Article THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article SCOTCH MASONIC LECTURES. Page 1 of 4 Article SCOTCH MASONIC LECTURES. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Knights Templars.
to be proceeded with for her coronation . The Count of Tripoli , with many of the most powerful of the barons , thereupon assembled at Naplous , determined to oppose her election . The arrangement for the coronation being complete , De
Eidefort ser . t letters in the queen ' s name to the count and to the barons , who were then encamped at Naplous , commending them to repair on a certain day to Jerusalem , to do homage to Sybilla , ancl to take the usual oaths of allegiance . To this message
the barons returned for answer that they purposed remaining Avhere they Avere . Dreading , however , the consequences of a Avar with the Templars and the barons ivho had adopted the cause of Sybilla , and moved hy the advice of tiie Count of Tripoli , who hoped , upon the divorce of Guy de Lusignan , to obtain the hand of the queen himself , thev
despatched two abbots of the Cistercian Order to Gerard ancl Heraclius , the Patriarch , beseeching them , for the love of God and of His holy Apostles , not to proceed with the coronation of S ybilla until she was separated from Guy de Lusignan . They
furthermore referred to the well-tried incapacity of Guy for commanding either in field or council ; that , ivith the dangers Avhich then threatened the kingdom , they required , to establish peace and drive back the Infidel , a nobleman as sovereign
who Avas an able and approved leader ; and they concluded by demanding the immediate divorce of Sybilla and 'Guy , and that the queen should make choice of some nobleman in Avhom the Christians had implicit trust , as one who could
govern the country with judgment and prudence , and defend it with valour ancl skill . ( To he continued . )
Scotch Masonic Lectures.
( Continued from pacjn 369 . ) In accordance ivith our promise we give a further selection from ' " Scotch Masonic Lectures . " In apologising for so frequently referring to Masonic ceremonials , Bro . Cowie Avrites , " Brethren
else-Avhere ivho are thoroughly posted up in the ceremonies will probably conclude that we are occupying too much time and space with this particular subject . Stranger brethren , who may have visited Scotch lodges will most likely think otherwise , for
these complain that in the majority , not only are the ceremonies badly performed but their true purpose is totally misunderstood , and instead of
Scotch Masonic Lectures.
their just use being impressed upon visitors and initiates , that practices of a debasing kind are indulged in . Duty to our obligation prevents the use of such language as might best describe Avhat has been so frequently ancl so justly
complained against . I may , however , repeat a conversation I heard between a sea captain , recently initiated , and a Scotch brother . "You are a brother Mason , captain ? " " Yes . " " Have you been passed and raised yet ? " " Oh yes , I
wasraised ivith a vengeance ; hoivever , I have been speaking about the matter to several English ,. French , ancl German Masons , and these say that they don't elevate their candidates after the Scotch fashion . " This conversation was but an echo of many others I had heard to the self-same tune and words . Numbers of Scotch brethren now
say , if we have so misunderstood the most sacred portions of our ceremonies , the lesser ones have little chance of having been retained in their original parity , so they have set themselves heartily to cleanse our venerable landmarks from these
stains which have so long obscured them , and it is to forward a purpose so good that lectures and rehearsals have been instituted in many Scotch lodges . These lectures are not confined to the explanation of ceremony only , but include
astronomical and geological discoveries , the utility of the fine arts , readings from the best authors , & c . " ' From the Masonic subjects Ave select portions of a lecture recently delivered by Bro . Cowie , in the Lodge Forfar ancl Kincardine , Dundee ( No . 225 ) ,, Scotland . The lecture is entitled
MASONIC CEREMOXY . " Of ivhat use is your Freemasonry ? " is a question frequently asked by the outside world . The common answer is , " come ancl see . " Of course this answer is to those the brother may
think Avould be a desirable acquisition , either for their worth iu mind or matter . To those that age ,, sex , or social position , bars from entrance within . our circles , the answers are more evasive . This may in some measure arise from the duty of the .
brethren to keep inviolate the secrets of the Order ,, and to preserve our landmarks from the public gaze ; but surely many good reasons might be . given for the faith Avhich should be in us , ivithout trenching upon the limits by which our secrets are
bounded . In the olden time the grand ivorks in . art and architecture produced by the Craft , gave evidence of the noblest kind that the brethren were custodiers of much that could refine and '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Knights Templars.
to be proceeded with for her coronation . The Count of Tripoli , with many of the most powerful of the barons , thereupon assembled at Naplous , determined to oppose her election . The arrangement for the coronation being complete , De
Eidefort ser . t letters in the queen ' s name to the count and to the barons , who were then encamped at Naplous , commending them to repair on a certain day to Jerusalem , to do homage to Sybilla , ancl to take the usual oaths of allegiance . To this message
the barons returned for answer that they purposed remaining Avhere they Avere . Dreading , however , the consequences of a Avar with the Templars and the barons ivho had adopted the cause of Sybilla , and moved hy the advice of tiie Count of Tripoli , who hoped , upon the divorce of Guy de Lusignan , to obtain the hand of the queen himself , thev
despatched two abbots of the Cistercian Order to Gerard ancl Heraclius , the Patriarch , beseeching them , for the love of God and of His holy Apostles , not to proceed with the coronation of S ybilla until she was separated from Guy de Lusignan . They
furthermore referred to the well-tried incapacity of Guy for commanding either in field or council ; that , ivith the dangers Avhich then threatened the kingdom , they required , to establish peace and drive back the Infidel , a nobleman as sovereign
who Avas an able and approved leader ; and they concluded by demanding the immediate divorce of Sybilla and 'Guy , and that the queen should make choice of some nobleman in Avhom the Christians had implicit trust , as one who could
govern the country with judgment and prudence , and defend it with valour ancl skill . ( To he continued . )
Scotch Masonic Lectures.
( Continued from pacjn 369 . ) In accordance ivith our promise we give a further selection from ' " Scotch Masonic Lectures . " In apologising for so frequently referring to Masonic ceremonials , Bro . Cowie Avrites , " Brethren
else-Avhere ivho are thoroughly posted up in the ceremonies will probably conclude that we are occupying too much time and space with this particular subject . Stranger brethren , who may have visited Scotch lodges will most likely think otherwise , for
these complain that in the majority , not only are the ceremonies badly performed but their true purpose is totally misunderstood , and instead of
Scotch Masonic Lectures.
their just use being impressed upon visitors and initiates , that practices of a debasing kind are indulged in . Duty to our obligation prevents the use of such language as might best describe Avhat has been so frequently ancl so justly
complained against . I may , however , repeat a conversation I heard between a sea captain , recently initiated , and a Scotch brother . "You are a brother Mason , captain ? " " Yes . " " Have you been passed and raised yet ? " " Oh yes , I
wasraised ivith a vengeance ; hoivever , I have been speaking about the matter to several English ,. French , ancl German Masons , and these say that they don't elevate their candidates after the Scotch fashion . " This conversation was but an echo of many others I had heard to the self-same tune and words . Numbers of Scotch brethren now
say , if we have so misunderstood the most sacred portions of our ceremonies , the lesser ones have little chance of having been retained in their original parity , so they have set themselves heartily to cleanse our venerable landmarks from these
stains which have so long obscured them , and it is to forward a purpose so good that lectures and rehearsals have been instituted in many Scotch lodges . These lectures are not confined to the explanation of ceremony only , but include
astronomical and geological discoveries , the utility of the fine arts , readings from the best authors , & c . " ' From the Masonic subjects Ave select portions of a lecture recently delivered by Bro . Cowie , in the Lodge Forfar ancl Kincardine , Dundee ( No . 225 ) ,, Scotland . The lecture is entitled
MASONIC CEREMOXY . " Of ivhat use is your Freemasonry ? " is a question frequently asked by the outside world . The common answer is , " come ancl see . " Of course this answer is to those the brother may
think Avould be a desirable acquisition , either for their worth iu mind or matter . To those that age ,, sex , or social position , bars from entrance within . our circles , the answers are more evasive . This may in some measure arise from the duty of the .
brethren to keep inviolate the secrets of the Order ,, and to preserve our landmarks from the public gaze ; but surely many good reasons might be . given for the faith Avhich should be in us , ivithout trenching upon the limits by which our secrets are
bounded . In the olden time the grand ivorks in . art and architecture produced by the Craft , gave evidence of the noblest kind that the brethren were custodiers of much that could refine and '