Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 5 →
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to support the letter addressed by the Grand Master to the K . \ V . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , A .. V ., Prov . G . M ., and P . G . Chap ., on the necessity of caution in the admission into the Order of persons not worthy , the said letter bearing date the 20 th of June , 1 S 66 , the brethren separated , highly gratified with the evening ' s proceedings .
DURHAM . XEWCASTLE-ox-TrxE . —Lodge de Loraine ( Xo . oil ) . —The visual monthl y meeting of this lodge ivas held on Friday evening , the 15 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Blackett-street , Bro . B . Small , W . M ., in the east , when there was a full attendance of officers aud brethren of the lodge , together with a few visitors , including Bros . Feudelow , P . M . St . Peter ' s Lodge ( Xo . 119 ) , Wolverhampton ; FoiilshamP . M . S . W . 21 ; Ac . Mr . P . 0 .
, , Smith was balloted for and approved , but , being ill , was not in attendance , and the other brethren for passing and raising were also absent . The business of the evening was , therefore , ¦ confined to the election of W . M ., and the choice of the brethren fell unanimously upon Bro . Stokoe , S . W . Bro . Thos . Anderson , P . M ., was elected ' . Treasurer , to succeed the W . M . elect , and Bro . J . S . Trotter was elected T yler . The Committee of Finance
was also elected , and , in accordance with the by-laws , Bro . T . B . Winter , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Stokoe , S . W ., seconded , that the installation and festival should take place on the 20 th proximo , which was unanimously agreed to . The lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to refreshment . The healths of the W . M ., Bro . Ii . Sniailes , the officers of the year , and the W . M . elect were severally proposed , enthusiastically received
¦ , and responded to , and tiie brethren then separated to their several homes , with the remembrance of one more -pleasant meeting of the Dcloraiiie Lodge , in addition to the many gone before .
ESSEX . Co _ CHESTER . —K _ ,. iW Zorfye ( Xo . 697 ) . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on the 13 th inst ., > t the George Hotel , Present : —Bro . Sutherland , P . M ., W . M . pro tern . ; Carnegie , I . P . M . ; Wolverson , S . W . ; Newman , J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Kay , J . D . ; Calthorpc , I . G . ; Hix , Eustace , Jenkinson , King , Middleton , Lewis , Smithand Shaw . Visitors : —Bros . Donnollv 308 :
, , Coppin aud Bland , P . M . ' s 51 . The minutes of tho last meeting ivere read and confirmed . The W . M . pro tem . informed the brethren of the death of the W . M ., Capt . Slieringham , 16 th Regiment , which melanchol y event occurred -it B . irbadoes on the Sth ult ., of yellow fever . He stated that as a murk of respect to his memory the lodge was then draped iu mourning , and would continue so till tbe installation of the next W . M
. He also called tho attention ofthe Master . Masons present to the 'fact that ouv lamented W . M . met bis death when in the execution of his duty , faithfull y following the exemplar referred to in the sublime degree , and pointed out the necessity of being prepared to meet the Most Hi gh , when it shall please Him to summon us to the Grand Lodge above . A report from the Board of General Purposes was read and confirmed . It
recommended the lodge to receive , as a candidate for initiation , 10 . Tarleton , Lieutenant 16 th Regiment . Mr . Tarleton was then h . illotted for , and unanimously received as a candidate . He was then initiated hy the WM . pro tem ., and signed and received a copy of the by-laws of the lodge . The ' resignation of Bro . Broom , E . iniskilleii Dragoons , was accepted by the lodge . Colour-Sergeant W . Crick , 10 th Regiment , was proposed as a candidate lor initiation . The lodge " was then closed in peace , harmony , and brotherl y love .
LEICESTERSHIRE . UlsCKir . Y . —JCiighls of Malta Lodge ( Xo . 50 . )—A meeting . for the installation of the W . M . of this , the most ancient lodge iu the province , was held at the Plough Inn , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., at which the D . Prov . G . AL , Bro . Kelly , attended to perform the ceremony . Amongst the members of the lodge present were , Bros . S . D . ivis , W . AI . ; W . II . Griffiths , S . W aiid
W . M . elect ; J . Atkins , J . AI . Goude , and T . W . Clarke , P . M . ' s ; E . Houlston , J . W . ; Clarke , I . G . ; and others . Visitors , Bros . Ptttifor , P . M ., and Weare , P . M . 279 , Leicester ; G . P .. Atkins and V . J . Haines , 523 , Leicester ; W . Darlaston , W . M . and Treas . 432 , Nuneaton . The lodge having heen opened in the . first degree hy Bro . Davis , W . M , and the minutes of the election of W . M . for the ensuing year having been read and continued ,
the chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., and the lodge having been opened in the second degree , the retiring W . M . presented Bro . W . Hughes Griffiths to receive the benefit of installation , who having given his assent to the ancient charges and to the C . Ii . as regards the government of the lodge , was afterwarda duly installed in a Board of Past Masters , eight of whom were present . He was afterwards duly proclaimed and saluted , aud
received from the Installing P . M . the charges , & c , iu the several degrees . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed , and those who were present invested . 'The I ) . Prov . G . M . conveyed to the brethren a message from the R . W . Prov- G . M ., Bro . Lord Howe , in acknowledgment of a resolution passed at the previous meeting . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of the newlyinstalled W . M ., and spent two or three hours very pleasantly .
XOBFOLK . WYMOXTHCAII . —Boric Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 193 ) . —The consecration of this lodge having been appointed by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . B . B . Cabbell , F . ll . S ,, to be holden on Wednesday , the 2 nd ult ., for constituting and consecration , the important ceremony was conducted in ancient form by the D . Prov . 031 ., Bro . tho Right Hon . F . Walpole , who was assisted by Bros . G E . Simpson , P .
Prov . G . J . W ., and A . M . F . Morgan , Prov . G . Sec , iu the presence of a numerous body of the Craft . The brethren assembled at three o ' clock in the lodge-room , at the King ' s Head Hotel . The brethren being properly clothed and the lodge opened in due form and solemn prayer by lire G . Simpson , who acted as W . M . ou that occasion , the D . Prov . G . M ., who was attended by his Provincial Grand Officers , then entered the lodge-room , and was received in the customary manner . ; Bro . the Rev . Chas .
Howes , Prov . G . Chap ., discharged his duty in the most solemn and impress ! . e manner . The lodge being duly formed and veiled during the ceremony it wos then consecrated , constituted , and dedicated which ceremony was ably performed by the D . Prov . G . M . and the presiding W . M . owing to the absence of Bro . Henry John Mason , the first . Master appointed by the warrant of constitution . 'The ceremony of installation and investment of officers was not performed , 'feu candidates for Masonry were
then proposed , after which the lodge was closed in solemn prayer by the ActingW . M ., Bro . G . K . Simpson , who rendered great assistance throughout the ceremony . After which the brethren retired to the banquet-room and partook of a collation provided by the worthy host , and spent a truly Masonic evening . Tbe first meeting of this lodge after its consecration , was held on Monday , the -1 th inst ., at the King ' s Head Hotel , for the purpose of installing the first appointed W . M ., Bro . Henry John Mason , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . The ceremony of
installation was performed b y Bro . A . M . F . . Morgan , Prov . G . Sec , in his usual impressive manner . The newly-installed W . M . then invested as Ins ollicers Bros . G . W . I " . Lol ' tus , S . W . ; James P . Deacon , J . W . ; J . Dunsford , S . D . ; G . Harcourt , J . D . ; and T . Campling , I . G . The installation over , the ballot was taken for ten candidates , which proved unanimous . The newly-installed W . AI . then installed the first five in the list , namely , Edward Beestou , William Standley , George Piumstead , Aaron Mobbs ,
and Jesse White . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren retired to refreshment . The cloth being removed , Bro . A . AI . F . . Morgan ( alter the loyal and patriotic toasts had been given from the chair ) , proposed "The Health of the Xewly lnstalled Worshi pful Alaster , " congratulating the lodge on the appointment of such an efficient and persevering brother of the Craft . He was sure that Bro . H . J . Mason , the newly-installed W . AI . would carry out the duties of the office in his usual
efficient and zealous manner , which was received with unbounded applause . Bro . H . J . Mason , W . AI ., then rose and thanked the Installing Master for the great compliment he had paid him , he likewise thanked the brethren who had attended the lodge that evening , for the honour they had conferred upon him iu coming so many miles to witness his installation . He had great pleasure in stating that this war . the fouith new ludge formed in the province , all of which he had been the founder and first
W .. M ., and are in a prosperous condition . It must be pleasing to tbe lodge on this its first meeting to have to enroll on its books ten candidates for Masonry , who are well respected in their several stations of life . He advised them to be very careful in their proposition as to candidates for the Order , taking care at all times not to propose any one that would not be an honour to the Craft . He promised them faithfully ( and he hoped they would do the same ) , that lie would be punctual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to support the letter addressed by the Grand Master to the K . \ V . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , A .. V ., Prov . G . M ., and P . G . Chap ., on the necessity of caution in the admission into the Order of persons not worthy , the said letter bearing date the 20 th of June , 1 S 66 , the brethren separated , highly gratified with the evening ' s proceedings .
DURHAM . XEWCASTLE-ox-TrxE . —Lodge de Loraine ( Xo . oil ) . —The visual monthl y meeting of this lodge ivas held on Friday evening , the 15 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Blackett-street , Bro . B . Small , W . M ., in the east , when there was a full attendance of officers aud brethren of the lodge , together with a few visitors , including Bros . Feudelow , P . M . St . Peter ' s Lodge ( Xo . 119 ) , Wolverhampton ; FoiilshamP . M . S . W . 21 ; Ac . Mr . P . 0 .
, , Smith was balloted for and approved , but , being ill , was not in attendance , and the other brethren for passing and raising were also absent . The business of the evening was , therefore , ¦ confined to the election of W . M ., and the choice of the brethren fell unanimously upon Bro . Stokoe , S . W . Bro . Thos . Anderson , P . M ., was elected ' . Treasurer , to succeed the W . M . elect , and Bro . J . S . Trotter was elected T yler . The Committee of Finance
was also elected , and , in accordance with the by-laws , Bro . T . B . Winter , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Stokoe , S . W ., seconded , that the installation and festival should take place on the 20 th proximo , which was unanimously agreed to . The lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to refreshment . The healths of the W . M ., Bro . Ii . Sniailes , the officers of the year , and the W . M . elect were severally proposed , enthusiastically received
¦ , and responded to , and tiie brethren then separated to their several homes , with the remembrance of one more -pleasant meeting of the Dcloraiiie Lodge , in addition to the many gone before .
ESSEX . Co _ CHESTER . —K _ ,. iW Zorfye ( Xo . 697 ) . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on the 13 th inst ., > t the George Hotel , Present : —Bro . Sutherland , P . M ., W . M . pro tern . ; Carnegie , I . P . M . ; Wolverson , S . W . ; Newman , J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Kay , J . D . ; Calthorpc , I . G . ; Hix , Eustace , Jenkinson , King , Middleton , Lewis , Smithand Shaw . Visitors : —Bros . Donnollv 308 :
, , Coppin aud Bland , P . M . ' s 51 . The minutes of tho last meeting ivere read and confirmed . The W . M . pro tem . informed the brethren of the death of the W . M ., Capt . Slieringham , 16 th Regiment , which melanchol y event occurred -it B . irbadoes on the Sth ult ., of yellow fever . He stated that as a murk of respect to his memory the lodge was then draped iu mourning , and would continue so till tbe installation of the next W . M
. He also called tho attention ofthe Master . Masons present to the 'fact that ouv lamented W . M . met bis death when in the execution of his duty , faithfull y following the exemplar referred to in the sublime degree , and pointed out the necessity of being prepared to meet the Most Hi gh , when it shall please Him to summon us to the Grand Lodge above . A report from the Board of General Purposes was read and confirmed . It
recommended the lodge to receive , as a candidate for initiation , 10 . Tarleton , Lieutenant 16 th Regiment . Mr . Tarleton was then h . illotted for , and unanimously received as a candidate . He was then initiated hy the WM . pro tem ., and signed and received a copy of the by-laws of the lodge . The ' resignation of Bro . Broom , E . iniskilleii Dragoons , was accepted by the lodge . Colour-Sergeant W . Crick , 10 th Regiment , was proposed as a candidate lor initiation . The lodge " was then closed in peace , harmony , and brotherl y love .
LEICESTERSHIRE . UlsCKir . Y . —JCiighls of Malta Lodge ( Xo . 50 . )—A meeting . for the installation of the W . M . of this , the most ancient lodge iu the province , was held at the Plough Inn , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., at which the D . Prov . G . AL , Bro . Kelly , attended to perform the ceremony . Amongst the members of the lodge present were , Bros . S . D . ivis , W . AI . ; W . II . Griffiths , S . W aiid
W . M . elect ; J . Atkins , J . AI . Goude , and T . W . Clarke , P . M . ' s ; E . Houlston , J . W . ; Clarke , I . G . ; and others . Visitors , Bros . Ptttifor , P . M ., and Weare , P . M . 279 , Leicester ; G . P .. Atkins and V . J . Haines , 523 , Leicester ; W . Darlaston , W . M . and Treas . 432 , Nuneaton . The lodge having heen opened in the . first degree hy Bro . Davis , W . M , and the minutes of the election of W . M . for the ensuing year having been read and continued ,
the chair was taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., and the lodge having been opened in the second degree , the retiring W . M . presented Bro . W . Hughes Griffiths to receive the benefit of installation , who having given his assent to the ancient charges and to the C . Ii . as regards the government of the lodge , was afterwarda duly installed in a Board of Past Masters , eight of whom were present . He was afterwards duly proclaimed and saluted , aud
received from the Installing P . M . the charges , & c , iu the several degrees . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed , and those who were present invested . 'The I ) . Prov . G . M . conveyed to the brethren a message from the R . W . Prov- G . M ., Bro . Lord Howe , in acknowledgment of a resolution passed at the previous meeting . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of the newlyinstalled W . M ., and spent two or three hours very pleasantly .
XOBFOLK . WYMOXTHCAII . —Boric Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 193 ) . —The consecration of this lodge having been appointed by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . B . B . Cabbell , F . ll . S ,, to be holden on Wednesday , the 2 nd ult ., for constituting and consecration , the important ceremony was conducted in ancient form by the D . Prov . 031 ., Bro . tho Right Hon . F . Walpole , who was assisted by Bros . G E . Simpson , P .
Prov . G . J . W ., and A . M . F . Morgan , Prov . G . Sec , iu the presence of a numerous body of the Craft . The brethren assembled at three o ' clock in the lodge-room , at the King ' s Head Hotel . The brethren being properly clothed and the lodge opened in due form and solemn prayer by lire G . Simpson , who acted as W . M . ou that occasion , the D . Prov . G . M ., who was attended by his Provincial Grand Officers , then entered the lodge-room , and was received in the customary manner . ; Bro . the Rev . Chas .
Howes , Prov . G . Chap ., discharged his duty in the most solemn and impress ! . e manner . The lodge being duly formed and veiled during the ceremony it wos then consecrated , constituted , and dedicated which ceremony was ably performed by the D . Prov . G . M . and the presiding W . M . owing to the absence of Bro . Henry John Mason , the first . Master appointed by the warrant of constitution . 'The ceremony of installation and investment of officers was not performed , 'feu candidates for Masonry were
then proposed , after which the lodge was closed in solemn prayer by the ActingW . M ., Bro . G . K . Simpson , who rendered great assistance throughout the ceremony . After which the brethren retired to the banquet-room and partook of a collation provided by the worthy host , and spent a truly Masonic evening . Tbe first meeting of this lodge after its consecration , was held on Monday , the -1 th inst ., at the King ' s Head Hotel , for the purpose of installing the first appointed W . M ., Bro . Henry John Mason , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . The ceremony of
installation was performed b y Bro . A . M . F . . Morgan , Prov . G . Sec , in his usual impressive manner . The newly-installed W . M . then invested as Ins ollicers Bros . G . W . I " . Lol ' tus , S . W . ; James P . Deacon , J . W . ; J . Dunsford , S . D . ; G . Harcourt , J . D . ; and T . Campling , I . G . The installation over , the ballot was taken for ten candidates , which proved unanimous . The newly-installed W . AI . then installed the first five in the list , namely , Edward Beestou , William Standley , George Piumstead , Aaron Mobbs ,
and Jesse White . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren retired to refreshment . The cloth being removed , Bro . A . AI . F . . Morgan ( alter the loyal and patriotic toasts had been given from the chair ) , proposed "The Health of the Xewly lnstalled Worshi pful Alaster , " congratulating the lodge on the appointment of such an efficient and persevering brother of the Craft . He was sure that Bro . H . J . Mason , the newly-installed W . AI . would carry out the duties of the office in his usual
efficient and zealous manner , which was received with unbounded applause . Bro . H . J . Mason , W . AI ., then rose and thanked the Installing Master for the great compliment he had paid him , he likewise thanked the brethren who had attended the lodge that evening , for the honour they had conferred upon him iu coming so many miles to witness his installation . He had great pleasure in stating that this war . the fouith new ludge formed in the province , all of which he had been the founder and first
W .. M ., and are in a prosperous condition . It must be pleasing to tbe lodge on this its first meeting to have to enroll on its books ten candidates for Masonry , who are well respected in their several stations of life . He advised them to be very careful in their proposition as to candidates for the Order , taking care at all times not to propose any one that would not be an honour to the Craft . He promised them faithfully ( and he hoped they would do the same ) , that lie would be punctual