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AV . M .: 3 ro . E . C . Mitchell , P . M . ; Bros . R . G . AA ' alton , S . W . ; 11 . AV . Barrow , . I . AA ' . ; G . AV . R . Malins , Sec . and Treas . ; J . 0 . Weeks , S . D . ; C . Howe , J . D . ; P . Belleli , I . G . ; and J . A \ . Seager , Tyler , Members : —Bros . W . Maidment , J . L . Madden , J . AVynn . J . A . Swornsbournc , J . T . Herbert , If . Brooksby , J . Molkenteller , and G . Miles . A'isitors : —Bros . Lcssignol , La Perre Du Pout , J . It . Waters , T . Hammond J . Innes , and E .
E . Hartley . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Fisher , which proved quite clear , lhe Secretary then read a letter from Mr . KingeVhoffer , stating bis desire to postpone his ballot sine die . There were likewise other letters read by the Secretary from Bro , Brooksby , tendering his resignation , owing to his departure from Bombay , and from Bro . Joshua Humphreys , stating that he had been called
to England unexpectedly , and was raised to the high and sublime degree of a M . M . in another lodge by dispensation . The WM . then read a letter to the brethren , from Bro . G . Maedonald , the Junior AVarden in charge of Lodge Concord , soliciting the co-operation of Lodge Truth in creating a fund for the purpose of relieving the widow of the late AV . Bro . II . II . Avion . Tho AV . M . then proceeded to detail the services rendered to the Craft by the late brother , stating that he was both
willing and able to give instruction to the members of the Craft ; in fact his Masonic knowledge was very extensive . Their lata brother had spent a groat portion of his time iu the . cause of Masonry , and whether in sickness or in health he was always at his post . His widow was now left quite unprovided for , with no less than eight children to maintain ; he , the AV . M ., called upon the brethren to exercise that virtue which is the true characteristic of Masonry—charity . It was then proposed to
write a letter of condolence to Mrs . Avron , expressive of deep regret at the great loss she has sustained ; and the WM . prop'sed , and W . Bro . E . C . Mitchell seconded , Unit the sum of'Rs . 200 be granted from the charity fund to Mrs . Avron , and that the letter of the J . AV . of Lodge Concord be duly acknowledged . There being no further work before the Ledge , it was closed in peace and lovo at S p . m .
MAZAGON . — Lodge Concord ( No . 757 , E . C . ) — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the loth July . Present : —AV . Bros . Alfred EJginton , as AV . M . ; Arthur King , P . M . ; J . Lockly , P . M . ; AV . II . Hussey , P . M . ; C . Hyne , P . M . ; B . Robinson , as S . AV . ; G . Macdonald , J . AV ., in charge ; I . Smale , Treas . ; C . Newborn , Roc ; F . Burdett , S . D . ; J . Wingfield , J . D . ; Harris , I . G . ; J . A \ ' . Seager , Tyler ,
and many other members and visitors , Tho lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read aud confirmed . A grant of lis . 500 was voted in aid of the family of the late W . Bio . II . H . Avron , and Rs . 100 each to the widows of the late Bros . Swanseger and Cooper . A vote of thinks was tendered to Bro . Hussey , for his valuable services in undertaking to arrange and organise the ceremonies attending the funeial of the late A \ . Bro . Avron . Mr . Frederick
Freeborn , who had parsed the ballot at a previous meeting , was admitted properly prepared and initialed into the mysteries of 1 'Vce nasonry . The officiating AA ' . M . introduced W . Bvo . McClumpWi , who was commissioned by the brethren in Sind to convey their fraternalgreeting to their brethren in Bombay . This ended the 1 ibours of the eveniiig . but before closing the lodge , the customary fuuer . il honours were performed in honour of the memory of deceased brethren . The Lodge was closed at 9-30 p . m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Emulation ( So . 1 , 100 , B . C . )—Tho regular meeting of tl is lo < ge v ps held a" . Freemasons' Hall , on the 20 th July , 1871 . Present : —W . Bro . C . Beard , P . M ., as AV . M . ; Bras . T . A . Hopewell , S . W . ; E . Hcwetl , J . W . ; E . Gleeve , Treas . ; J . F . Pennoclc , Sec ; T . Counscll , as S . D . ; J . Hartley , J . D . ; J . G . Smith , I . G . ; Rustomjee Gowa .-je-, D . C ; G . Yardly , and C . U . Raymond , Stewards ; ' T . Horsl ' all , Org . ; and J . SV .
Seager , Tyler . Members : —Bros . J . Thompson , H . Cooper , W . II . McCaun , Duggan , AV . Martin , AV . 1 L Hoare , F . Stretch , E . Coole , C . Dumper , and several visitors . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The brethren then balloted for Messrs . C . H . Poole and II . Black as candidates for initiation , and for Bro . James Moon as njoinina- member , which in each case proved clear . Messrs C . H . Poole and II . Black being
present , and properly prepared , were separately admitted in duo and ancient form , and initiated into the mysteries of the first degree . Bro . T . A . Hopewell , J . W ., explained the working tools , and Bro . E . Hewett gave the Charge , in a manner that gained great applause from the brethren . AA . Bro . C . Beard c ingi-ntulated the brethren on the excellent working of their Wardens . Minutes of last permanent committee were read . The
AA ' . M . proposed an amendment to Bro . Counsell's proposition , which was a grant of Rs . 500 to the widow of our late W . Bro . II . H . Avron , P . M . ; he proposed , owing to the low state of the available funds of the lodge , also several other cases of distress requiring our assistance , that tho grant be reduced to Rs . 400 , as there was no great need of the money at present , aud in the cmrso of a few months , the lodge would be in a better position and a further grant could be made , which was seconded and
carried . A subscription list was then circulated among the members present , and the result was Rs . 320 . One candidate was proposed for initiation . There being no other business , the lodge was closed with prayer at 9-20 p . m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Cyrus ( No . 1 , 359 , E . C . )—The preliminary meeting of this lodge , convened by authority of the R . AV . the D . G . M ., was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 8 th June , 1871 . Present : —AV . Bros . W . H . Hussey , AA' . M . ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . AA ' . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . AA' . j Sorabjee Frommurze , as S . D . ; Hormusjee Nusserwanjee Gista , as J . D . ; . Tehiiugeerjce Eduljee . as I . G . ; and J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Member : — ' W . Bro . j . Percy Leith , Den . D . G . M . The
Lodge was opened in the 1 st degree . The circular convening the meeting was read . The telegram from the Grand Secretary , granting this new lodge , was read . Tho authority from the li . W . the D . G . M . for opening the Lodge was read . The bvelaws of this lodge , framed by the AVorshipful Master , were read , and adopted . AV . Bros . Sorabjee Frommurze and J . W . Seager were unanimously elected , the former as Treasurer , and the latter as Tyler for the ensuing year . Two candidates were proposed for initiation , and three brethren for affiliation . There being no inrther work , the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony , at 7-45 p-m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Cyrus ( No . 1 , 359 , E . G . )—Tho regular meeting i , f this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on tho 2 GtU July , 1 S 71 , when there were present : —AV . Bros . AV . H . Hussey , W .. A 1 . ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . W . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . AV . ; Sorabjee Frommurze , Sec . and Treas . ; J . Wynn , as S . D . ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , J . D . ; Jeliangeerjee Eduljee , as I . G . ; and J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Members : —
W . Bros . J . Percy Leith , Dep . D . G . M . A'isitors : —AV . Bros . Captain J . Dixon , E . Tyrrell Leith , H , I . P . Thomson , J . Thomas , Nowrojeo Manockjee Lungrana , Darashaw Dorabjee Reporter , and others . Tho lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the preliminary meeting were read and conlirmerl . The collective ballot was taken for Messrs . IL . riuiisjeo Baponjce A'icenjee and Burjorjee Framjee Patell , candidates I'm- initiationand BrosJehangeerjee EduljeeJehan
, . , - geevjee Rustonijeo Mody , and Nusserwanjee Dorabjee " Patell , for affiliation , which having proved unanimously clear , the joining brothers were accordingly elected aud welcomed by the AVorshipful Master , and the candidates for initiation were separately admitted , properly prepared , and solemnly initiated into the mysteiies of our Order . The AVorshipful Master appointed and i ivistul his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros .
Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . AV . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . AV . ; Sorabjee Frommurze , Sec . and Treas . ; Hormusjee Nuss Twanjce Gisia , S . D . ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , J . D . ; Jehan-- . 'eerjee Eduljte Treasurywalla , I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , Tyler . T . ireo members were appointed for the permament committee . The bye-laws of the lodge , which were duly confirmed , were si , ued by the AVorshipful Master , Officers and the members present . Voluntary contributions towards the funds of this
1 dge made by the following brethren , amounting to Rs . 350 , were handed to the Treasurer b y the Worshipful Master : —W . Bros . J . Percy Leith , Dep . D . G . M ., Rs . 50 ; Sorabjee Frommurze , D . J . G . D ., Rs . 50 ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , Rs . SO ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , Rs . 50 ; Hormusjee Nusserwanjee Gista , Rs . 50 ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , Rs . 50 ; Nanabhoy Jamsetjee Moos , Rs . 50 . The following distinguished and worth y brothers were , by acclamation , elected honorary members
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AV . M .: 3 ro . E . C . Mitchell , P . M . ; Bros . R . G . AA ' alton , S . W . ; 11 . AV . Barrow , . I . AA ' . ; G . AV . R . Malins , Sec . and Treas . ; J . 0 . Weeks , S . D . ; C . Howe , J . D . ; P . Belleli , I . G . ; and J . A \ . Seager , Tyler , Members : —Bros . W . Maidment , J . L . Madden , J . AVynn . J . A . Swornsbournc , J . T . Herbert , If . Brooksby , J . Molkenteller , and G . Miles . A'isitors : —Bros . Lcssignol , La Perre Du Pout , J . It . Waters , T . Hammond J . Innes , and E .
E . Hartley . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Fisher , which proved quite clear , lhe Secretary then read a letter from Mr . KingeVhoffer , stating bis desire to postpone his ballot sine die . There were likewise other letters read by the Secretary from Bro , Brooksby , tendering his resignation , owing to his departure from Bombay , and from Bro . Joshua Humphreys , stating that he had been called
to England unexpectedly , and was raised to the high and sublime degree of a M . M . in another lodge by dispensation . The WM . then read a letter to the brethren , from Bro . G . Maedonald , the Junior AVarden in charge of Lodge Concord , soliciting the co-operation of Lodge Truth in creating a fund for the purpose of relieving the widow of the late AV . Bro . II . II . Avion . Tho AV . M . then proceeded to detail the services rendered to the Craft by the late brother , stating that he was both
willing and able to give instruction to the members of the Craft ; in fact his Masonic knowledge was very extensive . Their lata brother had spent a groat portion of his time iu the . cause of Masonry , and whether in sickness or in health he was always at his post . His widow was now left quite unprovided for , with no less than eight children to maintain ; he , the AV . M ., called upon the brethren to exercise that virtue which is the true characteristic of Masonry—charity . It was then proposed to
write a letter of condolence to Mrs . Avron , expressive of deep regret at the great loss she has sustained ; and the WM . prop'sed , and W . Bro . E . C . Mitchell seconded , Unit the sum of'Rs . 200 be granted from the charity fund to Mrs . Avron , and that the letter of the J . AV . of Lodge Concord be duly acknowledged . There being no further work before the Ledge , it was closed in peace and lovo at S p . m .
MAZAGON . — Lodge Concord ( No . 757 , E . C . ) — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the loth July . Present : —AV . Bros . Alfred EJginton , as AV . M . ; Arthur King , P . M . ; J . Lockly , P . M . ; AV . II . Hussey , P . M . ; C . Hyne , P . M . ; B . Robinson , as S . AV . ; G . Macdonald , J . AV ., in charge ; I . Smale , Treas . ; C . Newborn , Roc ; F . Burdett , S . D . ; J . Wingfield , J . D . ; Harris , I . G . ; J . A \ ' . Seager , Tyler ,
and many other members and visitors , Tho lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read aud confirmed . A grant of lis . 500 was voted in aid of the family of the late W . Bio . II . H . Avron , and Rs . 100 each to the widows of the late Bros . Swanseger and Cooper . A vote of thinks was tendered to Bro . Hussey , for his valuable services in undertaking to arrange and organise the ceremonies attending the funeial of the late A \ . Bro . Avron . Mr . Frederick
Freeborn , who had parsed the ballot at a previous meeting , was admitted properly prepared and initialed into the mysteries of 1 'Vce nasonry . The officiating AA ' . M . introduced W . Bvo . McClumpWi , who was commissioned by the brethren in Sind to convey their fraternalgreeting to their brethren in Bombay . This ended the 1 ibours of the eveniiig . but before closing the lodge , the customary fuuer . il honours were performed in honour of the memory of deceased brethren . The Lodge was closed at 9-30 p . m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Emulation ( So . 1 , 100 , B . C . )—Tho regular meeting of tl is lo < ge v ps held a" . Freemasons' Hall , on the 20 th July , 1871 . Present : —W . Bro . C . Beard , P . M ., as AV . M . ; Bras . T . A . Hopewell , S . W . ; E . Hcwetl , J . W . ; E . Gleeve , Treas . ; J . F . Pennoclc , Sec ; T . Counscll , as S . D . ; J . Hartley , J . D . ; J . G . Smith , I . G . ; Rustomjee Gowa .-je-, D . C ; G . Yardly , and C . U . Raymond , Stewards ; ' T . Horsl ' all , Org . ; and J . SV .
Seager , Tyler . Members : —Bros . J . Thompson , H . Cooper , W . II . McCaun , Duggan , AV . Martin , AV . 1 L Hoare , F . Stretch , E . Coole , C . Dumper , and several visitors . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The brethren then balloted for Messrs . C . H . Poole and II . Black as candidates for initiation , and for Bro . James Moon as njoinina- member , which in each case proved clear . Messrs C . H . Poole and II . Black being
present , and properly prepared , were separately admitted in duo and ancient form , and initiated into the mysteries of the first degree . Bro . T . A . Hopewell , J . W ., explained the working tools , and Bro . E . Hewett gave the Charge , in a manner that gained great applause from the brethren . AA . Bro . C . Beard c ingi-ntulated the brethren on the excellent working of their Wardens . Minutes of last permanent committee were read . The
AA ' . M . proposed an amendment to Bro . Counsell's proposition , which was a grant of Rs . 500 to the widow of our late W . Bro . II . H . Avron , P . M . ; he proposed , owing to the low state of the available funds of the lodge , also several other cases of distress requiring our assistance , that tho grant be reduced to Rs . 400 , as there was no great need of the money at present , aud in the cmrso of a few months , the lodge would be in a better position and a further grant could be made , which was seconded and
carried . A subscription list was then circulated among the members present , and the result was Rs . 320 . One candidate was proposed for initiation . There being no other business , the lodge was closed with prayer at 9-20 p . m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Cyrus ( No . 1 , 359 , E . C . )—The preliminary meeting of this lodge , convened by authority of the R . AV . the D . G . M ., was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 8 th June , 1871 . Present : —AV . Bros . W . H . Hussey , AA' . M . ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . AA ' . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . AA' . j Sorabjee Frommurze , as S . D . ; Hormusjee Nusserwanjee Gista , as J . D . ; . Tehiiugeerjce Eduljee . as I . G . ; and J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Member : — ' W . Bro . j . Percy Leith , Den . D . G . M . The
Lodge was opened in the 1 st degree . The circular convening the meeting was read . The telegram from the Grand Secretary , granting this new lodge , was read . Tho authority from the li . W . the D . G . M . for opening the Lodge was read . The bvelaws of this lodge , framed by the AVorshipful Master , were read , and adopted . AV . Bros . Sorabjee Frommurze and J . W . Seager were unanimously elected , the former as Treasurer , and the latter as Tyler for the ensuing year . Two candidates were proposed for initiation , and three brethren for affiliation . There being no inrther work , the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony , at 7-45 p-m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Cyrus ( No . 1 , 359 , E . G . )—Tho regular meeting i , f this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on tho 2 GtU July , 1 S 71 , when there were present : —AV . Bros . AV . H . Hussey , W .. A 1 . ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . W . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . AV . ; Sorabjee Frommurze , Sec . and Treas . ; J . Wynn , as S . D . ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , J . D . ; Jeliangeerjee Eduljee , as I . G . ; and J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Members : —
W . Bros . J . Percy Leith , Dep . D . G . M . A'isitors : —AV . Bros . Captain J . Dixon , E . Tyrrell Leith , H , I . P . Thomson , J . Thomas , Nowrojeo Manockjee Lungrana , Darashaw Dorabjee Reporter , and others . Tho lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the preliminary meeting were read and conlirmerl . The collective ballot was taken for Messrs . IL . riuiisjeo Baponjce A'icenjee and Burjorjee Framjee Patell , candidates I'm- initiationand BrosJehangeerjee EduljeeJehan
, . , - geevjee Rustonijeo Mody , and Nusserwanjee Dorabjee " Patell , for affiliation , which having proved unanimously clear , the joining brothers were accordingly elected aud welcomed by the AVorshipful Master , and the candidates for initiation were separately admitted , properly prepared , and solemnly initiated into the mysteiies of our Order . The AVorshipful Master appointed and i ivistul his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros .
Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . AV . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . AV . ; Sorabjee Frommurze , Sec . and Treas . ; Hormusjee Nuss Twanjce Gisia , S . D . ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , J . D . ; Jehan-- . 'eerjee Eduljte Treasurywalla , I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , Tyler . T . ireo members were appointed for the permament committee . The bye-laws of the lodge , which were duly confirmed , were si , ued by the AVorshipful Master , Officers and the members present . Voluntary contributions towards the funds of this
1 dge made by the following brethren , amounting to Rs . 350 , were handed to the Treasurer b y the Worshipful Master : —W . Bros . J . Percy Leith , Dep . D . G . M ., Rs . 50 ; Sorabjee Frommurze , D . J . G . D ., Rs . 50 ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , Rs . SO ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , Rs . 50 ; Hormusjee Nusserwanjee Gista , Rs . 50 ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , Rs . 50 ; Nanabhoy Jamsetjee Moos , Rs . 50 . The following distinguished and worth y brothers were , by acclamation , elected honorary members