Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article BELVIDERE LODGE, MAIDSTONE, No. 503. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 7 →
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District Grand Lodge of Bengal ( Masonic Magazine of October 22 nd , 1884 , page 313 ) , I find that the Provincial Grand Master there , after explaining his reason for not restoring a brother to his Masonic functions , used these remarkable Avovds : — 'I need scarcely say that I haA'e no personal feelings in the
matter ,- and that I am ready , as in duty bound , to acquiesce cordially in the votes ofthe majority of the brethren . ' It is obvious that the Provincial Grand Masters in India regard their authority as in trust for the District Grand Lodge and for the welfare of the Craft , and this is just Avhat South Australia asks for ;
but since the Avording of the law allows a Provincial Grand Master to set up his -will and prerogative against the District Grand Lodges , we ask for such verbal alterations as shall put it beyond all dispute , that the Provincial Grand Masters of Australia shall , like the Provincial Grand Master of Bengal , 'feel
themselves , as in dut y bound , to acquiesce in the votes of the majority of the lodge . ' "AVhat AA'e ask for . then , is a Constitution for Australia . We do not ask for the appointment of Provincial Grand Master . We Avant no interference with the powers of the E . W . the Grand Blasteror
, of the Grand Lodge . We are Avilling always to submit to their authority ; but we ask for the power of local management , subject to the 'Book of Constitutions ' and to the decisions of the Grand Lodge . What AVC ask for , I respectfully submit , is fair and moderate ; it accords Avith the free spirit ofthe Craft
and with the landmarks of the Order . We bring before you our difficulties and necessities , and the brethren look with confidence to Grand Lodge to grant them Avhat you in England enjoy—the power of self-government . "I remainWorshi pful Sir and Brother ,
, " Tours fraternally , "W . WADIIAM , "Prov . G . Sec . S . Australia , P . M . 505 , W . M . G 77 . "
Belvidere Lodge, Maidstone, No. 503.
10 TBK KM 10 H OF THE JMVEKMASOSS MAr . AMKB AND MASOSIC MIIU 10 H . DjiAit SIE AXD BROTUSR , —Referring to . your If umber of the 9 th iust . containing an account of the further suspension , & c , in consequence of the improper initiation of John Sivinfen ( not John SivinJey ) . I beg to state that the proceeding Avas strongly
objected to by six or more Past Masters ofthe lodge , and by a number of other brethren , who AA'ere present previous to his initiation , and Avho deemed the course proposed to be pursued so serious a . violation of the "Book of Constitutions , " that they Avarned the "W . M . agaiust it , and finding he determined to carry
it through , left the lodge immediately . I think it ought to be understood that there was a strong feeling against the initiation on the evening on Avhich it took place , and it is much to be regretted that the "W . M . acted under the advice of three Past Masters , Avho , from their experience as old Masons ,
ought to have known better , especially when cautioned as to the consequences . The Avhole of the members ought certainly not to be blamed . Faithfully yours , AN OLD MEMBER . Maidstone , Sept . 1 , 1805 .
The Masonic Mirror.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The first meeting of the senson of tliis old prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday , the 19 f , ii inst ., at the Green Mini Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark ( Bro . C . A . Cathies ) . Tlie lodge was opened by Bro . Henry MooreWMwho trK supported bv Bros . J . C . GooddyS . W . ;
, ., , G . Morris , J . W . ; K Han-is . P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec ; T . I . Sabine , S . D . ; P . II . Ebsworth , J . D . ; M . A . Loewenstark , W . S . ; F . Waiters , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Or . Dixon , P . M . ; J . Delany , R . G . Chipperfiold , J . Retzbach , AV . H . Jarvis , J . Brookhouse , R . Stevens , G . Free , S . Hurmer , Bruce , and many others , too numerous to name . Amongst a large body of visitors we noticed Bros . R . Welsfor . lPM . and Treas . 5 iS ; R . Bentley
, . , 5-1-8 ; II . Massey , S . D ., 619 ; G . R . Wuvren ., 687 , and others whose names we were unable to learn . A ballot was taken for Mr . John Hide , and declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Bros . Bruce and Harman being candidates for passing , were interrogated , trusted , and withdrew . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Bruce and Harman were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons . The
AV . M . rendered this ceremony in his usual superior impressive manner . Tlie lodge was resumed to the first degree . It was unanimously resolved "That the sum of ten pounds be presented from tlie lodge funds to tlie Royal Benevolent Institution for Freemasons' AVidows , to purchase a life governorship for the Secretary of the lodge for the time being , and that it be placed on the list of Bro . F . Walters , P . M . and Dir . of Cers ., who
represents the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival . " It was also unanimously agreed " That ton guineas be presented from the lodge funds to the Royal Freemasons' School for Girls , ancl that it be placed on Bro . T . J . Sabine's list , who is the Steward at that festival . It was agreed unanimously "That five pounds be given from the Charity Fund of this lodge to the widow of a deceased member of this lodge . " Mr . Williams was proposed for initiation at a lodge of emergency to be
held . Business being ended , tlie lodgo was duly closed . PAJTMCTKE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge ( after the summer vacation ) took place on Monday evening last , when two brethren were advanced to the third degree . At the close of the lodge business , the brethren sat down to an early banquet , presided over by Bro . J . Thomas , AV . M ., supported by numerous members ancl visitors . After the customary routine
toasts , the health of tbe W . M . was proposed , and , as usual , heartily received ancl suitably replied to . Bros . Jasper Taylor and AY . Lloyd Jones responded for the visitors , of whom there were five , and Bros . Head , Tresis ., awl Stevens , Sec , for the Past Masters . Among the other toasts we may include that of the officers , to which Bro . Oswyn replied , and also the health of Bro . Hodges , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , who acknowledged the
compliment . This lodge has latterly obtained some repute by the excellence of the singing of several talented brethren , who on this occasion contributed greatly to the harmony of a very pleasant evening .
DEVONSHIRE . MOKIOE TOWN , DEA ' ONI'OUT . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) . — Tlie regular meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., commencing with accustomed piayer , at half-past five . The minutes of the previous regular and subsequent emergency lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for four candidates , all of whom were duly electedThe lodwas then raisedand four bretliren of that
. ge , degree having satisfactorily demonstrated their efficiency thereon , were subsequently raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The labours of that degree having been brought to a close , several duly qualified bretliren were raised to the second degree . The lodge was then closed to the first degree , and the four candidates , who had been that evening elected , were introduced and initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . The
W . M . announced to the brethren the fact of the demise of the AV . M . of Brunswick Lodge , and read the circular inviting their attendance at his funeral . 'Che lodgo was , after the proposal of a joining member and a candidate for initiation , closed with solemn prayer .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge of Bengal ( Masonic Magazine of October 22 nd , 1884 , page 313 ) , I find that the Provincial Grand Master there , after explaining his reason for not restoring a brother to his Masonic functions , used these remarkable Avovds : — 'I need scarcely say that I haA'e no personal feelings in the
matter ,- and that I am ready , as in duty bound , to acquiesce cordially in the votes ofthe majority of the brethren . ' It is obvious that the Provincial Grand Masters in India regard their authority as in trust for the District Grand Lodge and for the welfare of the Craft , and this is just Avhat South Australia asks for ;
but since the Avording of the law allows a Provincial Grand Master to set up his -will and prerogative against the District Grand Lodges , we ask for such verbal alterations as shall put it beyond all dispute , that the Provincial Grand Masters of Australia shall , like the Provincial Grand Master of Bengal , 'feel
themselves , as in dut y bound , to acquiesce in the votes of the majority of the lodge . ' "AVhat AA'e ask for . then , is a Constitution for Australia . We do not ask for the appointment of Provincial Grand Master . We Avant no interference with the powers of the E . W . the Grand Blasteror
, of the Grand Lodge . We are Avilling always to submit to their authority ; but we ask for the power of local management , subject to the 'Book of Constitutions ' and to the decisions of the Grand Lodge . What AVC ask for , I respectfully submit , is fair and moderate ; it accords Avith the free spirit ofthe Craft
and with the landmarks of the Order . We bring before you our difficulties and necessities , and the brethren look with confidence to Grand Lodge to grant them Avhat you in England enjoy—the power of self-government . "I remainWorshi pful Sir and Brother ,
, " Tours fraternally , "W . WADIIAM , "Prov . G . Sec . S . Australia , P . M . 505 , W . M . G 77 . "
Belvidere Lodge, Maidstone, No. 503.
10 TBK KM 10 H OF THE JMVEKMASOSS MAr . AMKB AND MASOSIC MIIU 10 H . DjiAit SIE AXD BROTUSR , —Referring to . your If umber of the 9 th iust . containing an account of the further suspension , & c , in consequence of the improper initiation of John Sivinfen ( not John SivinJey ) . I beg to state that the proceeding Avas strongly
objected to by six or more Past Masters ofthe lodge , and by a number of other brethren , who AA'ere present previous to his initiation , and Avho deemed the course proposed to be pursued so serious a . violation of the "Book of Constitutions , " that they Avarned the "W . M . agaiust it , and finding he determined to carry
it through , left the lodge immediately . I think it ought to be understood that there was a strong feeling against the initiation on the evening on Avhich it took place , and it is much to be regretted that the "W . M . acted under the advice of three Past Masters , Avho , from their experience as old Masons ,
ought to have known better , especially when cautioned as to the consequences . The Avhole of the members ought certainly not to be blamed . Faithfully yours , AN OLD MEMBER . Maidstone , Sept . 1 , 1805 .
The Masonic Mirror.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The first meeting of the senson of tliis old prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday , the 19 f , ii inst ., at the Green Mini Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark ( Bro . C . A . Cathies ) . Tlie lodge was opened by Bro . Henry MooreWMwho trK supported bv Bros . J . C . GooddyS . W . ;
, ., , G . Morris , J . W . ; K Han-is . P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec ; T . I . Sabine , S . D . ; P . II . Ebsworth , J . D . ; M . A . Loewenstark , W . S . ; F . Waiters , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Or . Dixon , P . M . ; J . Delany , R . G . Chipperfiold , J . Retzbach , AV . H . Jarvis , J . Brookhouse , R . Stevens , G . Free , S . Hurmer , Bruce , and many others , too numerous to name . Amongst a large body of visitors we noticed Bros . R . Welsfor . lPM . and Treas . 5 iS ; R . Bentley
, . , 5-1-8 ; II . Massey , S . D ., 619 ; G . R . Wuvren ., 687 , and others whose names we were unable to learn . A ballot was taken for Mr . John Hide , and declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Bros . Bruce and Harman being candidates for passing , were interrogated , trusted , and withdrew . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Bruce and Harman were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons . The
AV . M . rendered this ceremony in his usual superior impressive manner . Tlie lodge was resumed to the first degree . It was unanimously resolved "That the sum of ten pounds be presented from tlie lodge funds to tlie Royal Benevolent Institution for Freemasons' AVidows , to purchase a life governorship for the Secretary of the lodge for the time being , and that it be placed on the list of Bro . F . Walters , P . M . and Dir . of Cers ., who
represents the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival . " It was also unanimously agreed " That ton guineas be presented from the lodge funds to the Royal Freemasons' School for Girls , ancl that it be placed on Bro . T . J . Sabine's list , who is the Steward at that festival . It was agreed unanimously "That five pounds be given from the Charity Fund of this lodge to the widow of a deceased member of this lodge . " Mr . Williams was proposed for initiation at a lodge of emergency to be
held . Business being ended , tlie lodgo was duly closed . PAJTMCTKE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge ( after the summer vacation ) took place on Monday evening last , when two brethren were advanced to the third degree . At the close of the lodge business , the brethren sat down to an early banquet , presided over by Bro . J . Thomas , AV . M ., supported by numerous members ancl visitors . After the customary routine
toasts , the health of tbe W . M . was proposed , and , as usual , heartily received ancl suitably replied to . Bros . Jasper Taylor and AY . Lloyd Jones responded for the visitors , of whom there were five , and Bros . Head , Tresis ., awl Stevens , Sec , for the Past Masters . Among the other toasts we may include that of the officers , to which Bro . Oswyn replied , and also the health of Bro . Hodges , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Sec , who acknowledged the
compliment . This lodge has latterly obtained some repute by the excellence of the singing of several talented brethren , who on this occasion contributed greatly to the harmony of a very pleasant evening .
DEVONSHIRE . MOKIOE TOWN , DEA ' ONI'OUT . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) . — Tlie regular meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., commencing with accustomed piayer , at half-past five . The minutes of the previous regular and subsequent emergency lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for four candidates , all of whom were duly electedThe lodwas then raisedand four bretliren of that
. ge , degree having satisfactorily demonstrated their efficiency thereon , were subsequently raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The labours of that degree having been brought to a close , several duly qualified bretliren were raised to the second degree . The lodge was then closed to the first degree , and the four candidates , who had been that evening elected , were introduced and initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . The
W . M . announced to the brethren the fact of the demise of the AV . M . of Brunswick Lodge , and read the circular inviting their attendance at his funeral . 'Che lodgo was , after the proposal of a joining member and a candidate for initiation , closed with solemn prayer .