Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
chapter were read and confirmed . Bro . George AVhiteley ( Jordan Lodge No . 201 ) , having been previously balloted for , was duly exalted by the M . E . Z . with perfect intonation and impressive delivery ; Comps . Stevens , Davadge , and , in fact , every officer working exceedingly well . The chapter was then closed , and the company sat down to a very excellent banquet provided by Bro . Godsen , that gave great satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were ivenas well as that of H . R . H . the Prince
g , of Wales . Comp . Lowenstark , I . P . Z ., then rose to propose "The health of the M . E . Z ., " whom he stated really astonished , as well as pleased , every companion present by his excellent working , that being the first time of his occupying the chair . The toast was drunk with great applause . The M . E . Z ., in reply , said be had to thank Comp . Lowenstark for the high encomiums passed on him , and he hoped to deserve them , as his greatest pleasure
would be to promote the interests of the chapter . The health of the newly-exalted companion was then given , and responded to by Comp . Whiteley . The visitors were Comps . Boutcher , P . Z . 218 ; and H . M . Levy , Joppa . 1 S 8 ; who severally returned thanks . CHAPTER OE HOPE ( NO . 206 ) . —A convocation of thi 3 chapter was held on Thursday night at Comp . J . A . Moore ' s , the Globe ,
Royal Hill , Greenwich . Comps . H . A . Collington , Z . ; J . S . Moore , P . Z ., as H . ; and W . Noak , J ., opened the chapter ; and on the admission of the companions below the chairs , there were present : Comps . J . II . H . Doughney , S . E . ; A . H . Tattershall , S . N . ; Orchard , as P . S . ; James Griffin , R . Boncey , W . S . Smith , J . Nash , and If . Massey , J . ( No . 619 ) . Comp . Johnson « as Janitor . The chapter was closed in due form , and the company adjourned to the banquet ,
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Rowley Chapter ( No . 1051 ) . —An emergency meeting of this flourishing chapter was held on Monday evening last , the 18 th inst , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaram , Lancaster . There were present : Ex . Comps . Dr . Moore , M . E . Z . ; W . H . Bagnall , H . ; and T . Mason , J . Comps . W . Hall , E . ; J . M . Moore as N . ; Fenton ; E . StoreyAssistSojsWhimpray
; . ., , Taylor and Watson . Bros . Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec , Lodge of Fortitude No . 221 , ( Lancaster ) , and Edward Airy , 281 , having previously been elected were exalted to the degree of the Royal . Arch by the M . E . Z ., the duties of P . S . being ably performed by Comp . Hall , E . The lectures were afterwards given by the pirincipals .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A convocation of this chapter , after tbe summer recess , was held at tbe Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 15 th instant . There were present Comps . the Rev . J . Spittall , M . E . Z . ; S . A . Clarke , II . ; Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . H ., as J . ; Pettifor , P . Z . ; Stretton , E . ; Partridge , N . ; Toller , P . S . ; Buzzard , A . S . ; Gosling , Scott , Thorpe , Atwood Hod
, J . E . ges , J . E . Clarke , Crow , and others . The chapter having been duly opened , a board of installed principals was held , when Comp . Kelly installed Comp . L . A . Clarke into the chair of H ., he having been absent at the last meeting . A ballot took place for Comp . the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , of the Euclid Chapter ( No . S 59 ) , Cambridge , as a joining member , who was unanimouslelected . There were three candidates down
y for exaltation , but one only was present—Bro . J . P . F . Richardson , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 was dnly exalted in a very efficient manner by the M . E . Z . and the P . S ., after which the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures were given by Comp . Kelly . The chapter was then closed in solemn form , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
SCOTLAND . ST . ANDEEW ' S CHAPTER ( NO . 69 ) . —The monthly meeting of this chapter was held at their Chapter Rooms , 170 , Buchananstreet , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of installation . The following companions , who were duly elected on the 23 rd ult . ( autnmnal equinox ) , were installed into their respective offices , viz . : —Thomas M . Campbell , M . E . P . Z . ; Wm . M'EwanM . E . P . H . ; John BuchananM . E . P . J . Neil M'Callum '
, , ; , E . S . E . ; Peter Gray , E . S . N . ; Edward Crotber , Treas . ; Isaiah N . Johnson , 1 st Soj . ; Robert Prout Blackwood , 2 nd Soj . ; Wm . Lindsay , 3 rd Soj . ; J . Gourlay , S . B . ; Duncan Colville and Thos . Niblo , Stewards ; Thomas P . Mullins , Janitor . The ceremony was performed by Thomas M . Campbell , M . E . P . Z ., life member of the S . G . R . A . Chapter of Scotland . This is the most flourishing chapter in the west of Scotland .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOHTHWAEK MAEK LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on the 9 th inst ., at Bro . James W . Avery ' s , Queen's Arms , Weston-street , London-bridge , and was opened by Bros . H . Massey , W . M . ; T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ; A . D . Loewenstark , S . W . ; G . W . Wheeler , F . Walter , M . A . Loewenstark , J . W . Avery , and Samuel Harman . Bro . J . T . Tricketfc ( No . 1194 ) was advanced to this degree by Bro . T . J . Sabine
, , and tho lodge was afterwards closed by the W . M . GLOUCESTERSHIRE . CHELTENHAM AND KEYSTONE LODGE ( NO . 10 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Masonic Hall on Thursday , 10 th inst ., when Bro . Henry Jeffs , of Gloucester , was inducted to the chair , the ceremony of installation ,
being performed by Bro . W . L . Bain , assisted by Bros . Brook Smith , Colonel Money , Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain , & c . There was a good muster of tho brethren , and a very pleasant evening was spent at the banquet which followed the ceremony .
Notes on the Order of the Temple and St . John , and on the Jerusalem Encampment , Manchester . Collected by Bro . JOHN YAKKEH , jun ., P . M . ; ' P . M . Mark ; P . Z . P . E . O . ; T . PT . ; R ^; & C , & C . Manchester . 1869 . ( Continued from page 318 ) . " Tho warrant here mentioned was written by Brother
Blanchard , the Secretary of the Grand Lodge at York , on a sheet of parchment , and is as follows—the seal has been suspended by a ribbon from the bottom of tho parchment , and an incision left in the frame for it to hang out , but has been broken off , with the ribbon , and lost : —¦ "No . 15 . EDWARD WOLLEY . G . G . O . " 'In the name of the Most Glorious Self-existing Lord God : —
" ' We for the time being the G . G . C . of G-R . E . of All England held at York , do by the power and authority vested in us from the earliest ages of O . K ., and derived to us from the successors of that worthy S . K . T ., S . G . B ., th e first C . K . of Jerusalem , in our great love to the Order of S . K . T ., and in compliance with the humble petition of Sir John Hassall , Sir Joseph Garter , and Sir James
Ashton , and others , all S . K . T ., praying our authority , constitution , and warrant to hold a R . E . of S . K , T . in Manchester , in the County Palatine of Lancaster , or elsewhere , do grant this our warrant for holding such R . E . in any convenient place in Manchester aforesaid , or elsewhere in the same county , according to the ancient usages and customs of all legal E-E . and they and their
successors , always observing due subordination and acknowledgment , are hereby authorised and empowered to hold a R . E . of S . K . T ., and to continue it by succession to perpetual ages , and by the authority so vested in us , we do hereby nominate and constitute our T . and W-B-B . all S-K . T . John Hassall , Joseph Carter , and James Ashton to be present G . C . thereof , each in order
as named , and we do hereby invest them with full power to nominate and install their succeeding G . C , and those their succeeding G . C , and so in perpetual succession ; and such G . C from time to time arc hereby empowered and authorised by their known and secret methods to make and admit such worthy brethren S . K . T ., as are regularly and properly qualified to receive such Order
and dignity , and also to receive into their R . E . such as were ivorthy and regular S . K . T . before , and to expel from their R . E . such as by their dishonourable behaviour unkuight themselves , or merit expulsion , and also to convene the K . of the R . E . at their pleasure and when right shall require it , and likewise to deliver certificates
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
chapter were read and confirmed . Bro . George AVhiteley ( Jordan Lodge No . 201 ) , having been previously balloted for , was duly exalted by the M . E . Z . with perfect intonation and impressive delivery ; Comps . Stevens , Davadge , and , in fact , every officer working exceedingly well . The chapter was then closed , and the company sat down to a very excellent banquet provided by Bro . Godsen , that gave great satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were ivenas well as that of H . R . H . the Prince
g , of Wales . Comp . Lowenstark , I . P . Z ., then rose to propose "The health of the M . E . Z ., " whom he stated really astonished , as well as pleased , every companion present by his excellent working , that being the first time of his occupying the chair . The toast was drunk with great applause . The M . E . Z ., in reply , said be had to thank Comp . Lowenstark for the high encomiums passed on him , and he hoped to deserve them , as his greatest pleasure
would be to promote the interests of the chapter . The health of the newly-exalted companion was then given , and responded to by Comp . Whiteley . The visitors were Comps . Boutcher , P . Z . 218 ; and H . M . Levy , Joppa . 1 S 8 ; who severally returned thanks . CHAPTER OE HOPE ( NO . 206 ) . —A convocation of thi 3 chapter was held on Thursday night at Comp . J . A . Moore ' s , the Globe ,
Royal Hill , Greenwich . Comps . H . A . Collington , Z . ; J . S . Moore , P . Z ., as H . ; and W . Noak , J ., opened the chapter ; and on the admission of the companions below the chairs , there were present : Comps . J . II . H . Doughney , S . E . ; A . H . Tattershall , S . N . ; Orchard , as P . S . ; James Griffin , R . Boncey , W . S . Smith , J . Nash , and If . Massey , J . ( No . 619 ) . Comp . Johnson « as Janitor . The chapter was closed in due form , and the company adjourned to the banquet ,
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Rowley Chapter ( No . 1051 ) . —An emergency meeting of this flourishing chapter was held on Monday evening last , the 18 th inst , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaram , Lancaster . There were present : Ex . Comps . Dr . Moore , M . E . Z . ; W . H . Bagnall , H . ; and T . Mason , J . Comps . W . Hall , E . ; J . M . Moore as N . ; Fenton ; E . StoreyAssistSojsWhimpray
; . ., , Taylor and Watson . Bros . Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec , Lodge of Fortitude No . 221 , ( Lancaster ) , and Edward Airy , 281 , having previously been elected were exalted to the degree of the Royal . Arch by the M . E . Z ., the duties of P . S . being ably performed by Comp . Hall , E . The lectures were afterwards given by the pirincipals .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A convocation of this chapter , after tbe summer recess , was held at tbe Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 15 th instant . There were present Comps . the Rev . J . Spittall , M . E . Z . ; S . A . Clarke , II . ; Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . H ., as J . ; Pettifor , P . Z . ; Stretton , E . ; Partridge , N . ; Toller , P . S . ; Buzzard , A . S . ; Gosling , Scott , Thorpe , Atwood Hod
, J . E . ges , J . E . Clarke , Crow , and others . The chapter having been duly opened , a board of installed principals was held , when Comp . Kelly installed Comp . L . A . Clarke into the chair of H ., he having been absent at the last meeting . A ballot took place for Comp . the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , of the Euclid Chapter ( No . S 59 ) , Cambridge , as a joining member , who was unanimouslelected . There were three candidates down
y for exaltation , but one only was present—Bro . J . P . F . Richardson , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 was dnly exalted in a very efficient manner by the M . E . Z . and the P . S ., after which the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures were given by Comp . Kelly . The chapter was then closed in solemn form , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
SCOTLAND . ST . ANDEEW ' S CHAPTER ( NO . 69 ) . —The monthly meeting of this chapter was held at their Chapter Rooms , 170 , Buchananstreet , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of installation . The following companions , who were duly elected on the 23 rd ult . ( autnmnal equinox ) , were installed into their respective offices , viz . : —Thomas M . Campbell , M . E . P . Z . ; Wm . M'EwanM . E . P . H . ; John BuchananM . E . P . J . Neil M'Callum '
, , ; , E . S . E . ; Peter Gray , E . S . N . ; Edward Crotber , Treas . ; Isaiah N . Johnson , 1 st Soj . ; Robert Prout Blackwood , 2 nd Soj . ; Wm . Lindsay , 3 rd Soj . ; J . Gourlay , S . B . ; Duncan Colville and Thos . Niblo , Stewards ; Thomas P . Mullins , Janitor . The ceremony was performed by Thomas M . Campbell , M . E . P . Z ., life member of the S . G . R . A . Chapter of Scotland . This is the most flourishing chapter in the west of Scotland .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOHTHWAEK MAEK LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on the 9 th inst ., at Bro . James W . Avery ' s , Queen's Arms , Weston-street , London-bridge , and was opened by Bros . H . Massey , W . M . ; T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ; A . D . Loewenstark , S . W . ; G . W . Wheeler , F . Walter , M . A . Loewenstark , J . W . Avery , and Samuel Harman . Bro . J . T . Tricketfc ( No . 1194 ) was advanced to this degree by Bro . T . J . Sabine
, , and tho lodge was afterwards closed by the W . M . GLOUCESTERSHIRE . CHELTENHAM AND KEYSTONE LODGE ( NO . 10 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Masonic Hall on Thursday , 10 th inst ., when Bro . Henry Jeffs , of Gloucester , was inducted to the chair , the ceremony of installation ,
being performed by Bro . W . L . Bain , assisted by Bros . Brook Smith , Colonel Money , Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain , & c . There was a good muster of tho brethren , and a very pleasant evening was spent at the banquet which followed the ceremony .
Notes on the Order of the Temple and St . John , and on the Jerusalem Encampment , Manchester . Collected by Bro . JOHN YAKKEH , jun ., P . M . ; ' P . M . Mark ; P . Z . P . E . O . ; T . PT . ; R ^; & C , & C . Manchester . 1869 . ( Continued from page 318 ) . " Tho warrant here mentioned was written by Brother
Blanchard , the Secretary of the Grand Lodge at York , on a sheet of parchment , and is as follows—the seal has been suspended by a ribbon from the bottom of tho parchment , and an incision left in the frame for it to hang out , but has been broken off , with the ribbon , and lost : —¦ "No . 15 . EDWARD WOLLEY . G . G . O . " 'In the name of the Most Glorious Self-existing Lord God : —
" ' We for the time being the G . G . C . of G-R . E . of All England held at York , do by the power and authority vested in us from the earliest ages of O . K ., and derived to us from the successors of that worthy S . K . T ., S . G . B ., th e first C . K . of Jerusalem , in our great love to the Order of S . K . T ., and in compliance with the humble petition of Sir John Hassall , Sir Joseph Garter , and Sir James
Ashton , and others , all S . K . T ., praying our authority , constitution , and warrant to hold a R . E . of S . K , T . in Manchester , in the County Palatine of Lancaster , or elsewhere , do grant this our warrant for holding such R . E . in any convenient place in Manchester aforesaid , or elsewhere in the same county , according to the ancient usages and customs of all legal E-E . and they and their
successors , always observing due subordination and acknowledgment , are hereby authorised and empowered to hold a R . E . of S . K . T ., and to continue it by succession to perpetual ages , and by the authority so vested in us , we do hereby nominate and constitute our T . and W-B-B . all S-K . T . John Hassall , Joseph Carter , and James Ashton to be present G . C . thereof , each in order
as named , and we do hereby invest them with full power to nominate and install their succeeding G . C , and those their succeeding G . C , and so in perpetual succession ; and such G . C from time to time arc hereby empowered and authorised by their known and secret methods to make and admit such worthy brethren S . K . T ., as are regularly and properly qualified to receive such Order
and dignity , and also to receive into their R . E . such as were ivorthy and regular S . K . T . before , and to expel from their R . E . such as by their dishonourable behaviour unkuight themselves , or merit expulsion , and also to convene the K . of the R . E . at their pleasure and when right shall require it , and likewise to deliver certificates