Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 2 of 2 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
TheMETBoroEiTAir MAEK LODGE OF INSTEUCTIOIT ( the only one of the Degree in London ) , will resume its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and every succeeding Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at the Lyceum Tavern , No . 364 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . O . will preside as AV . M . Meyer A . Loewenstark , P . M . S 6 , W . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon .
Sec . ;| AVe have been requested to announce that it is proposed to present a testimonial to Bro . P . Binckes , the Secretary of the Rcyal Masonic Institution for Boys , in recognition of his untiring efforts , and extraordinary exertions to obtain the funds required for the erection of the present handsome building , which , for
completeness as a structure , and for utility as a liome and school , is probably unsurpassed . At the time of its dedication , it became a question amongst both town and provincial brethren , ¦ who wero cognizant of the great exertions of the Secretary , whether the time had not then arrived for a general recognition of his valuable services ; but in the minds of many brethren of
eminence , a difficully presented itself in the fact that the school was then burtliened with a debt of considerable magnitude , and on reflection it was determined that it was more fitting to centralise all efforts towards reducing the liabilities than , even temporarily , to divert the munificence of donors and subscribers . By the secretary ' s continued perseverance and
thorough devotion to the welfare of the institution the liabilities have been so far reduced as to leave the institution now only indebted in a comparatively small sura to its bankers , whilst during the nine years of Bro . Binckes' secretaryship the number of boys had been increased from 70 to US . This being the case , it is felt that some suitable compliment should be paid to
him hy such a substantial testimonial for his earnestness and unflagging zeal , as shall hereafter be a permanent benefit to himself and family . By a resolution of the committee individual subscriptions are limited to one guinea—those from lodges and ¦ chapters are unrestricted . A committee has been formed , with Bro . E . Cox , of 103 , Chancery Lane , as Hon . Sec .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB Bors . —OCTOBER ELECTION , 1 S 71 . — -The Votes and Interests of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Earnest Lewis Balling , Aged S Years , Sou of the late Bvo . Thomas Railing , for many years connected with the "Essex Standard , " as Reporter , & e ., who died , after a long illness , at the early age of
40 , on the 28 tli January , 1869 , leaving an invalid Widow and Eleven Children—nine Sons and two Daughters—six of whom are entirely dependent upon their eldest Brother for support . Bro . Railing was initiated into the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , ( now 51 ) , Colchester , in 1853 , and was a Subscribing- Member up to the time of his decease . The Application is strongly
recommended by Bros , the R . AV . R . J . Bagsbiv . v , Provincial Grand Master for Essex ; Andrew Meggy , Deputy Prov . G . M . of Essex ; Y . W . the Rev . C . J . Marfcyn , Prov . G . Chap of England Rev . E . I . Loekwood , D . Prov . G . M . of Suffolk-. Proxies may be sent to Mrs . Railing , Military Road , Colchester . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB GIBLS , OCTOEEE
ELECTION , 1 S 71 . —The votes of the brethren are solicited on behalf of Mary Ann Line , aged 10 years . The father of the candidate , Bro . Thomas Line , who for some years kept the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgc , was initiated in the Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 , on the 23 d , Jan ., 1861 , and continued a subscribing member to the time of his decease , which occurred on the 23 rd January , 1871 . He
died suddenly , leaving his Avidow in very straitened circumstances with lour children . The case is strongly recommended by a large number of influential Masons of the Province , and
Masonic Mems.
proxies will be thankfully received by Bros . J . Jaquin , W . M . 3 S 2 ; AV . Coombes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . 389 ; and G : H . AVools , 382 . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOE BOYS . —Your votes and in . terest are respectfully solicited on behalf of AValter Ellis ( second application ) , son of the late Bro . George'Ellis , an engineer , for many years and until his death , a resident of Constantinople .
He was initiated in the Oriental Lodge , No . 6 S 7 ( then No . S ) 8 S ) on the 3 rd February , 1860 , aud continued a subscrbime-ng mi ber until his death on the 14 th of October , 18 U 7 , leaving a widow and four children totally unprovided for . The kind assistance of subscribers and donors is more urgently requested , owing to the exceptional circumstances of this case . There are
no relations or friends connected with the candidate in this country , and he would bo unrepresented but for the kindness of a few Bethren who have generously volunteered their aid . Votes for the Girls' School will be thankfully received , as they can bo made available for this case by exchange . The case is strongly recommended by Bros . Hyde Clarke , P . D . D . G . M ., for Turkey
aud Egypt , late acting D . G . M ., 32 , St . George ' s-square , S . W . ; and by J Bros . George Lawrie , P . D . Dist G . M ., Turkey , Constantino A . Theodoridi , George Baker , James Baylis , John T . Brown , Charles A . Cookson , Charles Harnsou , James Heywood and Thomas Todd , all of Constantinople . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Richard Spencer 26 Great
Queen-street-, , ST . JAIIES ' S LODGE OF INSTHUCTION ( No . 705 ) , will hold itsmeeting on Friday , 29 th inst ., at 7 o'clock p . m ., at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jamaica Road , Bcrmondsey , when the fifteen sections will be worked . Bro . Josliua Howes , P . M ., will ttskG the chair .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The regular monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held at the Board Room , Freemasons' Hail , on Wednesday , 20 th inst . The Chair of AA . M . was occupied by Bro . J . W . Clabou , President ; that of S . AV . by Bro . Joshua Nunn , Senior A ice-President ; and that of J . W . by Bro . J . Brett , Junior A ^
ice-Prcsident There Avere also present , Bros . J . Boyd , Hyde Clarke , J . Thomson , James Glaisher , P . AValters , Joseph Smith , W . Plait , Ough , Nunn , Cottebrune , AV . Smith , C . F „ Sheen , Samuel May , J . Gale , Dr . \ A oodman , and some others . The lodge , was opened precisely at seven o ' clock .
Ten cases recommended for relief at last meeting , in sums amounting to £ 265 , were confirmed , witli one exception , — Grant to a Brother of Lodge No . 140 , Greenwich ); to which , confirmation was , after an animated discussion , refused . Sixteen new . applications for relief were considered with the following result : — £ s . d .
The AVidow of a Brother of Lodge Faith , No . 341 , Radclifi ; Lancashire 20 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of Lodge Friendship , So . 202 , Dcvonpoit 20 0 0 The AA'idow of a Brother of Lodge Three Grand Principles , No . 208 , Dewsbury 10 0 0 A Brother of Lodge Peace and Harmony , No . 359 Southampton ... ... ... 10 0 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
TheMETBoroEiTAir MAEK LODGE OF INSTEUCTIOIT ( the only one of the Degree in London ) , will resume its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and every succeeding Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at the Lyceum Tavern , No . 364 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . O . will preside as AV . M . Meyer A . Loewenstark , P . M . S 6 , W . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon .
Sec . ;| AVe have been requested to announce that it is proposed to present a testimonial to Bro . P . Binckes , the Secretary of the Rcyal Masonic Institution for Boys , in recognition of his untiring efforts , and extraordinary exertions to obtain the funds required for the erection of the present handsome building , which , for
completeness as a structure , and for utility as a liome and school , is probably unsurpassed . At the time of its dedication , it became a question amongst both town and provincial brethren , ¦ who wero cognizant of the great exertions of the Secretary , whether the time had not then arrived for a general recognition of his valuable services ; but in the minds of many brethren of
eminence , a difficully presented itself in the fact that the school was then burtliened with a debt of considerable magnitude , and on reflection it was determined that it was more fitting to centralise all efforts towards reducing the liabilities than , even temporarily , to divert the munificence of donors and subscribers . By the secretary ' s continued perseverance and
thorough devotion to the welfare of the institution the liabilities have been so far reduced as to leave the institution now only indebted in a comparatively small sura to its bankers , whilst during the nine years of Bro . Binckes' secretaryship the number of boys had been increased from 70 to US . This being the case , it is felt that some suitable compliment should be paid to
him hy such a substantial testimonial for his earnestness and unflagging zeal , as shall hereafter be a permanent benefit to himself and family . By a resolution of the committee individual subscriptions are limited to one guinea—those from lodges and ¦ chapters are unrestricted . A committee has been formed , with Bro . E . Cox , of 103 , Chancery Lane , as Hon . Sec .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB Bors . —OCTOBER ELECTION , 1 S 71 . — -The Votes and Interests of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Earnest Lewis Balling , Aged S Years , Sou of the late Bvo . Thomas Railing , for many years connected with the "Essex Standard , " as Reporter , & e ., who died , after a long illness , at the early age of
40 , on the 28 tli January , 1869 , leaving an invalid Widow and Eleven Children—nine Sons and two Daughters—six of whom are entirely dependent upon their eldest Brother for support . Bro . Railing was initiated into the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , ( now 51 ) , Colchester , in 1853 , and was a Subscribing- Member up to the time of his decease . The Application is strongly
recommended by Bros , the R . AV . R . J . Bagsbiv . v , Provincial Grand Master for Essex ; Andrew Meggy , Deputy Prov . G . M . of Essex ; Y . W . the Rev . C . J . Marfcyn , Prov . G . Chap of England Rev . E . I . Loekwood , D . Prov . G . M . of Suffolk-. Proxies may be sent to Mrs . Railing , Military Road , Colchester . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB GIBLS , OCTOEEE
ELECTION , 1 S 71 . —The votes of the brethren are solicited on behalf of Mary Ann Line , aged 10 years . The father of the candidate , Bro . Thomas Line , who for some years kept the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgc , was initiated in the Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 , on the 23 d , Jan ., 1861 , and continued a subscribing member to the time of his decease , which occurred on the 23 rd January , 1871 . He
died suddenly , leaving his Avidow in very straitened circumstances with lour children . The case is strongly recommended by a large number of influential Masons of the Province , and
Masonic Mems.
proxies will be thankfully received by Bros . J . Jaquin , W . M . 3 S 2 ; AV . Coombes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . 389 ; and G : H . AVools , 382 . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOE BOYS . —Your votes and in . terest are respectfully solicited on behalf of AValter Ellis ( second application ) , son of the late Bro . George'Ellis , an engineer , for many years and until his death , a resident of Constantinople .
He was initiated in the Oriental Lodge , No . 6 S 7 ( then No . S ) 8 S ) on the 3 rd February , 1860 , aud continued a subscrbime-ng mi ber until his death on the 14 th of October , 18 U 7 , leaving a widow and four children totally unprovided for . The kind assistance of subscribers and donors is more urgently requested , owing to the exceptional circumstances of this case . There are
no relations or friends connected with the candidate in this country , and he would bo unrepresented but for the kindness of a few Bethren who have generously volunteered their aid . Votes for the Girls' School will be thankfully received , as they can bo made available for this case by exchange . The case is strongly recommended by Bros . Hyde Clarke , P . D . D . G . M ., for Turkey
aud Egypt , late acting D . G . M ., 32 , St . George ' s-square , S . W . ; and by J Bros . George Lawrie , P . D . Dist G . M ., Turkey , Constantino A . Theodoridi , George Baker , James Baylis , John T . Brown , Charles A . Cookson , Charles Harnsou , James Heywood and Thomas Todd , all of Constantinople . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Richard Spencer 26 Great
Queen-street-, , ST . JAIIES ' S LODGE OF INSTHUCTION ( No . 705 ) , will hold itsmeeting on Friday , 29 th inst ., at 7 o'clock p . m ., at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jamaica Road , Bcrmondsey , when the fifteen sections will be worked . Bro . Josliua Howes , P . M ., will ttskG the chair .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The regular monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held at the Board Room , Freemasons' Hail , on Wednesday , 20 th inst . The Chair of AA . M . was occupied by Bro . J . W . Clabou , President ; that of S . AV . by Bro . Joshua Nunn , Senior A ice-President ; and that of J . W . by Bro . J . Brett , Junior A ^
ice-Prcsident There Avere also present , Bros . J . Boyd , Hyde Clarke , J . Thomson , James Glaisher , P . AValters , Joseph Smith , W . Plait , Ough , Nunn , Cottebrune , AV . Smith , C . F „ Sheen , Samuel May , J . Gale , Dr . \ A oodman , and some others . The lodge , was opened precisely at seven o ' clock .
Ten cases recommended for relief at last meeting , in sums amounting to £ 265 , were confirmed , witli one exception , — Grant to a Brother of Lodge No . 140 , Greenwich ); to which , confirmation was , after an animated discussion , refused . Sixteen new . applications for relief were considered with the following result : — £ s . d .
The AVidow of a Brother of Lodge Faith , No . 341 , Radclifi ; Lancashire 20 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of Lodge Friendship , So . 202 , Dcvonpoit 20 0 0 The AA'idow of a Brother of Lodge Three Grand Principles , No . 208 , Dewsbury 10 0 0 A Brother of Lodge Peace and Harmony , No . 359 Southampton ... ... ... 10 0 0