Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Mems.
MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , THE . Strand , London , W . C .
GitAXD LODGE OF S COTLAND . —The election of office-bearers - nominated at the last quarterly communication , on the 4 th instant , will be held on Monday , the 2 nd proximo , at the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh . The banquet in celebration of the -festival of St . Andrew will be held in the same place at six p m of the same dav . The chair will be occupied by the Right Master
Hon . the Karl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . W . Grand Mason , Scotland , and Past Deputy Grand Master , England ; -supported by the Grand Wardens , Bros , the Duke of Athole ami ¦ the Earl of Dunmore . SCOTLAND . —The centenary festival of St . Marnock Lodge ( No 109 ) Kilmarnockwas appointed to be held , at the George
. , , \ ssembly Room ? , Kilmarnock , on the 21 st inst ., under the presidency of E . W . Bros . It . Wylie , Prov . G . M . Ayrshire ; Col . Campbell , of Bly thswood , Prov . G . M . Renfrewshire East ; and a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The report of the proceedings will be given in our next . Ox Wednesdaythe 13 th inst ,, Bro . John Fawcett , tho Prov .
, ¦ Grand Superintendent of Durham , assisted by his Prov . G . Officers , with the usual ceremonies , dedicated , consecrated , and constituted a chapter annexed to the St . John ' s Lodge , SO , in the lodge-room , Queen ' s Hotel , Fawcett-street , . Sunderland . The Prov . G . Superintendent afterwards held a Provincial ¦ Grand Chapter , when he appointed the officers for the year , and
the usual business was transacted . THE Rig ht Hon . the Lord Kenlis , Prov . G . Master for Cumberland and Westmoreland , will preside at the anniversary of the Girls' School , on Wednesday , May 13 th , 1 SGS .
r « rj £ URE LODGE ( Xo . " 720 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lod ^ Vwas held on Monday , the lSth inst ., at the Balham Hotel , when three brethren were raised and one candidate initiated . Iu order to give due effect to the ceremony , the W . M . decided upon conferring tbe third degree in eacli ea < c separately . After labour the brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided in Bro . Lilley ' s usual stvle of excellence . Bro . Hodges , P . ied tc
Prov . G . Sec , presided , the S . WVs chair being occup pro : n . bv Bro . W . P . Moore , Sec . After the usual loyal and Masonic . ' ¦ ¦ oasts , the health of the newly-initiated brother was proposed , and Bro . Mortimer Lloyd Jones responded very appropriately . The Health of the W . M . was proposed in complimentary terms by the S . W ., who spoke of the services rendered to the Craft bv Hod who had that dayat considerable
incon-Bro . ges , , venience , travelled some distance to be at his post . The W . M . responded , and proposed the remainder of the toasts , viy ,., " Bro . Thomas and the Past Masters , " "The Secretary , " "The Officers , " to which Bro . Gwilt replied ; "Tbe Visitors , Bros . Stevens , P . M ., and Shaw , " the former of whom responded . After u most harmonious meeting and some excellent singing , the brethren separated in brotherly love .
TITE BELOEAVE L ODGE ( X O . 7-1-9 ) . The installation meeting of this well-known lodgo was held at Anderton's Hotel , on Wednesday , the ] 3 th inst . There were present : — Bros . Potter , W . M . ; Sialic . S . W . ; Bourne , J . V ,. ; Pierce S . D , M ' atlviuson , J . D . ; Pymm , I . G .,- Garrod , P . M . aim Sec Frond , P . M . and Treas . ; Hunting , P . M . ; Temple , P . M . ; Nash , P . M . ; Ough , P . M . and Assist . G . Purst , ; and about _ 0 . more of the brethren . The lodge was honoured with the presence of the following visitors : —Bro . Binckes , P . M ., l . G . S ,,
Sec . of tho Boys'School ; H . Muergeridge , P . M . 192 ; J . Couttr , W . M . 27 ; W . Bartlett , W . M . 1 SG ; J . Boyd , P . M . o 2 / ; P . Molfatt , 11 ; H . Johnson , P . M . 13-1- ; W . Johnson , 13-t ; J . A . Berc-er , 72 J . Brown . 1-1-5 ; Or . AV . Pitt , 1-1-D ; G . l-ell , 1 G 0 ; J . _ I P . Staples , ISO ; J . Bean . 201 ; II . J . Brain , 193 ; b . lutzjohn , ' 192 ; R , Averv , 720 ; W . Littlewood , 7 S 0 The lodge was opened in the first degree , ami Messrs . Uuuunanimouslapproval
wick and Uayner were balloted for and y as candidates for the rite of initiation and were afterwards introduced and initiated into our ancient and honourable Uriler ; the charge being given bv thcW . M . in a most solemn and impressive manner : The lodge was then opened in tho second Woe , and Bro . Gusli , presented Bro . Slade , W . M ., and he was dnlv installed in the chair KSbliro . Poller in « mut able
.., y , and effective manner . The brethren having saluted tue W . M . m tbe three degrees , he then proceeded to appoint the ollicers as follows .-Bros . W . Bourne , S . W . ; Pierce J . W . ; . 'Olid , I . M ., Treas .,- Garrod , P . M . Sec ; Wathinson , S . D . ; G . Pymm , J . D . ; Hester . I . G . ; Parsons , Steward ; Daly , Ty ler , 'lhe lodge was then closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . During the evening an excellent banquet was served by Bro . ' The cloth being
Clemow , of which the brethren partook . removed and thanks returned , tho W . M . then rose and proposed the usual Invn . and Masonic toasts , via .. "The Queen and tho Craft , " " Tiie Bight Hon . the Karl of Zetland , the ^ -W . G . M . of Eo-land , " and " The Earl de Grey and Ripon , the D . I .. M . of England , and the rest of tho Grand Officers , " loupling with ( he l ' st toast the names of Bro . Ough , P . M ., Assist . G . ^ Treas . To which Bro . Ough responded in a few appropriate and feeling
The next toast was "The Health of our Brother Initiates . " The W . Master said it afforded him the greatest pleasure on takin- the chair for the first time to have to propose this toast and he assured the . initiates that the more they understood ot the Order into which they had that evening been admitted , tho more they would be able to appreciate and admire its beauties , and he felt confident that they would never regret the step they had taken , but that in after years they would be able to reflect with pleasure and delig ht upon their admission to the
Bro . Chadwick replied for himself and Bro . Kayner . He thanked them for the very kind manner in which they had heen received that evening . They had entered the Order in a state of darkness , and even now had only received , as it were , one ray of lb'ht , but the little they had received they were gratelnl tor , and he trusted they should prove that they were hilly able to appreciate it , They had as yet scarcely passed the portals , but they sincerely hoped that as they advanced in their kn ^ vleilge of Freemasonry , tbev should receive the blessing of the lull
light in all its excellence . , The W . Master then rose and proposed " lhe Health ot our Brother Visitors . " Ho said : Brethren , we are honoured tins ovenim * by the presence of some of the most distinguished brethren connected with our Order , foremost amongst whom ire Bros Binckes aud Mnggeridge . It would be almost superfluous for me to mention the great efforts which have been made by these two brothers in the cause ot our Masonic Charities , and I shall therefore simply ask yon to give them and the rest of our brother visitors , a . hearty and cordial
welcome . ,.,,,., „ , Bro . Binckes , in replying , said : Worslnpf . il Muster and Brethren —In the first place I must , on the part ot myself arid mv brother visitors , thank you for the very warm manner in whicli von have responded to the toast of ou . ' health . 1 'or myself , "' ! must tell you that it is the first time I have ever had the pleasure of attending your lodge , and it has been to me , I real leasureand 1 sincerelhope I shall visit
assure you , a p ; y you often for the future . Your lodge has for a long time past been well known to me , from the distinguished and honourable position it occupies in tbe Craft ., and for the munificent support it has accorded to our Masonic charities . I cannot help ^ in the next place , expressing tho gratification I felt on hearing the last portion of the ceremony of installation performed by vour 1 fit . I bave never , in the whole of my Masonic experendered ami I the
rience / heard it more admirably am sure brethren must feel exceedingly proud in having the ollice ot I P M filled by so able a brother . You were also pleased , Worshipful Sir to mention tbe efforts made by me in the cause of our Masonic charities . Well , 1 must admit that that cause is nearest mv heart at all times ; indeed , I think that you will n <* ree with me that the cause of Charity is the first duty of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , THE . Strand , London , W . C .
GitAXD LODGE OF S COTLAND . —The election of office-bearers - nominated at the last quarterly communication , on the 4 th instant , will be held on Monday , the 2 nd proximo , at the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh . The banquet in celebration of the -festival of St . Andrew will be held in the same place at six p m of the same dav . The chair will be occupied by the Right Master
Hon . the Karl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . W . Grand Mason , Scotland , and Past Deputy Grand Master , England ; -supported by the Grand Wardens , Bros , the Duke of Athole ami ¦ the Earl of Dunmore . SCOTLAND . —The centenary festival of St . Marnock Lodge ( No 109 ) Kilmarnockwas appointed to be held , at the George
. , , \ ssembly Room ? , Kilmarnock , on the 21 st inst ., under the presidency of E . W . Bros . It . Wylie , Prov . G . M . Ayrshire ; Col . Campbell , of Bly thswood , Prov . G . M . Renfrewshire East ; and a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The report of the proceedings will be given in our next . Ox Wednesdaythe 13 th inst ,, Bro . John Fawcett , tho Prov .
, ¦ Grand Superintendent of Durham , assisted by his Prov . G . Officers , with the usual ceremonies , dedicated , consecrated , and constituted a chapter annexed to the St . John ' s Lodge , SO , in the lodge-room , Queen ' s Hotel , Fawcett-street , . Sunderland . The Prov . G . Superintendent afterwards held a Provincial ¦ Grand Chapter , when he appointed the officers for the year , and
the usual business was transacted . THE Rig ht Hon . the Lord Kenlis , Prov . G . Master for Cumberland and Westmoreland , will preside at the anniversary of the Girls' School , on Wednesday , May 13 th , 1 SGS .
r « rj £ URE LODGE ( Xo . " 720 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lod ^ Vwas held on Monday , the lSth inst ., at the Balham Hotel , when three brethren were raised and one candidate initiated . Iu order to give due effect to the ceremony , the W . M . decided upon conferring tbe third degree in eacli ea < c separately . After labour the brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided in Bro . Lilley ' s usual stvle of excellence . Bro . Hodges , P . ied tc
Prov . G . Sec , presided , the S . WVs chair being occup pro : n . bv Bro . W . P . Moore , Sec . After the usual loyal and Masonic . ' ¦ ¦ oasts , the health of the newly-initiated brother was proposed , and Bro . Mortimer Lloyd Jones responded very appropriately . The Health of the W . M . was proposed in complimentary terms by the S . W ., who spoke of the services rendered to the Craft bv Hod who had that dayat considerable
incon-Bro . ges , , venience , travelled some distance to be at his post . The W . M . responded , and proposed the remainder of the toasts , viy ,., " Bro . Thomas and the Past Masters , " "The Secretary , " "The Officers , " to which Bro . Gwilt replied ; "Tbe Visitors , Bros . Stevens , P . M ., and Shaw , " the former of whom responded . After u most harmonious meeting and some excellent singing , the brethren separated in brotherly love .
TITE BELOEAVE L ODGE ( X O . 7-1-9 ) . The installation meeting of this well-known lodgo was held at Anderton's Hotel , on Wednesday , the ] 3 th inst . There were present : — Bros . Potter , W . M . ; Sialic . S . W . ; Bourne , J . V ,. ; Pierce S . D , M ' atlviuson , J . D . ; Pymm , I . G .,- Garrod , P . M . aim Sec Frond , P . M . and Treas . ; Hunting , P . M . ; Temple , P . M . ; Nash , P . M . ; Ough , P . M . and Assist . G . Purst , ; and about _ 0 . more of the brethren . The lodge was honoured with the presence of the following visitors : —Bro . Binckes , P . M ., l . G . S ,,
Sec . of tho Boys'School ; H . Muergeridge , P . M . 192 ; J . Couttr , W . M . 27 ; W . Bartlett , W . M . 1 SG ; J . Boyd , P . M . o 2 / ; P . Molfatt , 11 ; H . Johnson , P . M . 13-1- ; W . Johnson , 13-t ; J . A . Berc-er , 72 J . Brown . 1-1-5 ; Or . AV . Pitt , 1-1-D ; G . l-ell , 1 G 0 ; J . _ I P . Staples , ISO ; J . Bean . 201 ; II . J . Brain , 193 ; b . lutzjohn , ' 192 ; R , Averv , 720 ; W . Littlewood , 7 S 0 The lodge was opened in the first degree , ami Messrs . Uuuunanimouslapproval
wick and Uayner were balloted for and y as candidates for the rite of initiation and were afterwards introduced and initiated into our ancient and honourable Uriler ; the charge being given bv thcW . M . in a most solemn and impressive manner : The lodge was then opened in tho second Woe , and Bro . Gusli , presented Bro . Slade , W . M ., and he was dnlv installed in the chair KSbliro . Poller in « mut able
.., y , and effective manner . The brethren having saluted tue W . M . m tbe three degrees , he then proceeded to appoint the ollicers as follows .-Bros . W . Bourne , S . W . ; Pierce J . W . ; . 'Olid , I . M ., Treas .,- Garrod , P . M . Sec ; Wathinson , S . D . ; G . Pymm , J . D . ; Hester . I . G . ; Parsons , Steward ; Daly , Ty ler , 'lhe lodge was then closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . During the evening an excellent banquet was served by Bro . ' The cloth being
Clemow , of which the brethren partook . removed and thanks returned , tho W . M . then rose and proposed the usual Invn . and Masonic toasts , via .. "The Queen and tho Craft , " " Tiie Bight Hon . the Karl of Zetland , the ^ -W . G . M . of Eo-land , " and " The Earl de Grey and Ripon , the D . I .. M . of England , and the rest of tho Grand Officers , " loupling with ( he l ' st toast the names of Bro . Ough , P . M ., Assist . G . ^ Treas . To which Bro . Ough responded in a few appropriate and feeling
The next toast was "The Health of our Brother Initiates . " The W . Master said it afforded him the greatest pleasure on takin- the chair for the first time to have to propose this toast and he assured the . initiates that the more they understood ot the Order into which they had that evening been admitted , tho more they would be able to appreciate and admire its beauties , and he felt confident that they would never regret the step they had taken , but that in after years they would be able to reflect with pleasure and delig ht upon their admission to the
Bro . Chadwick replied for himself and Bro . Kayner . He thanked them for the very kind manner in which they had heen received that evening . They had entered the Order in a state of darkness , and even now had only received , as it were , one ray of lb'ht , but the little they had received they were gratelnl tor , and he trusted they should prove that they were hilly able to appreciate it , They had as yet scarcely passed the portals , but they sincerely hoped that as they advanced in their kn ^ vleilge of Freemasonry , tbev should receive the blessing of the lull
light in all its excellence . , The W . Master then rose and proposed " lhe Health ot our Brother Visitors . " Ho said : Brethren , we are honoured tins ovenim * by the presence of some of the most distinguished brethren connected with our Order , foremost amongst whom ire Bros Binckes aud Mnggeridge . It would be almost superfluous for me to mention the great efforts which have been made by these two brothers in the cause ot our Masonic Charities , and I shall therefore simply ask yon to give them and the rest of our brother visitors , a . hearty and cordial
welcome . ,.,,,., „ , Bro . Binckes , in replying , said : Worslnpf . il Muster and Brethren —In the first place I must , on the part ot myself arid mv brother visitors , thank you for the very warm manner in whicli von have responded to the toast of ou . ' health . 1 'or myself , "' ! must tell you that it is the first time I have ever had the pleasure of attending your lodge , and it has been to me , I real leasureand 1 sincerelhope I shall visit
assure you , a p ; y you often for the future . Your lodge has for a long time past been well known to me , from the distinguished and honourable position it occupies in tbe Craft ., and for the munificent support it has accorded to our Masonic charities . I cannot help ^ in the next place , expressing tho gratification I felt on hearing the last portion of the ceremony of installation performed by vour 1 fit . I bave never , in the whole of my Masonic experendered ami I the
rience / heard it more admirably am sure brethren must feel exceedingly proud in having the ollice ot I P M filled by so able a brother . You were also pleased , Worshipful Sir to mention tbe efforts made by me in the cause of our Masonic charities . Well , 1 must admit that that cause is nearest mv heart at all times ; indeed , I think that you will n <* ree with me that the cause of Charity is the first duty of