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they were well repaid by finding that their exertions had been appreciated . " The Tyler ' s toast" having been drunk , the company departed . AA'e may mention that the banqueting arrangements were generally excellent , and reflected much credit upon the stewards , who had been equally chosen from the two local lodges . They were Bros . Fellows , Yates , Tilclesley , Pickett , Joseph Ford , and
Savage . Bro . H . Corri , who is fulfilling an engagement at the theatre , with " The English Opera Company , " being a member of the Craft , was present at the banquet , and early in the evening volunteered the song of " Simon the Cellarer , " which was loudly applauded , upon which he favoured the company with another specimen of his excellent vocalisation . Bro . Corn's singing was a prominent feature of the evening ' s proceedings , and he received the thanks of the Provincial Grand Master for
his courtesy . The town was enlivened in the course ofthe day by peals from the Collegiate Church bells , which were rung in honour of the meeting .
LIMERICK . QUARTERLY DINNER OE THE EDEN LODG-E ( NO . 73 , I . C . ) The quarterly dinner of this lodge was celebrated on the evening of the llth inst . The room was tastefully decorated with banners and Masonic devices , together with engravings of his Grace the Duke of Leinster , Bro . jMichael Fiu-nel ) , late D . Prov . Grand Master of North Munster , and other
distinguished Masons . The brethren assembled soon after six in the lodge rooms . They comprised the following : —Bros . George Moore , AA . M . ; Thomas Adams , S . AV . ; James M'Nay , P . M ., acting J . AV . ; AV . Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; G . AV . Bassett , Sec ; J . Ferguson , S . D . ; AA' . C . Joyce , acting J . D . ; J . Horrel , P . M ., I . G . ; M . Phayer , P . M . ; AY . IT . M'Quaide , P . M . ; T . G . Glover , P . M . ; AV . Glover , P . M . ; G . AV . Pragnell , P . M . ; James Fife , P . M . ; S . AV . Keane , P . M'Dowall , F . Vanesbeck .
Visitors : Bros . Richard Fitgevald , Lodge 370 , Tralee ; Bro . Thomas Carey , Ancient , 271 ; Spink , 672 , England , & c , & c . The viands were of the very best description , and comprised all the delicacies ofthe season . The W . MASTER rose ancl requested the brethren to fill their glasses , in order to drink " The Health of their Gracious ' Queen . " The toast was received by tho brethren with every mark of
loyalty , for which Masons are proverbial . Air , " Rule Britannia , " by Bro . AV . Glover . The W . MASTER again rose and proposed " The Health of the Prince and Princess of AVales , " which was very cordially received .
Air , "Your looking as fresh as the morning , " by Bro . M'Quaide . The W . MASTER saicl the next toast he had to propose was that of "The Three Grand Masters— -Earl of Zetland , for England ; Duke of Leinster , for Ireland ; and Bro . AA'hite Melville , for Scotland . " The toast was received most cordially , the usual salute being given , which those exalted brethren are entitled to .
Bro . Carey sang a inost appropriate air , which called forth the approbation of the brethren . The AV . MASTER then saicl , Bro . Senior Warden , Junior Warden , and brethren , it now becomes my duty , and I assure you I feel a very great pleasure in proposing " The Health of our highly esteemed Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Henry Westropp . " He has also attained the distinction of being a member of Parliament , a position he is iu every way adapted to
fill . We , however , drink his health as our Provincial Grand Master . ( Hear , bear . ) The toast was very warmly received , and the usual salute given . The W . MASTER said the next toast was one that never should be forgotten in 73 ; aud when he mentioned the name of their illustrious . and esteemed Bro . Michael Furnell , he knew they would respond as Masons should do for their Past
Provincial Grand Master ( cheers ) . The toast was enthusiastically receiveci , and the usual salute given , amidst great enthusiasm . The charter toasts being disposed of , Bro . PHASER rose and said : AVorshipful Master and
brethren , it has been my pleasing duty for many years to observe , I might say , the father of the fraternity in this city ( Bro . W . Glover ) to be most constant in his attendance to promote Masonry in its integrity ( hear , hear ) . Bro . Glover is not onl y an ardent admirer of the time-honoured institution of Freemasonry , but as a Christian and Elder in this city , he has gained the esteem of his fellow citizens ( hear , bear ) . I have the pleasure of knowing Bro . Glover for fully a quarter of a century ,
and I must say that he has gained for himself a good character , which he will leave untarnished to his family when he attains to tbe Grand Lodge above ( applause ) . I was delighted to see him act this evening as Chaplain to the lodge , ancl it became him well to discharge those duties , he being the eldest Mason in Limerick . Bro . M'QTJAID -. Aye , in tho South of Ireland . Bro . PHAYER : I thank youBro . M'Quaidefor the
cor-, , rection . It is an honour to any lodge to have so old , so esteemed , and so worthy a brother among them as Bro . Glover . ( Applause . ) I now , AVorshipful Master , give you " The Health of our faithful Brother , " and I hope you will give him' all the honours it is in the power of the lodge to bestow . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . )
The toast was then given , ancl the worthy brother saluted accordingly . Bro . GLOVER rose to respond ancl said : AA'orshipful Master , to say I thank you for the kind and fraternal manner in which the lodge has endorsed the opinion of our esteemed Bro . Phayer , in drinking the toast so enthusiastically , is but a faint expression of my overflowing heart with love towards you all . This , and every evening I am permitted to come amongst you ,
I feel myself , as it were , surrounded by friendly brothers . ( Hear , hear . ) It is an intellectual thing to be a Freemason , enjoying the freedom of liberty to the fullest extent . I am over sixty years a member of your glorious Order , and I am not tired of it . ( Applause . ) I was made a Mason when I was twenty-three years old , and I am now eighty-three . Masonry is next to Christianity , ancl is calculated to give peace and concord in the earth . Bro . Glover described a few
stirring incidents of Jfasonie kindness bestowed in the year ' 98 , and at other periods to which he referred , and took his seat amidst great applause . Bro . ADAMS , S . W ., proposed "The Health of tho AVorshipful Master , " which was responded to in brief but suitable terms .
Ihe toast of " The Visiting Brethren " Tras next given and responded to in a very humorous and fraternal manner by Bro . Phayer , alluding to tbe pleasure bo felt in meeting at the festive board such men as the manager of the Union Bank , and others . Bro . CAREY likewise responded , as did also Bros . Spink and Fitzgerald , as visitors . Bro . M'QUAIDE proposed " The Health of the Senior AA ' arden ,
Bro . Adams , " in very fraternal and eloquent terms . Bro . ABATIS : AA orshipful Master and brethren , for the very handsome manner Bro , Past Master M'Quaide has proposed my health , ancl the way in which it was received by the brethren , accept my most heartfelt thanks . I think , however , he has in his over-kindness said too much of me . ( No , no . ) This evening brings to my mind the pleasing remembrance of the time I was initiated . I remember on that occasion having taken my
place at the right hand of the Worshipful Master . In responding to the toast of my health , I saicl that I would endeavour to have ambition enough to attain to that chair so excellently filled this evening , and it will probably be my good fortune in a few months hence to see my ambition fulfilled . ( Hear , hear . ) Everything in Masonry is to be admired , ancl whether a man be a Protestant , a Roman Catholic , or a Presbyterian , or any denomination of Christianthere you can meet him on the
, level and part on the square . ( Applause . ) Bro . ADAMS read the opinion of Abd-el-Kacler on Masonry , which went the round of the papers some ten days ago . The special correspondent of one of them said the reading of it almost convinced him to become a Mason , if it were not for one little matter , meaning the poker . ( Great laughter . ) Bro . Adams resumed his seat . Bro . PHAYER said : I wish to the health of two
Brepropose thren of Lodge 73 , and the difficulty is , which I will name first . They are both active members of the lodge , one of them is , however , a native , and has more plumes as being a " Peacocke " than the other —( laughter ) ; whilst he has all the feathers and majestic bearing of that lovely bird , he is entirely free
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
they were well repaid by finding that their exertions had been appreciated . " The Tyler ' s toast" having been drunk , the company departed . AA'e may mention that the banqueting arrangements were generally excellent , and reflected much credit upon the stewards , who had been equally chosen from the two local lodges . They were Bros . Fellows , Yates , Tilclesley , Pickett , Joseph Ford , and
Savage . Bro . H . Corri , who is fulfilling an engagement at the theatre , with " The English Opera Company , " being a member of the Craft , was present at the banquet , and early in the evening volunteered the song of " Simon the Cellarer , " which was loudly applauded , upon which he favoured the company with another specimen of his excellent vocalisation . Bro . Corn's singing was a prominent feature of the evening ' s proceedings , and he received the thanks of the Provincial Grand Master for
his courtesy . The town was enlivened in the course ofthe day by peals from the Collegiate Church bells , which were rung in honour of the meeting .
LIMERICK . QUARTERLY DINNER OE THE EDEN LODG-E ( NO . 73 , I . C . ) The quarterly dinner of this lodge was celebrated on the evening of the llth inst . The room was tastefully decorated with banners and Masonic devices , together with engravings of his Grace the Duke of Leinster , Bro . jMichael Fiu-nel ) , late D . Prov . Grand Master of North Munster , and other
distinguished Masons . The brethren assembled soon after six in the lodge rooms . They comprised the following : —Bros . George Moore , AA . M . ; Thomas Adams , S . AV . ; James M'Nay , P . M ., acting J . AV . ; AV . Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; G . AV . Bassett , Sec ; J . Ferguson , S . D . ; AA' . C . Joyce , acting J . D . ; J . Horrel , P . M ., I . G . ; M . Phayer , P . M . ; AY . IT . M'Quaide , P . M . ; T . G . Glover , P . M . ; AV . Glover , P . M . ; G . AV . Pragnell , P . M . ; James Fife , P . M . ; S . AV . Keane , P . M'Dowall , F . Vanesbeck .
Visitors : Bros . Richard Fitgevald , Lodge 370 , Tralee ; Bro . Thomas Carey , Ancient , 271 ; Spink , 672 , England , & c , & c . The viands were of the very best description , and comprised all the delicacies ofthe season . The W . MASTER rose ancl requested the brethren to fill their glasses , in order to drink " The Health of their Gracious ' Queen . " The toast was received by tho brethren with every mark of
loyalty , for which Masons are proverbial . Air , " Rule Britannia , " by Bro . AV . Glover . The W . MASTER again rose and proposed " The Health of the Prince and Princess of AVales , " which was very cordially received .
Air , "Your looking as fresh as the morning , " by Bro . M'Quaide . The W . MASTER saicl the next toast he had to propose was that of "The Three Grand Masters— -Earl of Zetland , for England ; Duke of Leinster , for Ireland ; and Bro . AA'hite Melville , for Scotland . " The toast was received most cordially , the usual salute being given , which those exalted brethren are entitled to .
Bro . Carey sang a inost appropriate air , which called forth the approbation of the brethren . The AV . MASTER then saicl , Bro . Senior Warden , Junior Warden , and brethren , it now becomes my duty , and I assure you I feel a very great pleasure in proposing " The Health of our highly esteemed Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Henry Westropp . " He has also attained the distinction of being a member of Parliament , a position he is iu every way adapted to
fill . We , however , drink his health as our Provincial Grand Master . ( Hear , bear . ) The toast was very warmly received , and the usual salute given . The W . MASTER said the next toast was one that never should be forgotten in 73 ; aud when he mentioned the name of their illustrious . and esteemed Bro . Michael Furnell , he knew they would respond as Masons should do for their Past
Provincial Grand Master ( cheers ) . The toast was enthusiastically receiveci , and the usual salute given , amidst great enthusiasm . The charter toasts being disposed of , Bro . PHASER rose and said : AVorshipful Master and
brethren , it has been my pleasing duty for many years to observe , I might say , the father of the fraternity in this city ( Bro . W . Glover ) to be most constant in his attendance to promote Masonry in its integrity ( hear , hear ) . Bro . Glover is not onl y an ardent admirer of the time-honoured institution of Freemasonry , but as a Christian and Elder in this city , he has gained the esteem of his fellow citizens ( hear , bear ) . I have the pleasure of knowing Bro . Glover for fully a quarter of a century ,
and I must say that he has gained for himself a good character , which he will leave untarnished to his family when he attains to tbe Grand Lodge above ( applause ) . I was delighted to see him act this evening as Chaplain to the lodge , ancl it became him well to discharge those duties , he being the eldest Mason in Limerick . Bro . M'QTJAID -. Aye , in tho South of Ireland . Bro . PHAYER : I thank youBro . M'Quaidefor the
cor-, , rection . It is an honour to any lodge to have so old , so esteemed , and so worthy a brother among them as Bro . Glover . ( Applause . ) I now , AVorshipful Master , give you " The Health of our faithful Brother , " and I hope you will give him' all the honours it is in the power of the lodge to bestow . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . )
The toast was then given , ancl the worthy brother saluted accordingly . Bro . GLOVER rose to respond ancl said : AA'orshipful Master , to say I thank you for the kind and fraternal manner in which the lodge has endorsed the opinion of our esteemed Bro . Phayer , in drinking the toast so enthusiastically , is but a faint expression of my overflowing heart with love towards you all . This , and every evening I am permitted to come amongst you ,
I feel myself , as it were , surrounded by friendly brothers . ( Hear , hear . ) It is an intellectual thing to be a Freemason , enjoying the freedom of liberty to the fullest extent . I am over sixty years a member of your glorious Order , and I am not tired of it . ( Applause . ) I was made a Mason when I was twenty-three years old , and I am now eighty-three . Masonry is next to Christianity , ancl is calculated to give peace and concord in the earth . Bro . Glover described a few
stirring incidents of Jfasonie kindness bestowed in the year ' 98 , and at other periods to which he referred , and took his seat amidst great applause . Bro . ADAMS , S . W ., proposed "The Health of tho AVorshipful Master , " which was responded to in brief but suitable terms .
Ihe toast of " The Visiting Brethren " Tras next given and responded to in a very humorous and fraternal manner by Bro . Phayer , alluding to tbe pleasure bo felt in meeting at the festive board such men as the manager of the Union Bank , and others . Bro . CAREY likewise responded , as did also Bros . Spink and Fitzgerald , as visitors . Bro . M'QUAIDE proposed " The Health of the Senior AA ' arden ,
Bro . Adams , " in very fraternal and eloquent terms . Bro . ABATIS : AA orshipful Master and brethren , for the very handsome manner Bro , Past Master M'Quaide has proposed my health , ancl the way in which it was received by the brethren , accept my most heartfelt thanks . I think , however , he has in his over-kindness said too much of me . ( No , no . ) This evening brings to my mind the pleasing remembrance of the time I was initiated . I remember on that occasion having taken my
place at the right hand of the Worshipful Master . In responding to the toast of my health , I saicl that I would endeavour to have ambition enough to attain to that chair so excellently filled this evening , and it will probably be my good fortune in a few months hence to see my ambition fulfilled . ( Hear , hear . ) Everything in Masonry is to be admired , ancl whether a man be a Protestant , a Roman Catholic , or a Presbyterian , or any denomination of Christianthere you can meet him on the
, level and part on the square . ( Applause . ) Bro . ADAMS read the opinion of Abd-el-Kacler on Masonry , which went the round of the papers some ten days ago . The special correspondent of one of them said the reading of it almost convinced him to become a Mason , if it were not for one little matter , meaning the poker . ( Great laughter . ) Bro . Adams resumed his seat . Bro . PHAYER said : I wish to the health of two
Brepropose thren of Lodge 73 , and the difficulty is , which I will name first . They are both active members of the lodge , one of them is , however , a native , and has more plumes as being a " Peacocke " than the other —( laughter ) ; whilst he has all the feathers and majestic bearing of that lovely bird , he is entirely free