry , " in line 4 , tbe following words , '' in writing ofthe ¦ W . M . of tiie lodge ; " aud after the word " under , " in line 6 , tbe words " who is to reply in writing . "
LEXDEK . —During the past ( ew days a neat monument lias been erected by the Freemasons of Colchester in Lexden Churchyard , to the memory of John AA'itten , whose decease we noticed ina recent number . The inscription is as follows : — "John AA'itten , died March 23 rd , 1 S 70 , aged 7 G years . Sarali , his wife , died March 17 th , 1 SGS , aged GO years . —This tribute to his
memory was placed by the Masouic brethren of tbe Angel and United Ledges , of Colchester , iu appreciation of his long and faithful oiBcial services . " The design rellects great credit on Pro . AVaits . — Essex Standard .
WE learn that a petition has been sent in for a warrant for a new lodge ( to be called St . Peter ' s ) at Market , Harborongb , Leicestershire , there having beeu hitherto no lodgo on that side of the province . The petitioners are the Earl of Shrewsbury , Sir Henry St . John Halford , Part ., the Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Kelly ) , Albert Pell , 32 . P . for South Leicestershire ,
the ilevs . J . P . Halford and A . A . O'Neil ( P . Prov . G . Chaplain . West Lancashire ) , and Bros . Goolyc-r , Man-is , AA ' aite , P . M . ' s ; Rowland Herrit ( Kibwortb Hull ) , a : i . l P . Kemp . The Prov . G . Master is nominated as tbe first AA . M . ; Sir II . Halford , S . AV . ; and the ilev . J . F . Halford , J . AA .
AT tbe first meeting of the Keystone Lodge of Mark Maste Mason- ? , which is to be consecrated at the - Alasonic Hall , Newport ( Hon . ) , on the 2 Sth inst ., the names of thirteen additional brethren have been given as candidates for advancement , in addition to twenty-eight already announced ; with seven to ho aiiiliat _ . il , the roll of the lodge will number no less than fifty member . ? , ; i very respectable beginning .
T _\„ T _ i ; s of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , it .., in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses , to tbe Publisher of Tue FIIEKHASOXS ' S MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register and Directory may ho compiled .
Lodge Of Benev Olence.
The usual monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held in the Board-room , Freemasons' Hall , on AA ' ednesday last . AV , i _ ro . John Savage occupied the chair of AV . M . ; Joseph Smith , S . AV . ; J . Brett , J . AV . The attendance of brethren was small . This was the first regular meeting held under the new laws
governing the Fund of Benevolence , which were adopted b y Grand Lodge at tho quarterly communication in March , and c ontiiined in June . Amongst other alterations , votes ov recom-
Lodge Of Benev Olence.
mendation of sums of money exceeding £ 10 require confirmation at the next meeting of tbe Lodge of Benevolence . AA e give in another page a copy of the said new laws , considering it of the greatest importance that all the lodges should be aware of them . After the lodge was declared open , the votes and
recommendations passed at tiie last meeting , numbering ten , and amounting to £ 335 , were severally confirmed . Applications from twelve petitioners were considered , of whieh one was dismissed , two adjourned , and in six cases sums ivero voted in accordance with the rules . Two cases were recommended io the Grand Master , viz .:
—The widow of the late Bro . J . C , Lodge 51 £ 30 The widow of the late Bro . G . P ., formerly of Lodge 5 ,., £ 20 One recommended to Grand Lodge , viz .: — To Bro . J . B ., Lodgo 4 S-1 £ 50
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
PEErrcr ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 89 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey . Bro . J . AV . Avery , AV . M ., occupying tbe chair , raised Bro . A . Collins , and passed Bro . Baker . Present : —Bros . Green , S . AV . ; H . Bartlett , J . AA . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . AValters , P . M ., Sec ; I ) . Hose , P . M ., S . D . ; G . J . Grace , J . D . ; 3 . AV . Dudley , I . G . ; & c . STANHOPE LODGE ( No . 1269 ) . —The regular meeting of this
, lodge was held at the Thicket Hotel , Anerley , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . H . Lindus , S \ . M ., supported by Bros . James Keneh , J . W . ; J . Hart , Sec . ; Seymour Smith , Org . ; J . C . King , I . G . ; Thomas King , I . G . ; AV . J . Tliieke , J . Garland , J . AV . Lfissain , A . M . Saunders , AA . F . Goddard , F . Croydon . Bros . N . Gluckstein . P . M . 151 , & c . ; J . R . Cook , 188 ; and H . Massey , P . At . 619 , were present as visitors . Bro . Thomas Marriott was raised to the degree of M . M . the
. , ceremony being ably performed by tho W . M . An excellent banquet followed , accompanied by a desert , both of which did tho host , Bro . Lapam , credit . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and some excellent music and singing rendered the evening pleasant and harmonious .
PROVINCIALCHESHICE . STOCKronr . —Peace Lodge ( No . 3 i 2 ) . —On AA ' ednesday , the Gtb inst ., the installation meeting of this lodge was held at the AVarren Bulkeley Arms Hotel . The lodge was opened by Bro . If . Ishcrwood , P . M ., when , lhe minutes of the previous lodge
having been confirmed , Bro . AVilliam Hickton was presented for installation , he having been elected as AV . M . for the ensuing year . A board of Installed Musters was then formed , and the W . M . elect was inducted into the chair of K . S ., and saluted by all the brethren present in the various degrees of tbe Craft , according to ancient usage . The AA ' . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Meadows , S . W . ; AA . J . FlemingJ . AV . ; AV . T . BunceS . D . ; James E . HardingJ . D
, , , . ; J . P . Berdsicy , I . G . ; Charles Saxby , Tyler ; 0 . Simpson , Org . ; P . Clietliaiii , Treas . At the conclusion of business , the brethren , to the number of forty , sat down to a splendid banquet . The newly-installed W . M . presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , closing with tho Tyler ' s toast , and a glee to "Our next merry meeting . " CORNWALL .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge ot Cornwall was held on the 19 th inst ., at Truro , and as the new hall was to be dedicated it was the means of bringing together one of tho laigesi assemblages of brethren that has ever been held in tl . e p-oviuce . There were about three hundred Freemasons in the to vn from