Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 4 →
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.* * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
POETEAHS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T . > G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , c : tn now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 ( 1 . each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper can be had , price 10 s . 6 d . THE MASONIC SCHOOLS . —Two splendid chromo-lithogrnpb
\ -iews of the Boys' and Girls' Schools , have been published by Messrs . Lewis and Mason ( appropriate names ) . They are executed in the first style of the art , and will form a handsome pair of pictures either for the lodge or the drawing room , they are published at 10 s . 6 d . each , or in gilt frames 21 s . ; ground plan 2 s . We can , with confidence , recommend the purchase of
these works of art to our brethren , the more so , as the publishers have most liberally announced that the profits arising from the sale will be devoted to tho funds of the respective charities . OTJB Worshipful Brother , Albert William Woods , Lancaster Herald , Registrar , & c , has , we understand , received the
appointment of Garter King of Arms . MABEIED . —On Wednesday , the 20 fch inst ,, at tho parish church , Leeds , by the Rev . A . R . Evans , M . A ., W . Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . M . & Z . 1 , 051 ., K . T ., E . < J < , Prov . GSnpt . of Works West Lancashire , of Lancaster , to Annie , eldest daughter of the late Edward Rogerson , Esq ., of Woodlesfovcb Yorkshire .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Quarterly General Court of this institution was held on Monday , ISth inst ., at Freemasons' Hal ] , Bro . John Hervoy V . P ., presiding . The following Vice-Presidents were present : — Bros . G . M . Snow , R . W . Steward , J . Udall , Head , Symonds , S . May , and Cope . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . Hine
Sheen , Cox , Winn , Finch , Gotten , Pulleii , Webb , Foxall , Massey ' White , Empson , II . Smith , W . B . Smith , J . Weaver , J . Walker ' J . Stevens , C . Swan , J . Robins , J . Long , E . II . Griffiths , W . Young , J . Chadwick , Braekstone Baker , W . H . Warr , C . W . Stanhope , J . Booth , D . W . King , and many others . The minutes of the Quarterl y Court of July 19 , and General
Committees Aug . 7 , Sept . 12 , and Oct . 2 , were read and confirmed . Bro . Udall's motion , of which due notice had been given"That the right to a perpetual presentation of a properl y qualified boy for admission to this Institution , may be purchased on payment of one thousand guineas—no votes being exercised in virtue of such payment , " was carried unanimously .
The election of six boys to the Institution was then proceeded with ; the following being appointed scrutineers : —Bros . H . Browse , V . P . ; R . R . Nelson , V . P . ; R . W . Stewart , V . P . ; J . Udall , V . P . ; H . Empson , A . Pratt , J . Stevens , and J . Robins . The following is the list of successful candidates : — . No . on List . Votes
41 Lane , Charles 1366 44 Birks , Maurice 1341 18 Bush , Henry Charles 1334 35 Whiteley , Alfred Baikleu 12 S 4 39 Newman , Herbert Horace 1253 48 Beaumont , William 1052 After a vote of thanks to the Chairman and the Scrutineers the proceedings terminated .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
EOYAL MASONIC INSITUTION FOR GIRLS . The Quarterly General Court of this Institution was held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . John TJdall , V . P . presided The following Vice-presidents were present : Bros , John Hervey ; F . Adlard ; John Symonds ; S . May ; H . Browse , P . G . J . D . ; W . Farnfield , P . A . G . S . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . Sec ;
H . Muggeridge ; F . Walters ; H . Empson ; W . H . Warr , T . W . White , 21 ; H . Massoy ; Benj . Head , V . P . ; C . A . Cottebrune ; W . Young , P . G . S . B . ; John Savage , P . G . S . D . ; John M . Clabon , P . G . D ., V . P . ; S . E , Clarke , P . M . 1 , 194 ; Edward Cox , V . P . ; Eobert White ; E . Farthing ; J . Stohwasser ; Alfred Layton , J . W . 181 ; A . Pratt ; W . Bramwell Smith ; John Marston ;
J . L . Iline ; Thos . Cargill ; James Terry ; Richard Spencer , P . G . Steward ; S . Eosenthall , Geo . Cox , Geo . Snow , Raynliam W . Stewart , John Thoinas , William Watson , & e . The Court was very numerously attended . The minutes of former meetings were put and confirmed . Fifty guineas were presented to Miss Jarwood , the matron ,
as a gratuity to celebrate the ovent of her completing her fiftieth year in the institutian . Bros . H . Empson , F . Walters , Hy . Smith , A . Pratt , Thomas Cargill , and J . R . Sheen were then chosen scrutineers , and the election of candidates was proceeded with . The following is the result : —
SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES . Votes . Pulman , Lelia 1 , 497 Harvey , Emma Louisa 1 , 216 Lamming , Caroline Elizabeth 969 Stone , Martha 944 Groves , Florence Sarah 844 Gilchrist , Kate 830 Dietrich , Ernestine Emily 775
A vote of thanks to tho Scrutineers , proposed by Bro . George Cox , and seconded by Bro . Charles Pulman ( No . 720 ) , and another to Bro . John Udall , for his conduct in the chair , proposed by Bro . Samuel May , and seconded by Bro . John Thomas , followed hy Bro . John Udall returning thanks , brought the proceedings to a close , and the Quarterly Court broke up .
Aimojf LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —This excellent lodge , famed for its perfect working , met at the Fremasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., the first time since the vacation . The W . M ., Bro . E . Coste in the chair , supported by Bro . R . Bullor , S . W ., Baylis , J . W ., and P . M . 's , Valentine , Mormg S . Coste , . Warr , Willey , & c . The minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed , after which Bro . Caton , having answered the questions in a satisfactory mannerretiredand
necessary , , on bis re-admission was duly |) assed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Gosden . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the health of the W . M . having been given and responded to , Bro . Willey , P . M ., then rose and said he had a very pleasing duty to perform ,
and he was sure it would meet with the . approbation of every member , and that was to present to Bro . Samuel Coste , I . P . M ., in the name of the lodge , with a very elegant Past Master ' s jewel : it was not for its intrinsic worth , although valuable , but it was to testify to him the high estimation lie was held in by every one , not only in the lodge , but out of it—the appreciation of his talentsnot onlin his admirable and perfect working ,
, y but for the genial and excellent manner in which he had presided over them during the past year .. He hoped they might have the pleasure of seeing that brother among them for among years in health and prosperity . At the conclusion of his speech lie was greeted with loud applause . Bro . S . Coste returned thanks in his usual eloquent manner ; his excellent speech , made
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
.* * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
POETEAHS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T . > G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , c : tn now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 ( 1 . each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper can be had , price 10 s . 6 d . THE MASONIC SCHOOLS . —Two splendid chromo-lithogrnpb
\ -iews of the Boys' and Girls' Schools , have been published by Messrs . Lewis and Mason ( appropriate names ) . They are executed in the first style of the art , and will form a handsome pair of pictures either for the lodge or the drawing room , they are published at 10 s . 6 d . each , or in gilt frames 21 s . ; ground plan 2 s . We can , with confidence , recommend the purchase of
these works of art to our brethren , the more so , as the publishers have most liberally announced that the profits arising from the sale will be devoted to tho funds of the respective charities . OTJB Worshipful Brother , Albert William Woods , Lancaster Herald , Registrar , & c , has , we understand , received the
appointment of Garter King of Arms . MABEIED . —On Wednesday , the 20 fch inst ,, at tho parish church , Leeds , by the Rev . A . R . Evans , M . A ., W . Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . M . & Z . 1 , 051 ., K . T ., E . < J < , Prov . GSnpt . of Works West Lancashire , of Lancaster , to Annie , eldest daughter of the late Edward Rogerson , Esq ., of Woodlesfovcb Yorkshire .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Quarterly General Court of this institution was held on Monday , ISth inst ., at Freemasons' Hal ] , Bro . John Hervoy V . P ., presiding . The following Vice-Presidents were present : — Bros . G . M . Snow , R . W . Steward , J . Udall , Head , Symonds , S . May , and Cope . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . Hine
Sheen , Cox , Winn , Finch , Gotten , Pulleii , Webb , Foxall , Massey ' White , Empson , II . Smith , W . B . Smith , J . Weaver , J . Walker ' J . Stevens , C . Swan , J . Robins , J . Long , E . II . Griffiths , W . Young , J . Chadwick , Braekstone Baker , W . H . Warr , C . W . Stanhope , J . Booth , D . W . King , and many others . The minutes of the Quarterl y Court of July 19 , and General
Committees Aug . 7 , Sept . 12 , and Oct . 2 , were read and confirmed . Bro . Udall's motion , of which due notice had been given"That the right to a perpetual presentation of a properl y qualified boy for admission to this Institution , may be purchased on payment of one thousand guineas—no votes being exercised in virtue of such payment , " was carried unanimously .
The election of six boys to the Institution was then proceeded with ; the following being appointed scrutineers : —Bros . H . Browse , V . P . ; R . R . Nelson , V . P . ; R . W . Stewart , V . P . ; J . Udall , V . P . ; H . Empson , A . Pratt , J . Stevens , and J . Robins . The following is the list of successful candidates : — . No . on List . Votes
41 Lane , Charles 1366 44 Birks , Maurice 1341 18 Bush , Henry Charles 1334 35 Whiteley , Alfred Baikleu 12 S 4 39 Newman , Herbert Horace 1253 48 Beaumont , William 1052 After a vote of thanks to the Chairman and the Scrutineers the proceedings terminated .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
EOYAL MASONIC INSITUTION FOR GIRLS . The Quarterly General Court of this Institution was held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . John TJdall , V . P . presided The following Vice-presidents were present : Bros , John Hervey ; F . Adlard ; John Symonds ; S . May ; H . Browse , P . G . J . D . ; W . Farnfield , P . A . G . S . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . Sec ;
H . Muggeridge ; F . Walters ; H . Empson ; W . H . Warr , T . W . White , 21 ; H . Massoy ; Benj . Head , V . P . ; C . A . Cottebrune ; W . Young , P . G . S . B . ; John Savage , P . G . S . D . ; John M . Clabon , P . G . D ., V . P . ; S . E , Clarke , P . M . 1 , 194 ; Edward Cox , V . P . ; Eobert White ; E . Farthing ; J . Stohwasser ; Alfred Layton , J . W . 181 ; A . Pratt ; W . Bramwell Smith ; John Marston ;
J . L . Iline ; Thos . Cargill ; James Terry ; Richard Spencer , P . G . Steward ; S . Eosenthall , Geo . Cox , Geo . Snow , Raynliam W . Stewart , John Thoinas , William Watson , & e . The Court was very numerously attended . The minutes of former meetings were put and confirmed . Fifty guineas were presented to Miss Jarwood , the matron ,
as a gratuity to celebrate the ovent of her completing her fiftieth year in the institutian . Bros . H . Empson , F . Walters , Hy . Smith , A . Pratt , Thomas Cargill , and J . R . Sheen were then chosen scrutineers , and the election of candidates was proceeded with . The following is the result : —
SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES . Votes . Pulman , Lelia 1 , 497 Harvey , Emma Louisa 1 , 216 Lamming , Caroline Elizabeth 969 Stone , Martha 944 Groves , Florence Sarah 844 Gilchrist , Kate 830 Dietrich , Ernestine Emily 775
A vote of thanks to tho Scrutineers , proposed by Bro . George Cox , and seconded by Bro . Charles Pulman ( No . 720 ) , and another to Bro . John Udall , for his conduct in the chair , proposed by Bro . Samuel May , and seconded by Bro . John Thomas , followed hy Bro . John Udall returning thanks , brought the proceedings to a close , and the Quarterly Court broke up .
Aimojf LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —This excellent lodge , famed for its perfect working , met at the Fremasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., the first time since the vacation . The W . M ., Bro . E . Coste in the chair , supported by Bro . R . Bullor , S . W ., Baylis , J . W ., and P . M . 's , Valentine , Mormg S . Coste , . Warr , Willey , & c . The minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed , after which Bro . Caton , having answered the questions in a satisfactory mannerretiredand
necessary , , on bis re-admission was duly |) assed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Gosden . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the health of the W . M . having been given and responded to , Bro . Willey , P . M ., then rose and said he had a very pleasing duty to perform ,
and he was sure it would meet with the . approbation of every member , and that was to present to Bro . Samuel Coste , I . P . M ., in the name of the lodge , with a very elegant Past Master ' s jewel : it was not for its intrinsic worth , although valuable , but it was to testify to him the high estimation lie was held in by every one , not only in the lodge , but out of it—the appreciation of his talentsnot onlin his admirable and perfect working ,
, y but for the genial and excellent manner in which he had presided over them during the past year .. He hoped they might have the pleasure of seeing that brother among them for among years in health and prosperity . At the conclusion of his speech lie was greeted with loud applause . Bro . S . Coste returned thanks in his usual eloquent manner ; his excellent speech , made