Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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in attendance as to the time aud meeting of the lodge . He had ao-ain only to thank them for their kind attendance . A by-iiieefin "' of this lodge was held ou Thursday , the 7 th inst . ) to initiate the five " candidates . The lodge was opened by Bro . 11 . J . Mason , the W . AI ., in due form , after which the AV M . iuiated the following candidates who had been ba oted for at the meeting MessrsJStandleyJ . Woodbine
previous -. . . , , AV . Cooper Poll , T . Green Column , and W . Kemp . lhe initiations over , tbe lodge was closed in due form , and a joyous evening spent by the brethren present . There are now three candidates for Masonry , making in all thirteen which have been pronosed since the consecration of the lodge .
XORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE . SPECIAL G EAND L ODGE ANB C ONSECRATION OI- THE ROVAL DENBIGH LOUGH ( XO . 1 , 1-1-3 ) . In our numbers of the 9 th and Kith inst . we gave an account of the opening of the Masonic Hall at Llandiidiio-this week we have the pleasure to record the constitution of a new hidge of Denbihmaking the fourth
in the picturesque county town g , new lodge consecrated in this province in the short space ot twelve months , and one which , judging from the status , experience , energy , and zeal of its promoters , promises to take a very prominent position in the province , and m the Craft generally We are not surprised that Masonry should make such marked iu province presided over by a nobleman
progress a whoso widely-spread name is , as it for many centuries past has beer ,, n household word of profound respect and national pride in the breast of every Welshman from one end of the principal . ty to the other , and who ' se good example in personally and invariably attending on these occasions ,-as well as in visiting the private lodo-es of his province , does so much to promote the best interests and of our ancient Orderespecially among a
progress , people possessing ' in no ordinary degree , great religious fervour , kindly sympathies , and proverbially warm hospitality to strangers , as well as to kindred , in speaking of whom recently the W . Bro . Herbert Lloyd , P . G . Deacon of England , emphatielsh to be God
cally observed : "I have always found the W - fearing and hard-working men , and men ot warm hearts —apt qualifications , it must be admitted , for the development and extension of an institution founded upon the purest principles ot piety and virtue , and inculcating the divine precepts ' Brotner y Love and Truth . " Within a century ago two lodges only existed in Xorth Wales-one at Holyhead , the other at Dolgelley , During the time tliu
and which hitter lapsed many years ago . u Sir Watkiu Williams Wy . iu has presided as Provincial Grand Master their number has increased from seven to thirteen , and we understand that application is about to be made tor warrants for two others . In the last century a lodge of the same name was formed , but soon lapsed , owing to the death and removal of its originators . Part of the furniture having been carefully " to this bBroRichard
preserved , was transferred lodge y . AVilliams , the town clerk of Denbig h . The honour of reestablishing the Royal Denbigh Lodge is principally due to the V . W . B . os . John i ' reece , of the National Provincial Bank ¦ .. 1 ' Prov S . G . W . of Xorth Wales and Shropshire , and Bro . Copner Wynne Edward .-, the S . W . Designate , co-operating with whom promoters BrosRobert Yaugban Williams ,
, as , were . W . M . Designate ( judge of tbe county court , Denbigh ); Key . Robert Jones Roberts , S . W . Designate ; J . II . Roberts , h rancis Wynne , John Ormistou , R . Lloyd Williams , and Martin Lnderwood . „ , tI ,, The lodge was arranged in the large room of the iown Hall . A short time before the arrival of the R . W . Prov . G . Alaster , Bro . Goldsbro ' , Prov . S . G . W ., took the chair , and appointing as RodeuPProv GW
Wardens Giro leu . ) Bros . T . C . , . . s ..., Warwick , and J . Coles Fourdrinier , P . Prov . . ) . U . W ; and U . M . 1 , 113 , opened the lodge in the three degrees , shortly after which the Provincial Grand Lodge entered in procession , the members opening out and lacing inwards , for the advance of ibc 1 roviucial Grand Alaster , who was received with the most hearty of the brethrenBro | fiWThomasorganist ot fat .
plaudits , . . . , Ann ' s Church and of the Bangor Lodge , playing a grand march until Sir Watkiu had taken his seat on the dais . _ The R W Prov . G . Alaster immediately opened a special Grand Lodge , after which he delivered an address to the brethren upon tbe nature of the meeting , and expressed tiie great gratification he felt in being called upon for the fourth fime in twelve months for the special purpose of consecrating a
new lodge . Haying requested Bro . Goldsbro' to assist him in the ceremonies , the " Prov . G . Alaster called upon the Rev . Bro . Jellicose , Prov . G . Chap ., to offer up prayer , which being given , he requested Bro . Wigan , the Prov . G . Sec . to read the petition and the warrant . The 13 'ird Psalm was then sung with good effect hy Bros . Haswell , Graham , and Hughes , the whole of the brethren joining in tbe PsalmodBroThomas playing
they , . harmonium . The Prov . ( i . Sec . now presented Bro . Robert Vaughau Williams , as W . AI . Designate , to the Prov . Grand . Master , who placed him ou the left . The brethren being arranged in order , the dedicatory prayer ( first portion ) was given by the Prov . G . Chap . " So mote it be , " followed by the Sanctus ,, "Glory be to Thee , 0 Lord , Most High , " were ehaunted . Bro . Goldsbro ' gave "The Invocation . " The lodge was uncovered , liand Nixon
and Bros . " Preece , Button , Sivanboroug , J . , as P . AI . 's , carried the elements of consecration round the lodge , solemn music playing during their progress . Bro . F . Smith , W . AI . 99 S , acting as Deacon , presented the censer , winch was carried by the Prov . G . Chap ., solemn music playing during the perambulation , "Glory to God on High , " & e . Tho second , prayer was then given , and the Prov . 0 . . Master declared tue Royal Denbigh " Lodge duly consecrated and dedicated to
Masonry . ,, , , , , . Tho Prov . G . Master then requested Bro . Goldsbro to take the chair and install the Muster Designate . The usual preliminary address , charges , & c , buying been duly given , a board of I . Af . ' "_ > was formed and Bro . Robert A aughan . Williams was duly installed W . AI . ofthe Royal Denbig h Lodge in ancient form , aud was proclaimed and saluted by the brethren .
in the several degrees . The undermentioned brethren were invested as ollicers : — Bro . J . Copner Wynne Edwards ... S . W . Designate . „ liev . II . J . Huberts J . W . „ „ Rev . J . Roberts Chaplain . „ Francis Wynne Secretary . „ John Ormistou S . D .
„ R . Lloyd Williams J-D-„ Martin Underwood LG . „ W . Oliphant ' -tyler . Bvo Goldsbro' then gave the customary addresses to the W . AI ., Wardens , and brethren of the lodge . The Prov . G . M . resumed the chair and closed the Provincial Grand Lodge . The W . AI . haviiiin suitable expressed his acknowledgments
" -a manner , closed " his Craft lodge , and the brethren , among whom were the following , withdrew to the Assembly Rooms to partake ot a banquet prepared under the directions of Bro . II . C Murless , of the Crown Hotel , Denbig h : —Bros . Sir Watkin \\ illiams Wynn , Hart ., ALB ., Prov . G . M . ; 10 . II . Dymock , I ) . I rov . G . M . ; Herbe . it Lloyd , P . G . D . of Eng , ; T . W . J . Goldsbro ' , Prov G . S . W .- Wm . ' Tiiilkeloy Hughes , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg . j . John PProv
W J . Clement , M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W .: I ' reece , . . GSW Rev . W . Jellicose , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . C . Foiirdr . nier , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; T . C . Roden , P . Prov . S . G . W . Warwickshire r Charles Wigan , Prov . G . Sec ; R . Jasper More . M . V ., 262 ; Charles Dutton , P . Prov . G . D . Cheshire ; H . II . B . Owen , Prov . G D W . Swanhorough , P . Prov . G . D ., P . M . 381 ; Ii . Yaugban Williams , W . M . 1 , 143 -, T . R . Williams , W . M . 1 , 1-1-7 ; Francis Smith , W . M . 90 S and 201 ; Rev . J . R . Morgan , 755 ; James Nixon , P . M . 384 ; Alfred D . Graham , P . M , 210 ; Conway , J . W . 1 147 W . Cullender and John Jonas , 90 S , and other brethren
to the number of sixty . ;; After the banquet grace , " Xon nobis Domine , « -as sung by Bros . Haswell , Graham , and Hughes . The Prov . G . Master proposed " The Health of the Queen , andsaid : Brethren , this , the first toast always drunk at every convivial meeting in this country , is one peculiarly suited to Alasons . One of the first obligations we heard impressed upon the Master to to do all in his to promote the laws of the
-day was power country in which he may reside . When you look at the whole ot the countries where there are Alasons you find that in some the sovereigns are popular , in others unpopular . It is peculiarly our dutv here , where wc have for so many years been blessed with a Sovereign who has endeared herself to her subjects , todrink this toast . I therefore propose " The Health of the Queen and the Craft , " The Queen ' s predecessors—her lather anil Der
uncles were all Alasons . " The National Anthem- " . ., n l Prov G Master : The next toast I propose is the Prince and Princess of Wales . I much regret to say that-thoiigh thegrandfather of tbe Prince of Wales was a very good Mason , ami
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in attendance as to the time aud meeting of the lodge . He had ao-ain only to thank them for their kind attendance . A by-iiieefin "' of this lodge was held ou Thursday , the 7 th inst . ) to initiate the five " candidates . The lodge was opened by Bro . 11 . J . Mason , the W . AI ., in due form , after which the AV M . iuiated the following candidates who had been ba oted for at the meeting MessrsJStandleyJ . Woodbine
previous -. . . , , AV . Cooper Poll , T . Green Column , and W . Kemp . lhe initiations over , tbe lodge was closed in due form , and a joyous evening spent by the brethren present . There are now three candidates for Masonry , making in all thirteen which have been pronosed since the consecration of the lodge .
XORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE . SPECIAL G EAND L ODGE ANB C ONSECRATION OI- THE ROVAL DENBIGH LOUGH ( XO . 1 , 1-1-3 ) . In our numbers of the 9 th and Kith inst . we gave an account of the opening of the Masonic Hall at Llandiidiio-this week we have the pleasure to record the constitution of a new hidge of Denbihmaking the fourth
in the picturesque county town g , new lodge consecrated in this province in the short space ot twelve months , and one which , judging from the status , experience , energy , and zeal of its promoters , promises to take a very prominent position in the province , and m the Craft generally We are not surprised that Masonry should make such marked iu province presided over by a nobleman
progress a whoso widely-spread name is , as it for many centuries past has beer ,, n household word of profound respect and national pride in the breast of every Welshman from one end of the principal . ty to the other , and who ' se good example in personally and invariably attending on these occasions ,-as well as in visiting the private lodo-es of his province , does so much to promote the best interests and of our ancient Orderespecially among a
progress , people possessing ' in no ordinary degree , great religious fervour , kindly sympathies , and proverbially warm hospitality to strangers , as well as to kindred , in speaking of whom recently the W . Bro . Herbert Lloyd , P . G . Deacon of England , emphatielsh to be God
cally observed : "I have always found the W - fearing and hard-working men , and men ot warm hearts —apt qualifications , it must be admitted , for the development and extension of an institution founded upon the purest principles ot piety and virtue , and inculcating the divine precepts ' Brotner y Love and Truth . " Within a century ago two lodges only existed in Xorth Wales-one at Holyhead , the other at Dolgelley , During the time tliu
and which hitter lapsed many years ago . u Sir Watkiu Williams Wy . iu has presided as Provincial Grand Master their number has increased from seven to thirteen , and we understand that application is about to be made tor warrants for two others . In the last century a lodge of the same name was formed , but soon lapsed , owing to the death and removal of its originators . Part of the furniture having been carefully " to this bBroRichard
preserved , was transferred lodge y . AVilliams , the town clerk of Denbig h . The honour of reestablishing the Royal Denbigh Lodge is principally due to the V . W . B . os . John i ' reece , of the National Provincial Bank ¦ .. 1 ' Prov S . G . W . of Xorth Wales and Shropshire , and Bro . Copner Wynne Edward .-, the S . W . Designate , co-operating with whom promoters BrosRobert Yaugban Williams ,
, as , were . W . M . Designate ( judge of tbe county court , Denbigh ); Key . Robert Jones Roberts , S . W . Designate ; J . II . Roberts , h rancis Wynne , John Ormistou , R . Lloyd Williams , and Martin Lnderwood . „ , tI ,, The lodge was arranged in the large room of the iown Hall . A short time before the arrival of the R . W . Prov . G . Alaster , Bro . Goldsbro ' , Prov . S . G . W ., took the chair , and appointing as RodeuPProv GW
Wardens Giro leu . ) Bros . T . C . , . . s ..., Warwick , and J . Coles Fourdrinier , P . Prov . . ) . U . W ; and U . M . 1 , 113 , opened the lodge in the three degrees , shortly after which the Provincial Grand Lodge entered in procession , the members opening out and lacing inwards , for the advance of ibc 1 roviucial Grand Alaster , who was received with the most hearty of the brethrenBro | fiWThomasorganist ot fat .
plaudits , . . . , Ann ' s Church and of the Bangor Lodge , playing a grand march until Sir Watkiu had taken his seat on the dais . _ The R W Prov . G . Alaster immediately opened a special Grand Lodge , after which he delivered an address to the brethren upon tbe nature of the meeting , and expressed tiie great gratification he felt in being called upon for the fourth fime in twelve months for the special purpose of consecrating a
new lodge . Haying requested Bro . Goldsbro' to assist him in the ceremonies , the " Prov . G . Alaster called upon the Rev . Bro . Jellicose , Prov . G . Chap ., to offer up prayer , which being given , he requested Bro . Wigan , the Prov . G . Sec . to read the petition and the warrant . The 13 'ird Psalm was then sung with good effect hy Bros . Haswell , Graham , and Hughes , the whole of the brethren joining in tbe PsalmodBroThomas playing
they , . harmonium . The Prov . ( i . Sec . now presented Bro . Robert Vaughau Williams , as W . AI . Designate , to the Prov . Grand . Master , who placed him ou the left . The brethren being arranged in order , the dedicatory prayer ( first portion ) was given by the Prov . G . Chap . " So mote it be , " followed by the Sanctus ,, "Glory be to Thee , 0 Lord , Most High , " were ehaunted . Bro . Goldsbro ' gave "The Invocation . " The lodge was uncovered , liand Nixon
and Bros . " Preece , Button , Sivanboroug , J . , as P . AI . 's , carried the elements of consecration round the lodge , solemn music playing during their progress . Bro . F . Smith , W . AI . 99 S , acting as Deacon , presented the censer , winch was carried by the Prov . G . Chap ., solemn music playing during the perambulation , "Glory to God on High , " & e . Tho second , prayer was then given , and the Prov . 0 . . Master declared tue Royal Denbigh " Lodge duly consecrated and dedicated to
Masonry . ,, , , , , . Tho Prov . G . Master then requested Bro . Goldsbro to take the chair and install the Muster Designate . The usual preliminary address , charges , & c , buying been duly given , a board of I . Af . ' "_ > was formed and Bro . Robert A aughan . Williams was duly installed W . AI . ofthe Royal Denbig h Lodge in ancient form , aud was proclaimed and saluted by the brethren .
in the several degrees . The undermentioned brethren were invested as ollicers : — Bro . J . Copner Wynne Edwards ... S . W . Designate . „ liev . II . J . Huberts J . W . „ „ Rev . J . Roberts Chaplain . „ Francis Wynne Secretary . „ John Ormistou S . D .
„ R . Lloyd Williams J-D-„ Martin Underwood LG . „ W . Oliphant ' -tyler . Bvo Goldsbro' then gave the customary addresses to the W . AI ., Wardens , and brethren of the lodge . The Prov . G . M . resumed the chair and closed the Provincial Grand Lodge . The W . AI . haviiiin suitable expressed his acknowledgments
" -a manner , closed " his Craft lodge , and the brethren , among whom were the following , withdrew to the Assembly Rooms to partake ot a banquet prepared under the directions of Bro . II . C Murless , of the Crown Hotel , Denbig h : —Bros . Sir Watkin \\ illiams Wynn , Hart ., ALB ., Prov . G . M . ; 10 . II . Dymock , I ) . I rov . G . M . ; Herbe . it Lloyd , P . G . D . of Eng , ; T . W . J . Goldsbro ' , Prov G . S . W .- Wm . ' Tiiilkeloy Hughes , M . P ., Prov . G . Reg . j . John PProv
W J . Clement , M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W .: I ' reece , . . GSW Rev . W . Jellicose , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . C . Foiirdr . nier , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; T . C . Roden , P . Prov . S . G . W . Warwickshire r Charles Wigan , Prov . G . Sec ; R . Jasper More . M . V ., 262 ; Charles Dutton , P . Prov . G . D . Cheshire ; H . II . B . Owen , Prov . G D W . Swanhorough , P . Prov . G . D ., P . M . 381 ; Ii . Yaugban Williams , W . M . 1 , 143 -, T . R . Williams , W . M . 1 , 1-1-7 ; Francis Smith , W . M . 90 S and 201 ; Rev . J . R . Morgan , 755 ; James Nixon , P . M . 384 ; Alfred D . Graham , P . M , 210 ; Conway , J . W . 1 147 W . Cullender and John Jonas , 90 S , and other brethren
to the number of sixty . ;; After the banquet grace , " Xon nobis Domine , « -as sung by Bros . Haswell , Graham , and Hughes . The Prov . G . Master proposed " The Health of the Queen , andsaid : Brethren , this , the first toast always drunk at every convivial meeting in this country , is one peculiarly suited to Alasons . One of the first obligations we heard impressed upon the Master to to do all in his to promote the laws of the
-day was power country in which he may reside . When you look at the whole ot the countries where there are Alasons you find that in some the sovereigns are popular , in others unpopular . It is peculiarly our dutv here , where wc have for so many years been blessed with a Sovereign who has endeared herself to her subjects , todrink this toast . I therefore propose " The Health of the Queen and the Craft , " The Queen ' s predecessors—her lather anil Der
uncles were all Alasons . " The National Anthem- " . ., n l Prov G Master : The next toast I propose is the Prince and Princess of Wales . I much regret to say that-thoiigh thegrandfather of tbe Prince of Wales was a very good Mason , ami