Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 4 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
be presented " The Generous Freemason ; or , the Constant Lodge ; Avith the comical adventure of Squire Noodle and his man Doodle ; to Avhich will be added a new pantomime entertainment in grotesque characters called Harlequin Sorcerer . N . B . —During the time oi the fair we shall begin at ten in the morning and end at nine at night .
EXTINCT LONDON LODGES xVND UNITED LODGES ., In answer to " Inquirer , " Aug . 19 , we believe all the lodges named are extinct , except No . 182 , Eoyal Theatric Covent Garden Lodge , ' which has changed its name and character . It is now No . 15 S , Lodge of Good Eeport . The gown is now the characteristic of the lodge ; it has doffed the sock and buskin .
" BOOK OE ELUCIDATIONS . I am just reading " A Masonic Treatise , with an Elucidation on the Eeligious and Moral Beauties of Ereemasonry . Ziydvjxypix ¦— Zgjisgstn — Wxstxjn . E . A ., A . M ., E . C , ' IL T , M . P . Eor the use of Lodges and Brothers in General . By W . Pinch ,
Canterbury , 1802 , " but am at a loss frequently to decipher some of the hieroglyphics , because there is another volume containing " A list of Subscribers , with an explanation to this and two other plates given in the 'Book of Elucidations , ' " which I have not . Canyonor any one of your numerous readers
, , oblige me vrith the sight of a copy of this volume , as it contains the hey to the second edition , Avhich I have ? As Masonic literature has been a constant study with me for some time , I hope this fact will be considered a sufficient reason for my occupying part
¦ of your valuable paper , aud probably troubling some brother to write to me in regard to this " Book of Elucidations . " — WILLIAM JAMES HUGH AIT , 18 ° , Editor of "Devon and Cornwall Masonic Calendar , " & c .
M ' ADAM , THE CELEBRATED EOADMAKEE , A MASON . In response to a request made by one of your correspondents latety , and in the belief that this link in the fraternal chain has not previously been supplied , Ave beg to add to the roll of the eminent men Avho were Ereemasons one Avhose great public services
have rendered his name familiar and his memory respected over Great Britain—John Loudan M'Adam . The town of Ayr claims the honour of giving birth to the great Macadamiser , and if it was not also the place of his Masonic birth , in one of the Aj'r lodges it was thathereceived the sublime degree . Bro M'Adam ' s
passing and raising followed upon his affiliation into Ayr Kilwinning , December , 1789 , as being a member formerly of a regular lodge . Probably he may have heen made in New York , Avhither he proceeded Avhen a boy of fifteen ; returning thence after a residence of fifteen years , and settling in Ayrshire as a county
gentleman , he joined Ayr Kilwinning , a lodge Avhich , at the period of his admission , was presided over by Eobert Aitken , " Orator Bob , " one of the immortals , from his connection Avith Burns—a lodge , too , Avhose roll of membership embraced the elite of the county of Ayr , and whose gavel subsequently fell to be wielded by Mr . MAdam's own hand during three consecutive years . —D . MUEEAT LYON .
REMEMBEB that the man who talks about your neighbour to you , will talk about you to your neighbour .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND "THE BOOK OP CONSTITUTIONS . " TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AST ) MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIE AND BEOTHEE , —As the "Book of
Constitutions " is now out of print , and a new edition Avill shortly have to engage the attention of the Craft , perhaps you will kindly lend a helping hand to the Masonic body in South Australia , by publishing the petition recently forwarded to Grand Lodge from that distant provinceas also the
, accompanying letter in support of its prayer . I Avould not so far trespass upon your space did Ave not labour under the great disadvantage of distance . Masons nearer home can more readily bring themselves into communication with those in authority , ancl thus make their grievances more
generally known , Avhereas the object sought to be obtained by a petition or letter from a distant province , is apt to be lost sight of by a large majority of the members of Grand Lodge , owing to the lapse of time that necessarily takes place betAveen the reading of the same in Grand Lodge
ancl the receipt of the report of the board to Avhich it may be referred . At the end of the present month I sail again for South Australia , and it Avill give me great pleasure on my arrival to report your kind assistance .
I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Tours fraternally , London , W . WADHAM , Prov . G . Sec , Sept . 11 , 1865 . P . M . 505 and 677 . " PETITION . "The District Grand Lod of South Australia
ge regularly assembled at a meeting held January 6 , 1865 , respectfully represents to the Most 'Worshipful the Grand Master aud to the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England" 1 st . That experience in South Australia has shown that the regulations of the " Book of
Constitutions " relating to the Provincial Grand Master and to District Grand Lodges are not adapted to the requirements of a colony Avhich is far distant from , the central government of the Craft .
" 2 nd . That according to the interpretation of the law by the Eight Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of this province , this District Grand Lodge has no authority except such as emanates from the Provincial Grand Master ; that it cannot meet except by his sanction ; that it has no power to fix the times
for holding its meetings ; that it ceases to exist on his death or resignation ; that it cannot control the mode of Avorking in the lodges , or enforce uniformity ; that it cannot hear or determine Masonic complaints ; and that the sole authority to decide on these and other subjects lies with the Provincial Grand Master
, against whose decision there is no appeal except to the Grand Lodge of England . " 3 rd . That owing to the distance of this Colony from Great Britain , an appeal to the Grand Lodge is attended with difficulties and delays which prevent
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
be presented " The Generous Freemason ; or , the Constant Lodge ; Avith the comical adventure of Squire Noodle and his man Doodle ; to Avhich will be added a new pantomime entertainment in grotesque characters called Harlequin Sorcerer . N . B . —During the time oi the fair we shall begin at ten in the morning and end at nine at night .
EXTINCT LONDON LODGES xVND UNITED LODGES ., In answer to " Inquirer , " Aug . 19 , we believe all the lodges named are extinct , except No . 182 , Eoyal Theatric Covent Garden Lodge , ' which has changed its name and character . It is now No . 15 S , Lodge of Good Eeport . The gown is now the characteristic of the lodge ; it has doffed the sock and buskin .
" BOOK OE ELUCIDATIONS . I am just reading " A Masonic Treatise , with an Elucidation on the Eeligious and Moral Beauties of Ereemasonry . Ziydvjxypix ¦— Zgjisgstn — Wxstxjn . E . A ., A . M ., E . C , ' IL T , M . P . Eor the use of Lodges and Brothers in General . By W . Pinch ,
Canterbury , 1802 , " but am at a loss frequently to decipher some of the hieroglyphics , because there is another volume containing " A list of Subscribers , with an explanation to this and two other plates given in the 'Book of Elucidations , ' " which I have not . Canyonor any one of your numerous readers
, , oblige me vrith the sight of a copy of this volume , as it contains the hey to the second edition , Avhich I have ? As Masonic literature has been a constant study with me for some time , I hope this fact will be considered a sufficient reason for my occupying part
¦ of your valuable paper , aud probably troubling some brother to write to me in regard to this " Book of Elucidations . " — WILLIAM JAMES HUGH AIT , 18 ° , Editor of "Devon and Cornwall Masonic Calendar , " & c .
M ' ADAM , THE CELEBRATED EOADMAKEE , A MASON . In response to a request made by one of your correspondents latety , and in the belief that this link in the fraternal chain has not previously been supplied , Ave beg to add to the roll of the eminent men Avho were Ereemasons one Avhose great public services
have rendered his name familiar and his memory respected over Great Britain—John Loudan M'Adam . The town of Ayr claims the honour of giving birth to the great Macadamiser , and if it was not also the place of his Masonic birth , in one of the Aj'r lodges it was thathereceived the sublime degree . Bro M'Adam ' s
passing and raising followed upon his affiliation into Ayr Kilwinning , December , 1789 , as being a member formerly of a regular lodge . Probably he may have heen made in New York , Avhither he proceeded Avhen a boy of fifteen ; returning thence after a residence of fifteen years , and settling in Ayrshire as a county
gentleman , he joined Ayr Kilwinning , a lodge Avhich , at the period of his admission , was presided over by Eobert Aitken , " Orator Bob , " one of the immortals , from his connection Avith Burns—a lodge , too , Avhose roll of membership embraced the elite of the county of Ayr , and whose gavel subsequently fell to be wielded by Mr . MAdam's own hand during three consecutive years . —D . MUEEAT LYON .
REMEMBEB that the man who talks about your neighbour to you , will talk about you to your neighbour .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND "THE BOOK OP CONSTITUTIONS . " TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AST ) MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR SIE AND BEOTHEE , —As the "Book of
Constitutions " is now out of print , and a new edition Avill shortly have to engage the attention of the Craft , perhaps you will kindly lend a helping hand to the Masonic body in South Australia , by publishing the petition recently forwarded to Grand Lodge from that distant provinceas also the
, accompanying letter in support of its prayer . I Avould not so far trespass upon your space did Ave not labour under the great disadvantage of distance . Masons nearer home can more readily bring themselves into communication with those in authority , ancl thus make their grievances more
generally known , Avhereas the object sought to be obtained by a petition or letter from a distant province , is apt to be lost sight of by a large majority of the members of Grand Lodge , owing to the lapse of time that necessarily takes place betAveen the reading of the same in Grand Lodge
ancl the receipt of the report of the board to Avhich it may be referred . At the end of the present month I sail again for South Australia , and it Avill give me great pleasure on my arrival to report your kind assistance .
I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Tours fraternally , London , W . WADHAM , Prov . G . Sec , Sept . 11 , 1865 . P . M . 505 and 677 . " PETITION . "The District Grand Lod of South Australia
ge regularly assembled at a meeting held January 6 , 1865 , respectfully represents to the Most 'Worshipful the Grand Master aud to the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England" 1 st . That experience in South Australia has shown that the regulations of the " Book of
Constitutions " relating to the Provincial Grand Master and to District Grand Lodges are not adapted to the requirements of a colony Avhich is far distant from , the central government of the Craft .
" 2 nd . That according to the interpretation of the law by the Eight Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of this province , this District Grand Lodge has no authority except such as emanates from the Provincial Grand Master ; that it cannot meet except by his sanction ; that it has no power to fix the times
for holding its meetings ; that it ceases to exist on his death or resignation ; that it cannot control the mode of Avorking in the lodges , or enforce uniformity ; that it cannot hear or determine Masonic complaints ; and that the sole authority to decide on these and other subjects lies with the Provincial Grand Master
, against whose decision there is no appeal except to the Grand Lodge of England . " 3 rd . That owing to the distance of this Colony from Great Britain , an appeal to the Grand Lodge is attended with difficulties and delays which prevent