Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article BOMBAY MASONIC WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS FUND Page 1 of 3 →
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of this lodge : —R . AV . Bros , the Honourable James Gibbs , Dist . G . M . ; George Taylor , Past Dist . G . M . ; Capt . J . Dixon , P . Dist . S . G . W . ; E . Tyrrell Leith , D . J . G . W . ; H . I . P . Thomson , D . G . Purst . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bros . J . Thomas and . 1 . AVynn for acting as Organist and Senior Deacon . One candidate was proposed for initiation . There being no further work , the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony at 8-45 p . m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Cyrus ( No . 1 , 359 , E . C . )—The regular meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 24 th July , 1871 , when there were present : —AV . Bros . AV . II . Hussey , AV . M . ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . W . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . W . ; Sorabjee Frommurze , Sec . and Treas . ; Hormusjee Nusserwanjee Gista , S . D . ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , J . D . ; Jehaugeerjee Eduljee Treasurywalla , I . G . ; and
J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Members : — AV . Bros . J . Percy Leith Dep . D . G . M . ; Jehaugeerjee Rustomjee Mody , Nusserwanjee Dorabjee Patell , Hormusjee Bapoojee Viccajee , and Burjorjee Framjee Patell . Visitor : —AV . Bro . E . C . Mitchell . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the proceedings of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Bomanjee Merwanjee , candidate for initiation , which having proved unanimously clearand the gentlemen
, being present , was duly prepared , and admitted and initiated into the mysteries of our Order . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , for the presentation to this lodge of a handsome mahogany box for the Secretary's use , and a good substantial cupboard for storing the ¦ wines . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in peace , love and harmony , at 8-45 p . m .
Royal Arch.
INDIA . BOMBAY . —Chapter Keystone ( So . 757 , E . C . )—At the regular convocation of this chapter , held on the 10 th July , 1871 , there were present : —M . E . Comps . Alfred Edginton , P . Z , ; AV . H . Hussey , P . H . ; C . Beard , as P . J ; Ex . Comps . H . AV . Barrow , Scribe E . ; E . Hewett , Scribe N . ; Rienzi AA ' alton , Treas . ; Nehemiah Roberts , Prin . Soj . ; AVeeks , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; F . AV .
Bedford , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; J . Thomas , Org . ; and J . AV . Seager , Janitor . Members : —Comps . B . Robinson , II . I . P . Thomson , J . Inness , II . E . Gabler , John Anderson , E . A . Lissignol , and C . E . Mitchell . Visitors -. —P . Belleli , R . Molkenteller , and J . Elsworthy . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last regular meeting wove read and confirmed . The following candidates for exaltation in this chapter passed the ballot : —Bros . AVilliam Kenuis , James Frederick Pennock ,
and Henry Flint Pell . Comp . AVilliam David Aitken , Lieut .-Col . Royal Artillery ( who had been proposed by M . E . Comp . Hussey , and seconded by Comp . Theodore Cooke ) passed the ballot as a joining member . Comp . Rienzi AValton was unanimously elected Scribe E . ; and a vote of thanks was passed to Comp . Barrow for his services as Scribe E . durihg tho past two years . The ceremony of installing the Principals for the ensuing was then proceeded withM . E . Comp . Edinton
year ; g officiating as Installing Master . The officers elected were : —¦ M . E . Comps . AV . II . Hussey , P . Z . ; II . I . P . Thomson , P . H . ; C . E . Mitchell , P . J . ; Ex . Comps . R . G . AValton , Scribo E . and Treasurer ; E . Hewett , Scribe N . ; N . Roberts , Prin . Soj . ; J . 0 . AVeeks , 1 st . Asst . Soj . ; F . AV . Bedford , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; J . W . Seager , Janitor . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to M . E . Comp . Edginton for his valuable services during the past twelve
months . The case of Mrs Avron , who with her large family are destitute by the death of M . E . Comp . Avron , was discussed . The great claims of the deceased on all Masons were becomingly set forth , and it was resolved , that the sum of Rupees three hundred be granted from the charity fund to Mrs . Avron . Three companions were proposed as joining members , and two candidates for exaltation . There being no further business before the chapter , it was closed with prayer .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
INDIA . MAZAGON . —Pelican Chapter , Hose Croix , 18 ° U .: S . - . D .: M . \ •—At the regular meeting of this chapter held at Freemasons ' Hall , on the 29 th July , when there were present : —Most Ex . ' and Perf . Bro . Col . L . AV . Penn , C . B ., M . W . S . ; Very Ex . and Perf . Bros . B . H . Mathew , High Prelate ; Alfred Swift , 1 st General ; F . Turner , 2 nd General ; C . A . Winter , Grand
Marshal ; E . Freeborn , Raphael ; AV . Searle , Captain ol the Guard ; G . L . D'Emdem , See . ; G . L . F . Connell , Dir , of Cers . ; J . Thomas , Organist aud Steward ; J . W . Seager , Equerry ; E . M . AValton , E . A . Lis 3 ignol , and J . P . Cornforth . Illus . Bro . E . Tyrrell Leith , 33 ° , having been announced , was received under tho arch of steel . The chapter was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting wero read and and confirmed . Bros . C . E . MitchellC . MurphyTheodore
, , Cooke , P . Callaghan , \ A' . H . Wakeman , II . Lees Smith , Rienzi G . AValton , C . Rowe , and E . Hewitt , being in attendance , were first made " Knights of the East and AVest , " then introduced and duly installed , proclaimed , and created " Knights of the Pelican aud Eagle , " and Sovereign Princes of II . R . D . M . The ballot was taken for M . AV . S . for the ensuing year , when Very Ex . and Perf . Bro . B . H . Mathew was unanimously elected .
Ballot was then taken for Treasurer for tho ensuing year , and Very Ex . and Perf . Bro . D'Emden was unanimously elected Two candidates' were proposed for installation . The M . W . S . then appointed A ery Ex and Perf . Bros . Swift , Mitchell , AVinter , Turner , and Freeborn , a committee to audit the accounts of the chapter before the next regular meeting . There being no further work before the chapter , it was closed at 9-25 with solemn , prayer .
Mark Masonry.
SUFFOLK . IPSAVICH . —Albert Victor Lodge . —The ordinary quarterl y meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 18 th inst ., when there were present : Bros . Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . G . C . England—AV . M . ; C . T . Townsend , P . G . S . D ., P . M . M ., Sec , acting M . O . ; W . Cuckow , S . AV . ; Einra Holmes , J . W . ; E . RobertsonS . D . ; C . DaveyJ . O . ; G . Cresswell
, , , S . D . ; J . Chinnock , acting I . G . ; G . S . Golding , S . AV ., Freeman Lodge , Treas . ; J . H . Townsend , Registrar of Mark . Visiting , Bro . D . Beaumont , R . N ., of H . M . S . Penelope . The lodge nadg having been opened and the minutes confirmed , the following brethren having been preniously ballottod for and accepted were advanced to the honourable degree of Master Master : —Bros . G . Gurd Pye , A . R . Stains , and W . R . Lewis ,
I . P . M ., all of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 ; Caltborpe , AV . M ., United Lodge , Colchester ; AV . Parsons , Prince of Wales Lodge , and Rev . T . G . Beaumont , of the British Union Lodge . The ceremony was performed by the AV . M . in his well-known impressive manner . Bro . Emra Holmes proposed Bro . Beaumout , who was advanced at Malta under the Scotch Constitution , for afffli . iting and joining . This being the meeting for the election of officers for tlie ensuing year , Bro . Emra Holmes was elected W . M . ; Bro . Cuckoo , Treas . ; and Bro . G . Spalding , Tyler . At the conclusion of the business of tho evening the brethren retired for refreshment .
Bombay Masonic Widows' And Orphans Fund
( From the "Masonic Record of Western India '') It affords us sincere pleasure to learn that the heads of the Order iu Bombay ( English and Scotch ) propose organising a scheme for the formation of a Central Benevolent Fund to which all the Masonic bodies will contribute from their Charity
Funds , or amalgamate all jthe Charity Funds into one Genera Fund , for the relief of the widows aud orphans , and distressed brethren .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of this lodge : —R . AV . Bros , the Honourable James Gibbs , Dist . G . M . ; George Taylor , Past Dist . G . M . ; Capt . J . Dixon , P . Dist . S . G . W . ; E . Tyrrell Leith , D . J . G . W . ; H . I . P . Thomson , D . G . Purst . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bros . J . Thomas and . 1 . AVynn for acting as Organist and Senior Deacon . One candidate was proposed for initiation . There being no further work , the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony at 8-45 p . m .
MAZAGON . —Lodge Cyrus ( No . 1 , 359 , E . C . )—The regular meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 24 th July , 1871 , when there were present : —AV . Bros . AV . II . Hussey , AV . M . ; Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , S . W . ; Pherozshaw Rustomjee , J . W . ; Sorabjee Frommurze , Sec . and Treas . ; Hormusjee Nusserwanjee Gista , S . D . ; Nanabhoy Sorabjee Davur , J . D . ; Jehaugeerjee Eduljee Treasurywalla , I . G . ; and
J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Members : — AV . Bros . J . Percy Leith Dep . D . G . M . ; Jehaugeerjee Rustomjee Mody , Nusserwanjee Dorabjee Patell , Hormusjee Bapoojee Viccajee , and Burjorjee Framjee Patell . Visitor : —AV . Bro . E . C . Mitchell . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the proceedings of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Bomanjee Merwanjee , candidate for initiation , which having proved unanimously clearand the gentlemen
, being present , was duly prepared , and admitted and initiated into the mysteries of our Order . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady , for the presentation to this lodge of a handsome mahogany box for the Secretary's use , and a good substantial cupboard for storing the ¦ wines . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in peace , love and harmony , at 8-45 p . m .
Royal Arch.
INDIA . BOMBAY . —Chapter Keystone ( So . 757 , E . C . )—At the regular convocation of this chapter , held on the 10 th July , 1871 , there were present : —M . E . Comps . Alfred Edginton , P . Z , ; AV . H . Hussey , P . H . ; C . Beard , as P . J ; Ex . Comps . H . AV . Barrow , Scribe E . ; E . Hewett , Scribe N . ; Rienzi AA ' alton , Treas . ; Nehemiah Roberts , Prin . Soj . ; AVeeks , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; F . AV .
Bedford , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; J . Thomas , Org . ; and J . AV . Seager , Janitor . Members : —Comps . B . Robinson , II . I . P . Thomson , J . Inness , II . E . Gabler , John Anderson , E . A . Lissignol , and C . E . Mitchell . Visitors -. —P . Belleli , R . Molkenteller , and J . Elsworthy . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last regular meeting wove read and confirmed . The following candidates for exaltation in this chapter passed the ballot : —Bros . AVilliam Kenuis , James Frederick Pennock ,
and Henry Flint Pell . Comp . AVilliam David Aitken , Lieut .-Col . Royal Artillery ( who had been proposed by M . E . Comp . Hussey , and seconded by Comp . Theodore Cooke ) passed the ballot as a joining member . Comp . Rienzi AValton was unanimously elected Scribe E . ; and a vote of thanks was passed to Comp . Barrow for his services as Scribe E . durihg tho past two years . The ceremony of installing the Principals for the ensuing was then proceeded withM . E . Comp . Edinton
year ; g officiating as Installing Master . The officers elected were : —¦ M . E . Comps . AV . II . Hussey , P . Z . ; II . I . P . Thomson , P . H . ; C . E . Mitchell , P . J . ; Ex . Comps . R . G . AValton , Scribo E . and Treasurer ; E . Hewett , Scribe N . ; N . Roberts , Prin . Soj . ; J . 0 . AVeeks , 1 st . Asst . Soj . ; F . AV . Bedford , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; J . W . Seager , Janitor . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to M . E . Comp . Edginton for his valuable services during the past twelve
months . The case of Mrs Avron , who with her large family are destitute by the death of M . E . Comp . Avron , was discussed . The great claims of the deceased on all Masons were becomingly set forth , and it was resolved , that the sum of Rupees three hundred be granted from the charity fund to Mrs . Avron . Three companions were proposed as joining members , and two candidates for exaltation . There being no further business before the chapter , it was closed with prayer .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
INDIA . MAZAGON . —Pelican Chapter , Hose Croix , 18 ° U .: S . - . D .: M . \ •—At the regular meeting of this chapter held at Freemasons ' Hall , on the 29 th July , when there were present : —Most Ex . ' and Perf . Bro . Col . L . AV . Penn , C . B ., M . W . S . ; Very Ex . and Perf . Bros . B . H . Mathew , High Prelate ; Alfred Swift , 1 st General ; F . Turner , 2 nd General ; C . A . Winter , Grand
Marshal ; E . Freeborn , Raphael ; AV . Searle , Captain ol the Guard ; G . L . D'Emdem , See . ; G . L . F . Connell , Dir , of Cers . ; J . Thomas , Organist aud Steward ; J . W . Seager , Equerry ; E . M . AValton , E . A . Lis 3 ignol , and J . P . Cornforth . Illus . Bro . E . Tyrrell Leith , 33 ° , having been announced , was received under tho arch of steel . The chapter was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting wero read and and confirmed . Bros . C . E . MitchellC . MurphyTheodore
, , Cooke , P . Callaghan , \ A' . H . Wakeman , II . Lees Smith , Rienzi G . AValton , C . Rowe , and E . Hewitt , being in attendance , were first made " Knights of the East and AVest , " then introduced and duly installed , proclaimed , and created " Knights of the Pelican aud Eagle , " and Sovereign Princes of II . R . D . M . The ballot was taken for M . AV . S . for the ensuing year , when Very Ex . and Perf . Bro . B . H . Mathew was unanimously elected .
Ballot was then taken for Treasurer for tho ensuing year , and Very Ex . and Perf . Bro . D'Emden was unanimously elected Two candidates' were proposed for installation . The M . W . S . then appointed A ery Ex and Perf . Bros . Swift , Mitchell , AVinter , Turner , and Freeborn , a committee to audit the accounts of the chapter before the next regular meeting . There being no further work before the chapter , it was closed at 9-25 with solemn , prayer .
Mark Masonry.
SUFFOLK . IPSAVICH . —Albert Victor Lodge . —The ordinary quarterl y meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 18 th inst ., when there were present : Bros . Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . G . C . England—AV . M . ; C . T . Townsend , P . G . S . D ., P . M . M ., Sec , acting M . O . ; W . Cuckow , S . AV . ; Einra Holmes , J . W . ; E . RobertsonS . D . ; C . DaveyJ . O . ; G . Cresswell
, , , S . D . ; J . Chinnock , acting I . G . ; G . S . Golding , S . AV ., Freeman Lodge , Treas . ; J . H . Townsend , Registrar of Mark . Visiting , Bro . D . Beaumont , R . N ., of H . M . S . Penelope . The lodge nadg having been opened and the minutes confirmed , the following brethren having been preniously ballottod for and accepted were advanced to the honourable degree of Master Master : —Bros . G . Gurd Pye , A . R . Stains , and W . R . Lewis ,
I . P . M ., all of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 ; Caltborpe , AV . M ., United Lodge , Colchester ; AV . Parsons , Prince of Wales Lodge , and Rev . T . G . Beaumont , of the British Union Lodge . The ceremony was performed by the AV . M . in his well-known impressive manner . Bro . Emra Holmes proposed Bro . Beaumout , who was advanced at Malta under the Scotch Constitution , for afffli . iting and joining . This being the meeting for the election of officers for tlie ensuing year , Bro . Emra Holmes was elected W . M . ; Bro . Cuckoo , Treas . ; and Bro . G . Spalding , Tyler . At the conclusion of the business of tho evening the brethren retired for refreshment .
Bombay Masonic Widows' And Orphans Fund
( From the "Masonic Record of Western India '') It affords us sincere pleasure to learn that the heads of the Order iu Bombay ( English and Scotch ) propose organising a scheme for the formation of a Central Benevolent Fund to which all the Masonic bodies will contribute from their Charity
Funds , or amalgamate all jthe Charity Funds into one Genera Fund , for the relief of the widows aud orphans , and distressed brethren .