Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5
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Bro . AVilliam Bulkeley Hughes , il / . P ., Prov . G . Reg ., rose amidst great cheering from the brethren , and said : Brethren , I thank you for the reception you have given me . I am not going to attempt any display of oratorical powers , but am going to give you the true sense of our warm feelings of regard towards a lady , one who is highly respected and revered amongst us . I am called upon to propose this toastand I do
, so with that cordiality of feeling which , as a Welshman , I think the toast is deserving , and which I think will be received at the hands of all Welshmen with that reciprocity of feeling which it becomes those of the male sex to do . I need not say that lam proud iu having the opportunity of giving the health of the one lady only ( our most gracious sovereign excepted ) mentioned at Masonic festivals of this kind . Respect
is paid by all to her noble husband , a man whom we love , revere , and look up to ; and were I not repaid in any other way iu coming here to-day , I should feel amply so by having the opportunity afforded me of giving you ' -The Health of Lady Wynn . " I came here with some personal inconvenience , but I shall be most amply repaid if you receive the toast with that unanimity and cordialitwhichI knowis always accorded
y , , to it . It has been well and faithfully said that our excellent Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master is well known , respected , revered , and looked up to in every hole and corner of the principality . We are indebted to him on many occasions , and I am aware we are no less so to-day than we shall be tomorrow , when I trust every member and brother now here will Attend at Llandudnoat the opening of our Freemasons' Hall
, , which is the only one at present in Xorth Wales . I hope you will all attend if you can . Pardon , I pray , this digression . I would say more , but my powers are not equal to it this evening . I give you , with all the affectionate feeling of a brother , the health of Lady Wynn .
Sir Watkiu Williams Wynn : My friend , Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , has kindly given my wife ' s health ; I beg to return my heartfelt thanks . Her father was a very good Mason , and all her relations were Masons , and she has as much love and respect for Masonry as a woman can have , and when we have any local Masonic Charities I hope she will be able to work for them . For the health of the ladies generally , the honourable member for South Shropshire will respond , and I hope soon he will be a benedict .
Bro . R . Jasper More , M . P ., in a highly humourous speech , returned thanks on behalf the ladies , and concluded it unquoting the lines familiar to every Mason" Xo mortal can more The ladies adore , Than a Free and Accepted Mason . " Bro . Dymock , D . Prov . G . Master : I have the honour to prol
pose the next toast , and I do so with much pleasure ; it is : The Health of our Brother , the Grand Senior Warden , Bro . Goldsbro , ' " to whose abilities the progress of Masonry in Wales and Shropshire is much indebted . ( We have also the kind attendance of Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , Bro . Wigan , and Bro . Bulkeley Owen ) , but we feel doubly and trebly obliged to our excellent brother here , to whom we all feel most grateful , and to whom we all feel obliged , and the best thing we can do in an imperfect way , is to drink his health iu a bumper toast . Chorus— " Prosper the Art . "
Bvo . Goldsbro , ' Prov . S . G . W ., expressed the very high sense he entertained of the exceedingly kind and very complimentary terms in which tiie R . W . the D . Prov . G . Alaster had been pleased to mention his name in connection with the toast of tbe Provincial Grand Ollicers , and on their behalf as well as upon his own , ho begged to return their united grateful aud heartfelt thanks .
Bro . R . Vaughan Williams : It is my duty , as the Alaster of the Royal Denbigh Lodge , to propose --The Health of the Visitors . " The visitors necessarily predominate in numbers over the members of a new lodge . Among the visitors here to-day are many excellent and good Alasons . They can confer no greater benefit than by visiting other lodges—it enables us to benefit each other . We have visitors here from London , Alanchester , Liverpool , Anglesey , Bangor , Llandudno , Welchpool ,
and other lodges . Time will not allow me to say more , for the train starts at nine o ' clock , and it is now half-past eight ; so I call upon you to drink the health ofthe Visitors . Bro . J . Cotes Fourdrinier , P . Prov . G . W ., and W . AI . of the
Anglesey Lodge , returned thanks , and said : This day is the anniversary ofthe consecration ofthe Anglesey Lodge , of which I am the Alaster . It was this day twelvemonths ago that some of the brethren here did us the pleasure and tho favour to attend upon Sir Watkiu at Llangefni , and I can say with perfect truth that day conies back again to me with the same freshness and the same impressiveness which must ever come home to the mind of man on occasions like the present . It is
a great pleasure to us to attend at the consecration of the Royal Denbigh Lodge , but it is not the only new lodge in the province , though it is the last consecrated . It is following in the wake of those who carry out the true principles , and who do their duty as men and as members of the Craft . I hope thatechoing the words ot Bro . Bulkeley Hughes—all who have attended here to-day will also attend at the dedication of the
Alasonic Hall at Llandudno to-morrow . All the brethren will be delighted . Plight AVorshipful Grand Alaster , on behalf of tho Visitors , 1 return you our grateful thanks . Bro . John Preece , P . Prov . S . G . W . : I have very great pleasure in proposing the toast of the working officers of the lodge . We have , Right Worshipful Grand Alaster , expressed our thanks for the assistance of yourself and liro . Goldsbro ' .
AVe have elected a W . M . who will do justice to the hi gh position in which he has been installed , and I assure you that the officers appointed will do justice to theirs , as I can vouch for their zeal and energy . I therefore propose "The Health of the Wardens and Officers of the Royal Denbigh Lodge . "
liro . the Rev . Robert Jones Roberts , J . W ., in reply , said : I cannot do better than simply thank you for your kindness in drinking our healths . I feel that , with the support that our Master has promised to give us in this year , you will always hear of the lodge with pleasure on account of its success . I thank you ou behalf of myself and my brother officers .
Bro . Herbert Lloyd : By the permission of the Provincial Grand Alaster I have a toast to propose , it is that of the Alasonic Charities . There is nothing so bright in Masonry as its beautiful charities—viz ., the Boys' School , the Girls' School , and the Asylum for the Aged Freemasons and their Widows . This is a toast which should never be forgotten . . AVhen I first entered freemasonry , we gloried when the subscriptions amounted to a thousand pounds ; this year we received five thousand pounds
for the Girls ' ' School alone . Nothing in Masonry is so beautiful as our charities ; they aro always open ; our girls are well attended to , ancl every officer does his duty . I propose the toast of " The Masonic Charities . "
Bro . Goldsbro' returned thanks on behalf of the charities , and said that during the time he had had the honour of being ( Alasonically speaking ) connected with the province , he had served the office of Steward to each of the charities spoken of by liro . Herbert Lloyd , and that on the last occasion he represented the Province " of Xorth Wales and Shropshire at the festival in aid of the Boys' School , on which occasion , he was pleased to say , his list was not only augmented by mi additional vote from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodgo , but also by a very handsome donation from the R . W . Grand Alaster and the R . W . Deputy Grand Alaster .
The R . W . P . G . Alaster proposed " Prosperity to the Royal Denbigh Lodge , " which having been duly honoured , the final toast was given , and the proceedings of the inaugural day of this nesv lodge were brought to a most happy and satisfactory conclusion .
WARAVICKSIIIRE . BiujriSGilAJt . —Fletcher Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 031 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Rooms , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., at six p . m . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , and the candidates tor the three degrees not making their appearance , the election of the W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler was proceeded with . The ballot
was declared unanimously in favour of Bros . Benjamin Purnell as W . M ., A . Simpson . Treas . ; and . 5 . Coates , Tyler . Auditors were then appointed , and a proposition moved by Bro . West , P . M ., seconded by the IV . AL elect , that a sum of ten guineas be voted from the funds of the lodge in aid of a brother requiring assistance . Xothing further offering , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The installation will take place on the llth of December .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . AVilliam Bulkeley Hughes , il / . P ., Prov . G . Reg ., rose amidst great cheering from the brethren , and said : Brethren , I thank you for the reception you have given me . I am not going to attempt any display of oratorical powers , but am going to give you the true sense of our warm feelings of regard towards a lady , one who is highly respected and revered amongst us . I am called upon to propose this toastand I do
, so with that cordiality of feeling which , as a Welshman , I think the toast is deserving , and which I think will be received at the hands of all Welshmen with that reciprocity of feeling which it becomes those of the male sex to do . I need not say that lam proud iu having the opportunity of giving the health of the one lady only ( our most gracious sovereign excepted ) mentioned at Masonic festivals of this kind . Respect
is paid by all to her noble husband , a man whom we love , revere , and look up to ; and were I not repaid in any other way iu coming here to-day , I should feel amply so by having the opportunity afforded me of giving you ' -The Health of Lady Wynn . " I came here with some personal inconvenience , but I shall be most amply repaid if you receive the toast with that unanimity and cordialitwhichI knowis always accorded
y , , to it . It has been well and faithfully said that our excellent Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master is well known , respected , revered , and looked up to in every hole and corner of the principality . We are indebted to him on many occasions , and I am aware we are no less so to-day than we shall be tomorrow , when I trust every member and brother now here will Attend at Llandudnoat the opening of our Freemasons' Hall
, , which is the only one at present in Xorth Wales . I hope you will all attend if you can . Pardon , I pray , this digression . I would say more , but my powers are not equal to it this evening . I give you , with all the affectionate feeling of a brother , the health of Lady Wynn .
Sir Watkiu Williams Wynn : My friend , Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , has kindly given my wife ' s health ; I beg to return my heartfelt thanks . Her father was a very good Mason , and all her relations were Masons , and she has as much love and respect for Masonry as a woman can have , and when we have any local Masonic Charities I hope she will be able to work for them . For the health of the ladies generally , the honourable member for South Shropshire will respond , and I hope soon he will be a benedict .
Bro . R . Jasper More , M . P ., in a highly humourous speech , returned thanks on behalf the ladies , and concluded it unquoting the lines familiar to every Mason" Xo mortal can more The ladies adore , Than a Free and Accepted Mason . " Bro . Dymock , D . Prov . G . Master : I have the honour to prol
pose the next toast , and I do so with much pleasure ; it is : The Health of our Brother , the Grand Senior Warden , Bro . Goldsbro , ' " to whose abilities the progress of Masonry in Wales and Shropshire is much indebted . ( We have also the kind attendance of Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , Bro . Wigan , and Bro . Bulkeley Owen ) , but we feel doubly and trebly obliged to our excellent brother here , to whom we all feel most grateful , and to whom we all feel obliged , and the best thing we can do in an imperfect way , is to drink his health iu a bumper toast . Chorus— " Prosper the Art . "
Bvo . Goldsbro , ' Prov . S . G . W ., expressed the very high sense he entertained of the exceedingly kind and very complimentary terms in which tiie R . W . the D . Prov . G . Alaster had been pleased to mention his name in connection with the toast of tbe Provincial Grand Ollicers , and on their behalf as well as upon his own , ho begged to return their united grateful aud heartfelt thanks .
Bro . R . Vaughan Williams : It is my duty , as the Alaster of the Royal Denbigh Lodge , to propose --The Health of the Visitors . " The visitors necessarily predominate in numbers over the members of a new lodge . Among the visitors here to-day are many excellent and good Alasons . They can confer no greater benefit than by visiting other lodges—it enables us to benefit each other . We have visitors here from London , Alanchester , Liverpool , Anglesey , Bangor , Llandudno , Welchpool ,
and other lodges . Time will not allow me to say more , for the train starts at nine o ' clock , and it is now half-past eight ; so I call upon you to drink the health ofthe Visitors . Bro . J . Cotes Fourdrinier , P . Prov . G . W ., and W . AI . of the
Anglesey Lodge , returned thanks , and said : This day is the anniversary ofthe consecration ofthe Anglesey Lodge , of which I am the Alaster . It was this day twelvemonths ago that some of the brethren here did us the pleasure and tho favour to attend upon Sir Watkiu at Llangefni , and I can say with perfect truth that day conies back again to me with the same freshness and the same impressiveness which must ever come home to the mind of man on occasions like the present . It is
a great pleasure to us to attend at the consecration of the Royal Denbigh Lodge , but it is not the only new lodge in the province , though it is the last consecrated . It is following in the wake of those who carry out the true principles , and who do their duty as men and as members of the Craft . I hope thatechoing the words ot Bro . Bulkeley Hughes—all who have attended here to-day will also attend at the dedication of the
Alasonic Hall at Llandudno to-morrow . All the brethren will be delighted . Plight AVorshipful Grand Alaster , on behalf of tho Visitors , 1 return you our grateful thanks . Bro . John Preece , P . Prov . S . G . W . : I have very great pleasure in proposing the toast of the working officers of the lodge . We have , Right Worshipful Grand Alaster , expressed our thanks for the assistance of yourself and liro . Goldsbro ' .
AVe have elected a W . M . who will do justice to the hi gh position in which he has been installed , and I assure you that the officers appointed will do justice to theirs , as I can vouch for their zeal and energy . I therefore propose "The Health of the Wardens and Officers of the Royal Denbigh Lodge . "
liro . the Rev . Robert Jones Roberts , J . W ., in reply , said : I cannot do better than simply thank you for your kindness in drinking our healths . I feel that , with the support that our Master has promised to give us in this year , you will always hear of the lodge with pleasure on account of its success . I thank you ou behalf of myself and my brother officers .
Bro . Herbert Lloyd : By the permission of the Provincial Grand Alaster I have a toast to propose , it is that of the Alasonic Charities . There is nothing so bright in Masonry as its beautiful charities—viz ., the Boys' School , the Girls' School , and the Asylum for the Aged Freemasons and their Widows . This is a toast which should never be forgotten . . AVhen I first entered freemasonry , we gloried when the subscriptions amounted to a thousand pounds ; this year we received five thousand pounds
for the Girls ' ' School alone . Nothing in Masonry is so beautiful as our charities ; they aro always open ; our girls are well attended to , ancl every officer does his duty . I propose the toast of " The Masonic Charities . "
Bro . Goldsbro' returned thanks on behalf of the charities , and said that during the time he had had the honour of being ( Alasonically speaking ) connected with the province , he had served the office of Steward to each of the charities spoken of by liro . Herbert Lloyd , and that on the last occasion he represented the Province " of Xorth Wales and Shropshire at the festival in aid of the Boys' School , on which occasion , he was pleased to say , his list was not only augmented by mi additional vote from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodgo , but also by a very handsome donation from the R . W . Grand Alaster and the R . W . Deputy Grand Alaster .
The R . W . P . G . Alaster proposed " Prosperity to the Royal Denbigh Lodge , " which having been duly honoured , the final toast was given , and the proceedings of the inaugural day of this nesv lodge were brought to a most happy and satisfactory conclusion .
WARAVICKSIIIRE . BiujriSGilAJt . —Fletcher Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 031 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Rooms , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., at six p . m . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , and the candidates tor the three degrees not making their appearance , the election of the W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler was proceeded with . The ballot
was declared unanimously in favour of Bros . Benjamin Purnell as W . M ., A . Simpson . Treas . ; and . 5 . Coates , Tyler . Auditors were then appointed , and a proposition moved by Bro . West , P . M ., seconded by the IV . AL elect , that a sum of ten guineas be voted from the funds of the lodge in aid of a brother requiring assistance . Xothing further offering , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The installation will take place on the llth of December .