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The Congress Of German Masons.
the fundamental tendencies of the Masonic Craft , whose beneficial activity chiefly aims at the attainment of its ideal to bring about the fraternisation of all those who are united by mutual love , and in the earnest endeaA'our to realise wholesome results
by smoothing over the differences of opinion , and thus seeming the amalgamation of all the chief objects of humanity . The Assembly next proceeded to the deliberation of the Platform ( Grundgesetz ) proposed by the
council . The following is the tenor of clause 1 , as amended by Bros . Seydel and Findel : — " The object of the Masonic Confederation is to form a medium of intimate association for free men of good reputation , Avithout distinction of caste , of
nationality , of persuasions , of opinions on political and other topics , for the purpose of furthering and cultivating human civilisation , and striving-, in mutual endeavours , toAvards all that is divine , i . e ., the true , the beautiful , and the good . "
Bro . Bretschneider touched upon objections urged against this draft , from a religious point of view . Bro . Schilling thought it indispensable that
Masonic symbolics should be introduced as one of the objects of the Confederation . Bro . Stuve objected to the deliberation on the platform , altogether , and Bro . Kruthoffer thought it Avas out of character that the occupier of the chair should be
at the same time the advocate of the project . Finally , the draft was rejected , there being only 10 ayes against upwards of 30 noes . The AA'hole of the draft Avas thus disposed of in a most discreditable manner , and after a further discussion ,
in AvhichBros . Paul of Frankfort , Witthauer of Eisenach , and Gronemann of Marienburg took part , the Assembly resolved to desist from further deliberation on the subject for the present , but to resume it at its meeting next year , hoping that in the
meantime sufficient light might be throAvn on it , through the publicity afforded by the Masonic Press , to enable the matter being thoroughly digested and disposed of at Worms .
Thus ended , for the present , the endeavours of an infinitesimal minority of our German brethren to realise , seance tenants , a complete revolution , and displace the foundations upon which the institution of Freemasonry has rested for centuries .
We ahvays considered the object of the present reform agitation on the Continent very questionable , aud Arero of opinion that , if modifications were Avanted , they coulcl touch mei-ely upon minor points , but that the bases of Freemasonry should
The Congress Of German Masons.
remain a noli me tangere ; still , we hoped that some good at least mig ht result from the endeavours of our radical brethren , but find , to our great disappointment , that those forces which ivere called into requisition were utterly inadequate to the task . We think too much conceit and amour .
propre has been SIIOAVU on the part of the promoters of Masonic reform , on the present occasion . Because the religious reformation of the sixteenth century originated at Eisenach , it does not follow that the " platform" of the 13 th of August
should become the 95 theses , and its framers the Lathers and Melanchfcons of Masonry . Non ex quovis ligno fit Mercurius . We are afraid the Seydels , Sc ) aubergs , ancl their adherents , are not chips from the same block as the Monk of
Eisleben and his disciples . The Eisenach Assembly , before parting , agreed on tho folloAving points , as the most important and paramount object to be aimed at by every individual Mason and every Masonic brotherhood .
1 . Union on the principle of generality . Carried unanimously , after a discussion in which joined Bros . Findel , Leutbrecher , Stuve , Seydel , Paul , Groneinaun , ancl Roth , 2 . The present indirect representation of lodges
in their Grand Lodges to be done away Avith , and a direct and active r-epresentation of the lodge , by freely-elected deputies , to be substituted
tliere-. 3 . All regulations on the censure ofthe Masonic Press to be repealed . 4 , The so-called provincial right ( Sprengelreclit ) to be abolished .
We hope that more moderation and more consideration for " existing circumstances" will be shoAvn in future by our German brethren , and have no doubt that greater success will then attend their labours in future meetings .
Secret Sciences Of The Ancients.
Resuming our researches into the uses the ancient people made of their chemical and medical knowledge , Ave may first notice the effects which medicated beverages produce . Among the more remarkable cases of this kind is the magical
slumbers produced in the cave of Trophonius , AA'here the votary , if he escaped with his life , had his health irreparably injured . The cave was one of the most celebrated oracles of Greece , was near Lebadea , a town of Bceotia , ( UOAV Livadia );
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Congress Of German Masons.
the fundamental tendencies of the Masonic Craft , whose beneficial activity chiefly aims at the attainment of its ideal to bring about the fraternisation of all those who are united by mutual love , and in the earnest endeaA'our to realise wholesome results
by smoothing over the differences of opinion , and thus seeming the amalgamation of all the chief objects of humanity . The Assembly next proceeded to the deliberation of the Platform ( Grundgesetz ) proposed by the
council . The following is the tenor of clause 1 , as amended by Bros . Seydel and Findel : — " The object of the Masonic Confederation is to form a medium of intimate association for free men of good reputation , Avithout distinction of caste , of
nationality , of persuasions , of opinions on political and other topics , for the purpose of furthering and cultivating human civilisation , and striving-, in mutual endeavours , toAvards all that is divine , i . e ., the true , the beautiful , and the good . "
Bro . Bretschneider touched upon objections urged against this draft , from a religious point of view . Bro . Schilling thought it indispensable that
Masonic symbolics should be introduced as one of the objects of the Confederation . Bro . Stuve objected to the deliberation on the platform , altogether , and Bro . Kruthoffer thought it Avas out of character that the occupier of the chair should be
at the same time the advocate of the project . Finally , the draft was rejected , there being only 10 ayes against upwards of 30 noes . The AA'hole of the draft Avas thus disposed of in a most discreditable manner , and after a further discussion ,
in AvhichBros . Paul of Frankfort , Witthauer of Eisenach , and Gronemann of Marienburg took part , the Assembly resolved to desist from further deliberation on the subject for the present , but to resume it at its meeting next year , hoping that in the
meantime sufficient light might be throAvn on it , through the publicity afforded by the Masonic Press , to enable the matter being thoroughly digested and disposed of at Worms .
Thus ended , for the present , the endeavours of an infinitesimal minority of our German brethren to realise , seance tenants , a complete revolution , and displace the foundations upon which the institution of Freemasonry has rested for centuries .
We ahvays considered the object of the present reform agitation on the Continent very questionable , aud Arero of opinion that , if modifications were Avanted , they coulcl touch mei-ely upon minor points , but that the bases of Freemasonry should
The Congress Of German Masons.
remain a noli me tangere ; still , we hoped that some good at least mig ht result from the endeavours of our radical brethren , but find , to our great disappointment , that those forces which ivere called into requisition were utterly inadequate to the task . We think too much conceit and amour .
propre has been SIIOAVU on the part of the promoters of Masonic reform , on the present occasion . Because the religious reformation of the sixteenth century originated at Eisenach , it does not follow that the " platform" of the 13 th of August
should become the 95 theses , and its framers the Lathers and Melanchfcons of Masonry . Non ex quovis ligno fit Mercurius . We are afraid the Seydels , Sc ) aubergs , ancl their adherents , are not chips from the same block as the Monk of
Eisleben and his disciples . The Eisenach Assembly , before parting , agreed on tho folloAving points , as the most important and paramount object to be aimed at by every individual Mason and every Masonic brotherhood .
1 . Union on the principle of generality . Carried unanimously , after a discussion in which joined Bros . Findel , Leutbrecher , Stuve , Seydel , Paul , Groneinaun , ancl Roth , 2 . The present indirect representation of lodges
in their Grand Lodges to be done away Avith , and a direct and active r-epresentation of the lodge , by freely-elected deputies , to be substituted
tliere-. 3 . All regulations on the censure ofthe Masonic Press to be repealed . 4 , The so-called provincial right ( Sprengelreclit ) to be abolished .
We hope that more moderation and more consideration for " existing circumstances" will be shoAvn in future by our German brethren , and have no doubt that greater success will then attend their labours in future meetings .
Secret Sciences Of The Ancients.
Resuming our researches into the uses the ancient people made of their chemical and medical knowledge , Ave may first notice the effects which medicated beverages produce . Among the more remarkable cases of this kind is the magical
slumbers produced in the cave of Trophonius , AA'here the votary , if he escaped with his life , had his health irreparably injured . The cave was one of the most celebrated oracles of Greece , was near Lebadea , a town of Bceotia , ( UOAV Livadia );