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Masonic Red Cross Order And The Imperial Constantnian Order Of Saint George.
fuit . II . ANDREAS ANGELUS , & c . Ill- PETEUS ANGELUS , Andreae filins , & c , IV . HIERONYMUS ANGELUS . " Princeps Thessaliae . " & c . VI . JOANNES ANDREAS ANGELUS FLAVIUS COMNENUS , Drivasti ac Dyrracbii dux , Princeps Macedonia et
Moldavia } , & c , & c . . . Is est Flavius Angelus , qui Principum genealogias a se contextas Venetiis edi curavit au . MDCXSI . quarum plerasque ab ipso Adavno anspicat-nr , putidas adeo ac falsas , ut mirari liceat viri f ' rontem ac audaciam , & c , & c-( To le Continued ) .
History Of Freemasonry In Worcestershire.
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OE ST . WULSTAN . For the first introduction of the R . A . degree , tho brethren of the YVorcester Lodge were indebted to the Masonic zeal aud assiduity of W . Bro . John Allen , who , in May , 1808 ( during the
second year of his occupancy of the chair of that lodge ) , opened the first Royal Arch Chapter . Conferred ( as Avas not unfrequent at that period ) in the lochre , Bro . Alien seems to have given much i _ J J O time and talent in prosecution of the Royal art ,
and to have exalted " many members . " How long this chapter continued we have no information ; possibly the death of its originator , occurring in May , 1813 , or the promulgation of the laws of the Supremo Grand Chapter soon
after-Avards , may account for its extinction . The records ofthe Worcester Lodge extant have but one reference to it , which occurs in the minutes of a regular lodge held February 7 , 1 S 2-8 . Beyond the information contained in this
foregoing minute , nothing was heard of the first Royal Arch Chapter or its Eegalia , until a few years ago , when it was Bro . Griffith ' s privilege to
rescue the remains from fche auctioneer ' s hammer , and restore to the members of the present chapter that Avhich , although sadly depreciated by the ravages of time , is still highly interesting as illustrating the working of the degree , its vestments ,
jewels , & c ., and is v . orthy of preservation as specimens of the past . Of the chapter established in 1844 , a complete account is contained in its own records . From
the minutes of the St . Wulstan ' s Chapter Ave learn that on the 6 th of November , 1844 , a charter Avas granted to nine petitioning companions Avho desired to hold a chapter for " the cultivation of this grand and universal science . "
A copy of this charter is here given : — " HOAA 7 , II . ZETLAND , Z . J . RAMSBOTTOM , J . " In the name of the Grand Architect of the
Universe" To all the enlightened our brethren of the several degrees of the Royal Craft , but more especially those citizens of the world and servants of the Omnipotent who have been or hereafter may be honoured by exaltation to our Sublime
Degree , " Health , Peace , Goodwill . " Be it known , that our excellent Comps ., Joseph Bennett , Z ., James Knight , H ., Robert Rising , J ., Benjamin , L . Stable , AVilliam Corles , Richard Lockett , Richard Masters , Richard Gibney , and J . Cox ,
having made knoAvn to our Supreme Grand Chapter their desire of holding a chapter of our Order for the cultivation of this Grand and Universal Science , in hope thereby the more to extend their aid to and promote the happiness of all our brethren , ancl link mankind together by indissoluble Bonds of Friendship , Peace , and Harmony ,
and that our Grand Chapter having taken their petition into consideration , and finding it concordant Avith our Grand System of Universal Benevolence , Ave do hereby , Avith the consent of our said Grand Chapter , grant unto the said
companions this our Charter of Constitution to be held with and attached to the warrant of the Lodge 349 , Avith full power for them , their companions and successors , to open and bold a chapter of our Order at Worcester , or at such other place ,
and at such time , as our said companions and their successors shall , Avith the consent of us and our successors , Grand Officers for the time being , think meet . The first chapter to be opened ou Wednesday , the 18 th day of December , UOAV next ensuing , by the title of " Saint Wulstan ' s Chapter , " with such privileges , powers , and immunities
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Red Cross Order And The Imperial Constantnian Order Of Saint George.
fuit . II . ANDREAS ANGELUS , & c . Ill- PETEUS ANGELUS , Andreae filins , & c , IV . HIERONYMUS ANGELUS . " Princeps Thessaliae . " & c . VI . JOANNES ANDREAS ANGELUS FLAVIUS COMNENUS , Drivasti ac Dyrracbii dux , Princeps Macedonia et
Moldavia } , & c , & c . . . Is est Flavius Angelus , qui Principum genealogias a se contextas Venetiis edi curavit au . MDCXSI . quarum plerasque ab ipso Adavno anspicat-nr , putidas adeo ac falsas , ut mirari liceat viri f ' rontem ac audaciam , & c , & c-( To le Continued ) .
History Of Freemasonry In Worcestershire.
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OE ST . WULSTAN . For the first introduction of the R . A . degree , tho brethren of the YVorcester Lodge were indebted to the Masonic zeal aud assiduity of W . Bro . John Allen , who , in May , 1808 ( during the
second year of his occupancy of the chair of that lodge ) , opened the first Royal Arch Chapter . Conferred ( as Avas not unfrequent at that period ) in the lochre , Bro . Alien seems to have given much i _ J J O time and talent in prosecution of the Royal art ,
and to have exalted " many members . " How long this chapter continued we have no information ; possibly the death of its originator , occurring in May , 1813 , or the promulgation of the laws of the Supremo Grand Chapter soon
after-Avards , may account for its extinction . The records ofthe Worcester Lodge extant have but one reference to it , which occurs in the minutes of a regular lodge held February 7 , 1 S 2-8 . Beyond the information contained in this
foregoing minute , nothing was heard of the first Royal Arch Chapter or its Eegalia , until a few years ago , when it was Bro . Griffith ' s privilege to
rescue the remains from fche auctioneer ' s hammer , and restore to the members of the present chapter that Avhich , although sadly depreciated by the ravages of time , is still highly interesting as illustrating the working of the degree , its vestments ,
jewels , & c ., and is v . orthy of preservation as specimens of the past . Of the chapter established in 1844 , a complete account is contained in its own records . From
the minutes of the St . Wulstan ' s Chapter Ave learn that on the 6 th of November , 1844 , a charter Avas granted to nine petitioning companions Avho desired to hold a chapter for " the cultivation of this grand and universal science . "
A copy of this charter is here given : — " HOAA 7 , II . ZETLAND , Z . J . RAMSBOTTOM , J . " In the name of the Grand Architect of the
Universe" To all the enlightened our brethren of the several degrees of the Royal Craft , but more especially those citizens of the world and servants of the Omnipotent who have been or hereafter may be honoured by exaltation to our Sublime
Degree , " Health , Peace , Goodwill . " Be it known , that our excellent Comps ., Joseph Bennett , Z ., James Knight , H ., Robert Rising , J ., Benjamin , L . Stable , AVilliam Corles , Richard Lockett , Richard Masters , Richard Gibney , and J . Cox ,
having made knoAvn to our Supreme Grand Chapter their desire of holding a chapter of our Order for the cultivation of this Grand and Universal Science , in hope thereby the more to extend their aid to and promote the happiness of all our brethren , ancl link mankind together by indissoluble Bonds of Friendship , Peace , and Harmony ,
and that our Grand Chapter having taken their petition into consideration , and finding it concordant Avith our Grand System of Universal Benevolence , Ave do hereby , Avith the consent of our said Grand Chapter , grant unto the said
companions this our Charter of Constitution to be held with and attached to the warrant of the Lodge 349 , Avith full power for them , their companions and successors , to open and bold a chapter of our Order at Worcester , or at such other place ,
and at such time , as our said companions and their successors shall , Avith the consent of us and our successors , Grand Officers for the time being , think meet . The first chapter to be opened ou Wednesday , the 18 th day of December , UOAV next ensuing , by the title of " Saint Wulstan ' s Chapter , " with such privileges , powers , and immunities