Article A MASONIC PIC-NIC. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A MASONIC PIC-NIC. Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC JOTTINGS, No. 87. Page 1 of 2 →
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A Masonic Pic-Nic.
a jolly , comfortable , sociability-suggesting arrangement ! What an interchange of amiabilities did the prospect shadow forth ! We would have been a Mason for that day , if on the morrow vve'd had to lay aside our implements of labour and become common-place mortals .
It would , perhaps , be stating an untruth were we to say that the brethren voted independently on the question as to where they should go . We believe there was a sisterhood to be consulted , and in the matter of selection of places had a
potent voice as the " Worshipful Master" himself . We believe , also , that they exercised this right , and with no very doubtful result . The bacheler who proposed that the lodge should " go to Jericho" —alone—has not been heard of since , a
fact that suggests to us the danger of pushing a selfish purpose too far . The " sisters" triumphed , as might have been expected , and the day was essentially a ladies' day . Wednesday , the 9 th of August , was a "
blisterer , " as everybody knows . The sun , as if subsidied by the gingerbeer and lemonade interest , " blew up his fire to a white heat . " There Avas not the least film of cloud to interpose its good offices betwixt this autocrat of the universe and
the full exercise of his imperial prerogative , and ali sorts of devices were resorted to in order to avoid being literally broiled . Our exuberant friend , the importer of double X , and who grows musically eloquent in the praise of ' Kilkenny
Boys , " mounted a variegated umbrella , that reminded us of a " translated " cast-off crinoline . Several other brethren availed themselves of
ditto , ditto , Avhich , mingling their hues Avith the rivalry of bonnets , gipsy hats , and folds of fluttering lace—for the ladies , those Avho Avere not afraid of climbing the steps , AVOUIC ! be outside —gave the Avhole affair such a " gala " appearance that friendly lookers-on cheered , while the envious fainted .
Two 'buses Avere in commission , each drawn by four of the stable ' s " pickings . " The rendezvous Avas the village of Blackley , Avhere the " Wilton " is held ; and never did our portly host of the " Blue Tiger , " and his portlier five-eighths
looked more disposed to take the Avhole Masonic family to their arms than they did when the assembled brothers and sisters made the " fowt " ring with their cheery salutations .
A Masonic Pic-Nic.
It was a sight to see the " turn-out" spinning down the hill ; the dust from the frolicsome hoofs Avhirling away in little clouds that did not rise higher than the axles , as if it had been " tipped " to make assurance of its decent behaviour , the
variegated sunshades , & c , flashing through the interstices of the foliage ; and the bright faces of the sisterhood looking prettier than all . ( We shall have their thanks for this . ) " Who Avould't be a Mason ? " the ostler seemed
to say , as he bathed the dusty fetlocks of the sweltering roadsters . " Who would't be a Mason ' s wife ? " said the matron at the cottage door , " even if he does sometimes stop out late o' nights , whien he doesn't no more than another . " The
ostler drops his bucket sulkily on the pavement ; tne matron at the cottage door whips her children for nothing , and the occupants of the two drawing-rooms on Avheels , after "doing" sundry " bitters , " by Avay of " oiling , " take an hilarious departure lakewards . ( To le continued . )
Masonic Jottings, No. 87.
not without information on this subject . Before the Reformation the religion of our Freemasonry , being Roman Catholicism there existed , he says , certain charges or fundamental laws for the exclusion of Wickliffites . After the Reformation
the religion of our lodges , being Church of Englandism , there existed certain charges or fundamental laws for the exclusion of Roman Catholics . FREEMASONRY . Freemasonry is a subject worthy the attention
of the Christian and the man of science . It includes a pure system of Christianity , and developes the philosophy of mind , and at the same time it recommends and encourages sound recreation . — Oliver ' s Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry .
ROMAS -ARCHITECTURAL COLLEGES , MONASTERIES , BAUIIUTTEN . An Entered Apprentice should read what Bro . Findel says , first of the architectual colleges of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Masonic Pic-Nic.
a jolly , comfortable , sociability-suggesting arrangement ! What an interchange of amiabilities did the prospect shadow forth ! We would have been a Mason for that day , if on the morrow vve'd had to lay aside our implements of labour and become common-place mortals .
It would , perhaps , be stating an untruth were we to say that the brethren voted independently on the question as to where they should go . We believe there was a sisterhood to be consulted , and in the matter of selection of places had a
potent voice as the " Worshipful Master" himself . We believe , also , that they exercised this right , and with no very doubtful result . The bacheler who proposed that the lodge should " go to Jericho" —alone—has not been heard of since , a
fact that suggests to us the danger of pushing a selfish purpose too far . The " sisters" triumphed , as might have been expected , and the day was essentially a ladies' day . Wednesday , the 9 th of August , was a "
blisterer , " as everybody knows . The sun , as if subsidied by the gingerbeer and lemonade interest , " blew up his fire to a white heat . " There Avas not the least film of cloud to interpose its good offices betwixt this autocrat of the universe and
the full exercise of his imperial prerogative , and ali sorts of devices were resorted to in order to avoid being literally broiled . Our exuberant friend , the importer of double X , and who grows musically eloquent in the praise of ' Kilkenny
Boys , " mounted a variegated umbrella , that reminded us of a " translated " cast-off crinoline . Several other brethren availed themselves of
ditto , ditto , Avhich , mingling their hues Avith the rivalry of bonnets , gipsy hats , and folds of fluttering lace—for the ladies , those Avho Avere not afraid of climbing the steps , AVOUIC ! be outside —gave the Avhole affair such a " gala " appearance that friendly lookers-on cheered , while the envious fainted .
Two 'buses Avere in commission , each drawn by four of the stable ' s " pickings . " The rendezvous Avas the village of Blackley , Avhere the " Wilton " is held ; and never did our portly host of the " Blue Tiger , " and his portlier five-eighths
looked more disposed to take the Avhole Masonic family to their arms than they did when the assembled brothers and sisters made the " fowt " ring with their cheery salutations .
A Masonic Pic-Nic.
It was a sight to see the " turn-out" spinning down the hill ; the dust from the frolicsome hoofs Avhirling away in little clouds that did not rise higher than the axles , as if it had been " tipped " to make assurance of its decent behaviour , the
variegated sunshades , & c , flashing through the interstices of the foliage ; and the bright faces of the sisterhood looking prettier than all . ( We shall have their thanks for this . ) " Who Avould't be a Mason ? " the ostler seemed
to say , as he bathed the dusty fetlocks of the sweltering roadsters . " Who would't be a Mason ' s wife ? " said the matron at the cottage door , " even if he does sometimes stop out late o' nights , whien he doesn't no more than another . " The
ostler drops his bucket sulkily on the pavement ; tne matron at the cottage door whips her children for nothing , and the occupants of the two drawing-rooms on Avheels , after "doing" sundry " bitters , " by Avay of " oiling , " take an hilarious departure lakewards . ( To le continued . )
Masonic Jottings, No. 87.
not without information on this subject . Before the Reformation the religion of our Freemasonry , being Roman Catholicism there existed , he says , certain charges or fundamental laws for the exclusion of Wickliffites . After the Reformation
the religion of our lodges , being Church of Englandism , there existed certain charges or fundamental laws for the exclusion of Roman Catholics . FREEMASONRY . Freemasonry is a subject worthy the attention
of the Christian and the man of science . It includes a pure system of Christianity , and developes the philosophy of mind , and at the same time it recommends and encourages sound recreation . — Oliver ' s Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry .
ROMAS -ARCHITECTURAL COLLEGES , MONASTERIES , BAUIIUTTEN . An Entered Apprentice should read what Bro . Findel says , first of the architectual colleges of