Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —SI . Mungo Lodge ( Xo . 27 ) . —This lodge held its annual meeting for the election of office-bearers and other business on Friday evening , the 15 th inst ., Bro . AI'Taggart . M . A ., tbe R . W . AI . presiding , supported bv Bros . M'Robrrls , 11 . W . M . 73 ; Livingston , R . W . Af . 219 ; W . ' Smith and Wallace , P . M . ' s 360 ; and "" Hope , Alount Pleasant Lodge , Xo . S , of the Grand
Lodgo of Iowa , United States . There was a large attendance of office-bearers aud members of the lodge . The lodge having been opened in due and ancient form , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thereafter , five candidates whose applications were regularly received and unanimously sustained , were made Entered Apprentices , the U . W . M ., assisted by Bros . Sluels . Balfour , and M'Pheisou , officiating . The R . W . AI . in a lew appropriate remarks referred
to the election of Bro . Captain Spiers , M . P ., to the office of Provincial Grand Alaster , and , in conclusion , expressed au earnest hope that the brethren would g ive him a heartywelcome and strengthen his hands by extending to him their best and united support . It was announced that the festival of St . Andrew ' s Day would be celebrated by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh on Monday , December 2 nd , and that the Grand Secretary had sent an invitation to the office-bearers and
members to he present on the occasion . After the disposal of some routine business , the election of office-bearers for the ensuing year was proceeded with , when the following brethren were unanimously approved by the lodge : —Bros . AI'Tagg . irt , M . A ., R . W . AI . ; Shiels , D . AL ; M'l'hcrson , S . M . ; Lewis , SAY . ;
Smith , . TAV ; P . 'ingle , L . L . J ! ., Secretary : Sinclair , Treasurer ; Allan , S . D . ; Keith , J . D . ; Caldwell , I . G . ' ; Buchanan , Dir . ot Cers . ; Rev . A . Leek , Chaplain ; A . R . Wilson , Vice-Chaplain ; and King being still the acting Past Master of the lodge . An interesting part of the evening ' s proceedings was the honorary affiliation of Bro . Fred Hope , whoso Alasonic designation is given above . In proposing his affiliation the R . W . AI . remarked that , during a protracted visit to this countryBroHope had taken
, . a great interest in ' the Craft , and that he had diligently inquired into the history and position of Freemasonry iu Scotland . From his intimate knowledge of Bro . Hope he could assure the brethren that he was an upright man and Mason , and , from his Alasonic knowledge and the practice of the Alasonic virtues , he was worthy to be connected with this ancient and honourable lodge . Bro . Hope had during the week been made a companion of the
Commercial Chapter ( Xo . 79 ) , holding of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , and had otherwise approved his interest in the Order . Bro . Hope ' s afiiiliation would he for the benefit of the lodge , as it would thereby be enabled to keep up a correspondence with him on all Masonic events of importance occurring here or in the Xew World . The motion of the R . W . M . was seconded by the S . AV ., and carried with acclamation . The affiliation obligation was then administered to Bro . Hope
, after which he received the right baud of fellowship from the office-bearers amidst the applause of the brethren . The newlyelected office-bearers were then summoned to the altar by the R . W . AI ., when they were duly installed and invested with the clothing and jewels appertaining to their respective offices . Tiie lodge was then closed .
LODGE Coinii - i . crAL ( Xo . 360 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst ., at the Alasonic Hull , C ' roy-placo , ior the installation , as office-bearers for the ensuing year , of the following brethren who had been nominated lor election at the previous meeting—viz ., Bros . T . M'Indue , R . W . AI ., : W . Ii . Paterson , S . W . ; A . Gray , J . W . : Marshall , Secretary ; George APl'licrson , S . M . ; J . Shearer , D . AL ; — APDonald , Treas . The ceremony of installation was very impressively performed bv Bros . James Wallace , P . M ., G . S ., ku . liro . William Smith is the I . P . AI .
Royal Arch.
L EIC E S T E R SHIR E . LEICESTERSHIRE . — Chapter of Fortitude ( Xo . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the loth inst ., when the following companions were present : —Major Brewin , ALB . Z .: Weare , II . ; Rev . John Spittal , J . W . Kelly . P . Z . and P . G . II . ; Pettifor ,
Royal Arch.
P . Z . ; Elephan , P . Z . ; L . A . Clarke , P . S . ; J . E . Hodges , E . ; Manning , X . ; Ride , A . S . ; Sfretton , Gosling , Rev . W . Langley , W . Moore , A . S . ; and others . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , a ballot was taken for three members of the John of Gaunt Lodge , viz ., Bros . AV . Baifoot , S . W . ; George Toller , J . W . ; and J . E . Clarke , S . D ., who were declared to be unanimously elected , and who were exalted in admirable style
by the M . K . Z ., ably assisted by Comp . the Rev . John Spittal , as P . S . The Al . U . Z . afterwards gave the historical and the mystical lectures , and Comp . Kelly the symbolical lecture . Nine candidates were then proposed for exaltation , and , after some business of a private nature , the chapter was closed , and . the companions adjourned to refreshment .
L E I T It IM . MANOR HAMILTON . — Consecration of Chapter __ Vo . 1 S 7 . —On Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., the interesting ceremony of opening a new Royal Arch chapter was performed at Manor Hamilton , Leitrim , Ireland . The number of the new warrant is 1 S 7 , being in connection with tbe Lodge of Energy ( Xo . 1 S 7 ) .-There was a large attendance of the brethren , including several
visitors , amongst whom were Comp . Joseph L . Froods , St . Andrew ' s Chapter ( X o . 55 R . S . ) , who acted as instructor , and Comp . Balfour Ferguson , Alount Moriah Chapter ( Xo . 104 R . S . ) , who acted as 11 . P . The following companions were elected to office for tiie ensuing term , viy .., Captain R . W . W . Jenkins , M . E . K ., 18 ° ; Hugh Lyons Montgomery , IL 1 . ; Thomas Davis , C . S . ; John Evans Cullen , Reg . ; the minor offices also being filled . After the chapter was closed , the companions partook
of a splendid dinner laid out in the ball ot the Court House .. The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts having been given , and dulyhonoured , a very pleasant evening was spent , widen was enlivened by some excellent son _» ...
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NNWCASTLE-ON-TVNE . —JVo >•/ .. «___ J <_ . 7 « . _( Z and BenciclcLodgeof Mark Masters . —On Wednesday evening , the 13 th inst ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held for the purpose of advancing eli gible brethren , svhen Bro . Potts , of Lodge Xo . 21 S , aud Bro . Howard , of 531 , were in attendance , and advanced by Bro . Jens Jensen , W . AI ., in his usual happy manner . This was .
the last meeting at which the worthy W . AI . would preside before the installation of his successor , Bro . Foulsham , S . W ,, who , it is hoped , will be as fortunate as his predecessor has been in the numbers of brethren who have been advanced , and iu the general good attendance and assiduity of his officers .
Knights Templar.
I II E L A X D . O . UAOit .- A council of Kni ghts of the Sword , Knights of the East , and Kni ghts of the East and West was opened at three o ' clock p . m ., on the 14 th inst ., in the Masonic-Room , White Hart Hotel , when the following Sir Kni ghts were present . —Captain R . W . Jenkins , M . E . K . ; Charles Eceles , 1 st . General ; Richard Dawson , 2 nd General ; M .
Delany , Condr . ; T . Henry , Sentinel ; C . Scott , Recorder ; Wm . Wilson , Wm . S . Love , Win . Beatty , and John Hamilton , Guards . R . A . Comps . A . C . Adair , J . K . Dickson , 11 . S . Hamilton , Edward Atthill , and Corry Coulson were unanimously elected , and instructed in the mysteries of the above degrees ; seven R . A . Companions were proposed for next meeting , and the council was closed at half-past six . The encampment was then opened at seven o ' clock , when
the-E . C . Sir John Marcus Stewart , Hart ., P . G . R . > J ) , assisted by the proper officers , opened the encampment with the usual ceremonies of this Christian Order . Sixteen Sir Kni ghts answered the roll call . Several apologies were laid before the E . C . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the Committee on Qualification of Candidates was received . The ballot was then taken , which proved unanimous . The following Royal Arch Alasons , who . had previously received the degrees of Kni g ht of the Sword ) ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —SI . Mungo Lodge ( Xo . 27 ) . —This lodge held its annual meeting for the election of office-bearers and other business on Friday evening , the 15 th inst ., Bro . AI'Taggart . M . A ., tbe R . W . AI . presiding , supported bv Bros . M'Robrrls , 11 . W . M . 73 ; Livingston , R . W . Af . 219 ; W . ' Smith and Wallace , P . M . ' s 360 ; and "" Hope , Alount Pleasant Lodge , Xo . S , of the Grand
Lodgo of Iowa , United States . There was a large attendance of office-bearers aud members of the lodge . The lodge having been opened in due and ancient form , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thereafter , five candidates whose applications were regularly received and unanimously sustained , were made Entered Apprentices , the U . W . M ., assisted by Bros . Sluels . Balfour , and M'Pheisou , officiating . The R . W . AI . in a lew appropriate remarks referred
to the election of Bro . Captain Spiers , M . P ., to the office of Provincial Grand Alaster , and , in conclusion , expressed au earnest hope that the brethren would g ive him a heartywelcome and strengthen his hands by extending to him their best and united support . It was announced that the festival of St . Andrew ' s Day would be celebrated by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh on Monday , December 2 nd , and that the Grand Secretary had sent an invitation to the office-bearers and
members to he present on the occasion . After the disposal of some routine business , the election of office-bearers for the ensuing year was proceeded with , when the following brethren were unanimously approved by the lodge : —Bros . AI'Tagg . irt , M . A ., R . W . AI . ; Shiels , D . AL ; M'l'hcrson , S . M . ; Lewis , SAY . ;
Smith , . TAV ; P . 'ingle , L . L . J ! ., Secretary : Sinclair , Treasurer ; Allan , S . D . ; Keith , J . D . ; Caldwell , I . G . ' ; Buchanan , Dir . ot Cers . ; Rev . A . Leek , Chaplain ; A . R . Wilson , Vice-Chaplain ; and King being still the acting Past Master of the lodge . An interesting part of the evening ' s proceedings was the honorary affiliation of Bro . Fred Hope , whoso Alasonic designation is given above . In proposing his affiliation the R . W . AI . remarked that , during a protracted visit to this countryBroHope had taken
, . a great interest in ' the Craft , and that he had diligently inquired into the history and position of Freemasonry iu Scotland . From his intimate knowledge of Bro . Hope he could assure the brethren that he was an upright man and Mason , and , from his Alasonic knowledge and the practice of the Alasonic virtues , he was worthy to be connected with this ancient and honourable lodge . Bro . Hope had during the week been made a companion of the
Commercial Chapter ( Xo . 79 ) , holding of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , and had otherwise approved his interest in the Order . Bro . Hope ' s afiiiliation would he for the benefit of the lodge , as it would thereby be enabled to keep up a correspondence with him on all Masonic events of importance occurring here or in the Xew World . The motion of the R . W . M . was seconded by the S . AV ., and carried with acclamation . The affiliation obligation was then administered to Bro . Hope
, after which he received the right baud of fellowship from the office-bearers amidst the applause of the brethren . The newlyelected office-bearers were then summoned to the altar by the R . W . AI ., when they were duly installed and invested with the clothing and jewels appertaining to their respective offices . Tiie lodge was then closed .
LODGE Coinii - i . crAL ( Xo . 360 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst ., at the Alasonic Hull , C ' roy-placo , ior the installation , as office-bearers for the ensuing year , of the following brethren who had been nominated lor election at the previous meeting—viz ., Bros . T . M'Indue , R . W . AI ., : W . Ii . Paterson , S . W . ; A . Gray , J . W . : Marshall , Secretary ; George APl'licrson , S . M . ; J . Shearer , D . AL ; — APDonald , Treas . The ceremony of installation was very impressively performed bv Bros . James Wallace , P . M ., G . S ., ku . liro . William Smith is the I . P . AI .
Royal Arch.
L EIC E S T E R SHIR E . LEICESTERSHIRE . — Chapter of Fortitude ( Xo . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the loth inst ., when the following companions were present : —Major Brewin , ALB . Z .: Weare , II . ; Rev . John Spittal , J . W . Kelly . P . Z . and P . G . II . ; Pettifor ,
Royal Arch.
P . Z . ; Elephan , P . Z . ; L . A . Clarke , P . S . ; J . E . Hodges , E . ; Manning , X . ; Ride , A . S . ; Sfretton , Gosling , Rev . W . Langley , W . Moore , A . S . ; and others . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , a ballot was taken for three members of the John of Gaunt Lodge , viz ., Bros . AV . Baifoot , S . W . ; George Toller , J . W . ; and J . E . Clarke , S . D ., who were declared to be unanimously elected , and who were exalted in admirable style
by the M . K . Z ., ably assisted by Comp . the Rev . John Spittal , as P . S . The Al . U . Z . afterwards gave the historical and the mystical lectures , and Comp . Kelly the symbolical lecture . Nine candidates were then proposed for exaltation , and , after some business of a private nature , the chapter was closed , and . the companions adjourned to refreshment .
L E I T It IM . MANOR HAMILTON . — Consecration of Chapter __ Vo . 1 S 7 . —On Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., the interesting ceremony of opening a new Royal Arch chapter was performed at Manor Hamilton , Leitrim , Ireland . The number of the new warrant is 1 S 7 , being in connection with tbe Lodge of Energy ( Xo . 1 S 7 ) .-There was a large attendance of the brethren , including several
visitors , amongst whom were Comp . Joseph L . Froods , St . Andrew ' s Chapter ( X o . 55 R . S . ) , who acted as instructor , and Comp . Balfour Ferguson , Alount Moriah Chapter ( Xo . 104 R . S . ) , who acted as 11 . P . The following companions were elected to office for tiie ensuing term , viy .., Captain R . W . W . Jenkins , M . E . K ., 18 ° ; Hugh Lyons Montgomery , IL 1 . ; Thomas Davis , C . S . ; John Evans Cullen , Reg . ; the minor offices also being filled . After the chapter was closed , the companions partook
of a splendid dinner laid out in the ball ot the Court House .. The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts having been given , and dulyhonoured , a very pleasant evening was spent , widen was enlivened by some excellent son _» ...
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NNWCASTLE-ON-TVNE . —JVo >•/ .. «___ J <_ . 7 « . _( Z and BenciclcLodgeof Mark Masters . —On Wednesday evening , the 13 th inst ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held for the purpose of advancing eli gible brethren , svhen Bro . Potts , of Lodge Xo . 21 S , aud Bro . Howard , of 531 , were in attendance , and advanced by Bro . Jens Jensen , W . AI ., in his usual happy manner . This was .
the last meeting at which the worthy W . AI . would preside before the installation of his successor , Bro . Foulsham , S . W ,, who , it is hoped , will be as fortunate as his predecessor has been in the numbers of brethren who have been advanced , and iu the general good attendance and assiduity of his officers .
Knights Templar.
I II E L A X D . O . UAOit .- A council of Kni ghts of the Sword , Knights of the East , and Kni ghts of the East and West was opened at three o ' clock p . m ., on the 14 th inst ., in the Masonic-Room , White Hart Hotel , when the following Sir Kni ghts were present . —Captain R . W . Jenkins , M . E . K . ; Charles Eceles , 1 st . General ; Richard Dawson , 2 nd General ; M .
Delany , Condr . ; T . Henry , Sentinel ; C . Scott , Recorder ; Wm . Wilson , Wm . S . Love , Win . Beatty , and John Hamilton , Guards . R . A . Comps . A . C . Adair , J . K . Dickson , 11 . S . Hamilton , Edward Atthill , and Corry Coulson were unanimously elected , and instructed in the mysteries of the above degrees ; seven R . A . Companions were proposed for next meeting , and the council was closed at half-past six . The encampment was then opened at seven o ' clock , when
the-E . C . Sir John Marcus Stewart , Hart ., P . G . R . > J ) , assisted by the proper officers , opened the encampment with the usual ceremonies of this Christian Order . Sixteen Sir Kni ghts answered the roll call . Several apologies were laid before the E . C . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the Committee on Qualification of Candidates was received . The ballot was then taken , which proved unanimous . The following Royal Arch Alasons , who . had previously received the degrees of Kni g ht of the Sword ) ,