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by Bro . the Rev . Henry Ware , M . A-, vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale , Prov . G . Chap . Amongst the brethren who followed the remains of the deceased brother to the grave were Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Kenlis , Prov . G . M . Cumberland and Westmoreland , and several other distinguished brethren . BRO . CAPTAIN C . T . SHERINGIIAM . AVe are sorry to announce the deathat Barbadoesof Bro .
, , Captain C . T . Siieringham , ICth Regiment , W . M . United Pilgrims Lodge ( Xo . G 7 SJ ) , Colchester , which melancholy event took place on the Sth of last October of yellow fever . The late Bro . Siieringham was much respected by the brethren at Colchester for his amiability and zealous conduct in carrying out the principles of Freemasonry .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
The Cheshire Educational Alasonic Institution , which has now been in existence for upwards of four years , and which has been so frequently noticed in our pages , must be well known amongst our readers , both Mnsonic and those who are not so fortunate in being members of the Masonic body . It owes its
birth , we believe , to the energy of Bro . John P . Piatt , a distinguished P . M . of the Zetland Lodgo , Birkenhead , who has been ablv assisted by several P . M . ' s of that lodge , including Bros . W . Bulley , I-I . Pulley , J . B . Hignett , E . G . Willoughby , C . P . Nosworthy , and others . From a small beginning it has now become a vigorous plant , and such is the rapidity of its growth , that in a few years wc may fully expect to see it a sturdy oakaffording under its branches shelter and protection
, to all who may need it . In oider to assist its funds it has been customary during the past three years , to have an amateur performance at the Theatre Royal , Birkenhead , which on this occasion took place on Monday evening , the llth inst ., when au overflowing and fashionable audience greeted the efforts of the Alasonic brethren and their friends , who displayed their histrionic talents in support of
the Cheshire Educational Alasonic Institution , for the third time . On such occasions criticism is supposed to be indulgent , but in truth the sternest censor could not have found much fault with the entertainment of last evening . The amateurs were commendably well up in their parts , the professional ladies who assisted them were of course perfect , and the audience were "in the vein" to be amusedand paid the closest attention to the
, action on the stage , except now and then when the pent-up enthusiasm which the efforts of the actors created found vent in the heartiest applause . When the curtain rose , the audience gave a warm reception to the lessee , who , in true Masonic spirit , had generously placed the house at the disposal of the committee . 'Brother" Thorne spoke , with point and eloquence , a prologue
written by himself , in which the theme was the advantages and beneficence of the Masonic Institution , Next followed Douglas Jerrold ' s stirring drama of " The Rent Day . " The concluding piece was Morton ' s farce of " Done on Both Sides , " and the audience marked their appreciation of it by remaining to the last . The following brethren ably officiated as stewards—viz ., H . W . Barclay , Thomas PiattRichard Aekerleyli . Harhord 11
, , , . Meacock , Henry Shaw , J . AVilson , G . G . Davfes , R . Davies , W . Sewel ) , and Captain John Jones . The Institution , for the benefit of which the performance was given , was established in 1863 , its object being the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceased Freemasons belonging to the province of Cheshire . It has since gone on most prosperously . At the close of the last financial
year the treasurer had a balance in hand of . C 473 3 s . lid ., which has since been increased to £ 065 vs . -id . There were eight children at the beginning of the year receiving the benefit of the charity , one of which has since died , and there " are now five applicants , all of whom the committee feel justified in pinch . " on the funds if , upon inquiry , they are found eligible . Wo may add that of the various charities connected with public bodies , none
can surely he of more importance than those which care for the training of the young , and . having this object in view , none can be found more ancient than those which have been originated and fostered by Freemasons : indeed . Masonry itself is a " system of instruction , for in every step in the Craft something must bo learned to lit tho brother for higher rank , and it is only by his proficiency that he can hope lor promotion , no matter what ' ma v
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
bo his social position . Tho schools connected with tho Grand Lodgo of England aro not only of ancient date , but have always been of tho greatest benefit to flic orphan . They 7 aro founded on tho most liberal principles and have been supported most liberally , all the children being educated in the religious principles professed l . y their parents . It is too , an interesting fact , that of the hundreds who have boon started in life by these schools , such is the care manifested for their welfare , that their
progress in life has Icon carefully watched , and not a single instance is on record of the instruction afforded having been turned to an immoral or bad account . It -nay be added that the theatre was crowded to excess by the leading personages of the neighbourhood , including the family of the hon . member for the borough , Air . J . Laird , 111 _ P , Only a - week ago an amateur concert was given hy tho members of the C . mbermere Lodge , at Seaeombe . under tho auspices of Bro .
John Aubery . W . AI ., which was aLo a success , and we are given to understand that the produce of the two arc likely to add to the funds of the Institution something like ; E 70 at least . Our brethren connected with the other lodges in the province will , doubtless , excuse as for saying the above is an example worthy of their imitation .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For. The Week Ending November 30th, 1867.
TUESDAY , 2 ( I ! oh . —Institution of Civil Engineers , at S . Wi . iiXE . sDAY , 27 th . —Society of Arts , at 8 . METROPOLITAN LODGE MEETINGS , ETC ., FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 30 TH , 1867 . MONDAYNovember 25 th . —Royal Somerset House
, and Inverness Lodge , -1 , Freemasons' Hall . Castle Lodgo of Harmon }' , 20 , Willis' Rooms , King-street , St . James ' , ? . Old King ' s Arms Lodge , 28 , Freemasons' Hall . Pythagorean Lodge , Lecture Hall , Royal-hill , Greenwich . Lodge of Unity , 183 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . British Oak Lodge , 831 , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft-place , Mile End . Tower Hamlets Engineers
Lodge , !! 02 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . TUESDAY , -November 26 th . —' i nscan Lodge , 14 , Freemasons' Hall . Moira Lodge , 92 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Lodge of Faith , 141 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Lodge of Prudent Brethren , 145 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Industry , 186 , Freemasons ' Hall . Lodge of Israel , 205 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreer , Blackfriars . Prince of Wales ' s Lodge , 259 , Willis ' s Rooms . King-street , St . James ' s . St . James ' s
Union Chapter , 180 , Freemasons Hall . AYEI . O ' ESDAY , . November 27 th . —Grand Stewards Lodge , public night . Lodgo of Antiquity , 2 , Freemasons' Hall . Mount Moriah Lodge , -3-1 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of United Pilgrims , 507 , Horns Tavern , Kennington-park . High Cross Lodge , 754 , Railway Hotel , Northumberlandpark , Tottenham . Royal Oak Lodgo , 871 , Royal Oak
Tavern , High-street , Deptford . TnuKSDAY , November 28 th . —Gen . Com . Fem . School , at office , at 4 . Neptune Lodge , 22 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Lodge of Prosperity , 65 , Masons' Arms Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghallstreet . Grenadiers' Lodge , 66 , Freemasons' Hall . Domatic Chapter , 177 , Falcon , Fetter-lane . Canonbury
Chapter , 657 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Lil y Chapter of Richmond , 820 , White Cross Hotel , Richmond , Surrey . FIIIL ' , November 20 th . —House Com . Boys' School , at 3 . Lodge of Finsbury , 801 , Prince of Wales Tavern , Banner-street , St . Luke ' s .
To Correspondents.
* > * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . I . s-QuiiiEi ! . —Certainly not : the W . M . cannot hold tho duties of Secretary iu addition to his -Mastership .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
by Bro . the Rev . Henry Ware , M . A-, vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale , Prov . G . Chap . Amongst the brethren who followed the remains of the deceased brother to the grave were Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Kenlis , Prov . G . M . Cumberland and Westmoreland , and several other distinguished brethren . BRO . CAPTAIN C . T . SHERINGIIAM . AVe are sorry to announce the deathat Barbadoesof Bro .
, , Captain C . T . Siieringham , ICth Regiment , W . M . United Pilgrims Lodge ( Xo . G 7 SJ ) , Colchester , which melancholy event took place on the Sth of last October of yellow fever . The late Bro . Siieringham was much respected by the brethren at Colchester for his amiability and zealous conduct in carrying out the principles of Freemasonry .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
The Cheshire Educational Alasonic Institution , which has now been in existence for upwards of four years , and which has been so frequently noticed in our pages , must be well known amongst our readers , both Mnsonic and those who are not so fortunate in being members of the Masonic body . It owes its
birth , we believe , to the energy of Bro . John P . Piatt , a distinguished P . M . of the Zetland Lodgo , Birkenhead , who has been ablv assisted by several P . M . ' s of that lodge , including Bros . W . Bulley , I-I . Pulley , J . B . Hignett , E . G . Willoughby , C . P . Nosworthy , and others . From a small beginning it has now become a vigorous plant , and such is the rapidity of its growth , that in a few years wc may fully expect to see it a sturdy oakaffording under its branches shelter and protection
, to all who may need it . In oider to assist its funds it has been customary during the past three years , to have an amateur performance at the Theatre Royal , Birkenhead , which on this occasion took place on Monday evening , the llth inst ., when au overflowing and fashionable audience greeted the efforts of the Alasonic brethren and their friends , who displayed their histrionic talents in support of
the Cheshire Educational Alasonic Institution , for the third time . On such occasions criticism is supposed to be indulgent , but in truth the sternest censor could not have found much fault with the entertainment of last evening . The amateurs were commendably well up in their parts , the professional ladies who assisted them were of course perfect , and the audience were "in the vein" to be amusedand paid the closest attention to the
, action on the stage , except now and then when the pent-up enthusiasm which the efforts of the actors created found vent in the heartiest applause . When the curtain rose , the audience gave a warm reception to the lessee , who , in true Masonic spirit , had generously placed the house at the disposal of the committee . 'Brother" Thorne spoke , with point and eloquence , a prologue
written by himself , in which the theme was the advantages and beneficence of the Masonic Institution , Next followed Douglas Jerrold ' s stirring drama of " The Rent Day . " The concluding piece was Morton ' s farce of " Done on Both Sides , " and the audience marked their appreciation of it by remaining to the last . The following brethren ably officiated as stewards—viz ., H . W . Barclay , Thomas PiattRichard Aekerleyli . Harhord 11
, , , . Meacock , Henry Shaw , J . AVilson , G . G . Davfes , R . Davies , W . Sewel ) , and Captain John Jones . The Institution , for the benefit of which the performance was given , was established in 1863 , its object being the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceased Freemasons belonging to the province of Cheshire . It has since gone on most prosperously . At the close of the last financial
year the treasurer had a balance in hand of . C 473 3 s . lid ., which has since been increased to £ 065 vs . -id . There were eight children at the beginning of the year receiving the benefit of the charity , one of which has since died , and there " are now five applicants , all of whom the committee feel justified in pinch . " on the funds if , upon inquiry , they are found eligible . Wo may add that of the various charities connected with public bodies , none
can surely he of more importance than those which care for the training of the young , and . having this object in view , none can be found more ancient than those which have been originated and fostered by Freemasons : indeed . Masonry itself is a " system of instruction , for in every step in the Craft something must bo learned to lit tho brother for higher rank , and it is only by his proficiency that he can hope lor promotion , no matter what ' ma v
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
bo his social position . Tho schools connected with tho Grand Lodgo of England aro not only of ancient date , but have always been of tho greatest benefit to flic orphan . They 7 aro founded on tho most liberal principles and have been supported most liberally , all the children being educated in the religious principles professed l . y their parents . It is too , an interesting fact , that of the hundreds who have boon started in life by these schools , such is the care manifested for their welfare , that their
progress in life has Icon carefully watched , and not a single instance is on record of the instruction afforded having been turned to an immoral or bad account . It -nay be added that the theatre was crowded to excess by the leading personages of the neighbourhood , including the family of the hon . member for the borough , Air . J . Laird , 111 _ P , Only a - week ago an amateur concert was given hy tho members of the C . mbermere Lodge , at Seaeombe . under tho auspices of Bro .
John Aubery . W . AI ., which was aLo a success , and we are given to understand that the produce of the two arc likely to add to the funds of the Institution something like ; E 70 at least . Our brethren connected with the other lodges in the province will , doubtless , excuse as for saying the above is an example worthy of their imitation .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For. The Week Ending November 30th, 1867.
TUESDAY , 2 ( I ! oh . —Institution of Civil Engineers , at S . Wi . iiXE . sDAY , 27 th . —Society of Arts , at 8 . METROPOLITAN LODGE MEETINGS , ETC ., FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 30 TH , 1867 . MONDAYNovember 25 th . —Royal Somerset House
, and Inverness Lodge , -1 , Freemasons' Hall . Castle Lodgo of Harmon }' , 20 , Willis' Rooms , King-street , St . James ' , ? . Old King ' s Arms Lodge , 28 , Freemasons' Hall . Pythagorean Lodge , Lecture Hall , Royal-hill , Greenwich . Lodge of Unity , 183 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . British Oak Lodge , 831 , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft-place , Mile End . Tower Hamlets Engineers
Lodge , !! 02 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . TUESDAY , -November 26 th . —' i nscan Lodge , 14 , Freemasons' Hall . Moira Lodge , 92 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Lodge of Faith , 141 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Lodge of Prudent Brethren , 145 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Industry , 186 , Freemasons ' Hall . Lodge of Israel , 205 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreer , Blackfriars . Prince of Wales ' s Lodge , 259 , Willis ' s Rooms . King-street , St . James ' s . St . James ' s
Union Chapter , 180 , Freemasons Hall . AYEI . O ' ESDAY , . November 27 th . —Grand Stewards Lodge , public night . Lodgo of Antiquity , 2 , Freemasons' Hall . Mount Moriah Lodge , -3-1 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of United Pilgrims , 507 , Horns Tavern , Kennington-park . High Cross Lodge , 754 , Railway Hotel , Northumberlandpark , Tottenham . Royal Oak Lodgo , 871 , Royal Oak
Tavern , High-street , Deptford . TnuKSDAY , November 28 th . —Gen . Com . Fem . School , at office , at 4 . Neptune Lodge , 22 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Lodge of Prosperity , 65 , Masons' Arms Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghallstreet . Grenadiers' Lodge , 66 , Freemasons' Hall . Domatic Chapter , 177 , Falcon , Fetter-lane . Canonbury
Chapter , 657 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Lil y Chapter of Richmond , 820 , White Cross Hotel , Richmond , Surrey . FIIIL ' , November 20 th . —House Com . Boys' School , at 3 . Lodge of Finsbury , 801 , Prince of Wales Tavern , Banner-street , St . Luke ' s .
To Correspondents.
* > * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . I . s-QuiiiEi ! . —Certainly not : the W . M . cannot hold tho duties of Secretary iu addition to his -Mastership .