Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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the sublime degree of Master Masons , and on the lodge being resumed in the second degree , Bro . J . Brett took the chair for the purpose of installing Bro . T . J . Nix , us W . M . for the ensuing year—a ceremony which ho performed in the masterly style which is a characteristic of this highly respected brother . The officers for the year were then invested as follow : — Bros . I ) . J . Davis . S . W . ; ... WeaverJ . W .: J . G . ThompsonP . M ., Treas . ;
, , II . W . Little , Sec . ; Rev . J . M . Langlin , Chap . ; J , Brett , P . M ., Wine Steward ; S . S . Davis . S . D . ; J . Salsbnry , J . D . . ; JJ . Carle , I . G . ; W J . II . Jones , Dir . of Cers . A vote of five guineas to make up a sum of twenty-five guineas recently granted by the lodge was then awarded to the Masonic School for Female Children ; after which the lodge was closed , an'd the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was of the most recherche
description , and a very pleasant evening was spent under the presidency of Bro . Xix , the new Master ; enlivened hy the flow of wit and song , and the musical talents of Bro . Jas . Weaver , Toole , and other brethren .
DEVONSHIRE . Pj-raouTn . —St . Joltn ' s Lodge ( Xo . 70 ) . —At the regular meeting of this lodge , held on the 5 th inst ., in accordance with its summons , the following business was gone through , viz ., to initiate , upon approved ballot , two candidates , who were well recommended , and as well received , for the ballot in both cases proved unanimous ; also to nominate tho new
Master for the year 1 SGS . Upon the announcement of the presence of the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M ., and J . G . D . of England , Bro . L . P . Metham , the crowded lodge rose to pay him the honours of reception due to his exalted rank , after which the gavel of control was tendered to him , and the chair left open by Bro . Xicholls , the W . M ., when Bro . Metham was pleased to acknowledge the compliment , but declined the occupation of
the chair , taking his place at the right of the W . M . during tbe evening . The initiation was confined to one gentleman , the other , from circumstances , not finding it convenient to attend . The duties devolved upon Bro . Xicholls , W . M ., assisted by past and present officers , and upon this occasion there were Bros . AY . 15 . Gower , P . M ., P . Prov . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Williams , S . W .: and Downe , J . W . ; while the charge was
reserved for Bro . Metham , D . Prov . G . M ., J . G . D . of England , who delivered it to the candidate in his usual distinct and impressive manner , which could not fail of reaching the heart of an intelligent candidate , nor of riveting the attention of the many brethren present , members as well as visitors , and their number upon tliis occasion was above forty . Of the latter we noticed Bros . Metham , 1 ) . Prov . G-. M ., J . G . D . of England ; Witheridge , W . M . 223 ; Murch , 202 , P . Prov . G . O .: Potesta ,
Lodge Union of Malta ( Xo . 5 SS ); W . D . Thomas , & c . Amongst the members we noticed a goodly array of Past Masters and Provincial and other officers , viz ., Bros . G . Xicholls , W . M .. P . G . S . ; . Tonkin Thomas , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works ) W . B . Gower , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; J . 1 . Humbly , P . M . ; James Ferris , P . M . ; J . B . W . Williams , S . W . ; G . Downe , J . W .: James Richards , S . D . ; W . May , J . D .: L . D . WestcottI . G .: SmithTyler ; and J . Rowe BrewerP . M . and
, , , Sec . Tho nomination of the new W . M . was the next business entertained . The W . M ., as privileged , thought proper to name Bro . Williams as his successor , leaving it open to any member present to propose another brother eligible , and two so stood in the persons of the acting J . W . and the Past J . W ., but no wish having been expressed , nor voice raised , in opposition to the W . M . ' s nomination , Bro . Williams stood open for election
byballot in December next , as the W . M . for the year 1 SCS . In this choice by the lodge the W . M . remarked that there could be but ono opinion . Bro . Williams' past regular attendance , although residing at a great distance from the lodge premises , manifested his zeal as a brother , while the great care he had always taken in the recommendation of fit and proper persons , and they were many , who sought admission into the Order
, gave proof of the benefit he had rendered the lodge as a member . These combined considerations were the best " assurances the lodge could possibly receive of the excellence of its choice , and of the hopefulness and happiness also of the exemplary brother ' s career . Bro . Williams , in reply , expressed great pleasure at bis unanimous reception and nomination to the otficc of W . M . in St . John ' s Lodge . It was one that he must consider as
pleasant to his feelngs , as it was honourable to his friendship ., since it was without even a hint or desire of opposition ; and it arose the much more acceptably to him having witnessed throughout his Wardenship the highest possible fraternal harmony , which had been from time to time corroborated by the many highly-respectable persons whom he was now delighted to hail by the endearing name of brethren . The work of the lodge having so far proceeded . Bro . Xicholls , W . M .,
read a note which ho had received from the D . Prov . G . M . It referred to au office which the right worshipful brother had accepted , as one of the Stewards at the forthcoming annual festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows ; and he remarked that , upon the strength of this note , ho had deemed it his duty to forward to the D . Prov . G . M . a lodge summons , and invite his attendance
This invitation having been fraternally met by tho R . W . lire ' spresence , he would leave any further explanation to the D . Prov . G . M . 's own pleasure . Bro . Metham , D . Prov . G . M .,. then rose , and entered into the business of his visit . He was understood to say that , from the honour of his recent appointment by the M . W . the Grand Master , and from his connectionwith the Provincial Grand Lodge of this province as the
D . Prov . G . M , he could not but accept the office of Steward , at . the next festival , which would take place in January , 1 SGS _ - The office was one that required at his hands some pecuniary offering , and from his advocacy as much support as he could possibly cbtain , as well from the lodges in his own more immediate locality as from those of the province at large , in aid of the funds of this deserving institution . He had received from
his own lodge the sum of five pounds , with which he commenced his mission , and had the promise of many individual subscriptions amongst its members : and he earnestly hoped , wherever his appeal reached , a return would follow , so as to enable him to go before the Board with a sum significant ,. He would notice that the limit of the subscription was five shillings , a sum probably within tho reach of many , if not all ;
while the subscriptions of the lodges would be controlled by their circumstances . The I . W . Bro . then gave a statement of the amount of benefit his own province had received from this Charity , making the recipients of fraternal benevolence
onetenth of the whole number now enjoying the annuity , and noticed that , upon the last election , after more than ordinary exertion on behalf of an aged and deserving brother , ten votes only below the next higher number made that brother ' s third , application successful . He knew not how far ho might be supported , but he was confident , from limited anticipation , that he should not reach the festival with a sum short of fifty pounds . Ifremarked the exalted brotherso few votes had done so
, , much good in the scale of number , what might not a similar small number do upon any other occasion ; while it might be stated that there were other candidates in the province having strong claims upon their united efforts . The Prov . G . M . having- resumed his seat , It was the pleasure of Bro . Xicholls , W . M ., to move ( hat a sum not exceeding five pounds be handed over by the Treasurer , in aid of the funds of the institution .
This motion having been seconded by Bro . Hambly , P . M ., and put to the lodge , it was carried unanimously . Bro . Gower , P . M ., then moved that a committee of the whole lodge be formed , for mutual consultation in aid of individual donations for the same cause . This motion was put to the lodge , after having been seconded by Bro . Thomas , P . M ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . having invited all brethren present ,,
members as well as visitor ? , to join him below , and partake of some slight refreshment , the lodge was closed with prayer about ten o ' clock p . m . There were few of the brethren present on this interesting evening who omitted to accept the W .. M _'_ 3 invitation . The toasts of the Grand and Provincial Grand Ollicers having passed , the D . Prov . G . M . rose , and proposed tho health of Bro . GXichollsW . M . of St . John ' s Lodge
_ , , accompanying it with an assurance of the great pleasure all the proceedings of the evening had given him , and noticing , also , other recollections of the courtesy of the lodge : and he sincerely hoped that the good feeling so generally characteristicof all the members of it would be steadily maintained to its increased prosperity . The R . W . Bro . concluded his former fraternal notices with regret that his knowledge of the W . M .
had not been of earlier date , so praiseworthy had been all that he had witnessed upon the present as well as former visit to St . John's Lodge , and ut other meetings presided over by its W . M . After refreshment , which was in strict accordance with the recommendation of the IIAV . Bro . when he visited the lodgo
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the sublime degree of Master Masons , and on the lodge being resumed in the second degree , Bro . J . Brett took the chair for the purpose of installing Bro . T . J . Nix , us W . M . for the ensuing year—a ceremony which ho performed in the masterly style which is a characteristic of this highly respected brother . The officers for the year were then invested as follow : — Bros . I ) . J . Davis . S . W . ; ... WeaverJ . W .: J . G . ThompsonP . M ., Treas . ;
, , II . W . Little , Sec . ; Rev . J . M . Langlin , Chap . ; J , Brett , P . M ., Wine Steward ; S . S . Davis . S . D . ; J . Salsbnry , J . D . . ; JJ . Carle , I . G . ; W J . II . Jones , Dir . of Cers . A vote of five guineas to make up a sum of twenty-five guineas recently granted by the lodge was then awarded to the Masonic School for Female Children ; after which the lodge was closed , an'd the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was of the most recherche
description , and a very pleasant evening was spent under the presidency of Bro . Xix , the new Master ; enlivened hy the flow of wit and song , and the musical talents of Bro . Jas . Weaver , Toole , and other brethren .
DEVONSHIRE . Pj-raouTn . —St . Joltn ' s Lodge ( Xo . 70 ) . —At the regular meeting of this lodge , held on the 5 th inst ., in accordance with its summons , the following business was gone through , viz ., to initiate , upon approved ballot , two candidates , who were well recommended , and as well received , for the ballot in both cases proved unanimous ; also to nominate tho new
Master for the year 1 SGS . Upon the announcement of the presence of the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M ., and J . G . D . of England , Bro . L . P . Metham , the crowded lodge rose to pay him the honours of reception due to his exalted rank , after which the gavel of control was tendered to him , and the chair left open by Bro . Xicholls , the W . M ., when Bro . Metham was pleased to acknowledge the compliment , but declined the occupation of
the chair , taking his place at the right of the W . M . during tbe evening . The initiation was confined to one gentleman , the other , from circumstances , not finding it convenient to attend . The duties devolved upon Bro . Xicholls , W . M ., assisted by past and present officers , and upon this occasion there were Bros . AY . 15 . Gower , P . M ., P . Prov . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Williams , S . W .: and Downe , J . W . ; while the charge was
reserved for Bro . Metham , D . Prov . G . M ., J . G . D . of England , who delivered it to the candidate in his usual distinct and impressive manner , which could not fail of reaching the heart of an intelligent candidate , nor of riveting the attention of the many brethren present , members as well as visitors , and their number upon tliis occasion was above forty . Of the latter we noticed Bros . Metham , 1 ) . Prov . G-. M ., J . G . D . of England ; Witheridge , W . M . 223 ; Murch , 202 , P . Prov . G . O .: Potesta ,
Lodge Union of Malta ( Xo . 5 SS ); W . D . Thomas , & c . Amongst the members we noticed a goodly array of Past Masters and Provincial and other officers , viz ., Bros . G . Xicholls , W . M .. P . G . S . ; . Tonkin Thomas , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works ) W . B . Gower , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; J . 1 . Humbly , P . M . ; James Ferris , P . M . ; J . B . W . Williams , S . W . ; G . Downe , J . W .: James Richards , S . D . ; W . May , J . D .: L . D . WestcottI . G .: SmithTyler ; and J . Rowe BrewerP . M . and
, , , Sec . Tho nomination of the new W . M . was the next business entertained . The W . M ., as privileged , thought proper to name Bro . Williams as his successor , leaving it open to any member present to propose another brother eligible , and two so stood in the persons of the acting J . W . and the Past J . W ., but no wish having been expressed , nor voice raised , in opposition to the W . M . ' s nomination , Bro . Williams stood open for election
byballot in December next , as the W . M . for the year 1 SCS . In this choice by the lodge the W . M . remarked that there could be but ono opinion . Bro . Williams' past regular attendance , although residing at a great distance from the lodge premises , manifested his zeal as a brother , while the great care he had always taken in the recommendation of fit and proper persons , and they were many , who sought admission into the Order
, gave proof of the benefit he had rendered the lodge as a member . These combined considerations were the best " assurances the lodge could possibly receive of the excellence of its choice , and of the hopefulness and happiness also of the exemplary brother ' s career . Bro . Williams , in reply , expressed great pleasure at bis unanimous reception and nomination to the otficc of W . M . in St . John ' s Lodge . It was one that he must consider as
pleasant to his feelngs , as it was honourable to his friendship ., since it was without even a hint or desire of opposition ; and it arose the much more acceptably to him having witnessed throughout his Wardenship the highest possible fraternal harmony , which had been from time to time corroborated by the many highly-respectable persons whom he was now delighted to hail by the endearing name of brethren . The work of the lodge having so far proceeded . Bro . Xicholls , W . M .,
read a note which ho had received from the D . Prov . G . M . It referred to au office which the right worshipful brother had accepted , as one of the Stewards at the forthcoming annual festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows ; and he remarked that , upon the strength of this note , ho had deemed it his duty to forward to the D . Prov . G . M . a lodge summons , and invite his attendance
This invitation having been fraternally met by tho R . W . lire ' spresence , he would leave any further explanation to the D . Prov . G . M . 's own pleasure . Bro . Metham , D . Prov . G . M .,. then rose , and entered into the business of his visit . He was understood to say that , from the honour of his recent appointment by the M . W . the Grand Master , and from his connectionwith the Provincial Grand Lodge of this province as the
D . Prov . G . M , he could not but accept the office of Steward , at . the next festival , which would take place in January , 1 SGS _ - The office was one that required at his hands some pecuniary offering , and from his advocacy as much support as he could possibly cbtain , as well from the lodges in his own more immediate locality as from those of the province at large , in aid of the funds of this deserving institution . He had received from
his own lodge the sum of five pounds , with which he commenced his mission , and had the promise of many individual subscriptions amongst its members : and he earnestly hoped , wherever his appeal reached , a return would follow , so as to enable him to go before the Board with a sum significant ,. He would notice that the limit of the subscription was five shillings , a sum probably within tho reach of many , if not all ;
while the subscriptions of the lodges would be controlled by their circumstances . The I . W . Bro . then gave a statement of the amount of benefit his own province had received from this Charity , making the recipients of fraternal benevolence
onetenth of the whole number now enjoying the annuity , and noticed that , upon the last election , after more than ordinary exertion on behalf of an aged and deserving brother , ten votes only below the next higher number made that brother ' s third , application successful . He knew not how far ho might be supported , but he was confident , from limited anticipation , that he should not reach the festival with a sum short of fifty pounds . Ifremarked the exalted brotherso few votes had done so
, , much good in the scale of number , what might not a similar small number do upon any other occasion ; while it might be stated that there were other candidates in the province having strong claims upon their united efforts . The Prov . G . M . having- resumed his seat , It was the pleasure of Bro . Xicholls , W . M ., to move ( hat a sum not exceeding five pounds be handed over by the Treasurer , in aid of the funds of the institution .
This motion having been seconded by Bro . Hambly , P . M ., and put to the lodge , it was carried unanimously . Bro . Gower , P . M ., then moved that a committee of the whole lodge be formed , for mutual consultation in aid of individual donations for the same cause . This motion was put to the lodge , after having been seconded by Bro . Thomas , P . M ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . having invited all brethren present ,,
members as well as visitor ? , to join him below , and partake of some slight refreshment , the lodge was closed with prayer about ten o ' clock p . m . There were few of the brethren present on this interesting evening who omitted to accept the W .. M _'_ 3 invitation . The toasts of the Grand and Provincial Grand Ollicers having passed , the D . Prov . G . M . rose , and proposed tho health of Bro . GXichollsW . M . of St . John ' s Lodge
_ , , accompanying it with an assurance of the great pleasure all the proceedings of the evening had given him , and noticing , also , other recollections of the courtesy of the lodge : and he sincerely hoped that the good feeling so generally characteristicof all the members of it would be steadily maintained to its increased prosperity . The R . W . Bro . concluded his former fraternal notices with regret that his knowledge of the W . M .
had not been of earlier date , so praiseworthy had been all that he had witnessed upon the present as well as former visit to St . John's Lodge , and ut other meetings presided over by its W . M . After refreshment , which was in strict accordance with the recommendation of the IIAV . Bro . when he visited the lodgo