Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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raised to the degree of M . M ., by tho immediate P . M ., Bro . M . Levinson . The . AV . M . in ,-t eulogistic address presented a , superb P . M . 's jewel to Bro . Levinson , and assured the worth y brother that it was felt no Master had ever better performed the duties of the chair ; his attention to the interests of the Lodge had been most marked , aud the brethren trusted the day was very far distant when they ivould lose the benefit of his valuable services . Bro . M . Levinson thanked the brethren for their kindnessand assured them that his best exertions ivould always
, be at their command to promote the interests of the Loclge to the best of his ability . The Lodge was then closed , the brethren adjourned to dinner , and the evening was passed in perfect harmony . Bro . Burt , St . John ' s Loclge , Xo . ( 132 , Xew Brunswick , was among tho visitors . LOOSE OK UNITED STUENGTII ( XO . 270 ) . —Thc usual meeting of this Lodge took place cm Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., at Bro . Foster ' s , St . John ' s Gate , Clcrkenwell , with a full attendance of members . Thc AV . AI .,
Bro . J . X . Frost , initiated Mr . James Dudley into the Order , and passed and raised other brethren in due course . After the dinner . mil the usual toasts had been introduced , Bro . Allen , P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., _ and in the highest terms of praise , for having , although m young in the chair , performed all three ceremonies in so perfect a manner , and without requiring the slightest assistance from . my P . AL , thereby auguring a very prosperous year to the Lodge of United Strength .
CHAXXEL ISLANDS . Ji'ilsKv . —Lodge La Cesaree ( Xo . 860 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , March Sth , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Philip Bl . unpied . Thc Lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Le Cras , AV . AI ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Baudains and Binet . The ballot was unanimous in favour of the candidate , who was then received into the Order with the usual rites , administered by the AV . M ., the charge being delivered bBro . SchmittPAL BroDr kinsPMXo 51
any , . . . Hop , .., . , nounced ^ that he had published a narrative of the life ofthe late respected Bro . John Asplet , together with au account of the proceedings at the Masonic funeral , and the addresses delivered on the occasion , in tho form of a pamphlet , which he had dedicated to thc AV . M ., officers , and members of the Lodge . Should this effort prove successful , which he had great reason to hope would be the case , he added that he intended to place any sum which might be realized at the disposal of tlio Cesaree
Ledge for sonic Masonic object . After a few words on the subject from the W . M ., the P . M ., and thc S . AA " ., the Lodge was closed by the AV . M ., and the brethren dispersed at an early hour , as another Loclge ( tlio Koy . d Sussex ) , was about to hold its regular monthly meeting . AVe may state , that for the first time ,-we observed hanging on the walls a most excellent portrait , in a handsome gilt frame with suitable Masonic decorations , of Bro . Adams , P . M ., Instructor and Secretary of the Sussex Lodge— -a appropriate tribute of respect for a skilful Mason
very , who has rendered most important , laborious , and long continued services for a period of many years . In addition to what has been said of Lodge I . ia Cesaree , it may be mentioned , that at a previous meeting it was determined to postpone the consideration of the proposed Masonic hall until June next , aud to give up the site which had been determined upon . Difficulties appear to have arisen from the existing laws in Jersey , relative to the tenure of property , which it is hoped will ii . the course of time be overcome .
MASONIC Ji'UXJSHAI . 01 * MO . JOlIIf ASl'LliT . Till- ; funeral of the late Bro . Asplet , a sketch of whose life we have already given , took place ou Monday , February 27 th , with full Masonic honours , under the auspices of Loclge La Cesaree , to which he had belonged from its origin , though all the Lodges of the province joined iu this melancholy tribute of respect and fraternal regard , as well as a considerable number of unattached brethrenwho attended visitors
, as . The bod y had been removed from tho residence at Beaumont , to the Alasonic Hall , hi Museum-street , at an early hour in the morning . The coflin was deposited in the centre of the room , and upon it were placed the regalia of thc deceased , tho sacred scroll , crossed swords , an hour glass , bouquets of flowers , &« . ; and thc pull , which had a deep border of light blue silk , was decorated with Alasonic emblems . Around the
ciillin , m the east , south aud west , wero three large wax candles burning , and , there being no other light , the room wore a , sombre appearance . The gloom was increased by hangings of black cloth . At one o ' clock the Lodge was opened in clue form , and a procession was then formed of such . Prov . Grand Officers as were appointed to attend the Prov . Grand Alaster : —Bro . AVillcocks , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bros . Colonel Chester and Colonel Miller , who acted as Standard Bearers ; ¦ Bro . Dr . Hopkinsacting as Deputy Prov . Grand Master ; BrosJames
, . Johnson and Grinmiouci , tho Prov . Grand AVardens , & c . These having entered the Lodge and assumed their respective positions , thc Masonic funeral rites used ou such solemn occasions were proceeded with , being performed with much feeling by the Prov . Grand Master , to whom the W . M . of Locl ge La Cesaree had of course resigned his chair . In these he was assisted by many of the brethren , and the general effect was greatl y enhanced and rendered more imposing , by the introduction of sacred music , which had been selected as appropriate to the occasion , ¦ ihe music was ; effectively performed by Bros . Lott , C . Johnson , Perrot
and lioskius , under the direction of Bro . Bridgm . m , Prov . Grand Organist . On the conclusion of the ceremony within the Lodge , thc procession was formed , and proceeded along Behnoiit-road , Bath-street , Beresfordstreet , Upper Halkett-pkce , Burrard-street , Xeiv-street , Val-plaisant , Midvale-road , Rouge Bouillon , Queen ' s-roacl , to the cemetery behind Almorah-crescent . A halt was made near to the gates of the cemeteryand the brethren
, here divided into two lines , forming a lane between them . Those of Lodge La Cesaree , ivho were the most numerous , crossed their wands , forming a long line of arch . Through this the body and the friends passed first . Then the Prov . Grand Alaster and his Officers , and the rest afterwards closed up . thus inverting the order of the cortege on the way to the appointed spot . The body was lowered into the grave , the remainder of the funeral ceremony was performed , the brethren broke
their wands and threw them into the grave , also the flowers , and the sacred scroll , aud finally the Prov . Grand Alaster threw in a white glove , concluding tho proceedings with the following address : — " Brethren , —From time immemorial it has been the custom among the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , at the request of a brother on his death bed , to accompany his corpse to the place of interment , and to deposit his remains with the usual formalities . In obedience to that custom , and at the request of our deceased brother , we are here
assembled in the character of Masons , to resign his body to the earth from whence it came , and to offer up to his memory , before the world , the last sad tribute of our fraternal affection , thereby demonstrating the sincerity of our past esteem , and an inviolable attachment to the principles of the Order . AAlth all proper respect to the established customs of the country in which we live ; with clue deference to our superiors in church and state ; and with unlimited good will to all mankind ; we appear clothed as Masons , aucl publicly express our submission to good order and government , and our wish to serve the general interests of
mankind . Invested with the badge of eminence , we humbly bow to the Universal Parent , implore his blessing on all our zealous endeavours to extend peace and good will , and earnestly pray for his grace to enable us to persevere in the principles of piety and virtue . The Great Creator having been pleased out of his mercy to remove our brother from the cares and troubles of this transitory life to a scene of eternal duration , thereby to weaken the chain with which wc are united , man to man , may we who survive him , anticipating our approaching
dissolution , be now closely cemented in the ties of union aud friendship ; and , during the short space allotted for our present existence , usefully and wisely employ that time in the reciprocal intercourse of kind ancl friendly acts , and mutually promote the interests and welfare of each other . Unto the grave we resign the body of our deceased friend and brother , there to remain until the general resurrection , in favourable expectation that his immortal soul will then partake of the joys which have been prepared for the rihteous from the commencement of the world . And
g may Almighty God , of his infinite goodness , extend his mercy towards him and all of us , and crown our hopes with everlasting bliss in the expanded realms of a bouudless eternity . This wo beg , for the honour of his name , to whom be honour and glory , now and for ever . '' " So mote it be . " The brethren , having again formed in procession , returned to the Masonic Hall , with the band playing n march . The doors being closed , the . R . AA * . Prov . Grand Master inquired if any brother desired to offer
an address before separating , when Bro . H . L . Manuel rose , and made a touching oration , which wc regret is too long for insertion in our pages . In the course of the day , the AV . AI . Bro . Le Cras , also took advantage of the occasion to offer a few observations . The Prov . Grand Alaster resigned the chair to thc AV . M . of thc Lodge , which was then closed in due form , and the brethren separated about five o ' clock , evidently much impressed by the solemn scene in which they had borne a part . The ceremony excited great interest among the inhabitants of tho island , and a very large number of persons were present throughout .- !! . H .
DERBYSHIRE . Dunnv . —Arboretum Lodge ( Xo . 1033 ) . —The anniversary of the opening of thc Arboretum Loclge of Free and Accepted Afasons was celebrated on AVednesday , March 11 th , at Bro . AVilliainsou ' s , Arboretum Hotel . The proceedings were peculiarly interesting , in consequence of thc members making it a fitting opportunity to present to Bro . S . Collinson , the retiring Master of the Loclge , a testimonial as a slight
acknowledgment of the valuable services he has rendered to tbe Lodge since its formation in March , 18 : 18 , he having served thc office of Master from its opening up to tho present time , during which period no less than thirty-five candidates have been initiated by him into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The Lodge was opened at five r . ji ., by Bro . S . Collinson . Bro . Joseph German , the AVorshipful Alaster elect , addressing Bro . Collinson , said—AVorshipful Sir , before ive proceed to the business of the day I hope you will allow nie to present you with an illuminated
address , a Past Master's apron , collar , and jewel , as a slight acknowledgment oftlie valuable services you have rendered to Masonry in general , and to this Loclge in particular . The illuminated address is worded as follows : — " Presented to Brother Samuel Collinson , Esq ., P . G . S . AV ., Derbyshire ; M . K . Z ., Chapter of Justice ; P . AL , 315 and 1033 , & c , & c ; by the officers and members of the Arboretum Lodge , Derby , of ancient , free , and accepted Masons , on his retirement from the office of AV . M ., which ho has worthily filled for the space of two years ; in testi-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
raised to the degree of M . M ., by tho immediate P . M ., Bro . M . Levinson . The . AV . M . in ,-t eulogistic address presented a , superb P . M . 's jewel to Bro . Levinson , and assured the worth y brother that it was felt no Master had ever better performed the duties of the chair ; his attention to the interests of the Lodge had been most marked , aud the brethren trusted the day was very far distant when they ivould lose the benefit of his valuable services . Bro . M . Levinson thanked the brethren for their kindnessand assured them that his best exertions ivould always
, be at their command to promote the interests of the Loclge to the best of his ability . The Lodge was then closed , the brethren adjourned to dinner , and the evening was passed in perfect harmony . Bro . Burt , St . John ' s Loclge , Xo . ( 132 , Xew Brunswick , was among tho visitors . LOOSE OK UNITED STUENGTII ( XO . 270 ) . —Thc usual meeting of this Lodge took place cm Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., at Bro . Foster ' s , St . John ' s Gate , Clcrkenwell , with a full attendance of members . Thc AV . AI .,
Bro . J . X . Frost , initiated Mr . James Dudley into the Order , and passed and raised other brethren in due course . After the dinner . mil the usual toasts had been introduced , Bro . Allen , P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., _ and in the highest terms of praise , for having , although m young in the chair , performed all three ceremonies in so perfect a manner , and without requiring the slightest assistance from . my P . AL , thereby auguring a very prosperous year to the Lodge of United Strength .
CHAXXEL ISLANDS . Ji'ilsKv . —Lodge La Cesaree ( Xo . 860 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , March Sth , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Philip Bl . unpied . Thc Lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Le Cras , AV . AI ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Baudains and Binet . The ballot was unanimous in favour of the candidate , who was then received into the Order with the usual rites , administered by the AV . M ., the charge being delivered bBro . SchmittPAL BroDr kinsPMXo 51
any , . . . Hop , .., . , nounced ^ that he had published a narrative of the life ofthe late respected Bro . John Asplet , together with au account of the proceedings at the Masonic funeral , and the addresses delivered on the occasion , in tho form of a pamphlet , which he had dedicated to thc AV . M ., officers , and members of the Lodge . Should this effort prove successful , which he had great reason to hope would be the case , he added that he intended to place any sum which might be realized at the disposal of tlio Cesaree
Ledge for sonic Masonic object . After a few words on the subject from the W . M ., the P . M ., and thc S . AA " ., the Lodge was closed by the AV . M ., and the brethren dispersed at an early hour , as another Loclge ( tlio Koy . d Sussex ) , was about to hold its regular monthly meeting . AVe may state , that for the first time ,-we observed hanging on the walls a most excellent portrait , in a handsome gilt frame with suitable Masonic decorations , of Bro . Adams , P . M ., Instructor and Secretary of the Sussex Lodge— -a appropriate tribute of respect for a skilful Mason
very , who has rendered most important , laborious , and long continued services for a period of many years . In addition to what has been said of Lodge I . ia Cesaree , it may be mentioned , that at a previous meeting it was determined to postpone the consideration of the proposed Masonic hall until June next , aud to give up the site which had been determined upon . Difficulties appear to have arisen from the existing laws in Jersey , relative to the tenure of property , which it is hoped will ii . the course of time be overcome .
MASONIC Ji'UXJSHAI . 01 * MO . JOlIIf ASl'LliT . Till- ; funeral of the late Bro . Asplet , a sketch of whose life we have already given , took place ou Monday , February 27 th , with full Masonic honours , under the auspices of Loclge La Cesaree , to which he had belonged from its origin , though all the Lodges of the province joined iu this melancholy tribute of respect and fraternal regard , as well as a considerable number of unattached brethrenwho attended visitors
, as . The bod y had been removed from tho residence at Beaumont , to the Alasonic Hall , hi Museum-street , at an early hour in the morning . The coflin was deposited in the centre of the room , and upon it were placed the regalia of thc deceased , tho sacred scroll , crossed swords , an hour glass , bouquets of flowers , &« . ; and thc pull , which had a deep border of light blue silk , was decorated with Alasonic emblems . Around the
ciillin , m the east , south aud west , wero three large wax candles burning , and , there being no other light , the room wore a , sombre appearance . The gloom was increased by hangings of black cloth . At one o ' clock the Lodge was opened in clue form , and a procession was then formed of such . Prov . Grand Officers as were appointed to attend the Prov . Grand Alaster : —Bro . AVillcocks , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bros . Colonel Chester and Colonel Miller , who acted as Standard Bearers ; ¦ Bro . Dr . Hopkinsacting as Deputy Prov . Grand Master ; BrosJames
, . Johnson and Grinmiouci , tho Prov . Grand AVardens , & c . These having entered the Lodge and assumed their respective positions , thc Masonic funeral rites used ou such solemn occasions were proceeded with , being performed with much feeling by the Prov . Grand Master , to whom the W . M . of Locl ge La Cesaree had of course resigned his chair . In these he was assisted by many of the brethren , and the general effect was greatl y enhanced and rendered more imposing , by the introduction of sacred music , which had been selected as appropriate to the occasion , ¦ ihe music was ; effectively performed by Bros . Lott , C . Johnson , Perrot
and lioskius , under the direction of Bro . Bridgm . m , Prov . Grand Organist . On the conclusion of the ceremony within the Lodge , thc procession was formed , and proceeded along Behnoiit-road , Bath-street , Beresfordstreet , Upper Halkett-pkce , Burrard-street , Xeiv-street , Val-plaisant , Midvale-road , Rouge Bouillon , Queen ' s-roacl , to the cemetery behind Almorah-crescent . A halt was made near to the gates of the cemeteryand the brethren
, here divided into two lines , forming a lane between them . Those of Lodge La Cesaree , ivho were the most numerous , crossed their wands , forming a long line of arch . Through this the body and the friends passed first . Then the Prov . Grand Alaster and his Officers , and the rest afterwards closed up . thus inverting the order of the cortege on the way to the appointed spot . The body was lowered into the grave , the remainder of the funeral ceremony was performed , the brethren broke
their wands and threw them into the grave , also the flowers , and the sacred scroll , aud finally the Prov . Grand Alaster threw in a white glove , concluding tho proceedings with the following address : — " Brethren , —From time immemorial it has been the custom among the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , at the request of a brother on his death bed , to accompany his corpse to the place of interment , and to deposit his remains with the usual formalities . In obedience to that custom , and at the request of our deceased brother , we are here
assembled in the character of Masons , to resign his body to the earth from whence it came , and to offer up to his memory , before the world , the last sad tribute of our fraternal affection , thereby demonstrating the sincerity of our past esteem , and an inviolable attachment to the principles of the Order . AAlth all proper respect to the established customs of the country in which we live ; with clue deference to our superiors in church and state ; and with unlimited good will to all mankind ; we appear clothed as Masons , aucl publicly express our submission to good order and government , and our wish to serve the general interests of
mankind . Invested with the badge of eminence , we humbly bow to the Universal Parent , implore his blessing on all our zealous endeavours to extend peace and good will , and earnestly pray for his grace to enable us to persevere in the principles of piety and virtue . The Great Creator having been pleased out of his mercy to remove our brother from the cares and troubles of this transitory life to a scene of eternal duration , thereby to weaken the chain with which wc are united , man to man , may we who survive him , anticipating our approaching
dissolution , be now closely cemented in the ties of union aud friendship ; and , during the short space allotted for our present existence , usefully and wisely employ that time in the reciprocal intercourse of kind ancl friendly acts , and mutually promote the interests and welfare of each other . Unto the grave we resign the body of our deceased friend and brother , there to remain until the general resurrection , in favourable expectation that his immortal soul will then partake of the joys which have been prepared for the rihteous from the commencement of the world . And
g may Almighty God , of his infinite goodness , extend his mercy towards him and all of us , and crown our hopes with everlasting bliss in the expanded realms of a bouudless eternity . This wo beg , for the honour of his name , to whom be honour and glory , now and for ever . '' " So mote it be . " The brethren , having again formed in procession , returned to the Masonic Hall , with the band playing n march . The doors being closed , the . R . AA * . Prov . Grand Master inquired if any brother desired to offer
an address before separating , when Bro . H . L . Manuel rose , and made a touching oration , which wc regret is too long for insertion in our pages . In the course of the day , the AV . AI . Bro . Le Cras , also took advantage of the occasion to offer a few observations . The Prov . Grand Alaster resigned the chair to thc AV . M . of thc Lodge , which was then closed in due form , and the brethren separated about five o ' clock , evidently much impressed by the solemn scene in which they had borne a part . The ceremony excited great interest among the inhabitants of tho island , and a very large number of persons were present throughout .- !! . H .
DERBYSHIRE . Dunnv . —Arboretum Lodge ( Xo . 1033 ) . —The anniversary of the opening of thc Arboretum Loclge of Free and Accepted Afasons was celebrated on AVednesday , March 11 th , at Bro . AVilliainsou ' s , Arboretum Hotel . The proceedings were peculiarly interesting , in consequence of thc members making it a fitting opportunity to present to Bro . S . Collinson , the retiring Master of the Loclge , a testimonial as a slight
acknowledgment of the valuable services he has rendered to tbe Lodge since its formation in March , 18 : 18 , he having served thc office of Master from its opening up to tho present time , during which period no less than thirty-five candidates have been initiated by him into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The Lodge was opened at five r . ji ., by Bro . S . Collinson . Bro . Joseph German , the AVorshipful Alaster elect , addressing Bro . Collinson , said—AVorshipful Sir , before ive proceed to the business of the day I hope you will allow nie to present you with an illuminated
address , a Past Master's apron , collar , and jewel , as a slight acknowledgment oftlie valuable services you have rendered to Masonry in general , and to this Loclge in particular . The illuminated address is worded as follows : — " Presented to Brother Samuel Collinson , Esq ., P . G . S . AV ., Derbyshire ; M . K . Z ., Chapter of Justice ; P . AL , 315 and 1033 , & c , & c ; by the officers and members of the Arboretum Lodge , Derby , of ancient , free , and accepted Masons , on his retirement from the office of AV . M ., which ho has worthily filled for the space of two years ; in testi-