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to all worfchy S . K . T ., and we the G . G . O . aforesaid by this our warrant and constitution , ratifying and confirming all your legal acts do hereby reserve to ourselves and our successors of this G . R . E . full nower and authority to abrogate and recall this constitution whenever by indefensible actions or neglect , the R . E . to be held in pursuance hereof , becomes h'regular or obnoxious to
the Ancient Order of O . K . "' Given in our G . R . E . under our hands , and the seal thereof , this 10 th day of Gctober , A . D . 1786 , A-C . K . 1754 , A . D . 578 d . " ' JOHN PARKER , S . G . A . C . War . BLANCHAKD , G . S . '" GEO . KITSON , J . G . A . C . " The following id a copy of a letter on a loose sheet
of paper : — " ' Manchester , November 1 st , 1786 . "' Most Honourable G . G . C"' We , the K . T . of the R . E . No . 15 , do with all due submission write to acquaint you that on Tuesday evening , tbe 17 th of October last , such of us as were delegated and authorised by you proceeded to open the G . R E . of
All England , in which we broke open and read your warrant , constituted our R . E . and installed our G . C , and after the due honours paid you we closed the same in proper time , and with Good Harmony , after which we opened our R , E . No . 15 , and passed through its necessary requisites , and do now make a- return of the names of the S . KT . that at present form our R . E ., these are S .
John Hassall , R . G . C ., S . Joseph Carter , S-G . C , S . James Ashton , J . G . C , S . John Watson , S . Richard Hunt , SPatrick Lawlor , S . John Hardman , and S . James Cooper , these eight names we beg you to insert in your Grand Registry , and shall make proper succeeding returns for any new acquisition [ and your immediate decisive answer to the following questions agitated amongt us is
desired , if a man who is an Ancient Mason in the three first degrees , regularly passed the chair , made A . M . and S . K . T ., but sitting under a modern warrant , may be accepted in our R . E ., your speedy answer to this will oblige yours , & c . j '" Please for direct to J . Hassall , G . C , at Mr . William Goodall's , the Fleece Tavern , Old Shamble , Manchester , our R . E . being now kept there . ' "
"The portion in brackets has the pen drawn through , but is distinctly readable . The next meeting of the Encampment was on the 21 st November , 1786 , " ' When S . John Bagsbaw made application from 157 , under the sanction of Glasgow , to become a member , who we re-made , and , after an encounter , closed the R . E . and the K . retired in good order . ' " ( To be Continued . )
Presentation To Bro. Colley, House Surgeon Of The Yarmouth Hospital.
Bro . Colley , of Lodge of Friendship , No . 100 , and Companion of the Chapter attached to that Lodge , after a lengthened connection with the Yarmouth Hospital as house surgeon , having decided within the last few months to relinquish his post at the institution , with the view of qualifying himself for a higher position in the profession , his friends and admirers determined that the occasion
should not be allowed to pass without some acknowledgment from them of the esteem in which he was held , and their appreciation of the many important services rendered to the Hospital during his connection with it . A Committee was formed with the view of raising a testimonial , and so warmly was the project received that , within a few weeks of its becoming knowna handsome
, sum was realised and placed at the disposal of the Committee . After some consultation it was determined that the fund in hand should be presented as a pnrse of money , with the exception of a certain sum to be devoted to the purchase of a gold watch and chain , and an illuminated book containing the names of the subscribers ;
the value of the watch , manufactured for the occasion by a London firm , together with the chain , being about £ 40 . Engraved on the back of the watch is the following inscription : — " Presented with a purse of 250 guineas to Mr . Thos . H . Colley , by nearly 500 subscribers , for his unremitting zeal and kindness in the discharge of his duties as house surgeon to the Great Yarmouth Hospital
during the last fourteen years . Oct . 5 th , 1869 . " The presentation took place at tho Record Room , Town Hall , on Tuesday evening . The Mayor ( S . Nightingale , Esq ., ) presided , there being present the Deputy-Mayor ( W . Worship , Esq . ) , Messrs . C Palmer , T . Moxon , F . Palmer , R . R . B . Norman , ( surgeon ) , G . B . Kennet , ( Clerk to the Norwich Magistrates ) , J . Tomlinson , J .
Bracey , S . W . Spellman , J . B . Bowden , T . P . Burroughs , W . H . Willis , W . J . Foreman , G . Hanley , G . Cooke , E . Cattermole , T . Foreman , G . Watson , —Burton , H . Hammond , S . Nightingale , H . Fenner , Constantine , Taylor , D . Garrod , H . Brand , Spillings , Chase , Godbold , & c . The Mayor , who was very warmly greeted , said—He presumed all were aware of the object of the
meeting , and such being the case he would not attempt to go into any very formal ceremony , but would proceed at once to offer the tribute of respect and esteem to Mr . Colley . He confessed he had undertaken an agreeable and most pleasing task , but the pleasure was not unaccompanied in a certain degree by pain and regret . They could not , one . and all , help most sincerely regretting in
having to part with old friends and to sever old and endeared associations . He was sure all would regret the loss of Mr . Colley . And this regret would be felt nob only by those who had been the recipients of the benefits of the institution with which Mr . Colley has for such an extended period been connected , but there were others in a higher grade of life who would deplore his departure from amongst them . He would not occupy their time any longer by further remarks . It only remains for him to offer to Mr . Colley , on behalf of the several hundreds of
hearty friends , the beautiful watch ; and in presenting it to him he would only observe that no one can appreciate more highly the value of time than a medical practitioner . And with extreme gratification he also begged to present him with a purse of 250 guineas . Mr . Colley , on rising , was most warmly greeted . He said that this evening feelings of such a conflicting
nature agitated them , that however desirous he might be of expressing his sentiments he was unable sufficiently to give utterance to his gratitude , and were he to say a thousand words , they could all be summed up in three — " I thank you . " But the kind remarks of the Mayor , and the flattering and hearty reception of himself , united with the very splendid presentcompelled a not
unwill-, ing tongue to address a few words . For upwards of fourteen years he had been connected with one of the most beneficient institutions of Yarmouth . He had observed with natural pride the increasing estimation in which the establishment was held by the classes for whose special benefit it was formed ; the vast amount of good it had been the means of effecting : and the suffering it
had by the blessing of Providence alleviated amongst those least able to help themselves . Circumstances had occurred which induced him most- regretfully to retire from the position he had , with so much happiness to himself , held for so lengthened a period . And in bidding adiue , for a season at least , to the good old town of Yarmouth , in which lie had formed so many friendships , and
with which his most pleasant memories would ever be associated , he tendered to them all the tribute of his most earnest and grateful thanks . The Deputy Mayor also made some appropriate remai'ks , concluding with a vote of thanks to the Mayor , which was duly acknowledged . Mr . W . J . Foreman proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Testimonial Committee , which was acknowledged by Mr . J . Tomlinson , and the proceedings then terminated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to all worfchy S . K . T ., and we the G . G . O . aforesaid by this our warrant and constitution , ratifying and confirming all your legal acts do hereby reserve to ourselves and our successors of this G . R . E . full nower and authority to abrogate and recall this constitution whenever by indefensible actions or neglect , the R . E . to be held in pursuance hereof , becomes h'regular or obnoxious to
the Ancient Order of O . K . "' Given in our G . R . E . under our hands , and the seal thereof , this 10 th day of Gctober , A . D . 1786 , A-C . K . 1754 , A . D . 578 d . " ' JOHN PARKER , S . G . A . C . War . BLANCHAKD , G . S . '" GEO . KITSON , J . G . A . C . " The following id a copy of a letter on a loose sheet
of paper : — " ' Manchester , November 1 st , 1786 . "' Most Honourable G . G . C"' We , the K . T . of the R . E . No . 15 , do with all due submission write to acquaint you that on Tuesday evening , tbe 17 th of October last , such of us as were delegated and authorised by you proceeded to open the G . R E . of
All England , in which we broke open and read your warrant , constituted our R . E . and installed our G . C , and after the due honours paid you we closed the same in proper time , and with Good Harmony , after which we opened our R , E . No . 15 , and passed through its necessary requisites , and do now make a- return of the names of the S . KT . that at present form our R . E ., these are S .
John Hassall , R . G . C ., S . Joseph Carter , S-G . C , S . James Ashton , J . G . C , S . John Watson , S . Richard Hunt , SPatrick Lawlor , S . John Hardman , and S . James Cooper , these eight names we beg you to insert in your Grand Registry , and shall make proper succeeding returns for any new acquisition [ and your immediate decisive answer to the following questions agitated amongt us is
desired , if a man who is an Ancient Mason in the three first degrees , regularly passed the chair , made A . M . and S . K . T ., but sitting under a modern warrant , may be accepted in our R . E ., your speedy answer to this will oblige yours , & c . j '" Please for direct to J . Hassall , G . C , at Mr . William Goodall's , the Fleece Tavern , Old Shamble , Manchester , our R . E . being now kept there . ' "
"The portion in brackets has the pen drawn through , but is distinctly readable . The next meeting of the Encampment was on the 21 st November , 1786 , " ' When S . John Bagsbaw made application from 157 , under the sanction of Glasgow , to become a member , who we re-made , and , after an encounter , closed the R . E . and the K . retired in good order . ' " ( To be Continued . )
Presentation To Bro. Colley, House Surgeon Of The Yarmouth Hospital.
Bro . Colley , of Lodge of Friendship , No . 100 , and Companion of the Chapter attached to that Lodge , after a lengthened connection with the Yarmouth Hospital as house surgeon , having decided within the last few months to relinquish his post at the institution , with the view of qualifying himself for a higher position in the profession , his friends and admirers determined that the occasion
should not be allowed to pass without some acknowledgment from them of the esteem in which he was held , and their appreciation of the many important services rendered to the Hospital during his connection with it . A Committee was formed with the view of raising a testimonial , and so warmly was the project received that , within a few weeks of its becoming knowna handsome
, sum was realised and placed at the disposal of the Committee . After some consultation it was determined that the fund in hand should be presented as a pnrse of money , with the exception of a certain sum to be devoted to the purchase of a gold watch and chain , and an illuminated book containing the names of the subscribers ;
the value of the watch , manufactured for the occasion by a London firm , together with the chain , being about £ 40 . Engraved on the back of the watch is the following inscription : — " Presented with a purse of 250 guineas to Mr . Thos . H . Colley , by nearly 500 subscribers , for his unremitting zeal and kindness in the discharge of his duties as house surgeon to the Great Yarmouth Hospital
during the last fourteen years . Oct . 5 th , 1869 . " The presentation took place at tho Record Room , Town Hall , on Tuesday evening . The Mayor ( S . Nightingale , Esq ., ) presided , there being present the Deputy-Mayor ( W . Worship , Esq . ) , Messrs . C Palmer , T . Moxon , F . Palmer , R . R . B . Norman , ( surgeon ) , G . B . Kennet , ( Clerk to the Norwich Magistrates ) , J . Tomlinson , J .
Bracey , S . W . Spellman , J . B . Bowden , T . P . Burroughs , W . H . Willis , W . J . Foreman , G . Hanley , G . Cooke , E . Cattermole , T . Foreman , G . Watson , —Burton , H . Hammond , S . Nightingale , H . Fenner , Constantine , Taylor , D . Garrod , H . Brand , Spillings , Chase , Godbold , & c . The Mayor , who was very warmly greeted , said—He presumed all were aware of the object of the
meeting , and such being the case he would not attempt to go into any very formal ceremony , but would proceed at once to offer the tribute of respect and esteem to Mr . Colley . He confessed he had undertaken an agreeable and most pleasing task , but the pleasure was not unaccompanied in a certain degree by pain and regret . They could not , one . and all , help most sincerely regretting in
having to part with old friends and to sever old and endeared associations . He was sure all would regret the loss of Mr . Colley . And this regret would be felt nob only by those who had been the recipients of the benefits of the institution with which Mr . Colley has for such an extended period been connected , but there were others in a higher grade of life who would deplore his departure from amongst them . He would not occupy their time any longer by further remarks . It only remains for him to offer to Mr . Colley , on behalf of the several hundreds of
hearty friends , the beautiful watch ; and in presenting it to him he would only observe that no one can appreciate more highly the value of time than a medical practitioner . And with extreme gratification he also begged to present him with a purse of 250 guineas . Mr . Colley , on rising , was most warmly greeted . He said that this evening feelings of such a conflicting
nature agitated them , that however desirous he might be of expressing his sentiments he was unable sufficiently to give utterance to his gratitude , and were he to say a thousand words , they could all be summed up in three — " I thank you . " But the kind remarks of the Mayor , and the flattering and hearty reception of himself , united with the very splendid presentcompelled a not
unwill-, ing tongue to address a few words . For upwards of fourteen years he had been connected with one of the most beneficient institutions of Yarmouth . He had observed with natural pride the increasing estimation in which the establishment was held by the classes for whose special benefit it was formed ; the vast amount of good it had been the means of effecting : and the suffering it
had by the blessing of Providence alleviated amongst those least able to help themselves . Circumstances had occurred which induced him most- regretfully to retire from the position he had , with so much happiness to himself , held for so lengthened a period . And in bidding adiue , for a season at least , to the good old town of Yarmouth , in which lie had formed so many friendships , and
with which his most pleasant memories would ever be associated , he tendered to them all the tribute of his most earnest and grateful thanks . The Deputy Mayor also made some appropriate remai'ks , concluding with a vote of thanks to the Mayor , which was duly acknowledged . Mr . W . J . Foreman proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Testimonial Committee , which was acknowledged by Mr . J . Tomlinson , and the proceedings then terminated .