Article LIST OF LODGE, &c., MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 30TH OCTOBER, 1869. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 30th October, 1869.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; R ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CnAPTEES . Monday , Oct . 25 tb . LODGES . —Old King ' s Arms , F . M . H . ; Pythagorean , Lecture HallRoyal-hillGreenwich ; UnityLoudon Tav .
Bishops-, , , , gate-st . ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Baneroft-pl ., Mile-end-rd . ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; De Grey and Ripon , Angel Ho ., Great Ilford , CHAPTEES . —Robert Burns , P . M . II . ; Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
Tuesday , Oct . 26 th . LODGES . —Tuscan , F . M . II . ; Moira , London Tav ., Bishopsgatest . ; Faith , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . ; Industry , F . M . H . ; Israel , Radley's Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; Southern Star , Montpclier Tavern , Walworth ; "Urban , Old Jerusalem Tav ., St . Jolm's-gate , Clerkenwell . CHAPTER . —Royal YorkF . M . H . ; StAlban ' sAlbion
, , , Tav ., Aldorsgate-st . Wednesday , Oct . 27 th . LODGES . —United Pilgrims , Horns Tav ., Kennington-park ; High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham-station ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., High-st ., Deptford ; Temperance in the East , Pri . Ass . Rooms , 8 , Newby-pl ., Poplar . CHAPTER . — Union Waterloo , F . M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich .
Thursday , Oct . 28 th . Gen . Com . Female School , F . M . H ., at 4 . ¦ LODGES . — Neptune , Radley's Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriar's ; Peace and Harmony , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; Prosperity ; Guildhall Coflbe-lmuse , Gresham-st . ; Grenadiers , F . M . H . ; South Middlesex , Beaufort House , North-end , Fulham ; Victoria , George Hotel , Alderinanbury . CHAPTERS . — Domatic , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . ; Polish National , F . M . II .
METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION . Monday , Oct- 25 th . Prosperity , White Hart , Bishopsgate-st . ; Temple , Old Goorge , St . Mary Axe , E . G . ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-rd ., Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Monteombe-st ., Belgrave-sq . ; Sincerity , Cheshire Clieeso , Crutched Friars ;
St . James ' s Union , Swan Tavern , Mount-street , Grosvenorsq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Bean-St ., Soho ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Havcrsfcock Hill ; Westbourne , Running- Horse , Duke-st ., Grosvonor-sq . ; High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercial-rd . East ; Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-rd ., Mile-end-rd . Tuesday , Oct . 26 i 7 t .
Strong Man , White Horse , Little Britain ; Faith , Fisher's Restaurant , Metropolitan District Railway , Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John's Tav ., St . John's-wood ; British Oak , Silver Lion Tavern , Pennyfield , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , le
Triang , Hackney ; Royal Albert , White Hart , Abchurchlane . CHAPTER op INSTRUCTION . —Rose of Denmark-, George Ho ., Alderinanbury ; Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' s-1-. me .
Wednesday , Oct . 27 th . Confidence , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . ; Merchant Na v 3 ' , Silver Tav ., Uurdett-ril ., Linichouso ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ,- St . Mark ' s , M .-uvb y Anns , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peckham , Edinboro' Castle Tav ., Peckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , lar
Pop ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange Ho ., Greenwich . CHAPTER OE INSTRUCTION . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . Thursday , Oct . 28 th . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzrov-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd . ; Globe , No . 10 , Old Bond-st . ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Vitruvian , White
Hart , College-street , Lambeth ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Great St . Helen's , St . Mary Axe ; Whittington , Crown Ho ., 41 , Holborn ; Royal Oak Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford . CHAPTER OE INSTRUCTION - . —Joppa , Prospect of Whitby Tav ., 57 , Wappingwall , FridayOct . 29 th .
, Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke's , Pier Ho ., Cheyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Greshamst . ; Union ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; Wellington , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford ; Florence NightingaleFreemasons'HallWoolwich ;
, , Ranelagb , Windsor Castle Hotel , Kiug-rt ., Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Grej'bound Ho ., Richmond ; Boric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Victoria , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Saturday , Oct . 30 th . CHAPTER or INSTRUCTION . —Mount Sinai , Union Tav ., Air-st . Kegent-st . PROVINCIAL . DOESET . BEIDPOET . —Tliurs . Lodge : St . MaryBull Inn .
, , LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER . — lfon ., Lodge : Social , Queen ' s Ho . ; Robert Burns , F . M . H . LITTLEBOEOUGH . — 'Cues ., Lodge : Benevolence , Red Lion Ho . WHITEFIELD . — Tues ., Lodge : Merit , Mason's Arms Ho . HEVWOOD . —Wed ., Lodge : Naphthali , Ma . Ro ., Market-pl . MAXCHESTEE . — -Wed ., Lodges : IntegrityF . M . H . ; Strang ewaysAssize Courts Ho .
, , , BOLTON . —Thurs ., Lodge : St . John , Commercial Hotel , Market-sq . MANCUESTER . —Tliurs ., Lodge : Shakespeare , F . M . H . MIDDLETON . —Tlw . rs ., Lodge : Imperial George , Asbetou Arms Ho . SAMJOED . —tlmrs ., Lodge : Harmony , F . M . II .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKEIXGTON . —Hon ., Lodge : Light , Ma . Ho ., Sanker-st . ¦ LIVERPOOL . — Hon ., Chapter : Friendship , M . Tom . WlGAN . —Tv . es ., Lodge : Antiquity , Royal Ho ., Staudisgate . GAESTOX ( near Liverpool ) . — Wed ., I . ' . dife : Harmony , Wellington Ho .- LIVERPOOL . — Wed ., Lodge : St . George , Adclphi Ho ., KaiR'lagh-pl , ; Derby , Ma . To . PEESCT . — Wed ., Chapter : Lebanon , Royal Ho . OIOISKIHK . —Chapter ; Unity and Perseverance , Whe . 'itsheaf Jin-. LIVERPOOLThurs ., Downshire , Royal Mersey Yacht Ho ., DO , Duke-st .
WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMINGHAM . —Mon ., Lodge : St . Paul' .- ' , U .-ion Ho . WABwlCK . — Tues . , Lodge : Shakespeare , Ma . R . UIEMINGHAM . —Wed ., Lod » e : Elkington , Ma . Ro . ASTON—Wed . , Lodge : Holte , Holte Ho .
OXFORDSHIRE . OXFORD . —Wed ., Lodge : Apollo University , University Ma . Ha . QUIPPING NORTON . —Tlmrs ., Lodge : Bowyer , Ma . Ha . CAMBRIDGESHIRE . CAMBRIDGE . —MOIL , Lodge : Isaac Newton , 29 J-, Green-st .
[ This information is extracted from the "Universal Masonic Calendar , " published at 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies ( and tlieiv are , doubtless , many ) , are respectfully requested to coninimocate the same to the Editor at the Office , No . 19 , Salisbury-sti e-.-t , Strand . !
To Correspondents.
SEVERAL communications stand over until our m > xt . BEO . SOEAEJEE FEOMMHEJE . —Thanks lor the information : slull be happy to hear from you as frequently as possible . J . S . —The Jersey Masonic Hall is one instauc- of several where a ball and a fimey fair , & e ., were held in aid of the funds for its construction . H . A . ( Rochdale ) . —Written to by post , with apologies for delay . BEO . W . BURN ( Lodge 711 ) . —Shall be glad to receive from time to time , notices of proceedings . Trust the monthly parts are received regularly .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 30th October, 1869.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; R ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CnAPTEES . Monday , Oct . 25 tb . LODGES . —Old King ' s Arms , F . M . H . ; Pythagorean , Lecture HallRoyal-hillGreenwich ; UnityLoudon Tav .
Bishops-, , , , gate-st . ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Baneroft-pl ., Mile-end-rd . ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; De Grey and Ripon , Angel Ho ., Great Ilford , CHAPTEES . —Robert Burns , P . M . II . ; Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
Tuesday , Oct . 26 th . LODGES . —Tuscan , F . M . II . ; Moira , London Tav ., Bishopsgatest . ; Faith , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . ; Industry , F . M . H . ; Israel , Radley's Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; Southern Star , Montpclier Tavern , Walworth ; "Urban , Old Jerusalem Tav ., St . Jolm's-gate , Clerkenwell . CHAPTER . —Royal YorkF . M . H . ; StAlban ' sAlbion
, , , Tav ., Aldorsgate-st . Wednesday , Oct . 27 th . LODGES . —United Pilgrims , Horns Tav ., Kennington-park ; High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham-station ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., High-st ., Deptford ; Temperance in the East , Pri . Ass . Rooms , 8 , Newby-pl ., Poplar . CHAPTER . — Union Waterloo , F . M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich .
Thursday , Oct . 28 th . Gen . Com . Female School , F . M . H ., at 4 . ¦ LODGES . — Neptune , Radley's Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriar's ; Peace and Harmony , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; Prosperity ; Guildhall Coflbe-lmuse , Gresham-st . ; Grenadiers , F . M . H . ; South Middlesex , Beaufort House , North-end , Fulham ; Victoria , George Hotel , Alderinanbury . CHAPTERS . — Domatic , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . ; Polish National , F . M . II .
METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION . Monday , Oct- 25 th . Prosperity , White Hart , Bishopsgate-st . ; Temple , Old Goorge , St . Mary Axe , E . G . ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-rd ., Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Monteombe-st ., Belgrave-sq . ; Sincerity , Cheshire Clieeso , Crutched Friars ;
St . James ' s Union , Swan Tavern , Mount-street , Grosvenorsq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Bean-St ., Soho ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Havcrsfcock Hill ; Westbourne , Running- Horse , Duke-st ., Grosvonor-sq . ; High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercial-rd . East ; Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-rd ., Mile-end-rd . Tuesday , Oct . 26 i 7 t .
Strong Man , White Horse , Little Britain ; Faith , Fisher's Restaurant , Metropolitan District Railway , Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John's Tav ., St . John's-wood ; British Oak , Silver Lion Tavern , Pennyfield , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , le
Triang , Hackney ; Royal Albert , White Hart , Abchurchlane . CHAPTER op INSTRUCTION . —Rose of Denmark-, George Ho ., Alderinanbury ; Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' s-1-. me .
Wednesday , Oct . 27 th . Confidence , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . ; Merchant Na v 3 ' , Silver Tav ., Uurdett-ril ., Linichouso ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ,- St . Mark ' s , M .-uvb y Anns , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peckham , Edinboro' Castle Tav ., Peckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , lar
Pop ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange Ho ., Greenwich . CHAPTER OE INSTRUCTION . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . Thursday , Oct . 28 th . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzrov-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd . ; Globe , No . 10 , Old Bond-st . ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Vitruvian , White
Hart , College-street , Lambeth ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Great St . Helen's , St . Mary Axe ; Whittington , Crown Ho ., 41 , Holborn ; Royal Oak Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford . CHAPTER OE INSTRUCTION - . —Joppa , Prospect of Whitby Tav ., 57 , Wappingwall , FridayOct . 29 th .
, Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke's , Pier Ho ., Cheyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Greshamst . ; Union ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; Wellington , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford ; Florence NightingaleFreemasons'HallWoolwich ;
, , Ranelagb , Windsor Castle Hotel , Kiug-rt ., Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Grej'bound Ho ., Richmond ; Boric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Victoria , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Saturday , Oct . 30 th . CHAPTER or INSTRUCTION . —Mount Sinai , Union Tav ., Air-st . Kegent-st . PROVINCIAL . DOESET . BEIDPOET . —Tliurs . Lodge : St . MaryBull Inn .
, , LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER . — lfon ., Lodge : Social , Queen ' s Ho . ; Robert Burns , F . M . H . LITTLEBOEOUGH . — 'Cues ., Lodge : Benevolence , Red Lion Ho . WHITEFIELD . — Tues ., Lodge : Merit , Mason's Arms Ho . HEVWOOD . —Wed ., Lodge : Naphthali , Ma . Ro ., Market-pl . MAXCHESTEE . — -Wed ., Lodges : IntegrityF . M . H . ; Strang ewaysAssize Courts Ho .
, , , BOLTON . —Thurs ., Lodge : St . John , Commercial Hotel , Market-sq . MANCUESTER . —Tliurs ., Lodge : Shakespeare , F . M . H . MIDDLETON . —Tlw . rs ., Lodge : Imperial George , Asbetou Arms Ho . SAMJOED . —tlmrs ., Lodge : Harmony , F . M . II .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKEIXGTON . —Hon ., Lodge : Light , Ma . Ho ., Sanker-st . ¦ LIVERPOOL . — Hon ., Chapter : Friendship , M . Tom . WlGAN . —Tv . es ., Lodge : Antiquity , Royal Ho ., Staudisgate . GAESTOX ( near Liverpool ) . — Wed ., I . ' . dife : Harmony , Wellington Ho .- LIVERPOOL . — Wed ., Lodge : St . George , Adclphi Ho ., KaiR'lagh-pl , ; Derby , Ma . To . PEESCT . — Wed ., Chapter : Lebanon , Royal Ho . OIOISKIHK . —Chapter ; Unity and Perseverance , Whe . 'itsheaf Jin-. LIVERPOOLThurs ., Downshire , Royal Mersey Yacht Ho ., DO , Duke-st .
WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMINGHAM . —Mon ., Lodge : St . Paul' .- ' , U .-ion Ho . WABwlCK . — Tues . , Lodge : Shakespeare , Ma . R . UIEMINGHAM . —Wed ., Lod » e : Elkington , Ma . Ro . ASTON—Wed . , Lodge : Holte , Holte Ho .
OXFORDSHIRE . OXFORD . —Wed ., Lodge : Apollo University , University Ma . Ha . QUIPPING NORTON . —Tlmrs ., Lodge : Bowyer , Ma . Ha . CAMBRIDGESHIRE . CAMBRIDGE . —MOIL , Lodge : Isaac Newton , 29 J-, Green-st .
[ This information is extracted from the "Universal Masonic Calendar , " published at 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies ( and tlieiv are , doubtless , many ) , are respectfully requested to coninimocate the same to the Editor at the Office , No . 19 , Salisbury-sti e-.-t , Strand . !
To Correspondents.
SEVERAL communications stand over until our m > xt . BEO . SOEAEJEE FEOMMHEJE . —Thanks lor the information : slull be happy to hear from you as frequently as possible . J . S . —The Jersey Masonic Hall is one instauc- of several where a ball and a fimey fair , & e ., were held in aid of the funds for its construction . H . A . ( Rochdale ) . —Written to by post , with apologies for delay . BEO . W . BURN ( Lodge 711 ) . —Shall be glad to receive from time to time , notices of proceedings . Trust the monthly parts are received regularly .