Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Craft Masonry.
Church , to hear a sermon by the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rev . F . B . Paul , preceded by two bands—those of the Truro and Falmouth Volunteers . The procession returned in the same order to the new lodgeroom , which the Prov . G . Master now proceeded to dedicate in ancient form . The general business was then resumedand the Prov . G . M .
, made the following appointments of officers for the year ensuing -. Bros . Reginald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . 0 . Mayne , Prov . G . S . AA . ; C . Kerswiil , Prov . G . J . AV . ; J . B . Paul , Prov . G . Chap . ; H . B . Bullocke , Assist . Prov . G . Chap . ; AV . Tweedy , Prov . G . Treas . ; P . G . Hill , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . J . Hughan , Prov . G . Sec ; P . Taylor , Prov . G . S . D . ; J . G . Richards , Prov . G . J . D . ; F . HarveyProv . G . Supt . of AVorks ; R . JohnProv . G . D . W . ; W .
, , Mitchell . Assist . Prov . G . D . W . ; A . Willyams , Prov . G . S . B . ; . 1 . Hele , Prov . G . Org . ; S . Harvey , Prov . G . Purst . ; H . Veale , AV . C . Oke , E . D . Auterton , J . Coom . be , AV . II . Chvistoe , aud AV . Lake , Prov . G . Stewards ; AA . Rookes , P . G . I . G . ; J . Laugdon , Tyler ,
Bros . Carlyon , Tweedy , and Jenkins were elected on committee of petitions for relief . It was agreed that one-fifth of the collection should ho given to the clergyman of St . Mary for charitable purposes , two-fifths for the infirmary , aud two-fifths to the Cornwall Annuity Fund . On the motion of Bro . Rogers , a committee was formed to consider and bring up a report on the question referred to by the Grand Master—that of forming a fund for scholarships . The
Prov . G . M ., G . Wardens , the Treasurer , and tbe officers of the Annuity Fund form the committee , Bro . Hughan being loft out at bis own request . The Prov . G . Master expressed a desire that the Grand Lodge should have its own furniture , and stated that he would himself give three chairs for the lodge , and probably other brethren would also contribute . The business closedthe brethren proceeded to the concert
, room , whero an excellent dinner had been provided by Bro . Pray , ofthe Red Lion Hotel . There were about two hundred brethren present . The Prov . G . Master presided ivith his accustomed felicity and oonhommie . The usual loyal anil Masonic toasts were proposed , and a most pleasant day was passed .
KENT . RAitSGATE . —Poind Pfamj Lodye ( No . 429 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held ou AA ednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Royal Hotel , Bro . A . Twyman , W . M ., occupied the chair . There were also present : —Bros . J . J . Darby , S . AV . ; AV . "Winch , J . AA . ; Rolfe , P . M ., as S . D . ; Ha / . eltine , J . D . ; Caull , as I . G . ; P . M . 's , Rev . AV . Sieklemore , P . S . G . AV . ; Snowden , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; FinchP . Prov . G . D . and CurtisOrg . The lodge
, , , having been opened , Messrs . E . C . Suell and W . Tvayte , were duly initiated into the Order by the AA . M ., who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner . Bros . A . Green , Nos . 7 and 285 , R . * B . Webster , J . AA . 143 , J . 0 . Eave , 1 , 209 aud II . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 , were present as visitors .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . SouiiiroiiT . Consecration of Fermor Lodge ( No . 1 , 313 ) . The nourishing watering-place of Southport has just given a pleasing proof of its progress by tbe establishment of a new lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons . Many highly respectable residents having , ( luring the last eighteen months ,
been admitted to the Craft , it has been thought desirable to constitute a second lodge , the first—Lodge of Unity , No . 613—which has been in existence fifteen or sixteen years , having now a goodly number of members , and the approval of the Prov . G . Lodge of AA ' est Lancashire having been obtained , the solemn and impressive ceremony of consecration was performed in the presence of a large number of brethren , under tiie presidency of Bro . Thomas AVylie , Prov . G . Reg ., & c , at the Masonic Hall ,
Wright-street , Southport . The presiding officer nominated as his AVardens , Bros . Robt . Wylie , Prov . Of . Dir . of Cers . ; and Jeffries , P . M . Loilge of Unity , 613 , Bro . Thomas Marsh , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., officiated as Dir . of Cers ., and most ably discharged his duties . The other AVorshipful brethren taking part in the ceremonial were Bro . H . G . Vernon as Prov . G . Chap . ; assisted by Bros . Rev . C . R . Hyde , 105 ; H . S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thomas Armstrong , P . Prov . J . G . D ,, Dir . of Musical Services ,- and J .
Skeaf , Prov . G . Org ., who presided at the organ , and was assisted by au efficient choir . After the lodge had been duly opened in the three degrees , prayer was offered , and the presiding officer delivered a brief address , stating the nature of the meeting . The petition to the M . W . Grand Master of England and Wales , and the warrant constituting the lodge was then read by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , and the petitioning brethren having
signified their approval of the ollicers named iu the warrant , the Prov . G . Chaplain delivered an oration on the principles of the Craft , showing its excellencies and its harmony with science and and religion . The grand anthem , " Behold how good and joyful a thing it is , brethren , to dwell together in unity , " was then finely rendered hy the choir , aud the consecration prayer was offered . Then followed the interesting aud imposing ceremonial of carrying corn , wine , oil , and salt three times round tho lodge ,
during which Bro . the Rev . Dr . Hyde very impressively read selected portions of scripture . Them anthem— " Glory he to God ou high " was then sung . Tho Prov . G . Chaplain carried incense three times round the lodge ; another anthem was sung , and the presiding officer solemnly dedicated and constituted the lodge , pointing out to the brethren the duty which devolved upon them , to cultivate brotherly love and benevolence , and to walk in the paths of virtue and science . The closing
prayer was then offered , the " Hallelujah " was sung , and the sublime ceremony was concluded . The installation of Bro . James Piatt , P . M . of Lodge Unity , G 13 , as the first Master of the Fermor Lodge , 1313 , was then conducted with due solemnity by Bro . Thomas AVylie . The W . M . invested ins officers as follows : —Bros . D . Elias , M . D ., S . W . ; J . Wilkinson , J / W . ; AV . Dodd , Treas . ; B . L . Green , Sec .: J . A . Thompson , S . D . ; R . Sharrock , J . D . ; and James Hartley ,
Tyler . The lodge having been closed , an excellent banquet , provided by Bro- F . Herrmann , of the Albert Hotel , followed , the AV . M . presiding , supported hy most of the brethren who had taken part in the consecration ceremony , and several others . AA hen the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were felicitously given and heartily responded to . In proposing "The Health of Sir T . G . Fermor Hesketh , M . P ., Prov . G . M , AVest Lancashire , and the rest of the Prov . G . Officers , " the
AV . M . specially referred to the services rendered to Freemasonry , and especially to the brethren interested in the formation of Fermor Lodge by Bro . Alpass , the Prov . G . See . Bro . Alpass , in responding , expressed the pleasure which he was sure would be felt by Sir Thomas Hesketh at the formation of the new- lodge . Freemasonry was now better understood and more highly approved by thinking men than was the case previously , and throughout the province a higher tone prevails . If
tho brethren generally are careful to admit only true and worthy men , the Craft will flourish , and the officers will bo men who will do honour to the fraternity . AVhen consulted with reference to the proposal to form a second lodge in Southport , he cordially approved of it , and hoped that the two lodges would work together in harmony , and that the principles of love and good will would ever characterise their proceedings . In proposing " The Health of lira . Thomas Wylie , Prov . G .
Reg . " the AV . M , stated , that iu examining the Tyler ' s book of Lodge Unity , No . G 13 , ho found that Bro . AVylie was the Provincial Grand Officer then present , who had taken part in its consecration , and that to him they were indebted for having suggested the name which their new lodge bore . Bro . Wylie , in responding , spoke of the remembrances which naturally came before him in thinking of the consecration of LodG 13 fifteen or sixteen years agoand he specially referred
ge , , to tiie fact that many of tho brethren had , during that time , been transferred to the Grand Lodgo above . He had often thought if every Mason would only act up to tho grand principles they professed , how happy would the world be , for all would then act together in heart } ' fellowship for tho promotion of brotherly love , relief , and truth . The foundation of all our actions is to do all to the praise and glory of the Great Architect of the Universe , and to diffuse the holy and brotherly
principles of that Book on which Freemasonry is founded . An experience of thirty years in the Craft had taught him much , and he was rejoiced to bear his testimony to the hearty feelings of fraternal regard , which in times of need were so promptly and generously exhibited on every hand . He had known many instances in which true Masonic conduct had been displayed for the assistance of those upon whom it had pleased the Great Architect to lay His afflictive hand . Such were the principles on which Freemasonry was founded and carried out , and let
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Church , to hear a sermon by the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rev . F . B . Paul , preceded by two bands—those of the Truro and Falmouth Volunteers . The procession returned in the same order to the new lodgeroom , which the Prov . G . Master now proceeded to dedicate in ancient form . The general business was then resumedand the Prov . G . M .
, made the following appointments of officers for the year ensuing -. Bros . Reginald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . 0 . Mayne , Prov . G . S . AA . ; C . Kerswiil , Prov . G . J . AV . ; J . B . Paul , Prov . G . Chap . ; H . B . Bullocke , Assist . Prov . G . Chap . ; AV . Tweedy , Prov . G . Treas . ; P . G . Hill , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . J . Hughan , Prov . G . Sec ; P . Taylor , Prov . G . S . D . ; J . G . Richards , Prov . G . J . D . ; F . HarveyProv . G . Supt . of AVorks ; R . JohnProv . G . D . W . ; W .
, , Mitchell . Assist . Prov . G . D . W . ; A . Willyams , Prov . G . S . B . ; . 1 . Hele , Prov . G . Org . ; S . Harvey , Prov . G . Purst . ; H . Veale , AV . C . Oke , E . D . Auterton , J . Coom . be , AV . II . Chvistoe , aud AV . Lake , Prov . G . Stewards ; AA . Rookes , P . G . I . G . ; J . Laugdon , Tyler ,
Bros . Carlyon , Tweedy , and Jenkins were elected on committee of petitions for relief . It was agreed that one-fifth of the collection should ho given to the clergyman of St . Mary for charitable purposes , two-fifths for the infirmary , aud two-fifths to the Cornwall Annuity Fund . On the motion of Bro . Rogers , a committee was formed to consider and bring up a report on the question referred to by the Grand Master—that of forming a fund for scholarships . The
Prov . G . M ., G . Wardens , the Treasurer , and tbe officers of the Annuity Fund form the committee , Bro . Hughan being loft out at bis own request . The Prov . G . Master expressed a desire that the Grand Lodge should have its own furniture , and stated that he would himself give three chairs for the lodge , and probably other brethren would also contribute . The business closedthe brethren proceeded to the concert
, room , whero an excellent dinner had been provided by Bro . Pray , ofthe Red Lion Hotel . There were about two hundred brethren present . The Prov . G . Master presided ivith his accustomed felicity and oonhommie . The usual loyal anil Masonic toasts were proposed , and a most pleasant day was passed .
KENT . RAitSGATE . —Poind Pfamj Lodye ( No . 429 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held ou AA ednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Royal Hotel , Bro . A . Twyman , W . M ., occupied the chair . There were also present : —Bros . J . J . Darby , S . AV . ; AV . "Winch , J . AA . ; Rolfe , P . M ., as S . D . ; Ha / . eltine , J . D . ; Caull , as I . G . ; P . M . 's , Rev . AV . Sieklemore , P . S . G . AV . ; Snowden , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; FinchP . Prov . G . D . and CurtisOrg . The lodge
, , , having been opened , Messrs . E . C . Suell and W . Tvayte , were duly initiated into the Order by the AA . M ., who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner . Bros . A . Green , Nos . 7 and 285 , R . * B . Webster , J . AA . 143 , J . 0 . Eave , 1 , 209 aud II . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 , were present as visitors .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . SouiiiroiiT . Consecration of Fermor Lodge ( No . 1 , 313 ) . The nourishing watering-place of Southport has just given a pleasing proof of its progress by tbe establishment of a new lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons . Many highly respectable residents having , ( luring the last eighteen months ,
been admitted to the Craft , it has been thought desirable to constitute a second lodge , the first—Lodge of Unity , No . 613—which has been in existence fifteen or sixteen years , having now a goodly number of members , and the approval of the Prov . G . Lodge of AA ' est Lancashire having been obtained , the solemn and impressive ceremony of consecration was performed in the presence of a large number of brethren , under tiie presidency of Bro . Thomas AVylie , Prov . G . Reg ., & c , at the Masonic Hall ,
Wright-street , Southport . The presiding officer nominated as his AVardens , Bros . Robt . Wylie , Prov . Of . Dir . of Cers . ; and Jeffries , P . M . Loilge of Unity , 613 , Bro . Thomas Marsh , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., officiated as Dir . of Cers ., and most ably discharged his duties . The other AVorshipful brethren taking part in the ceremonial were Bro . H . G . Vernon as Prov . G . Chap . ; assisted by Bros . Rev . C . R . Hyde , 105 ; H . S . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thomas Armstrong , P . Prov . J . G . D ,, Dir . of Musical Services ,- and J .
Skeaf , Prov . G . Org ., who presided at the organ , and was assisted by au efficient choir . After the lodge had been duly opened in the three degrees , prayer was offered , and the presiding officer delivered a brief address , stating the nature of the meeting . The petition to the M . W . Grand Master of England and Wales , and the warrant constituting the lodge was then read by Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , and the petitioning brethren having
signified their approval of the ollicers named iu the warrant , the Prov . G . Chaplain delivered an oration on the principles of the Craft , showing its excellencies and its harmony with science and and religion . The grand anthem , " Behold how good and joyful a thing it is , brethren , to dwell together in unity , " was then finely rendered hy the choir , aud the consecration prayer was offered . Then followed the interesting aud imposing ceremonial of carrying corn , wine , oil , and salt three times round tho lodge ,
during which Bro . the Rev . Dr . Hyde very impressively read selected portions of scripture . Them anthem— " Glory he to God ou high " was then sung . Tho Prov . G . Chaplain carried incense three times round the lodge ; another anthem was sung , and the presiding officer solemnly dedicated and constituted the lodge , pointing out to the brethren the duty which devolved upon them , to cultivate brotherly love and benevolence , and to walk in the paths of virtue and science . The closing
prayer was then offered , the " Hallelujah " was sung , and the sublime ceremony was concluded . The installation of Bro . James Piatt , P . M . of Lodge Unity , G 13 , as the first Master of the Fermor Lodge , 1313 , was then conducted with due solemnity by Bro . Thomas AVylie . The W . M . invested ins officers as follows : —Bros . D . Elias , M . D ., S . W . ; J . Wilkinson , J / W . ; AV . Dodd , Treas . ; B . L . Green , Sec .: J . A . Thompson , S . D . ; R . Sharrock , J . D . ; and James Hartley ,
Tyler . The lodge having been closed , an excellent banquet , provided by Bro- F . Herrmann , of the Albert Hotel , followed , the AV . M . presiding , supported hy most of the brethren who had taken part in the consecration ceremony , and several others . AA hen the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were felicitously given and heartily responded to . In proposing "The Health of Sir T . G . Fermor Hesketh , M . P ., Prov . G . M , AVest Lancashire , and the rest of the Prov . G . Officers , " the
AV . M . specially referred to the services rendered to Freemasonry , and especially to the brethren interested in the formation of Fermor Lodge by Bro . Alpass , the Prov . G . See . Bro . Alpass , in responding , expressed the pleasure which he was sure would be felt by Sir Thomas Hesketh at the formation of the new- lodge . Freemasonry was now better understood and more highly approved by thinking men than was the case previously , and throughout the province a higher tone prevails . If
tho brethren generally are careful to admit only true and worthy men , the Craft will flourish , and the officers will bo men who will do honour to the fraternity . AVhen consulted with reference to the proposal to form a second lodge in Southport , he cordially approved of it , and hoped that the two lodges would work together in harmony , and that the principles of love and good will would ever characterise their proceedings . In proposing " The Health of lira . Thomas Wylie , Prov . G .
Reg . " the AV . M , stated , that iu examining the Tyler ' s book of Lodge Unity , No . G 13 , ho found that Bro . AVylie was the Provincial Grand Officer then present , who had taken part in its consecration , and that to him they were indebted for having suggested the name which their new lodge bore . Bro . Wylie , in responding , spoke of the remembrances which naturally came before him in thinking of the consecration of LodG 13 fifteen or sixteen years agoand he specially referred
ge , , to tiie fact that many of tho brethren had , during that time , been transferred to the Grand Lodgo above . He had often thought if every Mason would only act up to tho grand principles they professed , how happy would the world be , for all would then act together in heart } ' fellowship for tho promotion of brotherly love , relief , and truth . The foundation of all our actions is to do all to the praise and glory of the Great Architect of the Universe , and to diffuse the holy and brotherly
principles of that Book on which Freemasonry is founded . An experience of thirty years in the Craft had taught him much , and he was rejoiced to bear his testimony to the hearty feelings of fraternal regard , which in times of need were so promptly and generously exhibited on every hand . He had known many instances in which true Masonic conduct had been displayed for the assistance of those upon whom it had pleased the Great Architect to lay His afflictive hand . Such were the principles on which Freemasonry was founded and carried out , and let