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Masonic Notes And Queries .
speedily loosened from the chains with which , through love of a mistaken liberty , they have voluntarily bound themselves , returning to the bosom of our most beloved Saviour Jesus Christ , who , having redeemed them with his own blood , did not cease to direct them to the bosom of the Catholic religion , from which alone they can obtain the fruit of redemption , eternal life , the blessed immortality to which every man who has not wholly renounced his reason ought before all else to aspire . Let them
endeavour to answer to the requirements of this God , who has brought them to a country especially dedicated to the true religion , where , with the most uninterrupted hospitality , they have before them the most edifying- examples of Catholic piety , which , belying their false systems , continually entreats to be admitted among them , as the sole means of securing to them that reform of ideas and habits of which they stand so much in need . Let not the enormitof their crime keep them from
y asking pardon of the most merciful God , and they will find Him a most indulgent father , who , through us , is inviting . them to repentance . Detesting every society which is proscribed and condemned by His church , let them love only the union of the just , on whom heaven does not cease to pour down its blessings . Let them come to us , and let them be assured
that we will receive them with the most affectionate benevolence ; that we will intercede for them with the Father of the faithful , with the Vicar on earth of the God who is ready to pardon them , with the supreme reigning Pontiff Gregory XVI ., by whom they can be absolved from the incurred excommunication , and restored to the communion of that Roman Catholic Church , to which , being the only true church of Jesus Christ , wedetesting always the above condemned lod and
, ge every other like society , do not cease to exhort all to remain faithfully attached , always condemning that which the church condemns , in the act of giving our pastoral benediction . Dated from our Archiepiscopal Palace , in Valetaa , this 14 th day of October , 1843 . " —Ex . Ex . KNIGHTS TEJIELAR ' S SONS .
"As when the weary traveller gains , " & o . Author , Rev . John Newton . Hymn 335 , of Martineau ' s Eymns for the Christian Ghureh and Home . To be had of Whitfield , Strand , London . —E . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The boys of this Institution paid a visit to the International Exhibition on Friday , 15 th inst ., arriving at the building by omnibus from Wood Green , about half-past ten , when they were received by members of tho House Committee , by whom arrangements were made to ensure for them tho fullest accomplishment of the objects of their visit—instruction and enjoyment—and
in both respects they were eminently successful . At half-past twelve , a most excellent cold collation was provided , the comfort of the young Lewises being well cared for by their friends and attendants , who were unanimous in their praise of the excellence and abundance of the viands , provided by Messrs . Morrish and Co ., over whose department Bro . Bertram so efficiently and
courteously presides . Refreshment concluded , the in g'ection of the marvels of the world was continued until six o'clock when all assembled under the western dome , preparatory to de > Xiarture , their happy countenances giving ample assurance of tho gratification derived from the visit . Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather , the journey to and from was
unaccompanied by pluvial annoyances . Tho whole of the expenses were defrayed by a subscription kindly promoted by Bro . Tbos . Fenn , amongst a few brethren , members of the Stock Exchange . In the number of those present , were Bros . B . Head , Wm Paas , Wm . Young , J . S . S . Hopwood , Hy . . Cowlaud , I-I . J '
Thompson , and Holmes Coote , members of the House Committee . Bro . Ed . Roberts , V . P . of the Institution , Bro . W . Irin , G . Droustra , & c , with Bros . F . Binckes , Sec , J . Russell , Head Master , M . Winsis , Assist . Master , the majority being accompanied by tho ladies and members of their families .
Notes On Literature, Science , And Art.
The new volume of Tioutledge's series of the Poets will contain the collected poems of W . C . Bennett , classified and revised by the author , and will appear with illustrations and a portrait to range with Longfellow's , Wordsworth ' s , Crabbe ' s , and the other volumes of the series . Mr . Anthony TroIIope must have , if not a fertile imagination , at least a fluent pen . During tho last twelve months he has
produced "The Struggles of Brown , Jones , and Robinson ;" he has written two very large volumes of his experiences and opinions on North America ; ho begins a new novel in the next number of the Cornldll—and in January next he commences a new story in the pages of G-ood WorTcs , a Scotch serious publication .
Messrs . Agnew , of Manchester , who are the owners and exhibitors of Lessing ' s great picture of " the Martyrdom of John Huss , have most liberally promised that the whole proceeds of its exhibition shall he appropriated for the benefit of the sufferers by the cotton famine . Anyoue , therefore , paying his shilling at the Egyptian Hall will not only see the incomparably finest example of Gorman art which has found its way to this country , bat he will bo obeying a call of charity and patriotism .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The Musical World states that the " Limited Liability Opera Company " will probably encamp in Drury Lane Theatre . Mr . Falconer , we ( Athnceum ) understand , has taken the Princess's from Mr . Webster , and will commence the management there ' on the retirement of Mr . A . Harris , whose farewell benefit is announced for next Monday . Many—the present state of affairs considered—will be
surprised at a report current in London a few days ago , to the effect that overtures have been , made from America to tempt Mdme . Grisi and Signor Mario to visit that country a second time . The score of Herr Rubinstein's opera lias been returned to him by the Vienna authorities , on the plea of tho identity of its story with that of M . Felicien David ' s last opera .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressedby Correspondents , THE DISTRESS IN THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS . TO TIIE EDITOK OF THE EHEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AXD 1 TASONTC MEMOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Freemasons are acknowledged to bo sympathisers with the distress of mankind
in general . On tho occasion both of the Crimean War and the Indian mutiny , Grand Lodge voted to tho Patriotic and the Relief Fund each the noble sum of £ 1000 . What is there to prevent a similar vote , in amount , at the next Grand Lodge in September , for tho "Cotton Districts Relief Fund . Thousands of our industrious fellow-subjects are driven to extreme want ,
and shall our Craft , hitherto recognised as one of tho most beneficent institutions ever established , with large funds at its disposal , quietly stand by , making no sign ? when calamity is raging amongst the factory operatives who are admitted , on all hands , to be bearing their misfortunes in the most exemplacy manner ? Will not some members of Grand Lodge place motions
to the following purport on tho paper ? " That the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England view with regret the distress occasioned in the cotton districts by the stoppage of the arrival of that staple , owing to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries .
speedily loosened from the chains with which , through love of a mistaken liberty , they have voluntarily bound themselves , returning to the bosom of our most beloved Saviour Jesus Christ , who , having redeemed them with his own blood , did not cease to direct them to the bosom of the Catholic religion , from which alone they can obtain the fruit of redemption , eternal life , the blessed immortality to which every man who has not wholly renounced his reason ought before all else to aspire . Let them
endeavour to answer to the requirements of this God , who has brought them to a country especially dedicated to the true religion , where , with the most uninterrupted hospitality , they have before them the most edifying- examples of Catholic piety , which , belying their false systems , continually entreats to be admitted among them , as the sole means of securing to them that reform of ideas and habits of which they stand so much in need . Let not the enormitof their crime keep them from
y asking pardon of the most merciful God , and they will find Him a most indulgent father , who , through us , is inviting . them to repentance . Detesting every society which is proscribed and condemned by His church , let them love only the union of the just , on whom heaven does not cease to pour down its blessings . Let them come to us , and let them be assured
that we will receive them with the most affectionate benevolence ; that we will intercede for them with the Father of the faithful , with the Vicar on earth of the God who is ready to pardon them , with the supreme reigning Pontiff Gregory XVI ., by whom they can be absolved from the incurred excommunication , and restored to the communion of that Roman Catholic Church , to which , being the only true church of Jesus Christ , wedetesting always the above condemned lod and
, ge every other like society , do not cease to exhort all to remain faithfully attached , always condemning that which the church condemns , in the act of giving our pastoral benediction . Dated from our Archiepiscopal Palace , in Valetaa , this 14 th day of October , 1843 . " —Ex . Ex . KNIGHTS TEJIELAR ' S SONS .
"As when the weary traveller gains , " & o . Author , Rev . John Newton . Hymn 335 , of Martineau ' s Eymns for the Christian Ghureh and Home . To be had of Whitfield , Strand , London . —E . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The boys of this Institution paid a visit to the International Exhibition on Friday , 15 th inst ., arriving at the building by omnibus from Wood Green , about half-past ten , when they were received by members of tho House Committee , by whom arrangements were made to ensure for them tho fullest accomplishment of the objects of their visit—instruction and enjoyment—and
in both respects they were eminently successful . At half-past twelve , a most excellent cold collation was provided , the comfort of the young Lewises being well cared for by their friends and attendants , who were unanimous in their praise of the excellence and abundance of the viands , provided by Messrs . Morrish and Co ., over whose department Bro . Bertram so efficiently and
courteously presides . Refreshment concluded , the in g'ection of the marvels of the world was continued until six o'clock when all assembled under the western dome , preparatory to de > Xiarture , their happy countenances giving ample assurance of tho gratification derived from the visit . Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather , the journey to and from was
unaccompanied by pluvial annoyances . Tho whole of the expenses were defrayed by a subscription kindly promoted by Bro . Tbos . Fenn , amongst a few brethren , members of the Stock Exchange . In the number of those present , were Bros . B . Head , Wm Paas , Wm . Young , J . S . S . Hopwood , Hy . . Cowlaud , I-I . J '
Thompson , and Holmes Coote , members of the House Committee . Bro . Ed . Roberts , V . P . of the Institution , Bro . W . Irin , G . Droustra , & c , with Bros . F . Binckes , Sec , J . Russell , Head Master , M . Winsis , Assist . Master , the majority being accompanied by tho ladies and members of their families .
Notes On Literature, Science , And Art.
The new volume of Tioutledge's series of the Poets will contain the collected poems of W . C . Bennett , classified and revised by the author , and will appear with illustrations and a portrait to range with Longfellow's , Wordsworth ' s , Crabbe ' s , and the other volumes of the series . Mr . Anthony TroIIope must have , if not a fertile imagination , at least a fluent pen . During tho last twelve months he has
produced "The Struggles of Brown , Jones , and Robinson ;" he has written two very large volumes of his experiences and opinions on North America ; ho begins a new novel in the next number of the Cornldll—and in January next he commences a new story in the pages of G-ood WorTcs , a Scotch serious publication .
Messrs . Agnew , of Manchester , who are the owners and exhibitors of Lessing ' s great picture of " the Martyrdom of John Huss , have most liberally promised that the whole proceeds of its exhibition shall he appropriated for the benefit of the sufferers by the cotton famine . Anyoue , therefore , paying his shilling at the Egyptian Hall will not only see the incomparably finest example of Gorman art which has found its way to this country , bat he will bo obeying a call of charity and patriotism .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The Musical World states that the " Limited Liability Opera Company " will probably encamp in Drury Lane Theatre . Mr . Falconer , we ( Athnceum ) understand , has taken the Princess's from Mr . Webster , and will commence the management there ' on the retirement of Mr . A . Harris , whose farewell benefit is announced for next Monday . Many—the present state of affairs considered—will be
surprised at a report current in London a few days ago , to the effect that overtures have been , made from America to tempt Mdme . Grisi and Signor Mario to visit that country a second time . The score of Herr Rubinstein's opera lias been returned to him by the Vienna authorities , on the plea of tho identity of its story with that of M . Felicien David ' s last opera .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressedby Correspondents , THE DISTRESS IN THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS . TO TIIE EDITOK OF THE EHEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AXD 1 TASONTC MEMOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Freemasons are acknowledged to bo sympathisers with the distress of mankind
in general . On tho occasion both of the Crimean War and the Indian mutiny , Grand Lodge voted to tho Patriotic and the Relief Fund each the noble sum of £ 1000 . What is there to prevent a similar vote , in amount , at the next Grand Lodge in September , for tho "Cotton Districts Relief Fund . Thousands of our industrious fellow-subjects are driven to extreme want ,
and shall our Craft , hitherto recognised as one of tho most beneficent institutions ever established , with large funds at its disposal , quietly stand by , making no sign ? when calamity is raging amongst the factory operatives who are admitted , on all hands , to be bearing their misfortunes in the most exemplacy manner ? Will not some members of Grand Lodge place motions
to the following purport on tho paper ? " That the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England view with regret the distress occasioned in the cotton districts by the stoppage of the arrival of that staple , owing to