Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Craft Masonry.
( Ecumenical Councils say what they pleased , and send out whatever bulls they chose , tho pure and exalted principles of Freemasonry would continue to flourish throughout the whole world . Most heartily did he wish great success to the Fermor Lodge , and that the AV . M . and his ollicers would have much happiness hi the performance of their duties . " The Health of Bro . ' James Hamor , Prov . G . Treas , " who was unavoidably absent in consequence of having to iustal a
AV . M . of a lodge in Liverpool—was then heartily given , and was followed by "The Health of the Provincial Ciraud Chaplain aud Bro . tho Uev . Dr . Hyde , " both of whom responded in suitable terms . "The Healths of the other Visiting Brethren " was then proposed , and responded to by one of them . Bro . Jeffries , P . M . 613 , then proposed " The Health of Bro . Piatt , the newly-installed Master of Lodge 1 , 313 , " and referred to his long acquaintance with himand his hih esteem for him
, g , in aud out of lodge . Bro . Piatt , AA' . M . 1 , 313 , briefly responded , and expressed his intention of doing his utmost for the prosperity of Fermor Lodge , and for the general interests of Freemasonry . The remaining toasts were "TheNewly-invested Officers , " to which Bro . Cfreen , Sec , replied ; "The AA ' . M . of Ledge 613 , " who was unavoidably absent ; - ' -The Wardens and Officers of
Lodge 613 , " to which Bro , AA ' . Dodd , S . AV ., replied ; " Our Visiting Brethren , " which was resoonded to bv Bro . AA' . Kowells , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M . 317 ; Bro . ' . Stocker , P . M . 613 ; Bro . S . Baylis , 1 , St . Mary ' s Clianc-1 , _ r _ -. iiiibiir _"_ : and Bro . Jeffries , P . M . 613 . The evening was most pleasantly spent , and its enjoyment considerably increased , by the able maimer in which Bros . ArmstrongP . Prov . J . G . D . AVest Lancashire ; C . Haswell 203 ;
, , W . Jones , P . M . 216 : and T . J . Hughes , 216 , sang several glees and songs , most of which were accompanied on the pianoforte hy Bro . J . Skeaf , Prov . G . Org . West Lancashire , who , we ought not to forget to mention , is tiie composer of the music to which the anthems , & c . were sung at the ceremonv of consecration .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . — -The regular meeting of this oid established and flourishing lodgo was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athemeiim , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the AA ' . M ., Bro . John Hatch , who was supported by the following officers and brethren : — Bros . E . Storey , I . P . M . ; C . Hartley , S . W . ; John Barrow , J . AV . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; AV . J . Sly as S . D . ; Bell , J . D . ; Taylor as I . G . ; Whim prayP . M : Dr . MoorePMProv
, . , .. . G . Supt . of Works ; Masbeder , Becsley , Watson , and Beeley . The minutes ofthe last meeting having been confirmed and the usual business transacted , Bro . Moore read a reply that he had received from Mrs . AV . Brum well Smith to the vote of condolence and sympathy from the lodge on the occasion of the death of her husband . The AA . M . stated that it was his duty to cause the by-laws of the lod to be read at least once during his
ge year of office , fortunately for the prosperity of the lodge , this was the first evening since his installation that they had not been fully occupied , he therefore took this , the earliest opportunity of calling upon the secretary , Bro . P . M . Simpson to read them . There being- no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
MIDDLESEX . HA-UPIOX COURT . —Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 70 S ) . —A considerable number of the brethren of this very select lodge met on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ,. at the Mitre Hotel , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . AVhen ' the other business was disposed of , the retiring- AV . M . vacated the chair , which was then occupied by Bro . H . \_ . Finch . P . M . and and
Sec ; Bro . AV . T . Jones ( formerly S . D . cf the lodge ) the W . M . elect , having been presented was in due form inducted into the chair , according to ancient form and circumstances . The newly-appointed W . M . then invested his officers , addressing each most appropriately regarding his duties . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed and die brethren sat down to an excellent banquet provided bv : hc worthy host . Mr . Sadler , with every delicacy in season .
HAMJTOJJ . — Consecration ofthe Lebanon Lodi / e ( No . 1 , 326 ) . — On Saturday , the 16 th inst ., this iodgc was consecrated at the Lion Hotel , Thomas-street , Hampton , makh _<_ - the twelfth lodge m the Province . Pro . Col . F . Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , having been received with all due honours , appointed , as the consecrating officers , Bros . R . AV . Little , I ' rcv . G , Sec , of Middlesex , as W . M . ; J . Hervey , G . Sec , as S . AV . ; S
Rosenthal , P . M ., as J . AA ' . ; H . G . Buss , prov . G . Treas . of Middlesex , as Dir . of Cers . ; and J . Terry , Prov . G . S . B ., as Chap . The ceremony of the consecration was ably and impressively performed . Bro . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 , installed Bro . John Thomas Moss , AA ' . M . 169 , as the AA . M ., who then invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing-year , viz .: — Bros . It . ' AV . Little , as I . P . M . ; S . AVickeus , S . AV . ; AV . Harvov , J . W . ; D . D . BeckTreas . ; F . WsilterP . M . Sec ; R . Bowman
, , , , J . D .,- J . F . AVoodley , J . D . ; G . Banks , I . G . ; C . J . B . Plestow , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Haven , P . M ., Tyler . A vote of thanks was given unanimously to Bro . R . AV . Little for his services in conconsecrating the lodge , and the same ordered to be entered upon the lodge minutes . He was also unanimously elected an honorary member of the lodge . Both these compliments were duly asknowledged by Bro . I \ . AA '' . Little in a suitable speech . Votes of
thanks , to be entered on tho ledge minutes , were also given to Bro . J . Hervey , G . Sec , and all the other brethren who had kindly assisted ns officers of the lodgo during the ceremony of consecration . Bro . J . Hervey , G . Sec , made au excellent reply to this compliment . Bro . Walters , P . M . & Sec , proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that the following brethren be elected to serve as Stewards to represent this lodge at the forthcoming festivals of the Masonic Charities for the ensuing year , viz . : ¦—Bros . John Thomas Moss , AA . M ., for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Instirution for Aged Freemasons ar . d the Widows of Freemasons : AAlliiam Harvey , J . AV ., for the Roval Masonic
Institution for Boys ; John Frederic AVoodley , J . D ., for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Twelve names of gentlemen were given-as candidates for initiates into Masonry ; also sis brethren as joining members . It was decided to hold an emergency meeting of the lodge on Saturday , the 30 th inst ., at 4 o'clock p . m . The business being completed , the lodge was duly closed . The only mar to the pleasures of the consecration was the announcement of the death of Bro . George England , jun .,
I . G . 33 , and with his father one ofthe founders of this lodge . He was so universally respected that his death caused a gloom wherever he was known . The Secretary read a long list of letter . , of a pology from several brethren holding distinguished positions in Grand Lodge , also in the Prov . G . Lodge of Middlesex , expressing their regret of their inability to attend the consecration . An excellent banquet was served ; the wines were excellent . The usual loyal loyal and Masonic toasts were given
and received . After a few hours most agreeably spent , the brethren separated . There were present besides those named : — Bros . W . Hammond , P . M . ; R . J . Elsam , P . M . ; G . J . Loe , and many others . The visitors were : —Bros . F . Burdett , Prov . G . M . ot . "Middlesex ; J . Hervey , Prov . G . D ., G . Sec ; S . Rosenthal , P . M . 92 ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex ; G . J . Hillstead , 1 G 9 ; J . T . II . Moss , 169 ; F . Holmes , 169 ; W . Mann AVill , 1 , 306 ; J . Terry , AV . M . 1 , 278 ; G , Haines , 216 ; J . E . H . Ross , 230 , aud several others whoso names we were unable to obtain .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Sihiriaii , Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —On Monday , the 18 th inst ., a lodge of emergency was held at tiie Masonic Hall . The AA . M ., Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , Prov . G . Chap , in the chair , and there was a very large attendance owing to the fact that the W . M . of the Bute Lodge 960 , Cardiff , had notified his intention to be present with his officers and members of that lod
ge to hear , witness , and judge for themselves , the very excellent musical arrangements introduced into the Newport lodges by Bro . Groves , Prov . G . Org . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes read , also the requisition to the AA . M . to convene the meeting , Bros . Powell , Penymore and Harford , being in attendance , were examined as to the progress each had made as B . A . Freemasonsand their
, answers proving satisfactory , those brothers retired , and tho lodge was opened in the second degree , when the three gentlemen above named were passed to the degree of F . C . Freemasons , the ceremony being most correctly rendered by the AV . M . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , and Bro . Fox in his usual complimentary stylo , warmly thanked the Bute brethren for their attendance , aud kindly invited them into the
committee room to partake of a glass of wine with the brethren of 471 , this offer was most cordially accepted , and on their return into the lodge room , Bro . Ware , AV . M . 960 , on behalf of the brethren of this lodge , heartily thanked the brothers of 471 for their kind genuine hospitality , and expressed their hi ° -h gratification at witnessing the splendid working of 471 , and Jie musical treat they had all enjoyed . He also said the hre-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
( Ecumenical Councils say what they pleased , and send out whatever bulls they chose , tho pure and exalted principles of Freemasonry would continue to flourish throughout the whole world . Most heartily did he wish great success to the Fermor Lodge , and that the AV . M . and his ollicers would have much happiness hi the performance of their duties . " The Health of Bro . ' James Hamor , Prov . G . Treas , " who was unavoidably absent in consequence of having to iustal a
AV . M . of a lodge in Liverpool—was then heartily given , and was followed by "The Health of the Provincial Ciraud Chaplain aud Bro . tho Uev . Dr . Hyde , " both of whom responded in suitable terms . "The Healths of the other Visiting Brethren " was then proposed , and responded to by one of them . Bro . Jeffries , P . M . 613 , then proposed " The Health of Bro . Piatt , the newly-installed Master of Lodge 1 , 313 , " and referred to his long acquaintance with himand his hih esteem for him
, g , in aud out of lodge . Bro . Piatt , AA' . M . 1 , 313 , briefly responded , and expressed his intention of doing his utmost for the prosperity of Fermor Lodge , and for the general interests of Freemasonry . The remaining toasts were "TheNewly-invested Officers , " to which Bro . Cfreen , Sec , replied ; "The AA ' . M . of Ledge 613 , " who was unavoidably absent ; - ' -The Wardens and Officers of
Lodge 613 , " to which Bro , AA ' . Dodd , S . AV ., replied ; " Our Visiting Brethren , " which was resoonded to bv Bro . AA' . Kowells , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M . 317 ; Bro . ' . Stocker , P . M . 613 ; Bro . S . Baylis , 1 , St . Mary ' s Clianc-1 , _ r _ -. iiiibiir _"_ : and Bro . Jeffries , P . M . 613 . The evening was most pleasantly spent , and its enjoyment considerably increased , by the able maimer in which Bros . ArmstrongP . Prov . J . G . D . AVest Lancashire ; C . Haswell 203 ;
, , W . Jones , P . M . 216 : and T . J . Hughes , 216 , sang several glees and songs , most of which were accompanied on the pianoforte hy Bro . J . Skeaf , Prov . G . Org . West Lancashire , who , we ought not to forget to mention , is tiie composer of the music to which the anthems , & c . were sung at the ceremonv of consecration .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) . — -The regular meeting of this oid established and flourishing lodgo was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athemeiim , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the AA ' . M ., Bro . John Hatch , who was supported by the following officers and brethren : — Bros . E . Storey , I . P . M . ; C . Hartley , S . W . ; John Barrow , J . AV . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; AV . J . Sly as S . D . ; Bell , J . D . ; Taylor as I . G . ; Whim prayP . M : Dr . MoorePMProv
, . , .. . G . Supt . of Works ; Masbeder , Becsley , Watson , and Beeley . The minutes ofthe last meeting having been confirmed and the usual business transacted , Bro . Moore read a reply that he had received from Mrs . AV . Brum well Smith to the vote of condolence and sympathy from the lodge on the occasion of the death of her husband . The AA . M . stated that it was his duty to cause the by-laws of the lod to be read at least once during his
ge year of office , fortunately for the prosperity of the lodge , this was the first evening since his installation that they had not been fully occupied , he therefore took this , the earliest opportunity of calling upon the secretary , Bro . P . M . Simpson to read them . There being- no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
MIDDLESEX . HA-UPIOX COURT . —Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 70 S ) . —A considerable number of the brethren of this very select lodge met on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ,. at the Mitre Hotel , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . AVhen ' the other business was disposed of , the retiring- AV . M . vacated the chair , which was then occupied by Bro . H . \_ . Finch . P . M . and and
Sec ; Bro . AV . T . Jones ( formerly S . D . cf the lodge ) the W . M . elect , having been presented was in due form inducted into the chair , according to ancient form and circumstances . The newly-appointed W . M . then invested his officers , addressing each most appropriately regarding his duties . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed and die brethren sat down to an excellent banquet provided bv : hc worthy host . Mr . Sadler , with every delicacy in season .
HAMJTOJJ . — Consecration ofthe Lebanon Lodi / e ( No . 1 , 326 ) . — On Saturday , the 16 th inst ., this iodgc was consecrated at the Lion Hotel , Thomas-street , Hampton , makh _<_ - the twelfth lodge m the Province . Pro . Col . F . Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , having been received with all due honours , appointed , as the consecrating officers , Bros . R . AV . Little , I ' rcv . G , Sec , of Middlesex , as W . M . ; J . Hervey , G . Sec , as S . AV . ; S
Rosenthal , P . M ., as J . AA ' . ; H . G . Buss , prov . G . Treas . of Middlesex , as Dir . of Cers . ; and J . Terry , Prov . G . S . B ., as Chap . The ceremony of the consecration was ably and impressively performed . Bro . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 , installed Bro . John Thomas Moss , AA ' . M . 169 , as the AA . M ., who then invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing-year , viz .: — Bros . It . ' AV . Little , as I . P . M . ; S . AVickeus , S . AV . ; AV . Harvov , J . W . ; D . D . BeckTreas . ; F . WsilterP . M . Sec ; R . Bowman
, , , , J . D .,- J . F . AVoodley , J . D . ; G . Banks , I . G . ; C . J . B . Plestow , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Haven , P . M ., Tyler . A vote of thanks was given unanimously to Bro . R . AV . Little for his services in conconsecrating the lodge , and the same ordered to be entered upon the lodge minutes . He was also unanimously elected an honorary member of the lodge . Both these compliments were duly asknowledged by Bro . I \ . AA '' . Little in a suitable speech . Votes of
thanks , to be entered on tho ledge minutes , were also given to Bro . J . Hervey , G . Sec , and all the other brethren who had kindly assisted ns officers of the lodgo during the ceremony of consecration . Bro . J . Hervey , G . Sec , made au excellent reply to this compliment . Bro . Walters , P . M . & Sec , proposed , and it was carried unanimously , that the following brethren be elected to serve as Stewards to represent this lodge at the forthcoming festivals of the Masonic Charities for the ensuing year , viz . : ¦—Bros . John Thomas Moss , AA . M ., for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Instirution for Aged Freemasons ar . d the Widows of Freemasons : AAlliiam Harvey , J . AV ., for the Roval Masonic
Institution for Boys ; John Frederic AVoodley , J . D ., for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Twelve names of gentlemen were given-as candidates for initiates into Masonry ; also sis brethren as joining members . It was decided to hold an emergency meeting of the lodge on Saturday , the 30 th inst ., at 4 o'clock p . m . The business being completed , the lodge was duly closed . The only mar to the pleasures of the consecration was the announcement of the death of Bro . George England , jun .,
I . G . 33 , and with his father one ofthe founders of this lodge . He was so universally respected that his death caused a gloom wherever he was known . The Secretary read a long list of letter . , of a pology from several brethren holding distinguished positions in Grand Lodge , also in the Prov . G . Lodge of Middlesex , expressing their regret of their inability to attend the consecration . An excellent banquet was served ; the wines were excellent . The usual loyal loyal and Masonic toasts were given
and received . After a few hours most agreeably spent , the brethren separated . There were present besides those named : — Bros . W . Hammond , P . M . ; R . J . Elsam , P . M . ; G . J . Loe , and many others . The visitors were : —Bros . F . Burdett , Prov . G . M . ot . "Middlesex ; J . Hervey , Prov . G . D ., G . Sec ; S . Rosenthal , P . M . 92 ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex ; G . J . Hillstead , 1 G 9 ; J . T . II . Moss , 169 ; F . Holmes , 169 ; W . Mann AVill , 1 , 306 ; J . Terry , AV . M . 1 , 278 ; G , Haines , 216 ; J . E . H . Ross , 230 , aud several others whoso names we were unable to obtain .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Sihiriaii , Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —On Monday , the 18 th inst ., a lodge of emergency was held at tiie Masonic Hall . The AA . M ., Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , Prov . G . Chap , in the chair , and there was a very large attendance owing to the fact that the W . M . of the Bute Lodge 960 , Cardiff , had notified his intention to be present with his officers and members of that lod
ge to hear , witness , and judge for themselves , the very excellent musical arrangements introduced into the Newport lodges by Bro . Groves , Prov . G . Org . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes read , also the requisition to the AA . M . to convene the meeting , Bros . Powell , Penymore and Harford , being in attendance , were examined as to the progress each had made as B . A . Freemasonsand their
, answers proving satisfactory , those brothers retired , and tho lodge was opened in the second degree , when the three gentlemen above named were passed to the degree of F . C . Freemasons , the ceremony being most correctly rendered by the AV . M . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , and Bro . Fox in his usual complimentary stylo , warmly thanked the Bute brethren for their attendance , aud kindly invited them into the
committee room to partake of a glass of wine with the brethren of 471 , this offer was most cordially accepted , and on their return into the lodge room , Bro . Ware , AV . M . 960 , on behalf of the brethren of this lodge , heartily thanked the brothers of 471 for their kind genuine hospitality , and expressed their hi ° -h gratification at witnessing the splendid working of 471 , and Jie musical treat they had all enjoyed . He also said the hre-