Article HARMONY AND STRENGTH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Harmony And Strength.
The theory of Masonic government is unity . This is not mere idea , but fact—a living , practical , influential fact , Avhich pervades the whole system , from the corner to the cap-stone , and binds it into one grand whole . In the elements of our organisation there are certain living principles which
form the groundwork , or basis , on whicli the Avhole structure rests ; and from these , as from vital germs , there groAv up the bonds that unite the building as with bands of steel . No outward pressure , no fierce assaults , no storm or tempest can shake the structure so established , and so
cemented Avith enduring bonds . It is founded iu right principles , which are as indestructible as the laws of the Great Architect of the Universe ; its principles of unity are those which link man to man , ancl link humanity to its Maker for everlasting ages . Surelythenthe
, , institution must endure , for it can only fail Avhen the necessity for it ceases to exist , and the demands of our nature no longer require its aid . It has been well said that truth is the foundation , the corner-stone of Masonry , and that truth is the
existence and perfections of the Deity—not the existence of a myth , or some fancied heathen god of like passions Avith ourselves , living in the darkness , and subsisting by the cruelty , of his OAVU nature—but Deity , the Deity of creation and providence , the Deity of Divine revelation , the
" God of Jeshuron , who rideth upon the heavens in thy help , and in His excellency on the sky . " This is the truth Avhich forms the " chief cornerstone " of our mystic and moral structure . It is evident , therefore , that the corner-stone cannot be removed ; there it is , a great elemental ,
indestructible truth , firm as the rock of ages , ancl enduring as eternal years . From this single truth , as from a great root , there are other's that groAV up partaking of its nature , and entering into all parts of the building ; and Avhile it is not in the power of any manor
, body of men , " to make innovations in the body of Masonry , " so , too , this liAing truth ancl its indestructible offshoots are beyond the reach of the destroyer , for this and these constitute the soul of Masonry .
But J have not the time , even if I had the capacity , to amplify on this fact—this truth Avhich supports the whole fabric . It would task the poAvers of the mightiest minds among us , and is a subject fit for the pen of the ripest scholars . What I AA'anted to educe from this great
elementary truth is , that every part of the building , every stone and timber in it , every pillar that supports it , and every tower that flanks and guards it , must be in perfect harmony Avith this great truth . The eternal principles of moral rectitude which flow out of this truth must be reflected from every portion of the material Avhich enters into the building , and every part of the sacred edifice
must be instinct with vitality draAVU from this truth . If this is not the case , though the cornerstone remains steadfast , immovable , indestructible , yet the building may be destroyed from a want of A'itality , and by the absence of hannony with its foundation . If , for instance , instead of making
the structure a great centre of unity , where all mooted questions on sectarian theology or political orthodoxy are ignored , and from which every element is banished , we should introduce matters at variance Avith the foundation principles , harmony would be Avanting , ancl consequently strength .
The cohesive power of a common faith—a faith "in AA'hich all men agree "—Avould cease to sustain and support the building in its several parts , and the result would be a speedy and entire destruction . Supposefor instancethat some members of a
, , lodge should refuse to admit an additional member because he Avas not of their peculiar religious faith , or because he did not labour to sustain their political party , or echo the dogmas which they
deem of highest moment , the consequences to that lodge need hardly be predicted . It would fall into speedy decay ancl deservedly forfeit its charter , and all because its work Avas not in harmony Avith the great clear vital principle on Avhich the institution stands . That great truth recognises the
principle that differences Avill exist among men as to detail , but that such differences are still consistent Avith integrity of purpose and imrity of heart , and that mere shades and grades of opinions on philosophy , religion , or politics , do not detract from the moral beauty of work in harmony
Avith the great principles of truth . The book of nature , as Avell as that of revelation , assures us that " he that fears God and works righteousness shall be accepted , " not he that believes this or that peculiar dogma , or folloAVs in the wake of this or that peculiar sect . God is the maker of us all ,
and the only standard of morality required in our mystic temple is obedience to the moral laAV , the great code of the Bible . Beyond this Ave may not go ; further than this Ave may not require , because the elements of our union do not reach
beyond at . Take another example . Our corner-stone embodies the idea of supreme and subordinate law and obedience—not elaborate and complicated laAvs for the regulation of human action in all its ten thousand relations , and in all its complicated
duties and responsibilities ; this is left to the state and the social and municipal associations existing subordinate to it . Our laAvs are feAV , very few , else they might conflict with that duty which we owe to God , our country , and our families . With us it is simple subordination to those feAV ancl simple
rules for the government of our intercourse Avith each other , and obedience to the laws of God . But hoAv often is it seen that some Avell-meaning brother wishes to go beyond this . The law—all that is forgotten ; subordination to the law is resisted ,
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Harmony And Strength.
The theory of Masonic government is unity . This is not mere idea , but fact—a living , practical , influential fact , Avhich pervades the whole system , from the corner to the cap-stone , and binds it into one grand whole . In the elements of our organisation there are certain living principles which
form the groundwork , or basis , on whicli the Avhole structure rests ; and from these , as from vital germs , there groAv up the bonds that unite the building as with bands of steel . No outward pressure , no fierce assaults , no storm or tempest can shake the structure so established , and so
cemented Avith enduring bonds . It is founded iu right principles , which are as indestructible as the laws of the Great Architect of the Universe ; its principles of unity are those which link man to man , ancl link humanity to its Maker for everlasting ages . Surelythenthe
, , institution must endure , for it can only fail Avhen the necessity for it ceases to exist , and the demands of our nature no longer require its aid . It has been well said that truth is the foundation , the corner-stone of Masonry , and that truth is the
existence and perfections of the Deity—not the existence of a myth , or some fancied heathen god of like passions Avith ourselves , living in the darkness , and subsisting by the cruelty , of his OAVU nature—but Deity , the Deity of creation and providence , the Deity of Divine revelation , the
" God of Jeshuron , who rideth upon the heavens in thy help , and in His excellency on the sky . " This is the truth Avhich forms the " chief cornerstone " of our mystic and moral structure . It is evident , therefore , that the corner-stone cannot be removed ; there it is , a great elemental ,
indestructible truth , firm as the rock of ages , ancl enduring as eternal years . From this single truth , as from a great root , there are other's that groAV up partaking of its nature , and entering into all parts of the building ; and Avhile it is not in the power of any manor
, body of men , " to make innovations in the body of Masonry , " so , too , this liAing truth ancl its indestructible offshoots are beyond the reach of the destroyer , for this and these constitute the soul of Masonry .
But J have not the time , even if I had the capacity , to amplify on this fact—this truth Avhich supports the whole fabric . It would task the poAvers of the mightiest minds among us , and is a subject fit for the pen of the ripest scholars . What I AA'anted to educe from this great
elementary truth is , that every part of the building , every stone and timber in it , every pillar that supports it , and every tower that flanks and guards it , must be in perfect harmony Avith this great truth . The eternal principles of moral rectitude which flow out of this truth must be reflected from every portion of the material Avhich enters into the building , and every part of the sacred edifice
must be instinct with vitality draAVU from this truth . If this is not the case , though the cornerstone remains steadfast , immovable , indestructible , yet the building may be destroyed from a want of A'itality , and by the absence of hannony with its foundation . If , for instance , instead of making
the structure a great centre of unity , where all mooted questions on sectarian theology or political orthodoxy are ignored , and from which every element is banished , we should introduce matters at variance Avith the foundation principles , harmony would be Avanting , ancl consequently strength .
The cohesive power of a common faith—a faith "in AA'hich all men agree "—Avould cease to sustain and support the building in its several parts , and the result would be a speedy and entire destruction . Supposefor instancethat some members of a
, , lodge should refuse to admit an additional member because he Avas not of their peculiar religious faith , or because he did not labour to sustain their political party , or echo the dogmas which they
deem of highest moment , the consequences to that lodge need hardly be predicted . It would fall into speedy decay ancl deservedly forfeit its charter , and all because its work Avas not in harmony Avith the great clear vital principle on Avhich the institution stands . That great truth recognises the
principle that differences Avill exist among men as to detail , but that such differences are still consistent Avith integrity of purpose and imrity of heart , and that mere shades and grades of opinions on philosophy , religion , or politics , do not detract from the moral beauty of work in harmony
Avith the great principles of truth . The book of nature , as Avell as that of revelation , assures us that " he that fears God and works righteousness shall be accepted , " not he that believes this or that peculiar dogma , or folloAVs in the wake of this or that peculiar sect . God is the maker of us all ,
and the only standard of morality required in our mystic temple is obedience to the moral laAV , the great code of the Bible . Beyond this Ave may not go ; further than this Ave may not require , because the elements of our union do not reach
beyond at . Take another example . Our corner-stone embodies the idea of supreme and subordinate law and obedience—not elaborate and complicated laAvs for the regulation of human action in all its ten thousand relations , and in all its complicated
duties and responsibilities ; this is left to the state and the social and municipal associations existing subordinate to it . Our laAvs are feAV , very few , else they might conflict with that duty which we owe to God , our country , and our families . With us it is simple subordination to those feAV ancl simple
rules for the government of our intercourse Avith each other , and obedience to the laws of God . But hoAv often is it seen that some Avell-meaning brother wishes to go beyond this . The law—all that is forgotten ; subordination to the law is resisted ,