Article MASONIC JOTTINGS, No. 87. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Jottings, No. 87.
the Romans ( History , page 21 ) , next of the German monasteries ( page 46 ) , and lastly of Batihutten ( page 48 ) . THE FREEMASONRY WHICH IS UNIVERSAL , AND THE FREEMASONRY WHICH IS UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTELY
The range of operations of the Freemasonry which is universal , and of the Freemasonry Avhich is universal absolutely are the same . ANCIENT ORDER OF FREEMASONRY . Brother , study to establish , as much as
possible , that the ancient order of Freemasonry is not a societ y limited to any Lodge-room , but a family Avhose privileges extend over that vast expanse governed b y the Great Master of all . — Masonic Extracts .
LA BIBLE DES FRANCS MACONS . A Paris Correspondent will find the Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent ' s communication " La Bible des Francs Macjons , " Freemasons ' Magazine , " vol . xv ., page 330 .
BROTHERS OF ST . JOHN . The original company of architects at Strasburg are said before the year 1440 to have borne the name of the Brothers of St . John . MASONRY .
Masonry is the most comprehensive of all human confederacies , the outAvard circle , enclosing and consecrating all smaller ones within its precincts , and therefore the purest and sublimest form of human association . —Findel .
TEACHINGS OF ENGLISH MASONRY . Amongst the remarkable teachings of English Masonry , may be mentioned the teachings by allegories , the teachings by symbols , and the teachings by myths and legends .
EARLY STEPS . Man , family , ethics , reli gion , society , numeration , geometry , architecture , a great building , masonry . —old M . S . TOLERATION IN ENGLISH LODGE .
Brother "C . M . P . "—The proposition that there is in the English Lodge toleration of all religions which recognise a Supreme Being , Great Architect of the Universe ; and the proposition that there is in the English Lodge toleration
of all Freemasonries , the reli gion of which comprises a Theism , the term "Theism" being philosophicall y understood , I consider identical propositions .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
SPARING HIS HEAD . In the year 1740 , Mahomet II ., Emperor of the Ottomans , laid seige to the town of Negroponte , or Chalcis , the capital of the long hut narrow island of Euboea , or Egriyos , in the Grecian Archipelago , then in possession of the Venetians . After a gallant
resistance , the Provieditore Errizzo was obliged to capitulate , —Mahomet promising to spare his head . By a barbarous equivocation , however , he had him sawn in two , saying that he had not promised to spare his sides- Alas ! how many of us , even calling ourselves bthe sacred name of Christiansthink we
y , act nobly in sparing the heads of those we regard as our enemies , whilst we forget to spare their sides . We profess to abhor all -persecution for conscience sake , but will not employ or trade Avith theman or woman who holds religious or political opinions opposed to our own , perhaps narrower notions , but shrink
from them , however uprig ht intheir acts ; as though they were totally accurst . We may not saw them asunder , as Mahomet did the Provieditoi i e Errizzo , but Ave wound them in their most vital part by denying them , as far as our puny influence extends , all human sympathy , and vilely attempt to traduce that good name Avhich is more precious to the virtuous than anything but virtue itself . —PETER PEOLARIUS .
THE RIGHT HAND . The right hand has in all ages been deemed an important symbol to represent the virtue of fidelity . Among tbe ancients , the right hand and fidelity to an obligation Avere almost deemed synonymous terms . Thus , among the Koiuans , the expression " fallere dextram" to betray the right handalso signified to
, , violatefaith , and " jungere dextvas , " to join right hands , meant to give a mutual pledc / e . Among the Hebrews iamin , the right hand , was derived from aman , to be faithful .
The practice of the ancients was conformable to these peculiarities of idiom . Among the Jews , to give the right hand was considered as a mark of friendship and fidelity . Thus , St . Paul says , " Avhen James , Cephas , and John , Avho seemed to be pillars , perceived the grace that was given unto me , they gave to me and Barnabas the riht hand of friendshipthat
g , we should go unto the heathen , and they unto the circumcision . " Galatians , ii , 6 . The same expression , also , occurs in Maccabees . We meet , indeed , continually in the Scriptures with allusions to the right hand , as an emblem of truth and fidelity . Thus , in Psalms ( cxliv ) it is said" Their right hand is a
, right hand to swear to what is not true . " This lifting up of the right hand was , in fact , the universal mode adopted among both Jews and Pagans in taking an oath . This custo in is certainly as old as the days of Abraham , who said to the King of Sodom , "I have lifted up my hand unto the Lord , the most High .
God , the possessor of heaven and earth , that I will not take anything that is thine . " Sometimes , among the Gentile nations , the right hand , in taking an oath , was laid upon the horns of the altar , and sometimes upon the hand of the person administering the obligation . But in all cases it was deemed necessary to the validity and solemnity of the attestation that the right hand should be employed .
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Masonic Jottings, No. 87.
the Romans ( History , page 21 ) , next of the German monasteries ( page 46 ) , and lastly of Batihutten ( page 48 ) . THE FREEMASONRY WHICH IS UNIVERSAL , AND THE FREEMASONRY WHICH IS UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTELY
The range of operations of the Freemasonry which is universal , and of the Freemasonry Avhich is universal absolutely are the same . ANCIENT ORDER OF FREEMASONRY . Brother , study to establish , as much as
possible , that the ancient order of Freemasonry is not a societ y limited to any Lodge-room , but a family Avhose privileges extend over that vast expanse governed b y the Great Master of all . — Masonic Extracts .
LA BIBLE DES FRANCS MACONS . A Paris Correspondent will find the Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent ' s communication " La Bible des Francs Macjons , " Freemasons ' Magazine , " vol . xv ., page 330 .
BROTHERS OF ST . JOHN . The original company of architects at Strasburg are said before the year 1440 to have borne the name of the Brothers of St . John . MASONRY .
Masonry is the most comprehensive of all human confederacies , the outAvard circle , enclosing and consecrating all smaller ones within its precincts , and therefore the purest and sublimest form of human association . —Findel .
TEACHINGS OF ENGLISH MASONRY . Amongst the remarkable teachings of English Masonry , may be mentioned the teachings by allegories , the teachings by symbols , and the teachings by myths and legends .
EARLY STEPS . Man , family , ethics , reli gion , society , numeration , geometry , architecture , a great building , masonry . —old M . S . TOLERATION IN ENGLISH LODGE .
Brother "C . M . P . "—The proposition that there is in the English Lodge toleration of all religions which recognise a Supreme Being , Great Architect of the Universe ; and the proposition that there is in the English Lodge toleration
of all Freemasonries , the reli gion of which comprises a Theism , the term "Theism" being philosophicall y understood , I consider identical propositions .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
SPARING HIS HEAD . In the year 1740 , Mahomet II ., Emperor of the Ottomans , laid seige to the town of Negroponte , or Chalcis , the capital of the long hut narrow island of Euboea , or Egriyos , in the Grecian Archipelago , then in possession of the Venetians . After a gallant
resistance , the Provieditore Errizzo was obliged to capitulate , —Mahomet promising to spare his head . By a barbarous equivocation , however , he had him sawn in two , saying that he had not promised to spare his sides- Alas ! how many of us , even calling ourselves bthe sacred name of Christiansthink we
y , act nobly in sparing the heads of those we regard as our enemies , whilst we forget to spare their sides . We profess to abhor all -persecution for conscience sake , but will not employ or trade Avith theman or woman who holds religious or political opinions opposed to our own , perhaps narrower notions , but shrink
from them , however uprig ht intheir acts ; as though they were totally accurst . We may not saw them asunder , as Mahomet did the Provieditoi i e Errizzo , but Ave wound them in their most vital part by denying them , as far as our puny influence extends , all human sympathy , and vilely attempt to traduce that good name Avhich is more precious to the virtuous than anything but virtue itself . —PETER PEOLARIUS .
THE RIGHT HAND . The right hand has in all ages been deemed an important symbol to represent the virtue of fidelity . Among tbe ancients , the right hand and fidelity to an obligation Avere almost deemed synonymous terms . Thus , among the Koiuans , the expression " fallere dextram" to betray the right handalso signified to
, , violatefaith , and " jungere dextvas , " to join right hands , meant to give a mutual pledc / e . Among the Hebrews iamin , the right hand , was derived from aman , to be faithful .
The practice of the ancients was conformable to these peculiarities of idiom . Among the Jews , to give the right hand was considered as a mark of friendship and fidelity . Thus , St . Paul says , " Avhen James , Cephas , and John , Avho seemed to be pillars , perceived the grace that was given unto me , they gave to me and Barnabas the riht hand of friendshipthat
g , we should go unto the heathen , and they unto the circumcision . " Galatians , ii , 6 . The same expression , also , occurs in Maccabees . We meet , indeed , continually in the Scriptures with allusions to the right hand , as an emblem of truth and fidelity . Thus , in Psalms ( cxliv ) it is said" Their right hand is a
, right hand to swear to what is not true . " This lifting up of the right hand was , in fact , the universal mode adopted among both Jews and Pagans in taking an oath . This custo in is certainly as old as the days of Abraham , who said to the King of Sodom , "I have lifted up my hand unto the Lord , the most High .
God , the possessor of heaven and earth , that I will not take anything that is thine . " Sometimes , among the Gentile nations , the right hand , in taking an oath , was laid upon the horns of the altar , and sometimes upon the hand of the person administering the obligation . But in all cases it was deemed necessary to the validity and solemnity of the attestation that the right hand should be employed .