Article SUMMARY OF MASONIC LAW. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC SAYINGS AND DOINGS ABROAD. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Summary Of Masonic Law.
Any affiliated Mason has the right -to prefer charges ' but iu no case can this privilege be extended to one who is not affiliated . —Ib . It is competent for a lodge to try its members , irrespective of any legal procedure that may be at the time pending . —Missouri . Every resident member should be summoned to attend trials . —Ib .
If charges are preferred and received against a brother who has been elected to , or selected for , any office before installation , it stops the installation until same are disposed of . —Wisconsin . The lodge may allow any charges against any brother to be withdrawn .- —lb .
A lodge har a right to receive charges and try any unaffiliated Mason , or a affiliated Mason , in foreign jurisdiction , for unmasonic conduct committed Avhile a resident within such jurisdiction . —lb-We cannot interfere with the business pursuits of our members , provided such business shall be alloived by law . The propriety of admitting into our Order a person
whose business is the sale of liquors , may be a question for the brethren to consider at tho time , but such business is not cause of discipline after he becomes a a member . —Arkansus . A . suspended member may be tried for an offence committed ^ after his suspension , the penalty of Avhich is expulsion , _ He has a ri ght to be present aud to make his defence _ without being relieved from . the sentence of suspension ; tho contrary rule , Avhich has sometimes been acted on , is not in accordance with Masonic law . — Alabama .
The granting of a postponement of a trial is within the ^ sound discretion of the Master , and after he has decided , his decision cannot bo made tho subject for discussion in the lodge Avithout his consent . —Ib . Where the Secretary is put upon his trial , it is not proper that he should act as Secretary in the proceedings had upon his trialhut tlie Master should appoint
; a Secretary pro hue -vice , by analogy to legal proceedings in the appointment by the judge , of an elsisor , Avhen the sheriff and coroner are interested in the subject matter of the snit . —Ib . ( To le continued . ' )
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The Grand Lodge of Indiana have adopted the following resolution : — Besolved , That no Mason shall be eligible to the office of M . TV . Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , and Senior or Junior Grand Warden , Avho shall
personally solicit , or authorize others to solicit , delegates to the Grand Lodge ^ to vole for him for either of said offices ; A Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite has been formed in Chili , under the warrant of
the Supreme Council of England , with the approval and coucurrence of the other councils throughout the world .
IIASONEY . —Kev . G . Marshall used the following significant language in a Masonic address : — " Masonry is a charitable institution . When it makes a man a Mason it makes an almscliesfc of his bosom , smtl it gives to every other brother throughout the world a key to it . When a hrotlier dies , he leaves the golden key to his widows and orphans .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . ¦ , f All communications to be addressed to the E MTOE , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Bro . Hie Eev . J . E . Cox , P . G . Chaplain of Grand Lodge , Rector of St . Helen ' s , Bishopsgate , has been appointed Chaplain to the Sheriffs of London , who , we may remark , are both members of the Order . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lancashire AVcst , Avill be held , under the presidency of Sir Thomas G . iTermor-Hesketh ,
Bart ., M . P ., R . AV . Provincial Grand Master , at the Ailelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Wednesday , the 4 th October , 1871 , at Twelve o'clock at noon , for the transaction of the annual business of the Province . There will be a banquet at the Hotel , at four o ' clock in the afternoon .
The next quarterly meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge ^ of West Yorkshire , will be holden in the Mechanics' Institute , Bingley , on Wednesday , October 18 tb , 1871 , at 12 . 30 p . m ., . under the banner of the Scientific Lodge , So . 439 , the Marquis of Ripon , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , having found it necessary to change the day of meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge to October ISth .
The half-yearly meeting of Prov . G . Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be held on Wednesday , November 1 st , 1871 , at Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfleld . The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland has announced that the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the
'beginning of October . PHOVISCE os Sorrrn AVAIES ( EASTEEJC DIVISION ) . —The R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . ^ Theodore Mansel Talbot , will hold a Provincial Graud Lodge at Aberdarp , on Thursday , the 28 th inst . ; the arrangements will be entrusted to the St . Davids' Lodgo , So . 679 .
THE CLAPTON' LODGE ]( So . 1 , 365 ) . —A new lodge was consecrated on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Clapton . Bro . . 1 . D . Taylor , was installed as WM . ; Bro . AA . Stephens , of the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , the first S . W . ; and Bro . J . Saunders the first J . W .. Bro . James Terry , P . M . 22 S , wasjtho consecrating officer , and the musical arnvugenierAs were under the direction of Bro . Thomas of the Urban Lodge , No- 1 , 196 .
Brother Packard Spencer informs us tho reprint of the 1722 , 1723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient aud Honourable Society of Pree and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Kev . Dr . Cox P . G . Chaplain , & c , illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces by the Woodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of
delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Masonic Depot , 26 , Great Queen Street , W . C . Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold its meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , City .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summary Of Masonic Law.
Any affiliated Mason has the right -to prefer charges ' but iu no case can this privilege be extended to one who is not affiliated . —Ib . It is competent for a lodge to try its members , irrespective of any legal procedure that may be at the time pending . —Missouri . Every resident member should be summoned to attend trials . —Ib .
If charges are preferred and received against a brother who has been elected to , or selected for , any office before installation , it stops the installation until same are disposed of . —Wisconsin . The lodge may allow any charges against any brother to be withdrawn .- —lb .
A lodge har a right to receive charges and try any unaffiliated Mason , or a affiliated Mason , in foreign jurisdiction , for unmasonic conduct committed Avhile a resident within such jurisdiction . —lb-We cannot interfere with the business pursuits of our members , provided such business shall be alloived by law . The propriety of admitting into our Order a person
whose business is the sale of liquors , may be a question for the brethren to consider at tho time , but such business is not cause of discipline after he becomes a a member . —Arkansus . A . suspended member may be tried for an offence committed ^ after his suspension , the penalty of Avhich is expulsion , _ He has a ri ght to be present aud to make his defence _ without being relieved from . the sentence of suspension ; tho contrary rule , Avhich has sometimes been acted on , is not in accordance with Masonic law . — Alabama .
The granting of a postponement of a trial is within the ^ sound discretion of the Master , and after he has decided , his decision cannot bo made tho subject for discussion in the lodge Avithout his consent . —Ib . Where the Secretary is put upon his trial , it is not proper that he should act as Secretary in the proceedings had upon his trialhut tlie Master should appoint
; a Secretary pro hue -vice , by analogy to legal proceedings in the appointment by the judge , of an elsisor , Avhen the sheriff and coroner are interested in the subject matter of the snit . —Ib . ( To le continued . ' )
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The Grand Lodge of Indiana have adopted the following resolution : — Besolved , That no Mason shall be eligible to the office of M . TV . Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , and Senior or Junior Grand Warden , Avho shall
personally solicit , or authorize others to solicit , delegates to the Grand Lodge ^ to vole for him for either of said offices ; A Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite has been formed in Chili , under the warrant of
the Supreme Council of England , with the approval and coucurrence of the other councils throughout the world .
IIASONEY . —Kev . G . Marshall used the following significant language in a Masonic address : — " Masonry is a charitable institution . When it makes a man a Mason it makes an almscliesfc of his bosom , smtl it gives to every other brother throughout the world a key to it . When a hrotlier dies , he leaves the golden key to his widows and orphans .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . ¦ , f All communications to be addressed to the E MTOE , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Bro . Hie Eev . J . E . Cox , P . G . Chaplain of Grand Lodge , Rector of St . Helen ' s , Bishopsgate , has been appointed Chaplain to the Sheriffs of London , who , we may remark , are both members of the Order . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lancashire AVcst , Avill be held , under the presidency of Sir Thomas G . iTermor-Hesketh ,
Bart ., M . P ., R . AV . Provincial Grand Master , at the Ailelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Wednesday , the 4 th October , 1871 , at Twelve o'clock at noon , for the transaction of the annual business of the Province . There will be a banquet at the Hotel , at four o ' clock in the afternoon .
The next quarterly meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge ^ of West Yorkshire , will be holden in the Mechanics' Institute , Bingley , on Wednesday , October 18 tb , 1871 , at 12 . 30 p . m ., . under the banner of the Scientific Lodge , So . 439 , the Marquis of Ripon , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , having found it necessary to change the day of meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge to October ISth .
The half-yearly meeting of Prov . G . Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be held on Wednesday , November 1 st , 1871 , at Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfleld . The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland has announced that the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the
'beginning of October . PHOVISCE os Sorrrn AVAIES ( EASTEEJC DIVISION ) . —The R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . ^ Theodore Mansel Talbot , will hold a Provincial Graud Lodge at Aberdarp , on Thursday , the 28 th inst . ; the arrangements will be entrusted to the St . Davids' Lodgo , So . 679 .
THE CLAPTON' LODGE ]( So . 1 , 365 ) . —A new lodge was consecrated on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Clapton . Bro . . 1 . D . Taylor , was installed as WM . ; Bro . AA . Stephens , of the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , the first S . W . ; and Bro . J . Saunders the first J . W .. Bro . James Terry , P . M . 22 S , wasjtho consecrating officer , and the musical arnvugenierAs were under the direction of Bro . Thomas of the Urban Lodge , No- 1 , 196 .
Brother Packard Spencer informs us tho reprint of the 1722 , 1723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient aud Honourable Society of Pree and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Kev . Dr . Cox P . G . Chaplain , & c , illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces by the Woodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of
delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Masonic Depot , 26 , Great Queen Street , W . C . Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold its meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , City .